'root', 'css' => [ //'vendor/bootstrap.min.css', //'vendor/bootstrap-accessibility.css', 'compiled.css', 'print.css:print', ], 'js' => [ /** * Entries in this section can either be specified as array or as string. * Array format is preferred. * * Available array options: * - file: the path to the file * - load_after: Use this to explicitly load the file after the given other * file. This may NOT be used together with a priority setting. * - priority: an optional priority (lower value means higher priority). * Default convention for VuFind's own themes: * - 1xx => vendor (third-party code) * - 2xx => VuFind library (general-purpose code) * - 3xx => VuFind scripts (highly VuFind-specific code) * - position: 'header' (default) or 'footer' * - conditional: e.g. 'lt IE 10' * - disabled: if set to true in a child theme, the matching file will be * removed if it was included by a parent theme. * * Entries with neither priority nor load_after will be loaded after all * other entries. * * Strings are supported for backwards compatibility reasons. examples: * - 'example.js' => same as ['file' => 'example.js'] * - 'example.js:lt IE 10' => same as * ['file' => 'example.js', 'conditional' => 'lt IE 10'] */ ['file' => 'vendor/jquery.min.js', 'priority' => 110], ['file' => 'vendor/bootstrap.min.js', 'priority' => 120], ['file' => 'vendor/bootstrap-accessibility.min.js', 'priority' => 130], ['file' => 'vendor/validator.min.js', 'priority' => 140], ['file' => 'vendor/autocomplete.js', 'priority' => 220], ['file' => 'lib/ajax_request_queue.js', 'priority' => 230], ['file' => 'common.js', 'priority' => 310], ['file' => 'config.js', 'priority' => 320], ['file' => 'lightbox.js', 'priority' => 330], ['file' => 'searchbox_controls.js', 'priority' => 340], ['file' => 'truncate.js', 'priority' => 350], ['file' => 'trigger_print.js', 'priority' => 360], ['file' => 'observer_manager.js', 'priority' => 370], ['file' => 'openurl.js', 'priority' => 380], ['file' => 'list_item_selection.js', 'priority' => 390], ], /** * Configuration for a single or multiple favicons. * * Can be a single string that is a path to an .ico icon relative to the theme image folder. * * For multiple favicons the value must be an array of arrays of attributes * that will be rendered as link elements. * * Example: * [ * [ * 'href' => 'favicon-32x32.png', * 'rel' => 'icon', * 'type' => 'image/png', * 'sizes' => '32x32', * ], * [ * 'href' => 'favicon-180x180.png', * 'rel' => 'apple-touch-icon', * 'type' => 'image/png', * 'sizes' => '180x180', * ], * ] */ 'favicon' => 'vufind-favicon.ico', 'helpers' => [ 'factories' => [ 'VuFind\View\Helper\Bootstrap3\BulkAction' => 'VuFind\View\Helper\Root\BulkActionFactory', 'VuFind\View\Helper\Bootstrap3\CopyToClipboardButton' => 'Laminas\ServiceManager\Factory\InvokableFactory', 'VuFind\View\Helper\Bootstrap3\Flashmessages' => 'VuFind\View\Helper\Root\FlashmessagesFactory', 'VuFind\View\Helper\Bootstrap3\Highlight' => 'Laminas\ServiceManager\Factory\InvokableFactory', 'VuFind\View\Helper\Bootstrap3\LayoutClass' => 'VuFind\View\Helper\Bootstrap3\LayoutClassFactory', 'VuFind\View\Helper\Bootstrap3\Search' => 'Laminas\ServiceManager\Factory\InvokableFactory', ], 'aliases' => [ 'bulkAction' => 'VuFind\View\Helper\Bootstrap3\BulkAction', 'copyToClipboardButton' => 'VuFind\View\Helper\Bootstrap3\CopyToClipboardButton', 