/*! * JSHint, by JSHint Community. * * Licensed under the MIT license. * * JSHint is a derivative work of JSLint: * * Copyright (c) 2002 Douglas Crockford (www.JSLint.com) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ /*jshint quotmark:double */ /*exported console */ var _ = require("lodash"); var events = require("events"); var vars = require("./vars.js"); var messages = require("./messages.js"); var Lexer = require("./lex.js").Lexer; var reg = require("./reg.js"); var state = require("./state.js").state; var style = require("./style.js"); var options = require("./options.js"); var scopeManager = require("./scope-manager.js"); var prodParams = require("./prod-params.js"); // We need this module here because environments such as IE and Rhino // don't necessarilly expose the 'console' API and browserify uses // it to log things. It's a sad state of affair, really. var console = require("console-browserify"); // We build the application inside a function so that we produce only a singleton // variable. That function will be invoked immediately, and its return value is // the JSHINT function itself. var JSHINT = (function() { "use strict"; var api, // Extension API // These are operators that should not be used with the ! operator. bang = { "<" : true, "<=" : true, "==" : true, "===": true, "!==": true, "!=" : true, ">" : true, ">=" : true, "+" : true, "-" : true, "*" : true, "/" : true, "%" : true }, declared, // Globals that were declared using /*global ... */ syntax. functions, // All of the functions inblock, indent, lookahead, lex, member, membersOnly, predefined, // Global variables defined by option extraModules = [], emitter = new events.EventEmitter(); function checkOption(name, isStable, t) { var type, validNames; if (isStable) { type = ""; validNames = options.validNames; } else { type = "unstable "; validNames = options.unstableNames; } name = name.trim(); if (/^[+-]W\d{3}$/g.test(name)) { return true; } if (validNames.indexOf(name) === -1) { if (t.type !== "jslint" && !_.has(options.removed, name)) { error("E001", t, type, name); return false; } } return true; } function isString(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object String]"; } function isIdentifier(tkn, value) { if (!tkn) return false; if (!tkn.identifier || tkn.value !== value) return false; return true; } /** * ES3 defined a set of "FutureReservedWords" in order "to allow for the * possibility of future adoption of [proposed] extensions." * * ES5 reduced the set of FutureReservedWords, in some cases by using them to * define new syntactic forms (e.g. `class` and `const`) and in other cases * by simply allowing their use as Identifiers (e.g. `int` and `goto`). * Separately, ES5 introduced new restrictions on certain tokens, but limited * the restriction to strict mode code (e.g. `let` and `yield`). * * This function determines if a given token describes a reserved word * according to the current state of the parser. * * @param {number} context - the parsing context; see `prod-params.js` for * more information * @param {Token} token */ function isReserved(context, token) { if (!token.reserved) { return false; } var meta = token.meta; if (meta && meta.isFutureReservedWord) { if (state.inES5()) { // ES3 FutureReservedWord in an ES5 environment. if (!meta.es5) { return false; } if (token.isProperty) { return false; } } } else if (meta && meta.es5 && !state.inES5()) { return false; } // Some identifiers are reserved only within a strict mode environment. if (meta && meta.strictOnly && state.inES5()) { if (!state.option.strict && !state.isStrict()) { return false; } } if (token.id === "await" && (!(context & prodParams.async) && !state.option.module)) { return false; } if (token.id === "yield" && (!(context & prodParams.yield))) { return state.isStrict(); } return true; } function supplant(str, data) { return str.replace(/\{([^{}]*)\}/g, function(a, b) { var r = data[b]; return typeof r === "string" || typeof r === "number" ? r : a; }); } function combine(dest, src) { Object.keys(src).forEach(function(name) { if (_.has(JSHINT.blacklist, name)) return; dest[name] = src[name]; }); } function processenforceall() { if (state.option.enforceall) { for (var enforceopt in options.bool.enforcing) { if (state.option[enforceopt] === undefined && !options.noenforceall[enforceopt]) { state.option[enforceopt] = true; } } for (var relaxopt in options.bool.relaxing) { if (state.option[relaxopt] === undefined) { state.option[relaxopt] = false; } } } } /** * Apply all linting options according to the status of the `state` object. */ function applyOptions() { var badESOpt = null; processenforceall(); /** * TODO: Remove in JSHint 3 */ badESOpt = state.inferEsVersion(); if (badESOpt) { quit("E059", state.tokens.next, "esversion", badESOpt); } if (state.inES5()) { combine(predefined, vars.ecmaIdentifiers[5]); } if (state.inES6()) { combine(predefined, vars.ecmaIdentifiers[6]); } if (state.inES8()) { combine(predefined, vars.ecmaIdentifiers[8]); } if (state.inES11()) { combine(predefined, vars.ecmaIdentifiers[11]); } /** * Use `in` to check for the presence of any explicitly-specified value for * `globalstrict` because both `true` and `false` should trigger an error. */ if (state.option.strict === "global" && "globalstrict" in state.option) { quit("E059", state.tokens.next, "strict", "globalstrict"); } if (state.option.module) { /** * TODO: Extend this restriction to *all* ES6-specific options. */ if (!state.inES6()) { warning("W134", state.tokens.next, "module", 6); } } if (state.option.regexpu) { /** * TODO: Extend this restriction to *all* ES6-specific options. */ if (!state.inES6()) { warning("W134", state.tokens.next, "regexpu", 6); } } if (state.option.couch) { combine(predefined, vars.couch); } if (state.option.qunit) { combine(predefined, vars.qunit); } if (state.option.rhino) { combine(predefined, vars.rhino); } if (state.option.shelljs) { combine(predefined, vars.shelljs); combine(predefined, vars.node); } if (state.option.typed) { combine(predefined, vars.typed); } if (state.option.phantom) { combine(predefined, vars.phantom); } if (state.option.prototypejs) { combine(predefined, vars.prototypejs); } if (state.option.node) { combine(predefined, vars.node); combine(predefined, vars.typed); } if (state.option.devel) { combine(predefined, vars.devel); } if (state.option.dojo) { combine(predefined, vars.dojo); } if (state.option.browser) { combine(predefined, vars.browser); combine(predefined, vars.typed); } if (state.option.browserify) { combine(predefined, vars.browser); combine(predefined, vars.typed); combine(predefined, vars.browserify); } if (state.option.nonstandard) { combine(predefined, vars.nonstandard); } if (state.option.jasmine) { combine(predefined, vars.jasmine); } if (state.option.jquery) { combine(predefined, vars.jquery); } if (state.option.mootools) { combine(predefined, vars.mootools); } if (state.option.worker) { combine(predefined, vars.worker); } if (state.option.wsh) { combine(predefined, vars.wsh); } if (state.option.yui) { combine(predefined, vars.yui); } if (state.option.mocha) { combine(predefined, vars.mocha); } } // Produce an error warning. function quit(code, token, a, b) { var percentage = Math.floor((token.line / state.lines.length) * 100); var message = messages.errors[code].desc; var exception = { name: "JSHintError", line: token.line, character: token.from, message: message + " (" + percentage + "% scanned).", raw: message, code: code, a: a, b: b }; exception.reason = supplant(message, exception) + " (" + percentage + "% scanned)."; throw exception; } function removeIgnoredMessages() { var ignored = state.ignoredLines; if (_.isEmpty(ignored)) return; JSHINT.errors = _.reject(JSHINT.errors, function(err) { return ignored[err.line] }); } function warning(code, t, a, b, c, d) { var ch, l, w, msg; if (/^W\d{3}$/.test(code)) { if (state.ignored[code]) return; msg = messages.warnings[code]; } else if (/E\d{3}/.test(code)) { msg = messages.errors[code]; } else if (/I\d{3}/.test(code)) { msg = messages.info[code]; } t = t || state.tokens.next || {}; if (t.id === "(end)") { // `~ t = state.tokens.curr; } l = t.line; ch = t.from; w = { id: "(error)", raw: msg.desc, code: msg.code, evidence: state.lines[l - 1] || "", line: l, character: ch, scope: JSHINT.scope, a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d }; w.reason = supplant(msg.desc, w); JSHINT.errors.push(w); removeIgnoredMessages(); var errors = JSHINT.errors.filter(function(e) { return /E\d{3}/.test(e.code); }); if (errors.length >= state.option.maxerr) { quit("E043", t); } return w; } function warningAt(m, l, ch, a, b, c, d) { return warning(m, { line: l, from: ch }, a, b, c, d); } function error(m, t, a, b, c, d) { warning(m, t, a, b, c, d); } function errorAt(m, l, ch, a, b, c, d) { return error(m, { line: l, from: ch }, a, b, c, d); } // Tracking of "internal" scripts, like eval containing a static string function addEvalCode(elem, token) { JSHINT.internals.push({ id: "(internal)", elem: elem, token: token, code: token.value.replace(/([^\\])(\\*)\2\\n/g, "$1\n") }); } /** * Process an inline linting directive * * @param {Token} directiveToken - the directive-bearing comment token * @param {Token} previous - the token that preceeds the directive */ function lintingDirective(directiveToken, previous) { var body = directiveToken.body.split(",") .map(function(s) { return s.trim(); }); var predef = {}; if (directiveToken.type === "falls through") { previous.caseFallsThrough = true; return; } if (directiveToken.type === "globals") { body.forEach(function(item, idx) { var parts = item.split(":"); var key = parts[0].trim(); if (key === "-" || !key.length) { // Ignore trailing comma if (idx > 0 && idx === body.length - 1) { return; } error("E002", directiveToken); return; } if (key.charAt(0) === "-") { key = key.slice(1); JSHINT.blacklist[key] = key; delete predefined[key]; } else { predef[key] = parts.length > 1 && parts[1].trim() === "true"; } }); combine(predefined, predef); for (var key in predef) { if (_.has(predef, key)) { declared[key] = directiveToken; } } } if (directiveToken.type === "exported") { body.forEach(function(e, idx) { if (!e.length) { // Ignore trailing comma if (idx > 0 && idx === body.length - 1) { return; } error("E002", directiveToken); return; } state.funct["(scope)"].addExported(e); }); } if (directiveToken.type === "members") { membersOnly = membersOnly || {}; body.forEach(function(m) { var ch1 = m.charAt(0); var ch2 = m.charAt(m.length - 1); if (ch1 === ch2 && (ch1 === "\"" || ch1 === "'")) { m = m .substr(1, m.length - 2) .replace("\\\"", "\""); } membersOnly[m] = false; }); } var numvals = [ "maxstatements", "maxparams", "maxdepth", "maxcomplexity", "maxerr", "maxlen", "indent" ]; if (directiveToken.type === "jshint" || directiveToken.type === "jslint" || directiveToken.type === "jshint.unstable") { body.forEach(function(item) { var parts = item.split(":"); var key = parts[0].trim(); var val = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].trim() : ""; var numberVal; if (!checkOption(key, directiveToken.type !== "jshint.unstable", directiveToken)) { return; } if (numvals.indexOf(key) >= 0) { // GH988 - numeric options can be disabled by setting them to `false` if (val !== "false") { numberVal = +val; if (typeof numberVal !== "number" || !isFinite(numberVal) || numberVal <= 0 || Math.floor(numberVal) !== numberVal) { error("E032", directiveToken, val); return; } state.option[key] = numberVal; } else { state.option[key] = key === "indent" ? 4 : false; } return; } if (key === "validthis") { // `validthis` is valid only within a function scope. if (state.funct["(global)"]) return void error("E009"); if (val !== "true" && val !== "false") return void error("E002", directiveToken); state.option.validthis = (val === "true"); return; } if (key === "quotmark") { switch (val) { case "true": case "false": state.option.quotmark = (val === "true"); break; case "double": case "single": state.option.quotmark = val; break; default: error("E002", directiveToken); } return; } if (key === "shadow") { switch (val) { case "true": state.option.shadow = true; break; case "outer": state.option.shadow = "outer"; break; case "false": case "inner": state.option.shadow = "inner"; break; default: error("E002", directiveToken); } return; } if (key === "unused") { switch (val) { case "true": state.option.unused = true; break; case "false": state.option.unused = false; break; case "vars": case "strict": state.option.unused = val; break; default: error("E002", directiveToken); } return; } if (key === "latedef") { switch (val) { case "true": state.option.latedef = true; break; case "false": state.option.latedef = false; break; case "nofunc": state.option.latedef = "nofunc"; break; default: error("E002", directiveToken); } return; } if (key === "ignore") { switch (val) { case "line": state.ignoredLines[directiveToken.line] = true; removeIgnoredMessages(); break; default: error("E002", directiveToken); } return; } if (key === "strict") { switch (val) { case "true": state.option.strict = true; break; case "false": state.option.strict = false; break; case "global": case "implied": state.option.strict = val; break; default: error("E002", directiveToken); } return; } if (key === "module") { /** * TODO: Extend this restriction to *all* "environmental" options. */ if (!hasParsedCode(state.funct)) { error("E055", directiveToken, "module"); } } if (key === "esversion") { switch (val) { case "3": case "5": case "6": case "7": case "8": case "9": case "10": case "11": state.option.moz = false; state.option.esversion = +val; break; case "2015": case "2016": case "2017": case "2018": case "2019": case "2020": state.option.moz = false; // Translate specification publication year to version number. state.option.esversion = +val - 2009; break; default: error("E002", directiveToken); } if (!hasParsedCode(state.funct)) { error("E055", directiveToken, "esversion"); } return; } var match = /^([+-])(W\d{3})$/g.exec(key); if (match) { // ignore for -W..., unignore for +W... state.ignored[match[2]] = (match[1] === "-"); return; } var tn; if (val === "true" || val === "false") { if (directiveToken.type === "jslint") { tn = options.renamed[key] || key; state.option[tn] = (val === "true"); if (options.inverted[tn] !== undefined) { state.option[tn] = !state.option[tn]; } } else if (directiveToken.type === "jshint.unstable") { /* istanbul ignore next */ state.option.unstable[key] = (val === "true"); } else { state.option[key] = (val === "true"); } return; } error("E002", directiveToken); }); applyOptions(); } } /** * Return a token beyond the token available in `state.tokens.next`. If no * such token exists, return the "(end)" token. This function is used to * determine parsing strategies in cases where the value of the next token * does not provide sufficient information, as is the case with `for` loops, * e.g.: * * for ( var i in ... * * versus: * * for ( var i = ... * * @param {number} [p] - offset of desired token; defaults to 0 * * @returns {token} */ function peek(p) { var i = p || 0, j = lookahead.length, t; if (i < j) { return lookahead[i]; } while (j <= i) { t = lex.token(); // When the lexer is exhausted, this function should produce the "(end)" // token, even in cases where the requested token is beyond the end of // the input stream. if (!t) { // If the lookahead buffer is empty, the expected "(end)" token was // already emitted by the most recent invocation of `advance` and is // available as the next token. if (!lookahead.length) { return state.tokens.next; } return lookahead[j - 1]; } lookahead[j] = t; j += 1; } return t; } function peekIgnoreEOL() { var i = 0; var t; do { t = peek(i++); } while (t.id === "(endline)"); return t; } /** * Consume the next token. * * @param {string} [expected] - the expected value of the next token's `id` * property (in the case of punctuators) or * `value` property (in the case of identifiers * and literals); if unspecified, any token will * be accepted * @param {object} [relatedToken] - the token that informed the expected * value, if any (for example: the opening * brace when a closing brace is expected); * used to produce more meaningful errors */ function advance(expected, relatedToken) { var nextToken = state.tokens.next; if (expected && nextToken.id !== expected) { if (relatedToken) { if (nextToken.id === "(end)") { error("E019", relatedToken, relatedToken.id); } else { error("E020", nextToken, expected, relatedToken.id, relatedToken.line, nextToken.value); } } else if (nextToken.type !== "(identifier)" || nextToken.value !== expected) { error("E021", nextToken, expected, nextToken.value); } } state.tokens.prev = state.tokens.curr; state.tokens.curr = state.tokens.next; for (;;) { state.tokens.next = lookahead.shift() || lex.token(); if (!state.tokens.next) { // No more tokens left, give up quit("E041", state.tokens.curr); } if (state.tokens.next.id === "(end)" || state.tokens.next.id === "(error)") { return; } if (state.tokens.next.check) { state.tokens.next.check(); } if (state.tokens.next.isSpecial) { lintingDirective(state.tokens.next, state.tokens.curr); } else { if (state.tokens.next.id !== "(endline)") { break; } } } } /** * Determine whether a given token is an operator. * * @param {token} token * * @returns {boolean} */ function isOperator(token) { return token.first || token.right || token.left || token.id === "yield" || token.id === "await"; } function isEndOfExpr(context, curr, next) { if (arguments.length <= 1) { curr = state.tokens.curr; next = state.tokens.next; } if (next.id === "in" && context & prodParams.noin) { return true; } if (next.id === ";" || next.id === "}" || next.id === ":") { return true; } if (next.infix === curr.infix || // Infix operators which follow `yield` should only be consumed as part // of the current expression if allowed by the syntactic grammar. In // effect, this prevents automatic semicolon insertion when `yield` is // followed by a newline and a comma operator (without enabling it when // `yield` is followed by a newline and a `[` token). (curr.id === "yield" && curr.rbp < next.rbp)) { return !sameLine(curr, next); } return false; } /** * The `expression` function is the heart of JSHint's parsing behaior. It is * based on the Pratt parser, but it extends that model with a `fud` method. * Short for "first null denotation," it it similar to the `nud` ("null * denotation") function, but it is only used on the first token of a * statement. This simplifies usage in statement-oriented languages like * JavaScript. * * .nud Null denotation * .fud First null denotation * .led Left denotation * lbp Left binding power * rbp Right binding power * * They are elements of the parsing method called Top Down Operator Precedence. * * In addition to parsing, this function applies a number of linting patterns. * * @param {number} context - the parsing context (a bitfield describing * conditions of the current parsing operation * which can influence how the next tokens are * interpreted); see `prod-params.js` for more * detail) * @param {number} rbp - the right-binding power of the token to be consumed */ function expression(context, rbp) { var left, isArray = false, isObject = false; var initial = context & prodParams.initial; var curr; context &= ~prodParams.initial; state.nameStack.push(); if (state.tokens.next.id === "(end)") error("E006", state.tokens.curr); advance(); if (initial) { state.funct["(verb)"] = state.tokens.curr.value; state.tokens.curr.beginsStmt = true; } curr = state.tokens.curr; if (initial && curr.fud && (!curr.useFud || curr.useFud(context))) { left = state.tokens.curr.fud(context); } else { if (state.tokens.curr.nud) { left = state.tokens.curr.nud(context, rbp); } else { error("E030", state.tokens.curr, state.tokens.curr.id); } while (rbp < state.tokens.next.lbp && !isEndOfExpr(context)) { isArray = state.tokens.curr.value === "Array"; isObject = state.tokens.curr.value === "Object"; // #527, new Foo.Array(), Foo.Array(), new Foo.Object(), Foo.Object() // Line breaks in IfStatement heads exist to satisfy the checkJSHint // "Line too long." error. if (left && (left.value || (left.first && left.first.value))) { // If the left.value is not "new", or the left.first.value is a "." // then safely assume that this is not "new Array()" and possibly // not "new Object()"... if (left.value !