var expect = require("chai").expect, Intercept = require("../intercept-stdout.js"), os = require('os'); describe("intercept-stdout", function() { describe('when one interceptor are specified', function() { it("should capture stdout when initialized and not when it is unhooked", function() { // Lets set up our intercept var captured_text = ""; var unhook = Intercept(function(txt) { captured_text += txt; }); // Lets try each of these pieces of text var arr = ["capture-this!", "日本語", "-k21.12-0k-ª–m-md1∆º¡∆ªº"]; arr.forEach(function(txt) { // Make sure we don't see the captured text yet. expect(captured_text).to.not.have.string(txt); // send to stdout. console.log(txt); // Make sure we have the captured text. expect(captured_text).to.have.string(txt); }); unhook(); captured_text = ""; arr = ["capture-this!", "日本語", "-k21.12-0k-ª–m-md1∆º¡∆ªº"]; arr.forEach(function(txt) { // send to stdout. console.log(txt); // Make sure we have not captured text. expect(captured_text)""); }); }); it("should modify output if callback returns a string", function() { var captured = []; var unhook = Intercept(function(txt) { var mod = modified[captured.length]; captured.push(mod); return mod; }); var arr = ["capture-this!", "日本語", "-k21.12-0k-ª–m-md1∆º¡∆ªº"]; var modified = ["print-this!", "asdf", ""]; arr.forEach(function(txt) { // send to stdout. console.log(txt); // make sure captured doesn't contain the original text expect(captured).to.not.contain(txt); }); expect(captured).to.eql(modified); unhook(); }); it("should do the same for console.error", function() { var captured = []; var unhook = Intercept(function(txt) { var mod = modified[captured.length]; captured.push(mod); return mod; }); var arr = ["capture-this!", "日本語", "-k21.12-0k-ª–m-md1∆º¡∆ªº"]; var modified = ["print-this!", "asdf", ""]; arr.forEach(function(txt) { console.error(txt); }); expect(captured).to.eql(modified); unhook(); }); }); describe('when two interceptors are specified', function() { var outputs = []; var errors = []; var unhook; var expectedOutputs = ["capture-this!", "日本語", "-k21.12-0k-ª–m-md1∆º¡∆ªº"]; var expectedErrors = ["errors here!", "日本語 < huh?", "-k21.12-0k-ª–m-md1∆º¡∆ªº <-- that's some wierd stuff"]; before(function() { unhook = Intercept( function(txt) { outputs.push(txt); }, function(txt) { errors.push(txt); } ); expectedOutputs.forEach(function(txt) { console.log(txt); }); expectedErrors.forEach(function(txt) { console.error(txt); }); }); it("stdout is passed thru first interceptor", function(done) { expectedOutputs.forEach(function(txt) { expect(outputs).to.contain(txt + os.EOL); }); expectedErrors.forEach(function(txt) { expect(outputs).to.not.contain(txt + os.EOL); }); done(); }); it("stderr is passed thru second interceptor", function(done) { expectedErrors.forEach(function(txt) { expect(errors).to.contain(txt + os.EOL); }); expectedOutputs.forEach(function(txt) { expect(errors).to.not.contain(txt + os.EOL); }); done(); }); describe("after the interceptors are unhooked", function() { before(function() { unhook(); outputs = []; errors = []; expectedOutputs.forEach(function(txt) { console.log(txt); }); expectedErrors.forEach(function(txt) { console.error(txt); }); }); it("stdout is no longer passed thru first interceptor", function(done) { expect(outputs.length).to.eql(0); expect(errors.length).to.eql(0); done(); }); }); }); });