'flashmessages' => 'VuFind\View\Helper\Bootstrap3\Flashmessages', 'highlight' => 'VuFind\View\Helper\Bootstrap3\Highlight', 'layoutClass' => 'VuFind\View\Helper\Bootstrap3\LayoutClass', 'search' => 'VuFind\View\Helper\Bootstrap3\Search', ], ], 'icons' => [ 'defaultSet' => 'FontAwesome', 'sets' => [ /** * Define icon sets here. * * All sets need: * - 'template': which template the icon renders with * - 'src': the location of the relevant resource (font, css, images) * - 'prefix': prefix to place before each icon name for convenience * (ie. fa fa- for FontAwesome, default "") */ 'FontAwesome' => [ // Specifically Font Awesome 4.7 'template' => 'font', 'prefix' => 'fa fa-', // Right now, FontAwesome is bundled into compiled.css; when we no // longer globally rely on FA (by managing all icons through the // helper), we should change this to 'vendor/font-awesome.min.css' // so it only loads conditionally when icons are used. 'src' => 'compiled.css', ], 'Collapse' => [ 'template' => 'collapse', ], // Unicode symbol characters. Icons are defined as hex code points. 'Unicode' => [ 'template' => 'unicode', ], /* For an example of an images set, see Bootprint's theme.config.php. */ ], 'aliases' => [ /** * Icons can be assigned or overridden here * * Format: 'icon' => [set:]icon[:extra_classes] * Icons assigned without set will use the defaultSet. * In order to specify extra CSS classes, you must also specify a set. * * All of the items below have been specified with FontAwesome to allow * for a strong inheritance safety net but this is not required. */ 'addthis-bookmark' => 'FontAwesome:bookmark-o', 'barcode' => 'FontAwesome:barcode', 'browzine-issue' => 'Alias:format-serial', 'browzine-pdf' => 'FontAwesome:file-pdf-o', 'browzine-retraction' => 'FontAwesome:exclamation', 'cart' => 'FontAwesome:suitcase', 'cart-add' => 'FontAwesome:plus', 'cart-empty' => 'FontAwesome:times', 'cart-remove' => 'FontAwesome:minus-circle', 'cite' => 'FontAwesome:asterisk', 'cites' => 'Unicode:275D', 'cited-by' => 'Unicode:275E', 'collapse' => 'Collapse:_', // uses the icons below 'collapse-close' => 'FontAwesome:chevron-up', 'collapse-open' => 'FontAwesome:chevron-down', 'cover-replacement' => 'FontAwesome:question', 'currency-eur' => 'FontAwesome:eur', 'currency-gbp' => 'FontAwesome:gbp', 'currency-inr' => 'FontAwesome:inr', 'currency-jpy' => 'FontAwesome:jpy', 'currency-krw' => 'FontAwesome:krw', 'currency-rmb' => 'FontAwesome:rmb', 'currency-rub' => 'FontAwesome:rub', 'currency-try' => 'FontAwesome:try', 'currency-usd' => 'FontAwesome:usd', 'currency-won' => 'FontAwesome:won', 'currency-yen' => 'FontAwesome:yen', 'dropdown-caret' => 'FontAwesome:caret-down', 'export' => 'FontAwesome:external-link', 'external-link' => 'FontAwesome:link', 'facet-applied' => 'FontAwesome:check', 'facet-checked' => 'FontAwesome:check-square-o', 'facet-collapse' => 'FontAwesome:caret-down', 'facet-exclude' => 'FontAwesome:times', 'facet-expand' => 'FontAwesome:caret-right', 'facet-noncollapsible' => 'FontAwesome:none', 'facet-unchecked' => 'FontAwesome:square-o', 'feedback' => 'FontAwesome:envelope', 'format-atlas' => 'FontAwesome:compass', 'format-book' => 'FontAwesome:book', 'format-braille' => 'FontAwesome:hand-o-up', 'format-cdrom' => 'FontAwesome:laptop', 'format-chart' => 'FontAwesome:signal', 