== "new" || (left.first && left.first.value && left.first.value === ".")) { isArray = false; // ...In the case of Object, if the left.value and state.tokens.curr.value // are not equal, then safely assume that this not "new Object()" if (left.value !== state.tokens.curr.value) { isObject = false; } } } advance(); if (isArray && state.tokens.curr.id === "(" && state.tokens.next.id === ")") { warning("W009", state.tokens.curr); } if (isObject && state.tokens.curr.id === "(" && state.tokens.next.id === ")") { warning("W010", state.tokens.curr); } if (left && state.tokens.curr.led) { left = state.tokens.curr.led(context, left); } else { error("E033", state.tokens.curr, state.tokens.curr.id); } } } state.nameStack.pop(); return left; } // Functions for conformance of style. function sameLine(first, second) { return first.line === (second.startLine || second.line); } function nobreaknonadjacent(left, right) { if (!state.option.laxbreak && !sameLine(left, right)) { warning("W014", right, right.value); } } function nolinebreak(t) { if (!sameLine(t, state.tokens.next)) { warning("E022", t, t.value); } } /** * Validate the comma token in the "current" position of the token stream. * * @param {object} [opts] * @param {boolean} [opts.property] - flag indicating whether the current * comma token is situated directly within * an object initializer * @param {boolean} [opts.allowTrailing] - flag indicating whether the * current comma token may appear * directly before a delimiter * * @returns {boolean} flag indicating the validity of the current comma * token; `false` if the token directly causes a syntax * error, `true` otherwise */ function checkComma(opts) { var prev = state.tokens.prev; var curr = state.tokens.curr; opts = opts || {}; if (!sameLine(prev, curr)) { if (!state.option.laxcomma) { if (checkComma.first) { warning("I001", curr); checkComma.first = false; } warning("W014", prev, curr.value); } } if (state.tokens.next.identifier && !(opts.property && state.inES5())) { // Keywords that cannot follow a comma operator. switch (state.tokens.next.value) { case "break": case "case": case "catch": case "continue": case "default": case "do": case "else": case "finally": case "for": case "if": case "in": case "instanceof": case "return": case "switch": case "throw": case "try": case "var": case "let": case "while": case "with": error("E024", state.tokens.next, state.tokens.next.value); return false; } } if (state.tokens.next.type === "(punctuator)") { switch (state.tokens.next.value) { case "}": case "]": case ",": case ")": if (opts.allowTrailing) { return true; } error("E024", state.tokens.next, state.tokens.next.value); return false; } } return true; } /** * Factory function for creating "symbols"--objects that will be inherited by * tokens. The objects created by this function are stored in a symbol table * and set as the prototype of the tokens generated by the lexer. * * Note that this definition of "symbol" describes an implementation detail * of JSHint and is not related to the ECMAScript value type introduced in * ES2015. * * @param {string} s - the name of the token; for keywords (e.g. `void`) and * delimiters (e.g.. `[`), this is the token's text * representation; for literals (e.g. numbers) and other * "special" tokens (e.g. the end-of-file marker) this is * a parenthetical value * @param {number} p - the left-binding power of the token as used by the * Pratt parsing semantics * * @returns {object} - the object describing the JSHint symbol (provided to * support cases where further refinement is necessary) */ function symbol(s, p) { var x = state.syntax[s]; if (!x || typeof x !== "object") { state.syntax[s] = x = { id: s, lbp: p, // Symbols that accept a right-hand side do so with a binding power // that is commonly identical to their left-binding power. (This value // is relevant when determining if the grouping operator is necessary // to override the precedence of surrounding operators.) Because the // exponentiation operator's left-binding power and right-binding power // are distinct, the values must be encoded separately. rbp: p, value: s }; } return x; } /** * Convenience function for defining delimiter symbols. * * @param {string} s - the name of the symbol * * @returns {object} - the object describing the JSHint symbol (provided to * support cases where further refinement is necessary) */ function delim(s) { var x = symbol(s, 0); x.delim = true; return x; } /** * Convenience function for defining statement-denoting symbols. * * @param {string} s - the name of the symbol * @param {function} f - the first null denotation function for the symbol; * see the `expression` function for more detail * * @returns {object} - the object describing the JSHint symbol (provided to * support cases where further refinement is necessary) */ function stmt(s, f) { var x = delim(s); x.identifier = x.reserved = true; x.fud = f; return x; } /** * Convenience function for defining block-statement-denoting symbols. * * A block-statement-denoting symbol is one like 'if' or 'for', which will be * followed by a block and will not have to end with a semicolon. * * @param {string} s - the name of the symbol * @param {function} - the first null denotation function for the symbol; see * the `expression` function for more detail * * @returns {object} - the object describing the JSHint symbol (provided to * support cases where further refinement is necessary) */ function blockstmt(s, f) { var x = stmt(s, f); x.block = true; return x; } /** * Denote a given JSHint symbol as an identifier and a reserved keyword. * * @param {object} - a JSHint symbol value * * @returns {object} - the provided object */ function reserveName(x) { var c = x.id.charAt(0); if ((c >= "a" && c <= "z") || (c >= "A" && c <= "Z")) { x.identifier = x.reserved = true; } return x; } /** * Convenience function for defining "prefix" symbols--operators that accept * expressions as a right-hand side. * * @param {string} s - the name of the symbol * @param {function} [f] - the first null denotation function for the symbol; * see the `expression` function for more detail * * @returns {object} - the object describing the JSHint symbol (provided to * support cases where further refinement is necessary) */ function prefix(s, f) { var x = symbol(s, 150); reserveName(x); x.nud = (typeof f === "function") ? f : function(context) { this.arity = "unary"; this.right = expression(context, 150); if (this.id === "++" || this.id === "--") { if (state.option.plusplus) { warning("W016", this, this.id); } if (this.right) { checkLeftSideAssign(context, this.right, this); } } return this; }; return x; } /** * Convenience function for defining "type" symbols--those that describe * literal values. * * @param {string} s - the name of the symbol * @param {function} f - the first null denotation function for the symbol; * see the `expression` function for more detail * * @returns {object} - the object describing the JSHint symbol (provided to * support cases where further refinement is necessary) */ function type(s, f) { var x = symbol(s, 0); x.type = s; x.nud = f; return x; } /** * Convenience function for defining JSHint symbols for reserved * keywords--those that are restricted from use as bindings (and as property * names in ECMAScript 3 environments). * * @param {string} s - the name of the symbol * @param {function} func - the first null denotation function for the * symbol; see the `expression` function for more * detail * * @returns {object} - the object describing the JSHint symbol (provided to * support cases where further refinement is necessary) */ function reserve(name, func) { var x = type(name, func); x.identifier = true; x.reserved = true; return x; } /** * Convenience function for defining JSHint symbols for keywords that are * only reserved in some circumstances. * * @param {string} name - the name of the symbol * @param {object} [meta] - a collection of optional arguments * @param {function} [meta.nud] -the null denotation function for the symbol; * see the `expression` function for more detail * @param {boolean} [meta.es5] - `true` if the identifier is reserved * in ECMAScript 5 or later * @param {boolean} [meta.strictOnly] - `true` if the identifier is only * reserved in strict mode code. * * @returns {object} - the object describing the JSHint symbol (provided to * support cases where further refinement is necessary) */ function FutureReservedWord(name, meta) { var x = type(name, state.syntax["(identifier)"].nud); meta = meta || {}; meta.isFutureReservedWord = true; x.value = name; x.identifier = true; x.reserved = true; x.meta = meta; return x; } /** * Convenience function for defining "infix" symbols--operators that require * operands as both "land-hand side" and "right-hand side". * * @param {string} s - the name of the symbol * @param {function} [f] - a function to be invoked that consumes the * right-hand side of the operator * @param {number} p - the left-binding power of the token as used by the * Pratt parsing semantics * @param {boolean} [w] - if `true` * * @returns {object} - the object describing the JSHint symbol (provided to * support cases where further refinement is necessary) */ function infix(s, f, p, w) { var x = symbol(s, p); reserveName(x); x.infix = true; x.led = function(context, left) { if (!w) { nobreaknonadjacent(state.tokens.prev, state.tokens.curr); } if ((s === "in" || s === "instanceof") && left.id === "!") { warning("W018", left, "!"); } if (typeof f === "function") { return f(context, left, this); } else { this.left = left; this.right = expression(context, p); return this; } }; return x; } /** * Convenience function for defining the `=>` token as used in arrow * functions. * * @param {string} s - the name of the symbol * * @returns {object} - the object describing the JSHint symbol (provided to * support cases where further refinement is necessary) */ function application(s) { var x = symbol(s, 42); x.infix = true; x.led = function(context, left) { nobreaknonadjacent(state.tokens.prev, state.tokens.curr); this.left = left; this.right = doFunction(context, { type: "arrow", loneArg: left }); return this; }; return x; } /** * Convenience function for defining JSHint symbols for relation operators. * * @param {string} s - the name of the symbol * @param {function} [f] - a function to be invoked to enforce any additional * linting rules. * * @returns {object} - the object describing the JSHint symbol (provided to * support cases where further refinement is necessary) */ function relation(s, f) { var x = symbol(s, 100); x.infix = true; x.led = function(context, left) { nobreaknonadjacent(state.tokens.prev, state.tokens.curr); this.left = left; var right = this.right = expression(context, 100); if (isIdentifier(left, "NaN") || isIdentifier(right, "NaN")) { warning("W019", this); } else if (f) { f.apply(this, [context, left, right]); } if (!left || !right) { quit("E041", state.tokens.curr); } if (left.id === "!") { warning("W018", left, "!"); } if (right.id === "!") { warning("W018", right, "!"); } return this; }; return x; } /** * Determine if a given token marks the beginning of a UnaryExpression. * * @param {object} token * * @returns {boolean} */ function beginsUnaryExpression(token) { return token.arity === "unary" && token.id !== "++" && token.id !== "--"; } var typeofValues = {}; typeofValues.legacy = [ // E4X extended the `typeof` operator to return "xml" for the XML and // XMLList types it introduced. // Ref: 11.3.2 The typeof Operator // http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/Ecma-357.pdf "xml", // IE<9 reports "unknown" when the `typeof` operator is applied to an // object existing across a COM+ bridge. In lieu of official documentation // (which does not exist), see: // http://robertnyman.com/2005/12/21/what-is-typeof-unknown/ "unknown" ]; typeofValues.es3 = [ "undefined", "boolean", "number", "string", "function", "object", ]; typeofValues.es3 = typeofValues.es3.concat(typeofValues.legacy); typeofValues.es6 = typeofValues.es3.concat("symbol", "bigint"); /** * Validate comparisons between the result of a `typeof` expression and a * string literal. * * @param {token} [left] - one of the values being compared * @param {token} [right] - the other value being compared * @param {object} state - the global state object (see `state.js`) * * @returns {boolean} - `false` if the second token describes a `typeof` * expression and the first token is a string literal * whose value is never returned by that operator; * `true` otherwise */ function isTypoTypeof(left, right, state) { var values; if (state.option.notypeof) return false; if (!left || !right) return false; values = state.inES6() ? typeofValues.es6 : typeofValues.es3; if (right.type === "(identifier)" && right.value === "typeof" && left.type === "(string)") { if (left.value === "bigint") { if (!state.inES11()) { warning("W119", left, "BigInt", "11"); } return false; } return !_.includes(values, left.value); } return false; } /** * Determine if a given token describes the built-in `eval` function. * * @param {token} left * @param {object} state - the global state object (see `state.js`) * * @returns {boolean} */ function isGlobalEval(left, state) { var isGlobal = false; // permit methods to refer to an "eval" key in their own context if (left.type === "this" && state.funct["(context)"] === null) { isGlobal = true; } // permit use of "eval" members of objects else if (left.type === "(identifier)") { if (state.option.node && left.value === "global") { isGlobal = true; } else if (state.option.browser && (left.value === "window" || left.value === "document")) { isGlobal = true; } } return isGlobal; } /** * Determine if a given token describes a property of a built-in object. * * @param {token} left * * @returns {boolean} */ function findNativePrototype(left) { var natives = [ "Array", "ArrayBuffer", "Boolean", "Collator", "DataView", "Date", "DateTimeFormat", "Error", "EvalError", "Float32Array", "Float64Array", "Function", "Infinity", "Intl", "Int16Array", "Int32Array", "Int8Array", "Iterator", "Number", "NumberFormat", "Object", "RangeError", "ReferenceError", "RegExp", "StopIteration", "String", "SyntaxError", "TypeError", "Uint16Array", "Uint32Array", "Uint8Array", "Uint8ClampedArray", "URIError" ]; function walkPrototype(obj) { if (typeof obj !== "object") return; return obj.right === "prototype" ? obj : walkPrototype(obj.left); } function walkNative(obj) { while (!obj.identifier && typeof obj.left === "object") obj = obj.left; if (obj.identifier && natives.indexOf(obj.value) >= 0 && state.funct["(scope)"].isPredefined(obj.value)) { return obj.value; } } var prototype = walkPrototype(left); if (prototype) return walkNative(prototype); } /** * Determine if the given token is a valid assignment target; emit errors * and/or warnings as appropriate * * @param {number} context - the parsing context; see `prod-params.js` for * more information * @param {token} left - the left hand side of the assignment * @param {token=} assignToken - the token for the assignment, used for * reporting * @param {object=} options - optional object * @param {boolean} options.allowDestructuring - whether to allow * destructuring binding * * @returns {boolean} Whether the left hand side is OK */ function checkLeftSideAssign(context, left, assignToken, options) { var allowDestructuring = options && options.allowDestructuring; assignToken = assignToken || left; if (state.option.freeze) { var nativeObject = findNativePrototype(left); if (nativeObject) warning("W121", left, nativeObject); } if (left.identifier && !left.isMetaProperty) { // The `reassign` method also calls `modify`, but we are specific in // order to catch function re-assignment and globals re-assignment state.funct["(scope)"].block.reassign(left.value, left); } if (left.id === ".") { if (!left.left || left.left.value === "arguments" && !state.isStrict()) { warning("W143", assignToken); } state.nameStack.set(state.tokens.prev); return true; } else if (left.id === "{" || left.id === "[") { if (!allowDestructuring || !left.destructAssign) { if (left.id === "{" || !left.left) { warning("E031", assignToken); } else if (left.left.value === "arguments" && !state.isStrict()) { warning("W143", assignToken); } } if (left.id === "[") { state.nameStack.set(left.right); } return true; } else if (left.identifier && !isReserved(context, left) && !left.isMetaProperty) { if (state.funct["(scope)"].bindingtype(left.value) === "exception") { warning("W022", left); } if (left.value === "eval" && state.isStrict()) { error("E031", assignToken); return false; } else if (left.value === "arguments") { if (!state.isStrict()) { warning("W143", assignToken); } else { error("E031", assignToken); return false; } } state.nameStack.set(left); return true; } error("E031", assignToken); return false; } /** * Convenience function for defining JSHint symbols for assignment operators. * * @param {string} s - the name of the symbol * @param {function} [f] - a function to be invoked that consumes the * right-hand side of the operator (see the `infix` * function) * * @returns {object} - the object describing the JSHint symbol (provided to * support cases where further refinement is necessary) */ function assignop(s, f) { var x = infix(s, typeof f === "function" ? f : function(context, left, that) { that.left = left; checkLeftSideAssign(context, left, that, { allowDestructuring: true }); that.right = expression(context, 10); return that; }, 20); x.exps = true; x.assign = true; return x; } /** * Convenience function for defining JSHint symbols for bitwise operators. * * @param {string} s - the name of the symbol * @param {function} [f] - the left denotation function for the symbol; see * the `expression` function for more detail * @param {number} p - the left-binding power of the token as used by the * Pratt parsing semantics * * @returns {object} - the object describing the JSHint symbol (provided to * support cases where further refinement is necessary) */ function bitwise(s, f, p) { var x = symbol(s, p); reserveName(x); x.infix = true; x.led = (typeof f === "function") ? f : function(context, left) { if (state.option.bitwise) { warning("W016", this, this.id); } this.left = left; this.right = expression(context, p); return this; }; return x; } /** * Convenience function for defining JSHint symbols for bitwise assignment * operators. See the `assignop` function for more detail. * * @param {string} s - the name of the symbol * * @returns {object} - the object describing the JSHint symbol (provided to * support cases where further refinement is necessary) */ function bitwiseassignop(s) { symbol(s, 20).exps = true; return infix(s, function(context, left, that) { if (state.option.bitwise) { warning("W016", that, that.id); } checkLeftSideAssign(context, left, that); that.right = expression(context, 10); return that; }, 20); } /** * Convenience function for defining JSHint symbols for those operators which * have a single operand that appears before them in the source code. * * @param {string} s - the name of the symbol * * @returns {object} - the object describing the JSHint symbol (provided to * support cases where further refinement is necessary) */ function suffix(s) { var x = symbol(s, 150); x.led = function(context, left) { // this = suffix e.g. "++" punctuator // left = symbol operated e.g. "a" identifier or "a.b" punctuator if (state.option.plusplus) { warning("W016", this, this.id); } checkLeftSideAssign(context, left, this); this.left = left; return this; }; return x; } /** * Retrieve the value of the next token if it is an identifier and optionally * advance the parser. * * @param {number} context - the parsing context; see `prod-params.js` for * more information * @param {boolean} [isName] - `true` if an IdentifierName should be consumed * (e.g. object properties) * @param {boolean} [preserve] - `true` if the token should not be consumed * * @returns {string|undefined} - the value of the identifier, if present */ function optionalidentifier(context, isName, preserve) { if (!state.tokens.next.identifier) { return; } if (!preserve) { advance(); } var curr = state.tokens.curr; if (isReserved(context, curr) && !