/* * grunt-contrib-less * http://gruntjs.com/ * * Copyright (c) 2016 Tyler Kellen, contributors * Licensed under the MIT license. */ 'use strict'; var path = require('path'); var _ = require('lodash'); var async = require('async'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var less = require('less'); module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.registerMultiTask('less', 'Compile LESS files to CSS', function() { var done = this.async(); var options = this.options({ banner: '' }); if (this.files.length < 1) { grunt.verbose.warn('Destination not written because no source files were provided.'); } var tally = { sheets: 0, maps: 0 }; async.eachSeries(this.files, function(f, nextFileObj) { var destFile = f.dest; var files = f.src.filter(function(filepath) { // Warn on and remove invalid source files (if nonull was set). if (!grunt.file.exists(filepath)) { grunt.log.warn('Source file "' + filepath + '" not found.'); return false; } return true; }); if (files.length === 0) { if (f.src.length < 1) { grunt.log.warn('Destination ' + chalk.cyan(destFile) + ' not written because no source files were found.'); } // No src files, goto next target. Warn would have been issued above. return nextFileObj(); } var compiled = []; var i = 0; async.concatSeries(files, function(file, next) { if (i++ > 0) { options.banner = ''; } compileLess(file, destFile, options) .then(function(output) { compiled.push(output.css); if (options.sourceMap && !options.sourceMapFileInline) { var sourceMapFilename = options.sourceMapFilename; if (!sourceMapFilename) { sourceMapFilename = destFile + '.map'; } if (typeof sourceMapFilename === 'function') { try { sourceMapFilename = sourceMapFilename(destFile); } catch (e) { sourceMapFilename = destFile + '.map'; grunt.fail.warn(wrapError(e, 'Generating sourceMapFilename failed.')); } } grunt.file.write(sourceMapFilename, output.map); grunt.verbose.writeln('File ' + chalk.cyan(sourceMapFilename) + ' created.'); tally.maps++; } process.nextTick(next); }, function(err) { nextFileObj(err); }); }, function() { if (compiled.length < 1) { grunt.log.warn('Destination ' + chalk.cyan(destFile) + ' not written because compiled files were empty.'); } else { var allCss = compiled.join(options.compress ? '' : grunt.util.normalizelf(grunt.util.linefeed)); // Add a process step to modify the written CSS if ( typeof options.process === 'function' ) { allCss = options.process( allCss, destFile ); } grunt.file.write(destFile, allCss); grunt.verbose.writeln('File ' + chalk.cyan(destFile) + ' created'); tally.sheets++; } nextFileObj(); }); }, function () { if (tally.sheets) { grunt.log.ok(tally.sheets + ' ' + grunt.util.pluralize(tally.sheets, 'stylesheet/stylesheets') + ' created.'); } if (tally.maps) { grunt.log.ok(tally.maps + ' ' + grunt.util.pluralize(tally.maps, 'sourcemap/sourcemaps') + ' created.'); } done(); }); }); var compileLess = function(srcFile, destFile, options) { options = _.assign({filename: srcFile}, options); options.paths = options.paths || [path.dirname(srcFile)]; if (typeof options.paths === 'function') { try { options.paths = options.paths(srcFile); } catch (e) { grunt.fail.warn(wrapError(e, 'Generating @import paths failed.')); } } if (options.sourceMap && !options.sourceMapFileInline && !options.sourceMapFilename) { options.sourceMapFilename = destFile + '.map'; } else if (options.sourceMap && !options.sourceMapFileInline && typeof options.sourceMapFilename === 'function') { try { options.sourceMapFilename = options.sourceMapFilename(destFile); } catch (e) { grunt.fail.warn(wrapError(e, 'Generating sourceMapFilename failed.')); } } if (typeof options.sourceMapBasepath === 'function') { try { options.sourceMapBasepath = options.sourceMapBasepath(srcFile); } catch (e) { grunt.fail.warn(wrapError(e, 'Generating sourceMapBasepath failed.')); } } if (typeof options.sourceMapURL === 'function') { try { options.sourceMapURL = options.sourceMapURL(destFile); } catch (e) { grunt.fail.warn(wrapError(e, 'Generating sourceMapURL failed.')); } } if (typeof options.sourceMap === 'boolean' && options.sourceMap) { options.sourceMap = { sourceMapBasepath: options.sourceMapBasepath, sourceMapFilename: options.sourceMapFilename, sourceMapInputFilename: options.sourceMapInputFilename, sourceMapFullFilename: options.sourceMapFullFilename, sourceMapURL: options.sourceMapURL, sourceMapRootpath: options.sourceMapRootpath, outputSourceFiles: options.outputSourceFiles, sourceMapFileInline: options.sourceMapFileInline }; } var srcCode = grunt.file.read(srcFile); // Equivalent to --modify-vars option. // Properties under options.modifyVars are appended as less variables // to override global variables. var modifyVarsOutput = parseVariableOptions(options.modifyVars); if (modifyVarsOutput) { srcCode += '\n' + modifyVarsOutput; } // Load custom functions if (options.customFunctions) { Object.keys(options.customFunctions).forEach(function(name) { less.functions.functionRegistry.add(name.toLowerCase(), function() { var args = [].slice.call(arguments); args.unshift(less); var res = options.customFunctions[name].apply(this, args); return typeof res === 'object' ? res : new less.tree.Anonymous(res); }); }); } return less.render(srcCode, options) .catch(function(err) { lessError(err, srcFile); throw err; }); }; var parseVariableOptions = function(options) { var pairs = _.toPairs(options); var output = ''; pairs.forEach(function(pair) { output += '@' + pair[0] + ':' + pair[1] + ';'; }); return output; }; var formatLessError = function(e) { var pos = '[' + 'L' + e.line + ':' + ('C' + e.column) + ']'; return e.filename + ': ' + pos + ' ' + e.message; }; var lessError = function(e, file) { var message = less.formatError ? less.formatError(e) : formatLessError(e); grunt.log.error(message); grunt.fail.warn('Error compiling ' + file); }; var wrapError = function (e, message) { var err = new Error(message); err.origError = e; return err; }; };