'format-chipcartridge' => 'FontAwesome:laptop', 'format-collage' => 'FontAwesome:picture-o', 'format-default' => 'FontAwesome:book', 'format-disccartridge' => 'FontAwesome:laptop', 'format-drawing' => 'FontAwesome:picture-o', 'format-ebook' => 'FontAwesome:file-text-o', 'format-electronic' => 'FontAwesome:file-archive-o', 'format-file' => 'FontAwesome:file-o', 'format-filmstrip' => 'FontAwesome:film', 'format-flashcard' => 'FontAwesome:bolt', 'format-floppydisk' => 'FontAwesome:save', 'format-folder' => 'FontAwesome:folder', 'format-globe' => 'FontAwesome:globe', 'format-journal' => 'FontAwesome:file-text-o', 'format-kit' => 'FontAwesome:briefcase', 'format-manuscript' => 'FontAwesome:file-text-o', 'format-map' => 'FontAwesome:compass', 'format-microfilm' => 'FontAwesome:film', 'format-motionpicture' => 'FontAwesome:video-camera', 'format-musicalscore' => 'FontAwesome:music', 'format-musicrecording' => 'FontAwesome:music', 'format-newspaper' => 'FontAwesome:file-text-o', 'format-online' => 'FontAwesome:laptop', 'format-painting' => 'FontAwesome:picture-o', 'format-photo' => 'FontAwesome:picture-o', 'format-photonegative' => 'FontAwesome:picture-o', 'format-physicalobject' => 'FontAwesome:archive', 'format-print' => 'FontAwesome:picture-o', 'format-sensorimage' => 'FontAwesome:picture-o', 'format-serial' => 'FontAwesome:file-text-o', 'format-slide' => 'FontAwesome:film', 'format-software' => 'FontAwesome:laptop', 'format-soundcassette' => 'FontAwesome:headphones', 'format-sounddisc' => 'FontAwesome:laptop', 'format-soundrecording' => 'FontAwesome:headphones', 'format-tapecartridge' => 'FontAwesome:laptop', 'format-tapecassette' => 'FontAwesome:headphones', 'format-tapereel' => 'FontAwesome:film', 'format-transparency' => 'FontAwesome:film', 'format-unknown' => 'FontAwesome:question', 'format-video' => 'FontAwesome:video-camera', 'format-videocartridge' => 'FontAwesome:video-camera', 'format-videocassette' => 'FontAwesome:video-camera', 'format-videodisc' => 'FontAwesome:laptop', 'format-videoreel' => 'FontAwesome:video-camera', 'hierarchy-collapse' => 'Alias:facet-collapse', 'hierarchy-collection' => 'FontAwesome:folder-open-o', 'hierarchy-expand' => 'Alias:facet-expand', 'hierarchy-noncollapsible' => 'Alias:facet-noncollapsible', 'hierarchy-record' => 'FontAwesome:file-o', 'hierarchy-tree' => 'FontAwesome:sitemap', 'lightbox-close' => 'FontAwesome:times', 'more' => 'FontAwesome:chevron-circle-right', 'more-rtl' => 'FontAwesome:chevron-circle-left', 'my-account' => 'FontAwesome:user-circle-o', 'my-account-notification' => 'Alias:notification', 'my-account-warning' => 'Alias:warning', 'notification' => 'FontAwesome:bell', 'offcanvas-hide-left' => 'FontAwesome:angle-right', 'offcanvas-hide-right' => 'FontAwesome:angle-left', 'offcanvas-show-left' => 'FontAwesome:angle-double-left', 'offcanvas-show-right' => 'FontAwesome:angle-double-right', 'options' => 'FontAwesome:gear', 'overdrive' => 'FontAwesome:download', 'overdrive-cancel-hold' => 'Alias:ui-cancel', 'overdrive-checkout' => 'FontAwesome:arrow-left', 'overdrive-checkout-rtl' => 'FontAwesome:arrow-right', 'overdrive-download' => 'FontAwesome:download', 'overdrive-edit-hold' => 'Alias:ui-edit', 'overdrive-edit-hold-suspension' => 'FontAwesome:calendar', 'overdrive-help' => 'FontAwesome:question-circle', 'overdrive-place-hold' => 