(isName && state.inES5())) { warning("W024", state.tokens.curr, state.tokens.curr.id); } return curr.value; } /** * Consume the "..." token which designates "spread" and "rest" operations if * it is present. If the operator is repeated, consume every repetition, and * issue a single error describing the syntax error. * * @param {string} operation - either "spread" or "rest" * * @returns {boolean} a value describing whether or not any tokens were * consumed in this way */ function spreadrest(operation) { if (!checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "...")) { return false; } if (!state.inES6(true)) { warning("W119", state.tokens.next, operation + " operator", "6"); } advance(); if (checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "...")) { warning("E024", state.tokens.next, "..."); while (checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "...")) { advance(); } } return true; } /** * Ensure that the current token is an identifier and retrieve its value. * * @param {number} context - the parsing context; see `prod-params.js` for * more information * @param {boolean} [isName] - `true` if an IdentifierName should be consumed * (e.g. object properties) * * @returns {string|undefined} - the value of the identifier, if present */ function identifier(context, isName) { var i = optionalidentifier(context, isName, false); if (i) { return i; } error("E030", state.tokens.next, state.tokens.next.value); // The token should be consumed after a warning is issued so the parser // can continue as though an identifier were found. The semicolon token // should not be consumed in this way so that the parser interprets it as // a statement delimiter; if (state.tokens.next.id !== ";") { advance(); } } /** * Determine if the provided token may be evaluated and emit a linting * warning if this is note the case. * * @param {token} controlToken */ function reachable(controlToken) { var i = 0, t; if (state.tokens.next.id !== ";" || controlToken.inBracelessBlock) { return; } for (;;) { do { t = peek(i); i += 1; } while (t.id !== "(end)" && t.id === "(comment)"); if (t.reach) { return; } if (t.id !== "(endline)") { if (isFunction(t, i)) { if (state.option.latedef === true) { warning("W026", t); } break; } warning("W027", t, t.value, controlToken.value); break; } } function isFunction(t, i) { if (t.id === "function") { return true; } if (t.id === "async") { t = peek(i); return t.id === "function"; } } } /** * Consume the semicolon that delimits the statement currently being parsed, * emitting relevant warnings/errors as appropriate. * * @param {token} stmt - token describing the statement under consideration */ function parseFinalSemicolon(stmt) { if (state.tokens.next.id !== ";") { // don't complain about unclosed templates / strings if (state.tokens.next.isUnclosed) return advance(); var isSameLine = sameLine(state.tokens.curr, state.tokens.next) && state.tokens.next.id !== "(end)"; var blockEnd = checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "}"); if (isSameLine && !blockEnd && !(stmt.id === "do" && state.inES6(true))) { errorAt("E058", state.tokens.curr.line, state.tokens.curr.character); } else if (!state.option.asi) { // If this is the last statement in a block that ends on the same line // *and* option lastsemic is on, ignore the warning. Otherwise, issue // a warning about missing semicolon. if (!(blockEnd && isSameLine && state.option.lastsemic)) { warningAt("W033", state.tokens.curr.line, state.tokens.curr.character); } } } else { advance(";"); } } /** * Consume a statement. * * @param {number} context - the parsing context; see `prod-params.js` for * more information * * @returns {token} - the token describing the statement */ function statement(context) { var i = indent, r, t = state.tokens.next, hasOwnScope = false; context |= prodParams.initial; if (t.id === ";") { advance(";"); return; } // Is this a labelled statement? var res = isReserved(context, t); // We're being more tolerant here: if someone uses // a FutureReservedWord (that is not meant to start a statement) // as a label, we warn but proceed anyway. if (res && t.meta && t.meta.isFutureReservedWord && !t.fud) { warning("W024", t, t.id); res = false; } if (t.identifier && !res && peek().id === ":") { advance(); advance(":"); hasOwnScope = true; state.funct["(scope)"].stack(); state.funct["(scope)"].block.addLabel(t.value, { token: state.tokens.curr }); if (!state.tokens.next.labelled && state.tokens.next.value !== "{") { warning("W028", state.tokens.next, t.value, state.tokens.next.value); } t = state.tokens.next; } // Is it a lonely block? if (t.id === "{") { // Is it a switch case block? // // switch (foo) { // case bar: { <= here. // ... // } // } var iscase = (state.funct["(verb)"] === "case" && state.tokens.curr.value === ":"); block(context, true, true, false, false, iscase); if (hasOwnScope) { state.funct["(scope)"].unstack(); } return; } // Parse the statement. r = expression(context, 0); if (r && !(r.identifier && r.value === "function") && !(r.type === "(punctuator)" && r.left && r.left.identifier && r.left.value === "function")) { if (!state.isStrict() && state.stmtMissingStrict()) { warning("E007"); } } // Look for the final semicolon. if (!t.block) { if (!state.option.expr && (!r || !r.exps)) { warning("W030", state.tokens.curr); } else if (state.option.nonew && r && r.left && r.id === "(" && r.left.id === "new") { warning("W031", t); } parseFinalSemicolon(t); } // Restore the indentation. indent = i; if (hasOwnScope) { state.funct["(scope)"].unstack(); } return r; } /** * Consume a series of statements until encountering either the end of the * program or a token that interrupts control flow. * * @param {number} context - the parsing context; see `prod-params.js` for * more information * * @returns {Array} - the tokens consumed */ function statements(context) { var a = [], p; while (!state.tokens.next.reach && state.tokens.next.id !== "(end)") { if (state.tokens.next.id === ";") { p = peek(); if (!p || (p.id !== "(" && p.id !== "[")) { warning("W032"); } advance(";"); } else { a.push(statement(context)); } } return a; } /** * Parse any directives in a directive prologue. */ function directives() { var current = state.tokens.next; while (state.tokens.next.id === "(string)") { var next = peekIgnoreEOL(); if (!isEndOfExpr(0, current, next)) { break; } current = next; advance(); var directive = state.tokens.curr.value; if (state.directive[directive] || (directive === "use strict" && state.option.strict === "implied")) { warning("W034", state.tokens.curr, directive); } // From ECMAScript 2016: // // > 14.1.2 Static Semantics: Early Errors // > // > [...] // > - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsUseStrict of FunctionBody is true // > and IsSimpleParameterList of FormalParameters is false. if (directive === "use strict" && state.inES7() && !state.funct["(global)"] && state.funct["(hasSimpleParams)"] === false) { error("E065", state.tokens.curr); } state.directive[directive] = state.tokens.curr; parseFinalSemicolon(current); } if (state.isStrict()) { state.option.undef = true; } } /** * Parses a single block. A block is a sequence of statements wrapped in * braces. * * @param {number} context - parsing context * @param {boolean} ordinary - `true` for everything but function bodies and * try blocks * @param {boolean} [stmt] - `true` if block can be a single statement (e.g. * in if/for/while) * @param {boolean} [isfunc] - `true` if block is a function body * @param {boolean} [isfatarrow] - `true` if its a body of a fat arrow * function * @param {boolean} [iscase] - `true` if block is a switch case block * * @returns {token} - the token describing the block */ function block(context, ordinary, stmt, isfunc, isfatarrow, iscase) { var a, b = inblock, old_indent = indent, m, t, d; inblock = ordinary; t = state.tokens.next; var metrics = state.funct["(metrics)"]; metrics.nestedBlockDepth += 1; metrics.verifyMaxNestedBlockDepthPerFunction(); if (state.tokens.next.id === "{") { advance("{"); // create a new block scope state.funct["(scope)"].stack(); if (state.tokens.next.id !== "}") { indent += state.option.indent; while (!ordinary && state.tokens.next.from > indent) { indent += state.option.indent; } if (isfunc) { m = {}; for (d in state.directive) { m[d] = state.directive[d]; } directives(); state.funct["(isStrict)"] = state.isStrict(); if (state.option.strict && state.funct["(context)"]["(global)"]) { if (!m["use strict"] && !state.isStrict()) { warning("E007"); } } } a = statements(context); metrics.statementCount += a.length; indent -= state.option.indent; } else if (isfunc) { // Ensure property is set for functions with empty bodies. state.funct["(isStrict)"] = state.isStrict(); } advance("}", t); if (isfunc) { state.funct["(scope)"].validateParams(isfatarrow); if (m) { state.directive = m; } } state.funct["(scope)"].unstack(); indent = old_indent; } else if (!ordinary) { if (isfunc) { state.funct["(scope)"].stack(); if (stmt && !isfatarrow && !state.inMoz()) { error("W118", state.tokens.curr, "function closure expressions"); } if (isfatarrow) { state.funct["(scope)"].validateParams(true); } var expr = expression(context, 10); if (state.option.noreturnawait && context & prodParams.async && expr.identifier && expr.value === "await") { warning("W146", expr); } if (state.option.strict && state.funct["(context)"]["(global)"]) { if (!state.isStrict()) { warning("E007"); } } state.funct["(scope)"].unstack(); } else { error("E021", state.tokens.next, "{", state.tokens.next.value); } } else { state.funct["(scope)"].stack(); if (!stmt || state.option.curly) { warning("W116", state.tokens.next, "{", state.tokens.next.value); } // JSHint observes Annex B of the ECMAScript specification by default, // where function declarations are permitted in the statement positions // of IfStatements. var supportsFnDecl = state.funct["(verb)"] === "if" || state.tokens.curr.id === "else"; state.tokens.next.inBracelessBlock = true; indent += state.option.indent; // test indentation only if statement is in new line a = [statement(context)]; indent -= state.option.indent; if (a[0] && a[0].declaration && !(supportsFnDecl && a[0].id === "function")) { error("E048", a[0], a[0].id[0].toUpperCase() + a[0].id.slice(1)); } state.funct["(scope)"].unstack(); } // Don't clear and let it propagate out if it is "break", "return" or // similar in switch case switch (state.funct["(verb)"]) { case "break": case "continue": case "return": case "throw": if (iscase) { break; } /* falls through */ default: state.funct["(verb)"] = null; } inblock = b; if (ordinary && state.option.noempty && (!a || a.length === 0)) { warning("W035", state.tokens.prev); } metrics.nestedBlockDepth -= 1; return a; } /** * Update the global state which tracks all statically-identifiable property * names, and emit a warning if the `members` linting directive is in use and * does not include the given name. * * @param {string} m - the property name */ function countMember(m) { if (membersOnly && typeof membersOnly[m] !== "boolean") { warning("W036", state.tokens.curr, m); } if (typeof member[m] === "number") { member[m] += 1; } else { member[m] = 1; } } // Build the syntax table by declaring the syntactic elements of the language. type("(number)", function() { if (state.tokens.next.id === ".") { warning("W005", this); } return this; }); type("(string)", function() { return this; }); state.syntax["(identifier)"] = { type: "(identifier)", lbp: 0, identifier: true, nud: function(context) { var v = this.value; // If this identifier is the lone parameter to a shorthand "fat arrow" // function definition, i.e. // // x => x; // // ...it should not be considered as a variable in the current scope. It // will be added to the scope of the new function when the next token is // parsed, so it can be safely ignored for now. var isLoneArrowParam = state.tokens.next.id === "=>"; if (isReserved(context, this)) { warning("W024", this, v); } else if (!isLoneArrowParam && !state.funct["(comparray)"].check(v)) { state.funct["(scope)"].block.use(v, state.tokens.curr); } return this; }, led: function() { /* istanbul ignore next */ error("E033", state.tokens.next, state.tokens.next.value); } }; var baseTemplateSyntax = { identifier: false, template: true, }; state.syntax["(template)"] = _.extend({ lbp: 155, type: "(template)", nud: doTemplateLiteral, led: doTemplateLiteral, noSubst: false }, baseTemplateSyntax); state.syntax["(template middle)"] = _.extend({ lbp: 0, type: "(template middle)", noSubst: false }, baseTemplateSyntax); state.syntax["(template tail)"] = _.extend({ lbp: 0, type: "(template tail)", tail: true, noSubst: false }, baseTemplateSyntax); state.syntax["(no subst template)"] = _.extend({ lbp: 155, type: "(template)", nud: doTemplateLiteral, led: doTemplateLiteral, noSubst: true, tail: true // mark as tail, since it's always the last component }, baseTemplateSyntax); type("(regexp)", function() { return this; }); // ECMAScript parser delim("(endline)"); (function(x) { x.line = x.from = 0; })(delim("(begin)")); delim("(end)").reach = true; delim("(error)").reach = true; delim("}").reach = true; delim(")"); delim("]"); delim("\"").reach = true; delim("'").reach = true; delim(";"); delim(":").reach = true; delim("#"); reserve("else"); reserve("case").reach = true; reserve("catch"); reserve("default").reach = true; reserve("finally"); reserve("true", function() { return this; }); reserve("false", function() { return this; }); reserve("null", function() { return this; }); reserve("this", function() { if (state.isStrict() && !isMethod() && !state.option.validthis && ((state.funct["(statement)"] && state.funct["(name)"].charAt(0) > "Z") || state.funct["(global)"])) { warning("W040", this); } return this; }); (function(superSymbol) { superSymbol.rbp = 161; })(reserve("super", function() { superNud.call(state.tokens.curr, this); return this; })); assignop("=", "assign"); assignop("+=", "assignadd"); assignop("-=", "assignsub"); assignop("*=", "assignmult"); assignop("/=", "assigndiv").nud = function() { /* istanbul ignore next */ error("E014"); }; assignop("%=", "assignmod"); assignop("**=", function(context, left, that) { if (!state.inES7()) { warning("W119", that, "Exponentiation operator", "7"); } that.left = left; checkLeftSideAssign(context, left, that); that.right = expression(context, 10); return that; }); bitwiseassignop("&="); bitwiseassignop("|="); bitwiseassignop("^="); bitwiseassignop("<<="); bitwiseassignop(">>="); bitwiseassignop(">>>="); infix(",", function(context, left, that) { if (state.option.nocomma) { warning("W127", that); } that.left = left; if (checkComma()) { that.right = expression(context, 10); } else { that.right = null; } return that; }, 10, true); infix("?", function(context, left, that) { increaseComplexityCount(); that.left = left; that.right = expression(context & ~prodParams.noin, 10); advance(":"); expression(context, 10); return that; }, 30); infix("||", function(context, left, that) { increaseComplexityCount(); that.left = left; that.right = expression(context, 40); return that; }, 40); var andPrecedence = 50; infix("&&", function(context, left, that) { increaseComplexityCount(); that.left = left; that.right = expression(context, andPrecedence); return that; }, andPrecedence); infix("??", function(context, left, that) { if (!left.paren && (left.id === "||" || left.id === "&&")) { error("E024", that, "??"); } if (!state.inES11()) { warning("W119", that, "nullish coalescing", "11"); } increaseComplexityCount(); that.left = left; var right = that.right = expression(context, 39); if (!right) { error("E024", state.tokens.next, state.tokens.next.id); } else if (!right.paren && (right.id === "||" || right.id === "&&")) { error("E024", that.right, that.right.id); } return that; }, 39); // The Exponentiation operator, introduced in ECMAScript 2016 // // ExponentiationExpression[Yield] : // UnaryExpression[?Yield] // UpdateExpression[?Yield] ** ExponentiationExpression[?Yield] infix("**", function(context, left, that) { if (!state.inES7()) { warning("W119", that, "Exponentiation operator", "7"); } // Disallow UnaryExpressions which are not wrapped in parenthesis if (!left.paren && beginsUnaryExpression(left)) { error("E024", that, "**"); } that.left = left; that.right = expression(context, that.rbp); return that; }, 150); state.syntax["**"].rbp = 140; bitwise("|", "bitor", 70); bitwise("^", "bitxor", 80); bitwise("&", "bitand", 90); relation("==", function(context, left, right) { var eqnull = state.option.eqnull && ((left && left.value) === "null" || (right && right.value) === "null"); switch (true) { case !eqnull && state.option.eqeqeq: this.from = this.character; warning("W116", this, "===", "=="); break; /* istanbul ignore next */ case isTypoTypeof(right, left, state): warning("W122", this, right.value); break; case isTypoTypeof(left, right, state): warning("W122", this, left.value); break; } return this; }); relation("===", function(context, left, right) { if (isTypoTypeof(right, left, state)) { warning("W122", this, right.value); } else if (isTypoTypeof(left, right, state)) { /* istanbul ignore next */ warning("W122", this, left.value); } return this; }); relation("!=", function(context, left, right) { var eqnull = state.option.eqnull && ((left && left.value) === "null" || (right && right.value) === "null"); if (!eqnull && state.option.eqeqeq) { this.from = this.character; warning("W116", this, "!==", "!="); } else if (isTypoTypeof(right, left, state)) { /* istanbul ignore next */ warning("W122", this, right.value); } else if (isTypoTypeof(left, right, state)) { warning("W122", this, left.value); } return this; }); relation("!==", function(context, left, right) { if (isTypoTypeof(right, left, state)) { warning("W122", this, right.value); } else if (isTypoTypeof(left, right, state)) { /* istanbul ignore next */ warning("W122", this, left.value); } return this; }); relation("<"); relation(">"); relation("<="); relation(">="); bitwise("<<", "shiftleft", 120); bitwise(">>", "shiftright", 120); bitwise(">>>", "shiftrightunsigned", 120); infix("in", "in", 120); infix("instanceof", function(context, left, token) { var right; var scope = state.funct["(scope)"]; token.left = left; token.right = right = expression(context, 120); // This condition reflects a syntax error which will be reported by the // `expression` function. if (!right) { return token; } if (right.id === "(number)" || right.id === "(string)" || right.value === "null" || (right.value === "undefined" && !scope.has("undefined")) || right.arity === "unary" || right.id === "{" || (right.id === "[" && !right.right) || right.id === "(regexp)" || (right.id === "(template)" && !right.tag)) { error("E060"); } if (right.id === "function") { warning("W139"); } return token; }, 120); infix("+", function(context, left, that) { var next = state.tokens.next; var right; that.left = left; that.right = right = expression(context, 130); if (left && right && left.id === "(string)" && right.id === "(string)") { left.value += right.value; left.character = right.character; if (!state.option.scripturl && reg.javascriptURL.test(left.value)) { warning("W050", left); } return left; } if (next.id === "+" || next.id === "++") { warning("W007", that.right); } return that; }, 130); prefix("+", function(context) { var next = state.tokens.next; this.arity = "unary"; this.right = expression(context, 150); if (next.id === "+" || next.id === "++") { warning("W007", this.right); } return this; }); infix("-", function(context, left, that) { var next = state.tokens.next; that.left = left; that.right = expression(context, 130); if (next.id === "-" || next.id === "--") { warning("W006", that.right); } return that; }, 130); prefix("-", function(context) { var next = state.tokens.next; this.arity = "unary"; this.right = expression(context, 150); if (next.id === "-" || next.id === "--") { warning("W006", this.right); } return this; }); infix("*", "mult", 140); infix("/", "div", 140); infix("%", "mod", 140); suffix("++"); prefix("++", "preinc"); state.syntax["++"].exps = true; suffix("--"); prefix("--", "predec"); state.syntax["--"].exps = true; prefix("delete", function(context) { this.arity = "unary"; var p = expression(context, 150); if (!p) { return this; } if (p.id !