// Borrowed. // https://gist.github.com/benbuckman/2758563 var toArray = require('lodash.toarray'), util = require('util'); // Intercept stdout and stderr to pass output thru callback. // // Optionally, takes two callbacks. // If two callbacks are specified, // the first intercepts stdout, and // the second intercepts stderr. // // returns an unhook() function, call when done intercepting module.exports = function (stdoutIntercept, stderrIntercept) { stderrIntercept = stderrIntercept || stdoutIntercept; var old_stdout_write = process.stdout.write; var old_stderr_write = process.stderr.write; process.stdout.write = (function(write) { return function(string, encoding, fd) { var args = toArray(arguments); args[0] = interceptor( string, stdoutIntercept ); write.apply(process.stdout, args); }; }(process.stdout.write)); process.stderr.write = (function(write) { return function(string, encoding, fd) { var args = toArray(arguments); args[0] = interceptor( string, stderrIntercept ); write.apply(process.stderr, args); }; }(process.stderr.write)); function interceptor(string, callback) { // only intercept the string var result = callback(string); if (typeof result == 'string') { string = result.replace( /\n$/ , '' ) + (result && (/\n$/).test( string ) ? '\n' : ''); } return string; } // puts back to original return function unhook() { process.stdout.write = old_stdout_write; process.stderr.write = old_stderr_write; }; };