'Alias:place-hold', 'overdrive-return' => 'FontAwesome:undo', 'overdrive-return-rtl' => 'FontAwesome:undo', 'overdrive-sign-in' => 'FontAwesome:sign-in', 'overdrive-success' => 'FontAwesome:check', 'overdrive-suspend-hold' => 'Alias:place-hold', 'overdrive-warning' => 'Alias:warning', 'page-first' => 'FontAwesome:angle-double-left', 'page-first-rtl' => 'FontAwesome:angle-double-right', 'page-last' => 'FontAwesome:angle-double-right', 'page-last-rtl' => 'FontAwesome:angle-double-left', 'page-next' => 'FontAwesome:angle-right', 'page-next-rtl' => 'FontAwesome:angle-left', 'page-prev' => 'FontAwesome:angle-left', 'page-prev-rtl' => 'FontAwesome:angle-right', 'place-hold' => 'FontAwesome:flag', 'place-ill-request' => 'FontAwesome:exchange', 'place-recall' => 'FontAwesome:flag', 'place-storage-retrieval' => 'FontAwesome:truck', 'print' => 'FontAwesome:print', 'profile' => 'FontAwesome:user', 'profile-card-delete' => 'Alias:ui-delete', 'profile-card-edit' => 'Alias:ui-edit', 'profile-change-password' => 'FontAwesome:key', 'profile-delete' => 'Alias:ui-delete', 'profile-edit' => 'Alias:ui-edit', 'profile-email' => 'FontAwesome:envelope', 'profile-sms' => 'FontAwesome:phone', 'qrcode' => 'FontAwesome:qrcode', 'rating-half' => 'FontAwesome:star-half', 'rating-full' => 'FontAwesome:star', 'search' => 'FontAwesome:search', 'search-delete' => 'Alias:ui-delete', 'search-filter-remove' => 'FontAwesome:times', 'search-rss' => 'FontAwesome:rss', 'search-save' => 'Alias:ui-save', 'search-schedule-alert' => 'FontAwesome:exclamation-circle', 'send-email' => 'FontAwesome:envelope', 'send-sms' => 'FontAwesome:phone', 'sign-in' => 'FontAwesome:sign-in', 'sign-out' => 'FontAwesome:sign-out', 'spinner' => 'FontAwesome:spinner:icon--spin', 'status-available' => 'FontAwesome:check', 'status-pending' => 'FontAwesome:clock-o', 'status-ready' => 'FontAwesome:bell', 'status-unavailable' => 'FontAwesome:times', 'status-unknown' => 'FontAwesome:circle', 'tag-add' => 'Alias:ui-add', 'tag-remove' => 'Alias:ui-remove', 'tree-context' => 'FontAwesome:sitemap', 'truncate-less' => 'FontAwesome:arrow-up', 'truncate-more' => 'FontAwesome:arrow-down', 'ui-add' => 'FontAwesome:plus-circle', 'ui-cancel' => 'FontAwesome:ban', 'ui-close' => 'FontAwesome:times', 'ui-delete' => 'FontAwesome:trash-o', 'ui-dots-menu' => 'FontAwesome:ellipsis-h', 'ui-edit' => 'FontAwesome:edit', 'ui-failure' => 'FontAwesome:times', 'ui-menu' => 'FontAwesome:bars', 'ui-remove' => 'FontAwesome:times', 'ui-reset-search' => 'Alias:ui-remove', 'ui-save' => 'FontAwesome:floppy-o', 'ui-success' => 'FontAwesome:check', 'user-checked-out' => 'FontAwesome:book', 'user-favorites' => 'FontAwesome:star', 'user-holds' => 'FontAwesome:flag', 'user-ill-requests' => 'FontAwesome:exchange', 'user-list' => 'FontAwesome:list', 'user-list-add' => 'FontAwesome:bookmark-o', 'user-list-delete' => 'Alias:ui-delete', 'user-list-edit' => 'Alias:ui-edit', 'user-list-entry-edit' => 'Alias:ui-edit', 'user-list-remove' => 'Alias:ui-remove', 'user-loan-history' => 'FontAwesome:history', 'user-public-list-indicator' => 'FontAwesome:globe', 'user-storage-retrievals' => 'FontAwesome:archive', 'view-grid' => 'FontAwesome:th', 'view-list' => 'FontAwesome:list', 'view-visual' => 'FontAwesome:th-large', 'warning' => 'FontAwesome:exclamation-triangle', ], ], 'doctype' => 'HTML5', ];