== "." && p.id !== "[") { warning("W051"); } this.first = p; // The `delete` operator accepts unresolvable references when not in strict // mode, so the operand may be undefined. if (p.identifier && !state.isStrict()) { p.forgiveUndef = true; } return this; }).exps = true; prefix("~", function(context) { if (state.option.bitwise) { warning("W016", this, "~"); } this.arity = "unary"; this.right = expression(context, 150); return this; }); infix("..."); prefix("!", function(context) { this.arity = "unary"; this.right = expression(context, 150); if (!this.right) { // '!' followed by nothing? Give up. quit("E041", this); } if (bang[this.right.id] === true) { warning("W018", this, "!"); } return this; }); prefix("typeof", function(context) { this.arity = "unary"; var p = expression(context, 150); this.first = this.right = p; if (!p) { // 'typeof' followed by nothing? Give up. quit("E041", this); } // The `typeof` operator accepts unresolvable references, so the operand // may be undefined. if (p.identifier) { p.forgiveUndef = true; } return this; }); prefix("new", function(context) { var mp = metaProperty(context, "target", function() { if (!state.inES6(true)) { warning("W119", state.tokens.prev, "new.target", "6"); } var inFunction, c = state.funct; while (c) { inFunction = !c["(global)"]; if (!c["(arrow)"]) { break; } c = c["(context)"]; } if (!inFunction) { warning("W136", state.tokens.prev, "new.target"); } }); if (mp) { return mp; } var opening = state.tokens.next; var c = expression(context, 155), i; if (!c) { return this; } if (!c.paren && c.rbp > 160) { error("E024", opening, opening.value); } if (c.id !== "function") { if (c.identifier) { switch (c.value) { case "Number": case "String": case "Boolean": case "Math": case "JSON": warning("W053", state.tokens.prev, c.value); break; case "Symbol": if (state.inES6()) { warning("W053", state.tokens.prev, c.value); } break; case "Function": if (!state.option.evil) { warning("W054"); } break; case "Date": case "RegExp": case "this": break; default: i = c.value.substr(0, 1); if (state.option.newcap && (i < "A" || i > "Z") && !state.funct["(scope)"].isPredefined(c.value)) { warning("W055", state.tokens.curr); } } } else { if (c.id === "?." && !c.paren) { error("E024", c, "?."); } else if (c.id !== "." && c.id !== "[" && c.id !== "(") { /* istanbul ignore next */ warning("W056", state.tokens.curr); } } } else { if (!state.option.supernew) warning("W057", this); } if (state.tokens.next.id !== "(" && !state.option.supernew) { warning("W058", state.tokens.curr, state.tokens.curr.value); } this.first = this.right = c; return this; }); state.syntax["new"].exps = true; var classDeclaration = blockstmt("class", function(context) { var className, classNameToken; if (!state.inES6()) { warning("W104", state.tokens.curr, "class", "6"); } state.inClassBody = true; // Class Declaration: 'class ' if (state.tokens.next.identifier && state.tokens.next.value !== "extends") { classNameToken = state.tokens.next; className = classNameToken.value; identifier(context); // unintialized, so that the 'extends' clause is parsed while the class is in TDZ state.funct["(scope)"].addbinding(className, { type: "class", initialized: false, token: classNameToken }); } // Class Declaration: 'class extends ' if (state.tokens.next.value === "extends") { advance("extends"); expression(context, 0); } if (classNameToken) { this.name = classNameToken; state.funct["(scope)"].initialize(className); } else { this.name = null; } state.funct["(scope)"].stack(); classBody(this, context); return this; }); classDeclaration.exps = true; classDeclaration.declaration = true; /* Class expression The Block- and Expression- handling for "class" are almost identical, except for the ordering of steps. In an expression:, the name should not be saved into the calling scope, but is still accessible inside the definition, so we open a new scope first, then save the name. We also mark it as used. */ prefix("class", function(context) { var className, classNameToken; if (!state.inES6()) { warning("W104", state.tokens.curr, "class", "6"); } state.inClassBody = true; // Class Declaration: 'class ' if (state.tokens.next.identifier && state.tokens.next.value !== "extends") { classNameToken = state.tokens.next; className = classNameToken.value; identifier(context); } // Class Declaration: 'class extends ' if (state.tokens.next.value === "extends") { advance("extends"); expression(context, 0); } state.funct["(scope)"].stack(); if (classNameToken) { this.name = classNameToken; state.funct["(scope)"].addbinding(className, { type: "class", initialized: true, token: classNameToken }); state.funct["(scope)"].block.use(className, classNameToken); } else { this.name = null; } classBody(this, context); return this; }); function classBody(classToken, context) { var props = Object.create(null); var name, accessorType, token, isStatic, inGenerator, hasConstructor; /* istanbul ignore else */ if (state.tokens.next.value === "{") { advance("{"); } else { warning("W116", state.tokens.curr, "identifier", state.tokens.next.type); //? advance(); } while (state.tokens.next.value !== "}") { isStatic = false; inGenerator = false; context &= ~prodParams.preAsync; if (state.tokens.next.value === "static" && !checkPunctuator(peek(), "(")) { isStatic = true; advance(); } if (state.tokens.next.value === "async") { if (!checkPunctuator(peek(), "(")) { context |= prodParams.preAsync; advance(); nolinebreak(state.tokens.curr); if (checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "*")) { inGenerator = true; advance("*"); if (!state.inES9()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.next, "async generators", "9"); } } if (!state.inES8()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.curr, "async functions", "8"); } } } if (state.tokens.next.value === "*") { inGenerator = true; advance(); } token = state.tokens.next; if ((token.value === "set" || token.value === "get") && !checkPunctuator(peek(), "(")) { if (inGenerator) { /* istanbul ignore next */ error("E024", token, token.value); } accessorType = token.value; advance(); token = state.tokens.next; if (!isStatic && token.value === "constructor") { error("E049", token, "class " + accessorType + "ter method", token.value); } else if (isStatic && token.value === "prototype") { error("E049", token, "static class " + accessorType + "ter method", token.value); } } else { accessorType = null; } switch (token.value) { case ";": warning("W032", token); advance(); break; case "constructor": if (isStatic) { // treat like a regular method -- static methods can be called 'constructor' name = propertyName(context); saveProperty(props, name, token, true, isStatic); doMethod(classToken, context, name, inGenerator); } else { if (inGenerator || context & prodParams.preAsync) { error("E024", token, token.value); } else if (hasConstructor) { /* istanbul ignore next */ error("E024", token, token.value); } else { hasConstructor = !accessorType && !isStatic; } advance(); doMethod(classToken, context, state.nameStack.infer()); } break; case "[": name = computedPropertyName(context); doMethod(classToken, context, name, inGenerator); // We don't check names (via calling saveProperty()) of computed expressions like ["Symbol.iterator"]() break; default: name = propertyName(context); if (name === undefined) { error("E024", token, token.value); advance(); break; } if (accessorType) { saveAccessor(accessorType, props, name, token, true, isStatic); name = state.nameStack.infer(); } else { if (isStatic && name === "prototype") { error("E049", token, "static class method", name); } saveProperty(props, name, token, true, isStatic); } doMethod(classToken, context, name, inGenerator); break; } } advance("}"); checkProperties(props); state.inClassBody = false; state.funct["(scope)"].unstack(); } function doMethod(classToken, context, name, generator) { if (generator) { if (!state.inES6()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.curr, "function*", "6"); } } if (state.tokens.next.value !== "(") { error("E054", state.tokens.next, state.tokens.next.value); advance(); if (state.tokens.next.value === "{") { // manually cheating the test "invalidClasses", which asserts this particular behavior when a class is misdefined. advance(); if (state.tokens.next.value === "}") { warning("W116", state.tokens.next, "(", state.tokens.next.value); advance(); identifier(context); advance(); } /* istanbul ignore next */ return; } else { while (state.tokens.next.value !== "(") { advance(); } } } doFunction(context, { name: name, type: generator ? "generator" : null, isMethod: true, statement: classToken }); } prefix("void").exps = true; infix(".", function(context, left, that) { var m = identifier(context, true); if (typeof m === "string") { countMember(m); } that.left = left; that.right = m; if (m && m === "hasOwnProperty" && state.tokens.next.value === "=") { warning("W001"); } if (left && left.value === "arguments" && (m === "callee" || m === "caller")) { if (state.option.noarg) warning("W059", left, m); else if (state.isStrict()) error("E008"); } else if (!state.option.evil && left && left.value === "document" && (m === "write" || m === "writeln")) { warning("W060", left); } if (!state.option.evil && (m === "eval" || m === "execScript")) { if (isGlobalEval(left, state)) { warning("W061"); } } return that; }, 160, true); infix("?.", function(context, left, that) { if (!state.inES11()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.curr, "Optional chaining", "11"); } if (checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "[")) { that.left = left; advance(); that.right = state.tokens.curr.led(context, left); } else if (checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "(")) { that.left = left; advance(); that.right = state.tokens.curr.led(context, left); that.exps = true; } else { state.syntax["."].led.call(that, context, left); } if (state.tokens.next.type === "(template)") { error("E024", state.tokens.next, "`"); } return that; }, 160, true); /** * Determine if a CallExpression's "base" is a type of expression commonly * used in this position. * * @param {token} token - token describing the "base" of the CallExpression * @returns {boolean} */ function isTypicalCallExpression(token) { return token.identifier || token.id === "." || token.id === "[" || token.id === "=>" || token.id === "(" || token.id === "&&" || token.id === "||" || token.id === "?" || token.id === "async" || token.id === "?." || (state.inES6() && token["(name)"]); } infix("(", function(context, left, that) { if (state.option.immed && left && !left.immed && left.id === "function") { warning("W062"); } if (state.option.asi && checkPunctuators(state.tokens.prev, [")", "]"]) && !sameLine(state.tokens.prev, state.tokens.curr)) { warning("W014", state.tokens.curr, state.tokens.curr.id); } var n = 0; var p = []; if (left) { if (left.type === "(identifier)") { var newcapRe = /^[A-Z]([A-Z0-9_$]*[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_$]*)?$/; var newcapIgnore = [ "Array", "Boolean", "Date", "Error", "Function", "Number", "Object", "RegExp", "String", "Symbol" ]; if (newcapRe.test(left.value) && newcapIgnore.indexOf(left.value) === -1) { if (left.value === "Math") { /* istanbul ignore next */ warning("W063", left); } else if (state.option.newcap) { warning("W064", left); } } } } if (state.tokens.next.id !== ")") { for (;;) { spreadrest("spread"); p[p.length] = expression(context, 10); n += 1; if (state.tokens.next.id !== ",") { break; } advance(","); checkComma({ allowTrailing: true }); if (state.tokens.next.id === ")") { if (!state.inES8()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.curr, "Trailing comma in arguments lists", "8"); } break; } } } advance(")"); if (typeof left === "object") { if (!state.inES5() && left.value === "parseInt" && n === 1) { warning("W065", state.tokens.curr); } if (!state.option.evil) { if (left.value === "eval" || left.value === "Function" || left.value === "execScript") { warning("W061", left); // This conditional expression was initially implemented with a typo // which prevented the branch's execution in all cases. While // enabling the code will produce behavior that is consistent with // the other forms of code evaluation that follow, such a change is // also technically incompatable with prior versions of JSHint (due // to the fact that the behavior was never formally documented). This // branch should be enabled as part of a major release. //if (p[0] && p[0].id === "(string)") { // addEvalCode(left, p[0]); //} } else if (p[0] && p[0].id === "(string)" && (left.value === "setTimeout" || left.value === "setInterval")) { warning("W066", left); addEvalCode(left, p[0]); // window.setTimeout/setInterval } else if (p[0] && p[0].id === "(string)" && left.value === "." && left.left.value === "window" && (left.right === "setTimeout" || left.right === "setInterval")) { warning("W066", left); addEvalCode(left, p[0]); } } if (!isTypicalCallExpression(left)) { warning("W067", that); } } that.left = left; return that; }, 155, true).exps = true; function peekThroughParens(parens) { var pn = state.tokens.next; var i = -1; var pn1; do { if (pn.value === "(") { parens += 1; } else if (pn.value === ")") { parens -= 1; } i += 1; pn1 = pn; pn = peek(i); } while (!(parens === 0 && pn1.value === ")") && pn.type !== "(end)"); return pn; } prefix("(", function(context, rbp) { var ret, triggerFnExpr, first, last; var opening = state.tokens.curr; var preceeding = state.tokens.prev; var isNecessary = !state.option.singleGroups; var pn = peekThroughParens(1); if (state.tokens.next.id === "function") { triggerFnExpr = state.tokens.next.immed = true; } // If the balanced grouping operator is followed by a "fat arrow", the // current token marks the beginning of a "fat arrow" function and parsing // should proceed accordingly. if (pn.value === "=>") { pn.funct = doFunction(context, { type: "arrow", parsedOpening: true }); return pn; } // The ECMA262 grammar requires an expression between the "opening // parenthesis" and "close parenthesis" tokens of the grouping operator. // However, the "ignore" directive is commonly used to inject values that // are not included in the token stream. For example: // // return ( // /*jshint ignore:start */ //
// /*jshint ignore:end */ // ); // // The "empty" grouping operator is permitted in order to tolerate this // pattern. if (state.tokens.next.id === ")") { advance(")"); return; } ret = expression(context, 0); advance(")", this); if (!ret) { return; } ret.paren = true; if (state.option.immed && ret && ret.id === "function") { if (state.tokens.next.id !== "(" && state.tokens.next.id !== "." && state.tokens.next.id !== "[") { warning("W068", this); } } if (ret.id === ",") { first = ret.left; while (first.id === ",") { first = first.left; } last = ret.right; } else { first = last = ret; if (!isNecessary) { // async functions are identified after parsing due to the complexity // of disambiguating the `async` keyword. if (!triggerFnExpr) { triggerFnExpr = ret.id === "async"; } isNecessary = // Used to distinguish from an ExpressionStatement which may not // begin with the `{` and `function` tokens (opening.beginsStmt && (ret.id === "{" || triggerFnExpr)) || // Used to signal that a function expression is being supplied to // some other operator. (triggerFnExpr && // For parenthesis wrapping a function expression to be considered // necessary, the grouping operator should be the left-hand-side of // some other operator--either within the parenthesis or directly // following them. (!isEndOfExpr() || state.tokens.prev.id !== "}")) || // Used to demarcate an arrow function as the left-hand side of some // operator. (ret.id === "=>" && !isEndOfExpr()) || // Used as the return value of a single-statement arrow function (ret.id === "{" && preceeding.id === "=>") || // Used to cover a unary expression as the left-hand side of the // exponentiation operator (beginsUnaryExpression(ret) && state.tokens.next.id === "**") || // Used to cover a logical operator as the right-hand side of the // nullish coalescing operator (preceeding.id === "??" && (ret.id === "&&" || ret.id === "||")) || // Used to delineate an integer number literal from a dereferencing // punctuator (otherwise interpreted as a decimal point) (ret.type === "(number)" && checkPunctuator(pn, ".") && /^\d+$/.test(ret.value)) || // Used to wrap object destructuring assignment (opening.beginsStmt && ret.id === "=" && ret.left.id === "{") || // Used to allow optional chaining with other language features which // are otherwise restricted. (ret.id === "?." && (preceeding.id === "new" || state.tokens.next.type === "(template)")); } } // The operator may be necessary to override the default binding power of // neighboring operators (whenever there is an operator in use within the // first expression *or* the current group contains multiple expressions) if (!isNecessary && (isOperator(first) || first !== last)) { isNecessary = (rbp > first.lbp) || (rbp > 0 && rbp === first.lbp) || (!isEndOfExpr() && last.rbp < state.tokens.next.lbp); } if (!isNecessary) { warning("W126", opening); } return ret; }); application("=>").rbp = 161; infix("[", function(context, left, that) { var e, s, canUseDot; if (state.option.asi && checkPunctuators(state.tokens.prev, [")", "]"]) && !sameLine(state.tokens.prev, state.tokens.curr)) { warning("W014", state.tokens.curr, state.tokens.curr.id); } e = expression(context & ~prodParams.noin, 0); if (e && e.type === "(string)") { if (!state.option.evil && (e.value === "eval" || e.value === "execScript")) { if (isGlobalEval(left, state)) { warning("W061"); } } countMember(e.value); if (!state.option.sub && reg.identifier.test(e.value)) { s = state.syntax[e.value]; if (s) { canUseDot = !isReserved(context, s); } else { // This branch exists to preserve legacy behavior with version 2.9.5 // and earlier. In those releases, `eval` and `arguments` were // incorrectly interpreted as reserved keywords, so Member // Expressions such as `object["eval"]` did not trigger warning W069. // // TODO: Remove in JSHint 3 canUseDot = e.value !== "eval" && e.value !== "arguments"; } if (canUseDot) { warning("W069", state.tokens.prev, e.value); } } } advance("]", that); if (e && e.value === "hasOwnProperty" && state.tokens.next.value === "=") { warning("W001"); } that.left = left; that.right = e; return that; }, 160, true); function comprehensiveArrayExpression(context) { var res = {}; res.exps = true; state.funct["(comparray)"].stack(); // Handle reversed for expressions, used in spidermonkey var reversed = false; if (state.tokens.next.value !== "for") { reversed = true; if (!state.inMoz()) { warning("W116", state.tokens.next, "for", state.tokens.next.value); } state.funct["(comparray)"].setState("use"); res.right = expression(context, 10); } advance("for"); if (state.tokens.next.value === "each") { advance("each"); if (!state.inMoz()) { warning("W118", state.tokens.curr, "for each"); } } advance("("); state.funct["(comparray)"].setState("define"); res.left = expression(context, 130); if (_.includes(["in", "of"], state.tokens.next.value)) { advance(); } else { /* istanbul ignore next */ error("E045", state.tokens.curr); } state.funct["(comparray)"].setState("generate"); expression(context, 10); advance(")"); if (state.tokens.next.value === "if") { advance("if"); advance("("); state.funct["(comparray)"].setState("filter"); expression(context, 10); advance(")"); } if (!reversed) { state.funct["(comparray)"].setState("use"); res.right = expression(context, 10); } advance("]"); state.funct["(comparray)"].unstack(); return res; } prefix("[", function(context) { var blocktype = lookupBlockType(); if (blocktype.isCompArray) { if (!state.option.esnext && !state.inMoz()) { warning("W118", state.tokens.curr, "array comprehension"); } return comprehensiveArrayExpression(context); } else if (blocktype.isDestAssign) { this.destructAssign = destructuringPattern(context, { openingParsed: true, assignment: true }); return this; } var b = !sameLine(state.tokens.curr, state.tokens.next); this.first = []; if (b) { indent += state.option.indent; if (state.tokens.next.from === indent + state.option.indent) { /* istanbul ignore next */ indent += state.option.indent; } } while (state.tokens.next.id !== "(end)") { while (state.tokens.next.id === ",") { if (!state.option.elision) { if (!state.inES5()) { // Maintain compat with old options --- ES5 mode without // elision=true will warn once per comma warning("W070"); } else { warning("W128"); do { advance(","); } while (state.tokens.next.id === ","); continue; } } advance(","); } if (state.tokens.next.id === "]") { break; } spreadrest("spread"); this.first.push(expression(context, 10)); if (state.tokens.next.id === ",") { advance(","); checkComma({ allowTrailing: true }); if (state.tokens.next.id === "]" && !state.inES5()) { warning("W070", state.tokens.curr); break; } } else { if (state.option.trailingcomma && state.inES5()) { warningAt("W140", state.tokens.curr.line, state.tokens.curr.character); } break; } } if (b) { indent -= state.option.indent; } advance("]", this); return this; }); function isMethod() { return !!state.funct["(method)"]; } /** * Retrieve the value of the next token if it is a valid LiteralPropertyName * and optionally advance the parser. * * @param {number} context - the parsing context; see `prod-params.js` for * more information * * @returns {string|undefined} - the value of the identifier, if present */ function propertyName(context) { var id = optionalidentifier(context, true); if (!id) { if (state.tokens.next.id === "(string)") { id = state.tokens.next.value; advance(); } else if (state.tokens.next.id === "(number)") { id = state.tokens.next.value.toString(); advance(); } } if (id === "hasOwnProperty") { warning("W001"); } return id; } /** * @param {Number} context The parsing context * @param {Object} [options] * @param {token} [options.loneArg] The argument to the function in cases * where it was defined using the * single-argument shorthand. * @param {bool} [options.parsedOpening] Whether the opening parenthesis has * already been parsed. * * @returns {{ arity: number, params: Array., isSimple: boolean }} */ function functionparams(context, options) { var next; var paramsIds = []; var ident; var tokens = []; var t; var pastDefault = false; var pastRest = false; var arity = 0; var loneArg = options && options.loneArg; var hasDestructuring = false; if (loneArg && loneArg.identifier === true) { state.funct["(scope)"].addParam(loneArg.value, loneArg); return { arity: 1, params: [ loneArg.value ], isSimple: true }; } next = state.tokens.next; if (!options || !options.parsedOpening) { advance("("); } if (state.tokens.next.id === ")") { advance(")"); return; } function addParam(addParamArgs) { state.funct["(scope)"].addParam.apply(state.funct["(scope)"], addParamArgs); } for (;;) { arity++; // are added to the param scope var currentParams = []; pastRest = spreadrest("rest"); if (_.includes(["{", "["], state.tokens.next.id)) { hasDestructuring = true; tokens = destructuringPattern(context); for (t in tokens) { t = tokens[t]; if (t.id) { paramsIds.push(t.id); currentParams.push([t.id, t.token]); } } } else { ident = identifier(context); if (ident) { paramsIds.push(ident); currentParams.push([ident, state.tokens.curr]); } else { // Skip invalid parameter. while (!checkPunctuators(state.tokens.next, [",", ")"])) advance(); } } // It is valid to have a regular argument after a default argument // since undefined can be used for missing parameters. Still warn as it is // a possible code smell. if (pastDefault) { if (state.tokens.next.id !== "=") { error("W138", state.tokens.curr); } } if (state.tokens.next.id === "=") { if (!state.inES6()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.next, "default parameters", "6"); } if (pastRest) { error("E062", state.tokens.next); } advance("="); pastDefault = true; expression(context, 10); } // now we have evaluated the default expression, add the variable to the param scope currentParams.forEach(addParam); if (state.tokens.next.id === ",") { if (pastRest) { warning("W131", state.tokens.next); } advance(","); checkComma({ allowTrailing: true }); } if (state.tokens.next.id === ")") { if (state.tokens.curr.id === "," && !state.inES8()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.curr, "Trailing comma in function parameters", "8"); } advance(")", next); return { arity: arity, params: paramsIds, isSimple: !hasDestructuring && !pastRest && !pastDefault }; } } } /** * Factory function for creating objects used to track statistics of function * literals. * * @param {string} name - the identifier name to associate with the function * @param {object} [token] - token responsible for creating the function * object * @param {object} [overwrites] - a collection of properties that should * override the corresponding default value of * the new "functor" object */ function functor(name, token, overwrites) { var funct = { "(name)" : name, "(breakage)" : 0, "(loopage)" : 0, // The strictness of the function body is tracked via a dedicated // property (as opposed to via the global `state` object) so that the // value can be referenced after the body has been fully parsed (i.e. // when validating the identifier used in function declarations and // function expressions). "(isStrict)" : "unknown", "(global)" : false, "(line)" : null, "(character)" : null, "(metrics)" : null, "(statement)" : null, "(context)" : null, "(scope)" : null, "(comparray)" : null, "(yielded)" : null, "(arrow)" : null, "(async)" : null, "(params)" : null }; if (token) { _.extend(funct, { "(line)" : token.line, "(character)": token.character, "(metrics)" : createMetrics(token) }); } _.extend(funct, overwrites); if (funct["(context)"]) { funct["(scope)"] = funct["(context)"]["(scope)"]; funct["(comparray)"] = funct["(context)"]["(comparray)"]; } return funct; } /** * Determine if the parser has begun parsing executable code. * * @param {Token} funct - The current "functor" token * * @returns {boolean} */ function hasParsedCode(funct) { return funct["(global)"] && !funct["(verb)"]; } /** * This function is used as both a null-denotation method *and* a * left-denotation method, meaning the first parameter is overloaded. */ function doTemplateLiteral(context, leftOrRbp) { // ASSERT: this.type === "(template)" // jshint validthis: true var ctx = this.context; var noSubst = this.noSubst; var depth = this.depth; var left = typeof leftOrRbp === "number" ? null : leftOrRbp; if (!noSubst) { while (!end()) { if (!state.tokens.next.template || state.tokens.next.depth > depth) { expression(context, 0); // should probably have different rbp? } else { // skip template start / middle advance(); } } } return { id: "(template)", type: "(template)", tag: left }; function end() { if (state.tokens.curr.template && state.tokens.curr.tail && state.tokens.curr.context === ctx) { /* istanbul ignore next */ return true; } var complete = (state.tokens.next.template && state.tokens.next.tail && state.tokens.next.context === ctx); if (complete) advance(); return complete || state.tokens.next.isUnclosed; } } /** * Parse a function literal. * * @param {Number} context The parsing context * @param {Object} [options] * @param {string} [options.name] The identifier belonging to the function (if * any) * @param {token} [options.statement] The statement that triggered creation * of the current function. * @param {string} [options.type] If specified, either "generator" or "arrow" * @param {token} [options.loneArg] The argument to the function in cases * where it was defined using the * single-argument shorthand * @param {bool} [options.parsedOpening] Whether the opening parenthesis has * already been parsed * @param {string} [options.classExprBinding] Define a function with this * identifier in the new function's * scope, mimicking the bahavior of * class expression names within * the body of member functions. */ function doFunction(context, options) { var f, token, name, statement, classExprBinding, isGenerator, isArrow, isMethod, ignoreLoopFunc; var oldOption = state.option; var oldIgnored = state.ignored; var isAsync = context & prodParams.preAsync; if (options) { name = options.name; statement = options.statement; classExprBinding = options.classExprBinding; isGenerator = options.type === "generator"; isArrow = options.type === "arrow"; isMethod = options.isMethod; ignoreLoopFunc = options.ignoreLoopFunc; } context &= ~prodParams.noin; context &= ~prodParams.tryClause; if (isAsync) { context |= prodParams.async; } else { context &= ~prodParams.async; } if (isGenerator) { context |= prodParams.yield; } else if (!isArrow) { context &= ~prodParams.yield; } context &= ~prodParams.preAsync; state.option = Object.create(state.option); state.ignored = Object.create(state.ignored); state.funct = functor(name || state.nameStack.infer(), state.tokens.next, { "(statement)": statement, "(context)": state.funct, "(arrow)": isArrow, "(method)": isMethod, "(async)": isAsync }); f = state.funct; token = state.tokens.curr; functions.push(state.funct); // So that the function is available to itself and referencing itself is not // seen as a closure, add the function name to a new scope, but do not // test for unused (unused: false) // it is a new block scope so that params can override it, it can be block scoped // but declarations inside the function don't cause already declared error state.funct["(scope)"].stack("functionouter"); var internallyAccessibleName = !isMethod && (name || classExprBinding); if (internallyAccessibleName) { state.funct["(scope)"].block.add(internallyAccessibleName, classExprBinding ? "class" : "function", state.tokens.curr, false); } if (!isArrow) { state.funct["(scope)"].funct.add("arguments", "var", token, false); } // create the param scope (params added in functionparams) state.funct["(scope)"].stack("functionparams"); var paramsInfo = functionparams(context, options); if (paramsInfo) { state.funct["(params)"] = paramsInfo.params; state.funct["(hasSimpleParams)"] = paramsInfo.isSimple; state.funct["(metrics)"].arity = paramsInfo.arity; state.funct["(metrics)"].verifyMaxParametersPerFunction(); } else { state.funct["(params)"] = []; state.funct["(metrics)"].arity = 0; state.funct["(hasSimpleParams)"] = true; } if (isArrow) { context &= ~prodParams.yield; if (!state.inES6(true)) { warning("W119", state.tokens.curr, "arrow function syntax (=>)", "6"); } if (!options.loneArg) { advance("=>"); } } block(context, false, true, true, isArrow); if (!state.option.noyield && isGenerator && !state.funct["(yielded)"]) { warning("W124", state.tokens.curr); } state.funct["(metrics)"].verifyMaxStatementsPerFunction(); state.funct["(metrics)"].verifyMaxComplexityPerFunction(); state.funct["(unusedOption)"] = state.option.unused; state.option = oldOption; state.ignored = oldIgnored; state.funct["(last)"] = state.tokens.curr.line; state.funct["(lastcharacter)"] = state.tokens.curr.character; // unstack the params scope state.funct["(scope)"].unstack(); // also does usage and label checks // unstack the function outer stack state.funct["(scope)"].unstack(); state.funct = state.funct["(context)"]; if (!ignoreLoopFunc && !state.option.loopfunc && state.funct["(loopage)"]) { // If the function we just parsed accesses any non-local variables // trigger a warning. Otherwise, the function is safe even within // a loop. if (f["(outerMutables)"]) { warning("W083", token, f["(outerMutables)"].join(", ")); } } return f; } function createMetrics(functionStartToken) { return { statementCount: 0, nestedBlockDepth: -1, ComplexityCount: 1, arity: 0, verifyMaxStatementsPerFunction: function() { if (state.option.maxstatements && this.statementCount > state.option.maxstatements) { warning("W071", functionStartToken, this.statementCount); } }, verifyMaxParametersPerFunction: function() { if (_.isNumber(state.option.maxparams) && this.arity > state.option.maxparams) { warning("W072", functionStartToken, this.arity); } }, verifyMaxNestedBlockDepthPerFunction: function() { if (state.option.maxdepth && this.nestedBlockDepth > 0 && this.nestedBlockDepth === state.option.maxdepth + 1) { warning("W073", null, this.nestedBlockDepth); } }, verifyMaxComplexityPerFunction: function() { var max = state.option.maxcomplexity; var cc = this.ComplexityCount; if (max && cc > max) { warning("W074", functionStartToken, cc); } } }; } function increaseComplexityCount() { state.funct["(metrics)"].ComplexityCount += 1; } // Parse assignments that were found instead of conditionals. // For example: if (a = 1) { ... } function checkCondAssignment(token) { if (!token || token.paren) { return; } if (token.id === ",") { checkCondAssignment(token.right); return; } switch (token.id) { case "=": case "+=": case "-=": case "*=": case "%=": case "&=": case "|=": case "^=": case "/=": if (!state.option.boss) { warning("W084", token); } } } /** * Validate the properties defined within an object literal or class body. * See the `saveAccessor` and `saveProperty` functions for more detail. * * @param {object} props - Collection of objects describing the properties * encountered */ function checkProperties(props) { // Check for lonely setters if in the ES5 mode. if (state.inES5()) { for (var name in props) { if (props[name] && props[name].setterToken && !props[name].getterToken && !props[name].static) { warning("W078", props[name].setterToken); } } } } function metaProperty(context, name, c) { if (checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, ".")) { var left = state.tokens.curr.id; advance("."); var id = identifier(context); state.tokens.curr.isMetaProperty = true; if (name !== id) { error("E057", state.tokens.prev, left, id); } else { c(); } return state.tokens.curr; } } //object literals (function(x) { x.nud = function(context) { var b, f, i, params, t, isGeneratorMethod = false, nextVal; var props = Object.create(null); // All properties, including accessors var isAsyncMethod = false; b = !sameLine(state.tokens.curr, state.tokens.next); if (b) { indent += state.option.indent; if (state.tokens.next.from === indent + state.option.indent) { /* istanbul ignore next */ indent += state.option.indent; } } var blocktype = lookupBlockType(); if (blocktype.isDestAssign) { this.destructAssign = destructuringPattern(context, { openingParsed: true, assignment: true }); return this; } state.inObjectBody = true; for (;;) { if (state.tokens.next.id === "}") { break; } nextVal = state.tokens.next.value; if (state.tokens.next.identifier && (peekIgnoreEOL().id === "," || peekIgnoreEOL().id === "}")) { if (!state.inES6()) { warning("W104", state.tokens.next, "object short notation", "6"); } t = expression(context, 10); i = t && t.value; if (t) { saveProperty(props, i, t); } } else if (peek().id !== ":" && (nextVal === "get" || nextVal === "set")) { advance(nextVal); if (!state.inES5()) { error("E034"); } if (state.tokens.next.id === "[") { i = computedPropertyName(context); } else { i = propertyName(context); // ES6 allows for get() {...} and set() {...} method // definition shorthand syntax, so we don't produce an error // if linting ECMAScript 6 code. if (!i && !state.inES6()) { error("E035"); } } // We don't want to save this getter unless it's an actual getter // and not an ES6 concise method if (i) { saveAccessor(nextVal, props, i, state.tokens.curr); } t = state.tokens.next; f = doFunction(context, { isMethod: true }); params = f["(params)"]; // Don't warn about getter/setter pairs if this is an ES6 concise method if (nextVal === "get" && i && params.length) { warning("W076", t, params[0], i); } else if (nextVal === "set" && i && f["(metrics)"].arity !== 1) { warning("W077", t, i); } } else if (spreadrest("spread")) { if (!state.inES9()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.next, "object spread property", "9"); } expression(context, 10); } else { if (state.tokens.next.id === "async" && !checkPunctuators(peek(), ["(", ":"])) { if (!state.inES8()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.next, "async functions", "8"); } isAsyncMethod = true; advance(); nolinebreak(state.tokens.curr); } else { isAsyncMethod = false; } if (state.tokens.next.value === "*" && state.tokens.next.type === "(punctuator)") { if (isAsyncMethod && !state.inES9()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.next, "async generators", "9"); } else if (!state.inES6()) { warning("W104", state.tokens.next, "generator functions", "6"); } advance("*"); isGeneratorMethod = true; } else { isGeneratorMethod = false; } if (state.tokens.next.id === "[") { i = computedPropertyName(context); state.nameStack.set(i); } else { state.nameStack.set(state.tokens.next); i = propertyName(context); saveProperty(props, i, state.tokens.next); if (typeof i !== "string") { break; } } if (state.tokens.next.value === "(") { if (!state.inES6()) { warning("W104", state.tokens.curr, "concise methods", "6"); } doFunction(isAsyncMethod ? context | prodParams.preAsync : context, { isMethod: true, type: isGeneratorMethod ? "generator" : null }); } else { advance(":"); expression(context, 10); } } countMember(i); if (state.tokens.next.id === ",") { advance(","); checkComma({ allowTrailing: true, property: true }); if (state.tokens.next.id === ",") { /* istanbul ignore next */ warning("W070", state.tokens.curr); } else if (state.tokens.next.id === "}" && !state.inES5()) { warning("W070", state.tokens.curr); } } else { if (state.option.trailingcomma && state.inES5()) { warningAt("W140", state.tokens.curr.line, state.tokens.curr.character); } break; } } if (b) { indent -= state.option.indent; } advance("}", this); checkProperties(props); state.inObjectBody = false; return this; }; x.fud = function() { /* istanbul ignore next */ error("E036", state.tokens.curr); }; }(delim("{"))); function destructuringPattern(context, options) { var isAssignment = options && options.assignment; context &= ~prodParams.noin; if (!state.inES6()) { warning("W104", state.tokens.curr, isAssignment ? "destructuring assignment" : "destructuring binding", "6"); } return destructuringPatternRecursive(context, options); } function destructuringPatternRecursive(context, options) { var ids, idx; var identifiers = []; var openingParsed = options && options.openingParsed; var isAssignment = options && options.assignment; var recursiveOptions = isAssignment ? { assignment: isAssignment } : null; var firstToken = openingParsed ? state.tokens.curr : state.tokens.next; var nextInnerDE = function() { var ident; if (checkPunctuators(state.tokens.next, ["[", "{"])) { ids = destructuringPatternRecursive(context, recursiveOptions); for (idx = 0; idx < ids.length; idx++) { identifiers.push({ id: ids[idx].id, token: ids[idx].token }); } } else if (checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, ",")) { identifiers.push({ id: null, token: state.tokens.curr }); } else if (checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "(")) { advance("("); nextInnerDE(); advance(")"); } else { if (isAssignment) { var assignTarget = expression(context, 20); if (assignTarget) { checkLeftSideAssign(context, assignTarget); // if the target was a simple identifier, add it to the list to return if (assignTarget.identifier) { ident = assignTarget.value; } } } else { ident = identifier(context); } if (ident) { identifiers.push({ id: ident, token: state.tokens.curr }); } } }; var assignmentProperty = function(context) { var id, expr; if (checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "[")) { advance("["); expression(context, 10); advance("]"); advance(":"); nextInnerDE(); } else if (state.tokens.next.id === "(string)" || state.tokens.next.id === "(number)") { advance(); advance(":"); nextInnerDE(); } else { // this id will either be the property name or the property name and the assigning identifier var isRest = spreadrest("rest"); if (isRest) { if (!state.inES9()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.next, "object rest property", "9"); } // Due to visual symmetry with the array rest property (and the early // design of the language feature), developers may mistakenly assume // any expression is valid in this position. If the next token is not // an identifier, attempt to parse an expression and issue an error. // order to recover more gracefully from this condition. if (state.tokens.next.type === "(identifier)") { id = identifier(context); } else { expr = expression(context, 10); error("E030", expr, expr.value); } } else { id = identifier(context); } if (!isRest && checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, ":")) { advance(":"); nextInnerDE(); } else if (id) { // in this case we are assigning (not declaring), so check assignment if (isAssignment) { checkLeftSideAssign(context, state.tokens.curr); } identifiers.push({ id: id, token: state.tokens.curr }); } if (isRest && checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, ",")) { warning("W130", state.tokens.next); } } }; var id, value; if (checkPunctuator(firstToken, "[")) { if (!openingParsed) { advance("["); } if (checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "]")) { warning("W137", state.tokens.curr); } var element_after_rest = false; while (!checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "]")) { var isRest = spreadrest("rest"); nextInnerDE(); if (isRest && !element_after_rest && checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, ",")) { warning("W130", state.tokens.next); element_after_rest = true; } if (!isRest && checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "=")) { if (checkPunctuator(state.tokens.prev, "...")) { /* istanbul ignore next */ advance("]"); } else { advance("="); } id = state.tokens.prev; value = expression(context, 10); if (value && value.identifier && value.value === "undefined") { warning("W080", id, id.value); } } if (!checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "]")) { advance(","); } } advance("]"); } else if (checkPunctuator(firstToken, "{")) { if (!openingParsed) { advance("{"); } if (checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "}")) { warning("W137", state.tokens.curr); } while (!checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "}")) { assignmentProperty(context); if (checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "=")) { advance("="); id = state.tokens.prev; value = expression(context, 10); if (value && value.identifier && value.value === "undefined") { warning("W080", id, id.value); } } if (!checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "}")) { advance(","); if (checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "}")) { // Trailing comma // ObjectBindingPattern: { BindingPropertyList , } break; } } } advance("}"); } return identifiers; } function destructuringPatternMatch(tokens, value) { var first = value.first; if (!first) return; _.zip(tokens, Array.isArray(first) ? first : [ first ]).forEach(function(val) { var token = val[0]; var value = val[1]; if (token && value) token.first = value; else if (token && token.first && !value) /* istanbul ignore next */ warning("W080", token.first, token.first.value); }); } function blockVariableStatement(type, statement, context) { // used for both let and const statements var noin = context & prodParams.noin; var isLet = type === "let"; var isConst = type === "const"; var tokens, lone, value, letblock; if (!state.inES6()) { warning("W104", state.tokens.curr, type, "6"); } if (isLet && isMozillaLet()) { advance("("); state.funct["(scope)"].stack(); letblock = true; statement.declaration = false; } statement.first = []; for (;;) { var names = []; if (_.includes(["{", "["], state.tokens.next.value)) { tokens = destructuringPattern(context); lone = false; } else { tokens = [ { id: identifier(context), token: state.tokens.curr } ]; lone = true; } // A `const` declaration without an initializer is permissible within the // head of for-in and for-of statements. If this binding list is being // parsed as part of a `for` statement of any kind, allow the initializer // to be omitted. Although this may erroneously allow such forms from // "C-style" `for` statements (i.e. `for (const x;;) {}`, the `for` // statement logic includes dedicated logic to issue the error for such // cases. if (!noin && isConst && state.tokens.next.id !== "=") { warning("E012", state.tokens.curr, state.tokens.curr.value); } for (var t in tokens) { if (tokens.hasOwnProperty(t)) { t = tokens[t]; // It is a Syntax Error if the BoundNames of BindingList contains // "let". if (t.id === "let") { /* istanbul ignore next */ warning("W024", t.token, t.id); } if (state.funct["(scope)"].block.isGlobal()) { if (predefined[t.id] === false) { warning("W079", t.token, t.id); } } if (t.id) { state.funct["(scope)"].addbinding(t.id, { type: type, token: t.token }); names.push(t.token); } } } if (state.tokens.next.id === "=") { statement.hasInitializer = true; advance("="); if (!noin && peek(0).id === "=" && state.tokens.next.identifier) { warning("W120", state.tokens.next, state.tokens.next.value); } var id = state.tokens.prev; value = expression(context, 10); if (value) { if (!isConst && value.identifier && value.value === "undefined") { warning("W080", id, id.value); } if (!lone) { destructuringPatternMatch(names, value); } } } // Bindings are not immediately initialized in for-in and for-of // statements. As with `const` initializers (described above), the `for` // statement parsing logic includes if (state.tokens.next.value !== "in" && state.tokens.next.value !== "of") { for (t in tokens) { if (tokens.hasOwnProperty(t)) { t = tokens[t]; state.funct["(scope)"].initialize(t.id); } } } statement.first = statement.first.concat(names); if (state.tokens.next.id !== ",") { break; } statement.hasComma = true; advance(","); checkComma(); } if (letblock) { advance(")"); block(context, true, true); statement.block = true; state.funct["(scope)"].unstack(); } return statement; } var conststatement = stmt("const", function(context) { return blockVariableStatement("const", this, context); }); conststatement.exps = true; conststatement.declaration = true; /** * Determine if the current `let` token designates the beginning of a "let * block" or "let expression" as implemented in the Mozilla SpiderMonkey * engine. * * This function will only return `true` if Mozilla extensions have been * enabled. It would be preferable to detect the language feature regardless * of the parser's state because this would allow JSHint to instruct users to * enable the `moz` option where necessary. This is not possible because the * language extension is not compatible with standard JavaScript. For * example, the following program code may describe a "let block" or a * function invocation: * * let(x) * { * typeof x; * } * * @returns {boolean} */ function isMozillaLet() { return state.tokens.next.id === "(" && state.inMoz(); } var letstatement = stmt("let", function(context) { return blockVariableStatement("let", this, context); }); letstatement.nud = function(context, rbp) { if (isMozillaLet()) { // create a new block scope we use only for the current expression state.funct["(scope)"].stack(); advance("("); state.tokens.prev.fud(context); advance(")"); expression(context, rbp); state.funct["(scope)"].unstack(); } else { this.exps = false; return state.syntax["(identifier)"].nud.apply(this, arguments); } }; letstatement.meta = { es5: true, isFutureReservedWord: false, strictOnly: true }; letstatement.exps = true; letstatement.declaration = true; letstatement.useFud = function(context) { var next = state.tokens.next; var nextIsBindingName; if (this.line !== next.line && !state.inES6()) { return false; } // JSHint generally interprets `let` as a reserved word even though it is // not considered as such by the ECMAScript specification because doing so // simplifies parsing logic. It is special-cased here so that code such as // // let // let // // is correctly interpreted as an invalid LexicalBinding. (Without this // consideration, the code above would be parsed as two // IdentifierReferences.) nextIsBindingName = next.identifier && (!isReserved(context, next) || next.id === "let"); return nextIsBindingName || checkPunctuators(next, ["{", "["]) || isMozillaLet(); }; var varstatement = stmt("var", function(context) { var noin = context & prodParams.noin; var tokens, lone, value, id; this.first = []; for (;;) { var names = []; if (_.includes(["{", "["], state.tokens.next.value)) { tokens = destructuringPattern(context); lone = false; } else { tokens = []; id = identifier(context); if (id) { tokens.push({ id: id, token: state.tokens.curr }); } lone = true; } if (state.option.varstmt) { warning("W132", this); } for (var t in tokens) { if (tokens.hasOwnProperty(t)) { t = tokens[t]; if (state.funct["(global)"] && !state.impliedClosure()) { if (predefined[t.id] === false) { warning("W079", t.token, t.id); } else if (state.option.futurehostile === false) { if ((!state.inES5() && vars.ecmaIdentifiers[5][t.id] === false) || (!state.inES6() && vars.ecmaIdentifiers[6][t.id] === false)) { warning("W129", t.token, t.id); } } } if (t.id) { state.funct["(scope)"].addbinding(t.id, { type: "var", token: t.token }); names.push(t.token); } } } if (state.tokens.next.id === "=") { this.hasInitializer = true; state.nameStack.set(state.tokens.curr); advance("="); if (peek(0).id === "=" && state.tokens.next.identifier) { if (!noin && !state.funct["(params)"] || state.funct["(params)"].indexOf(state.tokens.next.value) === -1) { warning("W120", state.tokens.next, state.tokens.next.value); } } id = state.tokens.prev; value = expression(context, 10); if (value) { if (!state.funct["(loopage)"] && value.identifier && value.value === "undefined") { warning("W080", id, id.value); } if (!lone) { destructuringPatternMatch(names, value); } } } this.first = this.first.concat(names); if (state.tokens.next.id !== ",") { break; } this.hasComma = true; advance(","); checkComma(); } return this; }); varstatement.exps = true; blockstmt("function", function(context) { var inexport = context & prodParams.export; var generator = false; var isAsync = context & prodParams.preAsync; var labelType = ""; if (isAsync) { labelType = "async "; } if (state.tokens.next.value === "*") { if (isAsync && !state.inES9()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.prev, "async generators", "9"); } else if (!isAsync && !state.inES6(true)) { warning("W119", state.tokens.next, "function*", "6"); } advance("*"); labelType += "generator "; generator = true; } labelType += "function"; if (inblock) { warning("W082", state.tokens.curr); } this.name = optionalidentifier(context) ? state.tokens.curr : null; if (!this.name) { if (!inexport) { warning("W025"); } } else { state.funct["(scope)"].addbinding(this.name.value, { type: labelType, token: state.tokens.curr, initialized: true }); } var f = doFunction(context, { name: this.name && this.name.value, statement: this, type: generator ? "generator" : null, ignoreLoopFunc: inblock // a declaration may already have warned }); // If the function declaration is strict because the surrounding code is // strict, the invalid name will trigger E008 when the scope manager // attempts to create a binding in the strict environment record. An error // should only be signaled here when the function itself enables strict // mode (the scope manager will not report an error because a declaration // does not introduce a binding into the function's environment record). var enablesStrictMode = f["(isStrict)"] && !state.isStrict(); if (this.name && (f["(name)"] === "arguments" || f["(name)"] === "eval") && enablesStrictMode) { error("E008", this.name); } // Although the parser correctly recognizes the statement boundary in this // condition, it's support for the invalid "empty grouping" expression // makes it tolerant of productions such as `function f() {}();`. if (state.tokens.next.id === "(" && peek().id === ")" && peek(1).id !== "=>" && state.tokens.next.line === state.tokens.curr.line) { error("E039"); } return this; }).declaration = true; prefix("function", function(context) { var generator = false; var isAsync = context & prodParams.preAsync; if (state.tokens.next.value === "*") { if (isAsync && !state.inES9()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.prev, "async generators", "9"); } else if (!isAsync && !state.inES6(true)) { warning("W119", state.tokens.curr, "function*", "6"); } advance("*"); generator = true; } // This context modification restricts the use of `await` as the optional // BindingIdentifier in async function expressions. this.name = optionalidentifier(isAsync ? context | prodParams.async : context) ? state.tokens.curr : null; var f = doFunction(context, { name: this.name && this.name.value, type: generator ? "generator" : null }); if (generator && this.name && this.name.value === "yield") { error("E024", this.name, "yield"); } if (this.name && (f["(name)"] === "arguments" || f["(name)"] === "eval") && f["(isStrict)"]) { error("E008", this.name); } return this; }); blockstmt("if", function(context) { var t = state.tokens.next; increaseComplexityCount(); advance("("); var expr = expression(context, 0); if (!expr) { quit("E041", this); } checkCondAssignment(expr); // When the if is within a for-in loop, check if the condition // starts with a negation operator var forinifcheck = null; if (state.option.forin && state.forinifcheckneeded) { state.forinifcheckneeded = false; // We only need to analyze the first if inside the loop forinifcheck = state.forinifchecks[state.forinifchecks.length - 1]; if (expr.type === "(punctuator)" && expr.value === "!") { forinifcheck.type = "(negative)"; } else { forinifcheck.type = "(positive)"; } } advance(")", t); var s = block(context, true, true); // When the if is within a for-in loop and the condition has a negative form, // check if the body contains nothing but a continue statement if (forinifcheck && forinifcheck.type === "(negative)") { if (s && s[0] && s[0].type === "(identifier)" && s[0].value === "continue") { forinifcheck.type = "(negative-with-continue)"; } } if (state.tokens.next.id === "else") { advance("else"); if (state.tokens.next.id === "if" || state.tokens.next.id === "switch") { statement(context); } else { block(context, true, true); } } return this; }); blockstmt("try", function(context) { var b; var hasParameter = false; function catchParameter() { advance("("); if (checkPunctuators(state.tokens.next, ["[", "{"])) { var tokens = destructuringPattern(context); _.each(tokens, function(token) { if (token.id) { state.funct["(scope)"].addParam(token.id, token.token, "exception"); } }); } else if (state.tokens.next.type !== "(identifier)") { warning("E030", state.tokens.next, state.tokens.next.value); } else { // only advance if an identifier is present. This allows JSHint to // recover from the case where no value is specified. state.funct["(scope)"].addParam(identifier(context), state.tokens.curr, "exception"); } if (state.tokens.next.value === "if") { if (!state.inMoz()) { warning("W118", state.tokens.curr, "catch filter"); } advance("if"); expression(context, 0); } advance(")"); } block(context | prodParams.tryClause, true); while (state.tokens.next.id === "catch") { increaseComplexityCount(); if (b && (!state.inMoz())) { warning("W118", state.tokens.next, "multiple catch blocks"); } advance("catch"); if (state.tokens.next.id !== "{") { state.funct["(scope)"].stack("catchparams"); hasParameter = true; catchParameter(); } else if (!state.inES10()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.curr, "optional catch binding", "10"); } block(context, false); if (hasParameter) { state.funct["(scope)"].unstack(); hasParameter = false; } b = true; } if (state.tokens.next.id === "finally") { advance("finally"); block(context, true); return; } if (!b) { error("E021", state.tokens.next, "catch", state.tokens.next.value); } return this; }); blockstmt("while", function(context) { var t = state.tokens.next; state.funct["(breakage)"] += 1; state.funct["(loopage)"] += 1; increaseComplexityCount(); advance("("); checkCondAssignment(expression(context, 0)); advance(")", t); block(context, true, true); state.funct["(breakage)"] -= 1; state.funct["(loopage)"] -= 1; return this; }).labelled = true; blockstmt("with", function(context) { var t = state.tokens.next; if (state.isStrict()) { error("E010", state.tokens.curr); } else if (!state.option.withstmt) { warning("W085", state.tokens.curr); } advance("("); expression(context, 0); advance(")", t); block(context, true, true); return this; }); blockstmt("switch", function(context) { var t = state.tokens.next; var g = false; var noindent = false; var seenCase = false; state.funct["(breakage)"] += 1; advance("("); checkCondAssignment(expression(context, 0)); advance(")", t); t = state.tokens.next; advance("{"); state.funct["(scope)"].stack(); if (state.tokens.next.from === indent) noindent = true; if (!noindent) indent += state.option.indent; for (;;) { switch (state.tokens.next.id) { case "case": switch (state.funct["(verb)"]) { case "yield": case "break": case "case": case "continue": case "return": case "switch": case "throw": break; case "default": if (state.option.leanswitch) { warning("W145", state.tokens.next); } break; default: // You can tell JSHint that you don't use break intentionally by // adding a comment /* falls through */ on a line just before // the next `case`. if (!state.tokens.curr.caseFallsThrough) { warning("W086", state.tokens.curr, "case"); } } advance("case"); expression(context, 0); seenCase = true; increaseComplexityCount(); g = true; advance(":"); state.funct["(verb)"] = "case"; break; case "default": switch (state.funct["(verb)"]) { case "yield": case "break": case "continue": case "return": case "throw": break; case "case": if (state.option.leanswitch) { warning("W145", state.tokens.curr); } break; default: // Do not display a warning if 'default' is the first statement or if // there is a special /* falls through */ comment. if (seenCase && !state.tokens.curr.caseFallsThrough) { warning("W086", state.tokens.curr, "default"); } } advance("default"); g = true; advance(":"); state.funct["(verb)"] = "default"; break; case "}": if (!noindent) indent -= state.option.indent; advance("}", t); state.funct["(scope)"].unstack(); state.funct["(breakage)"] -= 1; state.funct["(verb)"] = undefined; return; /* istanbul ignore next */ case "(end)": error("E023", state.tokens.next, "}"); return; default: indent += state.option.indent; if (g) { switch (state.tokens.curr.id) { /* istanbul ignore next */ case ",": error("E040"); return; case ":": g = false; statements(context); break; /* istanbul ignore next */ default: error("E025", state.tokens.curr); return; } } else { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (state.tokens.curr.id === ":") { advance(":"); error("E024", state.tokens.curr, ":"); statements(context); } else { error("E021", state.tokens.next, "case", state.tokens.next.value); return; } } indent -= state.option.indent; } } }).labelled = true; stmt("debugger", function() { if (!state.option.debug) { warning("W087", this); } return this; }).exps = true; (function() { var x = stmt("do", function(context) { state.funct["(breakage)"] += 1; state.funct["(loopage)"] += 1; increaseComplexityCount(); this.first = block(context, true, true); advance("while"); var t = state.tokens.next; advance("("); checkCondAssignment(expression(context, 0)); advance(")", t); state.funct["(breakage)"] -= 1; state.funct["(loopage)"] -= 1; return this; }); x.labelled = true; x.exps = true; }()); blockstmt("for", function(context) { var s, t = state.tokens.next; var letscope = false; var isAsync = false; var foreachtok = null; if (t.value === "each") { foreachtok = t; advance("each"); if (!state.inMoz()) { warning("W118", state.tokens.curr, "for each"); } } if (state.tokens.next.identifier && state.tokens.next.value === "await") { advance("await"); isAsync = true; if (!(context & prodParams.async)) { error("E024", state.tokens.curr, "await"); } else if (!state.inES9()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.curr, "asynchronous iteration", "9"); } } increaseComplexityCount(); advance("("); // what kind of for(…) statement it is? for(…of…)? for(…in…)? for(…;…;…)? var nextop; // contains the token of the "in" or "of" operator var comma; // First comma punctuator at level 0 var initializer; // First initializer at level 0 var bindingPower; var targets; var target; var decl; var afterNext = peek(); var headContext = context | prodParams.noin; if (state.tokens.next.id === "var") { advance("var"); decl = state.tokens.curr.fud(headContext); comma = decl.hasComma ? decl : null; initializer = decl.hasInitializer ? decl : null; } else if (state.tokens.next.id === "const" || // The "let" keyword only signals a lexical binding if it is followed by // an identifier, `{`, or `[`. Otherwise, it should be parsed as an // IdentifierReference (i.e. in a subsquent branch). (state.tokens.next.id === "let" && ((afterNext.identifier && afterNext.id !== "in") || checkPunctuators(afterNext, ["{", "["])))) { advance(state.tokens.next.id); // create a new block scope letscope = true; state.funct["(scope)"].stack(); decl = state.tokens.curr.fud(headContext); comma = decl.hasComma ? decl : null; initializer = decl.hasInitializer ? decl : null; } else if (!checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, ";")) { targets = []; while (state.tokens.next.value !== "in" && state.tokens.next.value !== "of" && !checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, ";")) { if (checkPunctuators(state.tokens.next, ["{", "["])) { destructuringPattern(headContext, { assignment: true }) .forEach(function(elem) { this.push(elem.token); }, targets); if (checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "=")) { advance("="); initializer = state.tokens.curr; expression(headContext, 10); } } else { target = expression(headContext, 10); if (target) { if (target.type === "(identifier)") { targets.push(target); } else if (checkPunctuator(target, "=")) { initializer = target; targets.push(target); } } } if (checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, ",")) { advance(","); if (!comma) { comma = state.tokens.curr; } } } //checkLeftSideAssign(target, nextop); // In the event of a syntax error, do not issue warnings regarding the // implicit creation of bindings. if (!initializer && !comma) { targets.forEach(function(token) { if (!state.funct["(scope)"].has(token.value)) { warning("W088", token, token.value); } }); } } nextop = state.tokens.next; if (isAsync && nextop.value !== "of") { error("E066", nextop); } // if we're in a for (… in|of …) statement if (_.includes(["in", "of"], nextop.value)) { if (nextop.value === "of") { bindingPower = 20; if (!state.inES6()) { warning("W104", nextop, "for of", "6"); } } else { bindingPower = 0; } if (comma) { error("W133", comma, nextop.value, "more than one ForBinding"); } if (initializer) { error("W133", initializer, nextop.value, "initializer is forbidden"); } if (target && !comma && !initializer) { checkLeftSideAssign(context, target, nextop); } advance(nextop.value); // The binding power is variable because for-in statements accept any // Expression in this position, while for-of statements are limited to // AssignmentExpressions. For example: // // for ( LeftHandSideExpression in Expression ) Statement // for ( LeftHandSideExpression of AssignmentExpression ) Statement expression(context, bindingPower); advance(")", t); if (nextop.value === "in" && state.option.forin) { state.forinifcheckneeded = true; if (state.forinifchecks === undefined) { state.forinifchecks = []; } // Push a new for-in-if check onto the stack. The type will be modified // when the loop's body is parsed and a suitable if statement exists. state.forinifchecks.push({ type: "(none)" }); } state.funct["(breakage)"] += 1; state.funct["(loopage)"] += 1; s = block(context, true, true); if (nextop.value === "in" && state.option.forin) { if (state.forinifchecks && state.forinifchecks.length > 0) { var check = state.forinifchecks.pop(); if (// No if statement or not the first statement in loop body s && s.length > 0 && (typeof s[0] !== "object" || s[0].value !== "if") || // Positive if statement is not the only one in loop body check.type === "(positive)" && s.length > 1 || // Negative if statement but no continue check.type === "(negative)") { warning("W089", this); } } // Reset the flag in case no if statement was contained in the loop body state.forinifcheckneeded = false; } state.funct["(breakage)"] -= 1; state.funct["(loopage)"] -= 1; } else { if (foreachtok) { error("E045", foreachtok); } advance(";"); if (decl && decl.first && decl.first[0]) { if (decl.value === "const" && !decl.hasInitializer) { warning("E012", decl, decl.first[0].value); } decl.first.forEach(function(token) { state.funct["(scope)"].initialize(token.value); }); } // start loopage after the first ; as the next two expressions are executed // on every loop state.funct["(loopage)"] += 1; if (state.tokens.next.id !== ";") { checkCondAssignment(expression(context, 0)); } advance(";"); if (state.tokens.next.id === ";") { error("E021", state.tokens.next, ")", ";"); } if (state.tokens.next.id !== ")") { for (;;) { expression(context, 0); if (state.tokens.next.id !== ",") { break; } advance(","); checkComma(); } } advance(")", t); state.funct["(breakage)"] += 1; block(context, true, true); state.funct["(breakage)"] -= 1; state.funct["(loopage)"] -= 1; } // unstack loop blockscope if (letscope) { state.funct["(scope)"].unstack(); } return this; }).labelled = true; stmt("break", function() { var v = state.tokens.next.value; if (state.tokens.next.identifier && sameLine(state.tokens.curr, state.tokens.next)) { if (!state.funct["(scope)"].funct.hasLabel(v)) { warning("W090", state.tokens.next, v); } this.first = state.tokens.next; advance(); } else { if (state.funct["(breakage)"] === 0) warning("W052", state.tokens.next, this.value); } reachable(this); return this; }).exps = true; stmt("continue", function() { var v = state.tokens.next.value; if (state.funct["(breakage)"] === 0 || !state.funct["(loopage)"]) { warning("W052", state.tokens.next, this.value); } if (state.tokens.next.identifier) { if (sameLine(state.tokens.curr, state.tokens.next)) { if (!state.funct["(scope)"].funct.hasLabel(v)) { warning("W090", state.tokens.next, v); } this.first = state.tokens.next; advance(); } } reachable(this); return this; }).exps = true; stmt("return", function(context) { if (sameLine(this, state.tokens.next)) { if (state.tokens.next.id !== ";" && !state.tokens.next.reach) { this.first = expression(context, 0); if (this.first && this.first.type === "(punctuator)" && this.first.value === "=" && !this.first.paren && !state.option.boss) { warning("W093", this.first); } if (state.option.noreturnawait && context & prodParams.async && !(context & prodParams.tryClause) && this.first.identifier && this.first.value === "await") { warning("W146", this.first); } } } else { if (state.tokens.next.type === "(punctuator)" && ["[", "{", "+", "-"].indexOf(state.tokens.next.value) > -1) { nolinebreak(this); // always warn (Line breaking error) } } reachable(this); return this; }).exps = true; prefix("await", function(context) { if (context & prodParams.async) { // If the parameters of the current function scope have not been defined, // it is because the current expression is contained within the parameter // list. if (!state.funct["(params)"]) { error("E024", this, "await"); } expression(context, 10); return this; } else { this.exps = false; return state.syntax["(identifier)"].nud.apply(this, arguments); } }).exps = true; (function(asyncSymbol) { asyncSymbol.meta = { es5: true, isFutureReservedWord: true, strictOnly: true }; asyncSymbol.isFunc = function() { var next = state.tokens.next; var afterParens; if (this.line !== next.line) { return false; } if (next.id === "function") { return true; } if (next.id === "(") { afterParens = peekThroughParens(0); return afterParens.id === "=>"; } if (next.identifier) { return peek().id === "=>"; } return false; }; asyncSymbol.useFud = asyncSymbol.isFunc; // async function declaration asyncSymbol.fud = function(context) { if (!state.inES8()) { warning("W119", this, "async functions", "8"); } context |= prodParams.preAsync; context |= prodParams.initial; this.func = expression(context, 0); this.block = this.func.block; this.exps = this.func.exps; return this; }; asyncSymbol.exps = true; delete asyncSymbol.reserved; }(prefix("async", function(context, rbp) { if (this.isFunc(context)) { if (!state.inES8()) { warning("W119", this, "async functions", "8"); } context |= prodParams.preAsync; this.func = expression(context, rbp); this.identifier = false; return this; } this.exps = false; return state.syntax["(identifier)"].nud.apply(this, arguments); }))); (function(yieldSymbol) { yieldSymbol.rbp = yieldSymbol.lbp = 25; yieldSymbol.exps = true; })(prefix("yield", function(context) { if (state.inMoz()) { return mozYield.call(this, context); } if (!(context & prodParams.yield)) { this.exps = false; return state.syntax["(identifier)"].nud.apply(this, arguments); } var prev = state.tokens.prev; // If the parameters of the current function scope have not been defined, // it is because the current expression is contained within the parameter // list. if (!state.funct["(params)"]) { error("E024", this, "yield"); } if (!this.beginsStmt && prev.lbp > 30 && !checkPunctuators(prev, ["("])) { error("E061", this); } if (!state.inES6()) { warning("W104", state.tokens.curr, "yield", "6"); } state.funct["(yielded)"] = true; if (state.tokens.next.value === "*") { advance("*"); } // Parse operand if (state.tokens.curr.value === "*" || sameLine(state.tokens.curr, state.tokens.next)) { if (state.tokens.next.nud) { nobreaknonadjacent(state.tokens.curr, state.tokens.next); this.first = expression(context, 10); if (this.first.type === "(punctuator)" && this.first.value === "=" && !this.first.paren && !state.option.boss) { warning("W093", this.first); } } else if (state.tokens.next.led) { if (state.tokens.next.id !== ",") { error("W017", state.tokens.next); } } } return this; })); /** * Parsing logic for non-standard Mozilla implementation of `yield` * expressions. */ var mozYield = function(context) { var prev = state.tokens.prev; if (state.inES6(true) && !(context & prodParams.yield)) { error("E046", state.tokens.curr, "yield"); } state.funct["(yielded)"] = true; var delegatingYield = false; if (state.tokens.next.value === "*") { delegatingYield = true; advance("*"); } if (sameLine(this, state.tokens.next)) { if (delegatingYield || (state.tokens.next.id !== ";" && !state.option.asi && !state.tokens.next.reach && state.tokens.next.nud)) { nobreaknonadjacent(state.tokens.curr, state.tokens.next); this.first = expression(context, 10); if (this.first.type === "(punctuator)" && this.first.value === "=" && !this.first.paren && !state.option.boss) { warning("W093", this.first); } } if (state.tokens.next.id !== ")" && (prev.lbp > 30 || (!prev.assign && !isEndOfExpr()))) { error("E050", this); } } else if (!state.option.asi) { nolinebreak(this); // always warn (Line breaking error) } return this; }; stmt("throw", function(context) { nolinebreak(this); this.first = expression(context, 20); reachable(this); return this; }).exps = true; prefix("import", function(context) { var mp = metaProperty(context, "meta", function() { if (!state.inES11(true)) { warning("W119", state.tokens.prev, "import.meta", "11"); } if (!state.option.module) { error("E070", state.tokens.prev); } }); if (mp) { return mp; } if (!checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "(")) { return state.syntax["(identifier)"].nud.call(this, context); } if (!state.inES11()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.curr, "dynamic import", "11"); } advance("("); expression(context, 10); advance(")"); return this; }); var importSymbol = stmt("import", function(context) { if (!state.funct["(scope)"].block.isGlobal()) { error("E053", state.tokens.curr, "Import"); } if (!state.inES6()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.curr, "import", "6"); } if (state.tokens.next.type === "(string)") { // ModuleSpecifier :: StringLiteral advance("(string)"); return this; } if (state.tokens.next.identifier) { // ImportClause :: ImportedDefaultBinding this.name = identifier(context); // Import bindings are immutable (see ES6 state.funct["(scope)"].addbinding(this.name, { type: "import", initialized: true, token: state.tokens.curr }); if (state.tokens.next.value === ",") { // ImportClause :: ImportedDefaultBinding , NameSpaceImport // ImportClause :: ImportedDefaultBinding , NamedImports advance(","); // At this point, we intentionally fall through to continue matching // either NameSpaceImport or NamedImports. // Discussion: // https://github.com/jshint/jshint/pull/2144#discussion_r23978406 } else { advance("from"); advance("(string)"); return this; } } if (state.tokens.next.id === "*") { // ImportClause :: NameSpaceImport advance("*"); advance("as"); if (state.tokens.next.identifier) { this.name = identifier(context); // Import bindings are immutable (see ES6 state.funct["(scope)"].addbinding(this.name, { type: "import", initialized: true, token: state.tokens.curr }); } } else { // ImportClause :: NamedImports advance("{"); for (;;) { if (state.tokens.next.value === "}") { advance("}"); break; } var importName; if (peek().value === "as") { identifier(context, true); advance("as"); importName = identifier(context); } else { importName = identifier(context); } // Import bindings are immutable (see ES6 state.funct["(scope)"].addbinding(importName, { type: "import", initialized: true, token: state.tokens.curr }); if (state.tokens.next.value === ",") { advance(","); } else if (state.tokens.next.value === "}") { advance("}"); break; } else { error("E024", state.tokens.next, state.tokens.next.value); break; } } } // FromClause advance("from"); advance("(string)"); // Support for ES2015 modules was released without warning for `import` // declarations that lack bindings. Issuing a warning would therefor // constitute a breaking change. // TODO: enable this warning in JSHint 3 // if (hasBindings) { // warning("W142", this, "import", moduleSpecifier); // } return this; }); importSymbol.exps = true; importSymbol.reserved = true; importSymbol.meta = { isFutureReservedWord: true, es5: true }; importSymbol.useFud = function() { return !(checkPunctuators(state.tokens.next, [".", "("])); }; importSymbol.rbp = 161; stmt("export", function(context) { var ok = true; var token; var moduleSpecifier; context = context | prodParams.export; if (!state.inES6()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.curr, "export", "6"); ok = false; } if (!state.funct["(scope)"].block.isGlobal()) { error("E053", state.tokens.curr, "Export"); ok = false; } if (state.tokens.next.value === "*") { // ExportDeclaration :: export * FromClause // ExportDeclaration :: export * as IdentifierName FromClause advance("*"); if (state.tokens.next.value === "as") { if (!state.inES11()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.curr, "export * as ns from", "11"); } advance("as"); identifier(context, true); state.funct["(scope)"].setExported(null, state.tokens.curr); } advance("from"); advance("(string)"); return this; } if (state.tokens.next.type === "default") { // ExportDeclaration :: // export default [lookahead ∉ { function, class }] AssignmentExpression[In] ; // export default HoistableDeclaration // export default ClassDeclaration // because the 'name' of a default-exported function is, confusingly, 'default' // see https://bocoup.com/blog/whats-in-a-function-name state.nameStack.set(state.tokens.next); advance("default"); var def = state.tokens.curr; var exportType = state.tokens.next.id; if (exportType === "function") { this.block = true; advance("function"); token = state.syntax["function"].fud(context); state.funct["(scope)"].setExported(token.name, def); } else if (exportType === "async" && peek().id === "function") { this.block = true; advance("async"); advance("function"); token = state.syntax["function"].fud(context | prodParams.preAsync); state.funct["(scope)"].setExported(token.name, def); } else if (exportType === "class") { this.block = true; advance("class"); token = state.syntax["class"].fud(context); state.funct["(scope)"].setExported(token.name, def); } else { expression(context, 10); state.funct["(scope)"].setExported(null, def); } return this; } if (state.tokens.next.value === "{") { // ExportDeclaration :: export ExportClause advance("{"); var exportedTokens = []; while (!checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "}")) { if (!state.tokens.next.identifier) { /* istanbul ignore next */ error("E030", state.tokens.next, state.tokens.next.value); } advance(); if (state.tokens.next.value === "as") { advance("as"); if (!state.tokens.next.identifier) { /* istanbul ignore next */ error("E030", state.tokens.next, state.tokens.next.value); } exportedTokens.push({ local: state.tokens.prev, export: state.tokens.next }); advance(); } else { exportedTokens.push({ local: state.tokens.curr, export: state.tokens.curr }); } if (!checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next, "}")) { advance(","); } } advance("}"); if (state.tokens.next.value === "from") { // ExportDeclaration :: export ExportClause FromClause advance("from"); moduleSpecifier = state.tokens.next; advance("(string)"); } else if (ok) { exportedTokens.forEach(function(x) { state.funct["(scope)"].setExported(x.local, x.export); }); } if (exportedTokens.length === 0) { if (moduleSpecifier) { warning("W142", this, "export", moduleSpecifier.value); } else { warning("W141", this, "export"); } } return this; } else if (state.tokens.next.id === "var") { // ExportDeclaration :: export VariableStatement advance("var"); token = state.tokens.curr.fud(context); token.first.forEach(function(binding) { state.funct["(scope)"].setExported(binding, binding); }); } else if (state.tokens.next.id === "let") { // ExportDeclaration :: export VariableStatement advance("let"); token = state.tokens.curr.fud(context); token.first.forEach(function(binding) { state.funct["(scope)"].setExported(binding, binding); }); } else if (state.tokens.next.id === "const") { // ExportDeclaration :: export VariableStatement advance("const"); token = state.tokens.curr.fud(context); token.first.forEach(function(binding) { state.funct["(scope)"].setExported(binding, binding); }); } else if (state.tokens.next.id === "function") { // ExportDeclaration :: export Declaration this.block = true; advance("function"); token = state.syntax["function"].fud(context); state.funct["(scope)"].setExported(token.name, token.name); } else if (state.tokens.next.id === "async" && peek().id === "function") { // ExportDeclaration :: export Declaration this.block = true; advance("async"); advance("function"); token = state.syntax["function"].fud(context | prodParams.preAsync); state.funct["(scope)"].setExported(token.name, token.name); } else if (state.tokens.next.id === "class") { // ExportDeclaration :: export Declaration this.block = true; advance("class"); token = state.syntax["class"].fud(context); state.funct["(scope)"].setExported(token.name, token.name); } else { /* istanbul ignore next */ error("E024", state.tokens.next, state.tokens.next.value); } return this; }).exps = true; /** * Determine if SuperCall or SuperProperty may be used in the current context * (as described by the provided "functor" object). * * @param {string} type - one of "property" or "call" * @param {object} funct - a "functor" object describing the current function * context * * @returns {boolean} */ function supportsSuper(type, funct) { if (type === "call" && funct["(async)"]) { return false; } if (type === "property" && funct["(method)"]) { return true; } if (type === "call" && funct["(statement)"] && funct["(statement)"].id === "class") { return true; } if (funct["(arrow)"]) { return supportsSuper(type, funct["(context)"]); } return false; } var superNud = function() { var next = state.tokens.next; if (checkPunctuators(next, ["[", "."])) { if (!supportsSuper("property", state.funct)) { error("E063", this); } } else if (checkPunctuator(next, "(")) { if (!supportsSuper("call", state.funct)) { error("E064", this); } } else { error("E024", next, next.value || next.id); } return this; }; // Future Reserved Words FutureReservedWord("abstract"); FutureReservedWord("boolean"); FutureReservedWord("byte"); FutureReservedWord("char"); FutureReservedWord("double"); FutureReservedWord("enum", { es5: true }); FutureReservedWord("export", { es5: true }); FutureReservedWord("extends", { es5: true }); FutureReservedWord("final"); FutureReservedWord("float"); FutureReservedWord("goto"); FutureReservedWord("implements", { es5: true, strictOnly: true }); FutureReservedWord("int"); FutureReservedWord("interface", { es5: true, strictOnly: true }); FutureReservedWord("long"); FutureReservedWord("native"); FutureReservedWord("package", { es5: true, strictOnly: true }); FutureReservedWord("private", { es5: true, strictOnly: true }); FutureReservedWord("protected", { es5: true, strictOnly: true }); FutureReservedWord("public", { es5: true, strictOnly: true }); FutureReservedWord("short"); FutureReservedWord("static", { es5: true, strictOnly: true }); FutureReservedWord("synchronized"); FutureReservedWord("transient"); FutureReservedWord("volatile"); // this function is used to determine whether a squarebracket or a curlybracket // expression is a comprehension array, destructuring assignment or a json value. var lookupBlockType = function() { var pn, pn1, prev; var i = -1; var bracketStack = 0; var ret = {}; if (checkPunctuators(state.tokens.curr, ["[", "{"])) { bracketStack += 1; } do { prev = i === -1 ? state.tokens.curr : pn; pn = i === -1 ? state.tokens.next : peek(i); pn1 = peek(i + 1); i = i + 1; if (checkPunctuators(pn, ["[", "{"])) { bracketStack += 1; } else if (checkPunctuators(pn, ["]", "}"])) { bracketStack -= 1; } if (bracketStack === 1 && pn.identifier && pn.value === "for" && !checkPunctuator(prev, ".")) { ret.isCompArray = true; ret.notJson = true; break; } if (bracketStack === 0 && checkPunctuators(pn, ["}", "]"])) { if (pn1.value === "=") { ret.isDestAssign = true; ret.notJson = true; break; } else if (pn1.value === ".") { ret.notJson = true; break; } } if (checkPunctuator(pn, ";")) { ret.notJson = true; } } while (bracketStack > 0 && pn.id !== "(end)"); return ret; }; /** * Update an object used to track property names within object initializers * and class bodies. Produce warnings in response to duplicated names. * * @param {object} props - a collection of all properties of the object or * class to which the current property is being * assigned * @param {string} name - the property name * @param {object} tkn - the token defining the property * @param {boolean} [isClass] - whether the accessor is part of an ES6 Class * definition * @param {boolean} [isStatic] - whether the accessor is a static method * @param {boolean} [isComputed] - whether the property is a computed expression like [Symbol.iterator] */ function saveProperty(props, name, tkn, isClass, isStatic, isComputed) { if (tkn.identifier) { name = tkn.value; } var key = name; if (isClass && isStatic) { key = "static " + name; } if (props[key] && name !== "__proto__" && !isComputed) { var msg = ["key", "class method", "static class method"]; msg = msg[(isClass || false) + (isStatic || false)]; warning("W075", state.tokens.next, msg, name); } else { props[key] = Object.create(null); } props[key].basic = true; props[key].basictkn = tkn; } /** * Update an object used to track property names within object initializers * and class bodies. Produce warnings in response to duplicated names. * * @param {string} accessorType - Either "get" or "set" * @param {object} props - a collection of all properties of the object or * class to which the current accessor is being * assigned * @param {object} tkn - the identifier token representing the accessor name * @param {boolean} [isClass] - whether the accessor is part of an ES6 Class * definition * @param {boolean} [isStatic] - whether the accessor is a static method */ function saveAccessor(accessorType, props, name, tkn, isClass, isStatic) { var flagName = accessorType === "get" ? "getterToken" : "setterToken"; var key = name; state.tokens.curr.accessorType = accessorType; state.nameStack.set(tkn); if (isClass && isStatic) { key = "static " + name; } if (props[key]) { if ((props[key].basic || props[key][flagName]) && name !== "__proto__") { var msg = ""; if (isClass) { if (isStatic) { msg += "static "; } msg += accessorType + "ter method"; } else { msg = "key"; } warning("W075", state.tokens.next, msg, name); } } else { props[key] = Object.create(null); } props[key][flagName] = tkn; if (isStatic) { props[key].static = true; } } /** * Parse a computed property name within object initializers and class bodies * as introduced by ES2015. For example: * * void { * [object.method()]: null * }; * * @param {number} context - the parsing context * * @returns {object} - the token value that describes the expression which * defines the property name */ function computedPropertyName(context) { advance("["); // Explicitly reclassify token as a delimeter to prevent its later // interpretation as an "infix" operator. state.tokens.curr.delim = true; state.tokens.curr.lbp = 0; if (!state.inES6()) { warning("W119", state.tokens.curr, "computed property names", "6"); } var value = expression(context & ~prodParams.noin, 10); advance("]"); return value; } /** * Test whether a given token is a punctuator whose `value` property matches * one of the specified values. This function explicitly verifies the token's * `type` property so that like-valued string literals (e.g. `";"`) do not * produce false positives. * * @param {Token} token * @param {Array.} values * * @returns {boolean} */ function checkPunctuators(token, values) { if (token.type === "(punctuator)") { return _.includes(values, token.value); } return false; } /** * Test whether a given token is a punctuator whose `value` property matches * the specified value. This function explicitly verifies the token's `type` * property so that like-valued string literals (e.g. `";"`) do not produce * false positives. * * @param {Token} token * @param {string} value * * @returns {boolean} */ function checkPunctuator(token, value) { return token.type === "(punctuator)" && token.value === value; } // Check whether this function has been reached for a destructuring assign with undeclared values function destructuringAssignOrJsonValue(context) { // lookup for the assignment (ECMAScript 6 only) // if it has semicolons, it is a block, so go parse it as a block // or it's not a block, but there are assignments, check for undeclared variables var block = lookupBlockType(); if (block.notJson) { if (!state.inES6() && block.isDestAssign) { /* istanbul ignore next */ warning("W104", state.tokens.curr, "destructuring assignment", "6"); } statements(context); // otherwise parse json value } else { state.option.laxbreak = true; state.jsonMode = true; jsonValue(); } } /** * Parse and define the three states of a list comprehension in order to * avoid defining global variables, but keeping them to the list * comprehension scope only. The order of the states are as follows: * * - "use" - which will be the returned iterative part of the list * comprehension * - "define" - which will define the variables local to the list * comprehension * - "filter" - which will help filter out values */ var arrayComprehension = function() { var CompArray = function() { this.mode = "use"; this.variables = []; }; var _carrays = []; var _current; function declare(v) { var l = _current.variables.filter(function(elt) { // if it has, change its undef state if (elt.value === v) { elt.undef = false; return v; } }).length; return l !== 0; } function use(v) { var l = _current.variables.filter(function(elt) { // and if it has been defined if (elt.value === v && !elt.undef) { if (elt.unused === true) { elt.unused = false; } return v; } }).length; // otherwise we warn about it return (l === 0); } return { stack: function() { _current = new CompArray(); _carrays.push(_current); }, unstack: function() { _current.variables.filter(function(v) { if (v.unused) warning("W098", v.token, v.token.raw_text || v.value); if (v.undef) state.funct["(scope)"].block.use(v.value, v.token); }); _carrays.splice(-1, 1); _current = _carrays[_carrays.length - 1]; }, setState: function(s) { if (_.includes(["use", "define", "generate", "filter"], s)) _current.mode = s; }, check: function(v) { if (!_current) { return; } // When we are in "use" state of the list comp, we enqueue that var if (_current && _current.mode === "use") { if (use(v)) { _current.variables.push({ token: state.tokens.curr, value: v, undef: true, unused: false }); } return true; // When we are in "define" state of the list comp, } else if (_current && _current.mode === "define") { // check if the variable has been used previously if (!declare(v)) { _current.variables.push({ token: state.tokens.curr, value: v, undef: false, unused: true }); } return true; // When we are in the "generate" state of the list comp, } else if (_current && _current.mode === "generate") { state.funct["(scope)"].block.use(v, state.tokens.curr); return true; // When we are in "filter" state, } else if (_current && _current.mode === "filter") { // we check whether current variable has been declared if (use(v)) { // if not we warn about it /* istanbul ignore next */ state.funct["(scope)"].block.use(v, state.tokens.curr); } return true; } /* istanbul ignore next */ return false; } }; }; /** * Parse input according to the JSON format. * * http://json.org/ */ function jsonValue() { function jsonObject() { var o = {}, t = state.tokens.next; advance("{"); if (state.tokens.next.id !== "}") { for (;;) { if (state.tokens.next.id === "(end)") { error("E026", state.tokens.next, t.line); } else if (state.tokens.next.id === "}") { warning("W094", state.tokens.curr); break; } else if (state.tokens.next.id === ",") { error("E028", state.tokens.next); } else if (state.tokens.next.id !== "(string)") { warning("W095", state.tokens.next, state.tokens.next.value); } if (o[state.tokens.next.value] === true) { warning("W075", state.tokens.next, "key", state.tokens.next.value); } else if ((state.tokens.next.value === "__proto__" && !state.option.proto) || (state.tokens.next.value === "__iterator__" && !state.option.iterator)) { warning("W096", state.tokens.next, state.tokens.next.value); } else { o[state.tokens.next.value] = true; } advance(); advance(":"); jsonValue(); if (state.tokens.next.id !== ",") { break; } advance(","); } } advance("}"); } function jsonArray() { var t = state.tokens.next; advance("["); if (state.tokens.next.id !== "]") { for (;;) { if (state.tokens.next.id === "(end)") { error("E027", state.tokens.next, t.line); } else if (state.tokens.next.id === "]") { warning("W094", state.tokens.curr); break; } else if (state.tokens.next.id === ",") { error("E028", state.tokens.next); } jsonValue(); if (state.tokens.next.id !== ",") { break; } advance(","); } } advance("]"); } switch (state.tokens.next.id) { case "{": jsonObject(); break; case "[": jsonArray(); break; case "true": case "false": case "null": case "(number)": case "(string)": advance(); break; case "-": advance("-"); advance("(number)"); break; default: error("E003", state.tokens.next); } } /** * Lint dynamically-evaluated code, appending any resulting errors/warnings * into the global `errors` array. * * @param {array} internals - collection of "internals" objects describing * string tokens that contain evaluated code * @param {object} options - linting options to apply * @param {object} globals - globally-defined bindings for the evaluated code */ function lintEvalCode(internals, options, globals) { var priorErrorCount, idx, jdx, internal; for (idx = 0; idx < internals.length; idx += 1) { internal = internals[idx]; options.scope = internal.elem; priorErrorCount = JSHINT.errors.length; itself(internal.code, options, globals); for (jdx = priorErrorCount; jdx < JSHINT.errors.length; jdx += 1) { JSHINT.errors[jdx].line += internal.token.line - 1; } } } var escapeRegex = function(str) { return str.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&"); }; // The actual JSHINT function itself. var itself = function(s, o, g) { var x, reIgnoreStr, reIgnore; var optionKeys, newOptionObj, newIgnoredObj; o = _.clone(o); state.reset(); newOptionObj = state.option; newIgnoredObj = state.ignored; if (o && o.scope) { JSHINT.scope = o.scope; } else { JSHINT.errors = []; JSHINT.internals = []; JSHINT.blacklist = {}; JSHINT.scope = "(main)"; } predefined = Object.create(null); combine(predefined, vars.ecmaIdentifiers[3]); combine(predefined, vars.reservedVars); declared = Object.create(null); var exported = Object.create(null); // Variables that live outside the current file function each(obj, cb) { if (!obj) return; if (!Array.isArray(obj) && typeof obj === "object") obj = Object.keys(obj); obj.forEach(cb); } if (o) { each([o.predef, o.globals], function(dict) { each(dict, function(item) { var slice, prop; if (item[0] === "-") { slice = item.slice(1); JSHINT.blacklist[slice] = slice; // remove from predefined if there delete predefined[slice]; } else { prop = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(dict, item); predefined[item] = prop ? prop.value : false; } }); }); each(o.exported || null, function(item) { exported[item] = true; }); delete o.predef; delete o.exported; optionKeys = Object.keys(o); for (x = 0; x < optionKeys.length; x++) { if (/^-W\d{3}$/g.test(optionKeys[x])) { newIgnoredObj[optionKeys[x].slice(1)] = true; } else { var optionKey = optionKeys[x]; newOptionObj[optionKey] = o[optionKey]; } } } state.option = newOptionObj; state.ignored = newIgnoredObj; state.option.indent = state.option.indent || 4; state.option.maxerr = state.option.maxerr || 50; indent = 1; var scopeManagerInst = scopeManager(state, predefined, exported, declared); scopeManagerInst.on("warning", function(ev) { warning.apply(null, [ ev.code, ev.token].concat(ev.data)); }); scopeManagerInst.on("error", function(ev) { /* istanbul ignore next */ error.apply(null, [ ev.code, ev.token ].concat(ev.data)); }); state.funct = functor("(global)", null, { "(global)" : true, "(scope)" : scopeManagerInst, "(comparray)" : arrayComprehension(), "(metrics)" : createMetrics(state.tokens.next) }); functions = [state.funct]; member = {}; membersOnly = null; inblock = false; lookahead = []; if (!isString(s) && !Array.isArray(s)) { errorAt("E004", 0); return false; } api = { get isJSON() { /* istanbul ignore next */ return state.jsonMode; }, getOption: function(name) { return state.option[name] || null; }, getCache: function(name) { return state.cache[name]; }, setCache: function(name, value) { state.cache[name] = value; }, warn: function(code, data) { warningAt.apply(null, [ code, data.line, data.char ].concat(data.data)); }, on: function(names, listener) { names.split(" ").forEach(function(name) { emitter.on(name, listener); }.bind(this)); } }; emitter.removeAllListeners(); (extraModules || []).forEach(function(func) { func(api); }); state.tokens.prev = state.tokens.curr = state.tokens.next = state.syntax["(begin)"]; if (o && o.ignoreDelimiters) { if (!Array.isArray(o.ignoreDelimiters)) { /* istanbul ignore next */ o.ignoreDelimiters = [o.ignoreDelimiters]; } o.ignoreDelimiters.forEach(function(delimiterPair) { if (!delimiterPair.start || !delimiterPair.end) return; reIgnoreStr = escapeRegex(delimiterPair.start) + "[\\s\\S]*?" + escapeRegex(delimiterPair.end); reIgnore = new RegExp(reIgnoreStr, "ig"); s = s.replace(reIgnore, function(match) { return match.replace(/./g, " "); }); }); } lex = new Lexer(s); lex.on("warning", function(ev) { warningAt.apply(null, [ ev.code, ev.line, ev.character].concat(ev.data)); }); lex.on("error", function(ev) { errorAt.apply(null, [ ev.code, ev.line, ev.character ].concat(ev.data)); }); lex.on("fatal", function(ev) { quit("E041", ev); }); lex.on("Identifier", function(ev) { emitter.emit("Identifier", ev); }); lex.on("String", function(ev) { emitter.emit("String", ev); }); lex.on("Number", function(ev) { emitter.emit("Number", ev); }); // Check options var name; for (name in o) { if (_.has(o, name)) { checkOption(name, true, state.tokens.curr); } } if (o) { for (name in o.unstable) { if (_.has(o.unstable, name)) { checkOption(name, false, state.tokens.curr); } } } try { applyOptions(); // combine the passed globals after we've assumed all our options combine(predefined, g || {}); //reset values checkComma.first = true; advance(); switch (state.tokens.next.id) { case "{": case "[": destructuringAssignOrJsonValue(0); break; default: directives(); if (state.directive["use strict"]) { if (!state.allowsGlobalUsd()) { warning("W097", state.directive["use strict"]); } } statements(0); } if (state.tokens.next.id !== "(end)") { quit("E041", state.tokens.curr); } state.funct["(scope)"].unstack(); } catch (err) { if (err && err.name === "JSHintError") { var nt = state.tokens.next || {}; JSHINT.errors.push({ scope : "(main)", raw : err.raw, code : err.code, reason : err.reason, line : err.line || nt.line, character : err.character || nt.from }); } else { /* istanbul ignore next */ throw err; } } // Loop over the listed "internals", and check them as well. if (JSHINT.scope === "(main)") { lintEvalCode(JSHINT.internals, o || {}, g); } return JSHINT.errors.length === 0; }; // Modules. itself.addModule = function(func) { extraModules.push(func); }; itself.addModule(style.register); // Data summary. itself.data = function() { var data = { functions: [], options: state.option }; var fu, f, i, n, globals; if (itself.errors.length) { data.errors = itself.errors; } if (state.jsonMode) { /* istanbul ignore next */ data.json = true; } var impliedGlobals = state.funct["(scope)"].getImpliedGlobals(); if (impliedGlobals.length > 0) { data.implieds = impliedGlobals; } globals = state.funct["(scope)"].getUsedOrDefinedGlobals(); if (globals.length > 0) { data.globals = globals; } for (i = 1; i < functions.length; i += 1) { f = functions[i]; fu = {}; fu.name = f["(name)"]; fu.param = f["(params)"]; fu.line = f["(line)"]; fu.character = f["(character)"]; fu.last = f["(last)"]; fu.lastcharacter = f["(lastcharacter)"]; fu.metrics = { complexity: f["(metrics)"].ComplexityCount, parameters: f["(metrics)"].arity, statements: f["(metrics)"].statementCount }; data.functions.push(fu); } var unuseds = state.funct["(scope)"].getUnuseds(); if (unuseds.length > 0) { data.unused = unuseds; } for (n in member) { if (typeof member[n] === "number") { data.member = member; break; } } return data; }; itself.jshint = itself; return itself; }()); // Make JSHINT a Node module, if possible. if (typeof exports === "object" && exports) { exports.JSHINT = JSHINT; }