* @licence http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * @copyright John Wohlers * @version $Id$ * @link http://php-sip2.googlecode.com/ */ /** * 2010.10.08 * Fixed a potential endless loop condition if a socket lost connection in the middle of a transaction. * * 2008.04.11 * Encorported a bug fix submitted by Bob Wicksall * * TODO * - Clean up variable names, check for consistancy * - Add better i18n support, including functions to handle the SIP2 language definitions * */ /** * General Usage: * include('sip2.class.php'); * * // create object * $mysip = new sip2; * * // Set host name * $mysip->hostname = 'server.example.com'; * $mysip->port = 6002; * * // Identify a patron * $mysip->patron = '101010101'; * $mysip->patronpwd = '010101'; * * // connect to SIP server * $result = $mysip->connect(); * * // selfcheck status mesage goes here... * * * // Get Charged Items Raw response * $in = $mysip->msgPatronInformation('charged'); * * // parse the raw response into an array * $result = $mysip->parsePatronInfoResponse( $mysip->get_message($in) ); * */ class sip2 { /* Public variables for configuration */ public $hostname; public $port = 6002; /* default sip2 port for Sirsi */ public $library = ''; public $language = '001'; /* 001= english */ /* Patron ID */ public $patron = ''; /* AA */ public $patronpwd = ''; /* AD */ /*terminal password */ public $AC = ''; /*AC */ /* Maximum number of resends allowed before get_message gives up */ public $maxretry = 3; /* Terminator s */ public $fldTerminator = '|'; public $msgTerminator = "\r\n"; /* Login Variables */ public $UIDalgorithm = 0; /* 0 = unencrypted, default */ public $PWDalgorithm = 0; /* undefined in documentation */ public $scLocation = ''; /* Location Code */ /* Debug */ public $debug = false; /* Private variables for building messages */ public $AO = 'WohlersSIP'; public $AN = 'SIPCHK'; /* Private variable to hold socket connection */ private $socket; /* Sequence number counter */ private $seq = -1; /* resend counter */ private $retry = 0; /* Workarea for building a message */ private $msgBuild = ''; private $noFixed = false; function msgPatronStatusRequest() { /* Server Response: Patron Status Response message. */ $this->_newMessage('23'); $this->_addFixedOption($this->language, 3); $this->_addFixedOption($this->_datestamp(), 18); $this->_addVarOption('AO',$this->AO); $this->_addVarOption('AA',$this->patron); $this->_addVarOption('AC',$this->AC); $this->_addVarOption('AD',$this->patronpwd); return $this->_returnMessage(); } function msgCheckout($item, $nbDateDue ='', $scRenewal='N', $itmProp ='', $fee='N', $noBlock='N', $cancel='N') { /* Checkout an item (11) - untested */ $this->_newMessage('11'); $this->_addFixedOption($scRenewal, 1); $this->_addFixedOption($noBlock, 1); $this->_addFixedOption($this->_datestamp(), 18); if ($nbDateDue != '') { /* override defualt date due */ $this->_addFixedOption($this->_datestamp($nbDateDue), 18); } else { /* send a blank date due to allow ACS to use default date due computed for item */ $this->_addFixedOption('', 18); } $this->_addVarOption('AO',$this->AO); $this->_addVarOption('AA',$this->patron); $this->_addVarOption('AB',$item); $this->_addVarOption('AC',$this->AC); $this->_addVarOption('CH',$itmProp, true); $this->_addVarOption('AD',$this->patronpwd, true); $this->_addVarOption('BO',$fee, true); /* Y or N */ $this->_addVarOption('BI',$cancel, true); /* Y or N */ return $this->_returnMessage(); } function msgCheckin($item, $itmReturnDate, $itmLocation = '', $itmProp = '', $noBlock='N', $cancel = '') { /* Checkin an item (09) - untested */ if ($itmLocation == '') { /* If no location is specified, assume the defualt location of the SC, behavior suggested by spec*/ $itmLocation = $this->scLocation; } $this->_newMessage('09'); $this->_addFixedOption($noBlock, 1); $this->_addFixedOption($this->_datestamp(), 18); $this->_addFixedOption($this->_datestamp($itmReturnDate), 18); $this->_addVarOption('AP',$itmLocation); $this->_addVarOption('AO',$this->AO); $this->_addVarOption('AB',$item); $this->_addVarOption('AC',$this->AC); $this->_addVarOption('CH',$itmProp, true); $this->_addVarOption('BI',$cancel, true); /* Y or N */ return $this->_returnMessage(); } function msgBlockPatron($message, $retained='N') { /* Blocks a patron, and responds with a patron status response (01) - untested */ $this->_newMessage('01'); $this->_addFixedOption($retained, 1); /* Y if card has been retained */ $this->_addFixedOption($this->_datestamp(), 18); $this->_addVarOption('AO',$this->AO); $this->_addVarOption('AL',$message); $this->_addVarOption('AA',$this->AA); $this->_addVarOption('AC',$this->AC); return $this->_returnMessage(); } function msgSCStatus($status = 0, $width = 80, $version = 2) { /* selfcheck status message, this should be sent immediatly after login - untested */ /* status codes, from the spec: * 0 SC unit is OK * 1 SC printer is out of paper * 2 SC is about to shut down */ if ($version > 3) { $version = 2; } if ($status < 0 || $status > 2) { $this->_debugmsg( "SIP2: Invalid status passed to msgSCStatus" ); return false; } $this->_newMessage('99'); $this->_addFixedOption($status, 1); $this->_addFixedOption($width, 3); $this->_addFixedOption(sprintf("%03.2f",$version), 4); return $this->_returnMessage(); } function msgRequestACSResend () { /* Used to request a resend due to CRC mismatch - No sequence number is used */ $this->_newMessage('97'); return $this->_returnMessage(false); } function msgLogin($sipLogin, $sipPassword) { /* Login (93) - untested */ $this->_newMessage('93'); $this->_addFixedOption($this->UIDalgorithm, 1); $this->_addFixedOption($this->PWDalgorithm, 1); $this->_addVarOption('CN',$sipLogin); $this->_addVarOption('CO',$sipPassword); $this->_addVarOption('CP',$this->scLocation, true); return $this->_returnMessage(); } function msgPatronInformation($type, $start = '1', $end = '5') { /* * According to the specification: * Only one category of items should be requested at a time, i.e. it would take 6 of these messages, * each with a different position set to Y, to get all the detailed information about a patron's items. */ $summary['none'] = ' '; $summary['hold'] = 'Y '; $summary['overdue'] = ' Y '; $summary['charged'] = ' Y '; $summary['fine'] = ' Y '; $summary['recall'] = ' Y '; $summary['unavail'] = ' Y'; /* Request patron information */ $this->_newMessage('63'); $this->_addFixedOption($this->language, 3); $this->_addFixedOption($this->_datestamp(), 18); $this->_addFixedOption(sprintf("%-10s",$summary[$type]), 10); $this->_addVarOption('AO',$this->AO); $this->_addVarOption('AA',$this->patron); $this->_addVarOption('AC',$this->AC, true); $this->_addVarOption('AD',$this->patronpwd, true); $this->_addVarOption('BP',$start, true); /* old function version used padded 5 digits, not sure why */ $this->_addVarOption('BQ',$end, true); /* old function version used padded 5 digits, not sure why */ return $this->_returnMessage(); } function msgEndPatronSession() { /* End Patron Session, should be sent before switching to a new patron. (35) - untested */ $this->_newMessage('35'); $this->_addFixedOption($this->_datestamp(), 18); $this->_addVarOption('AO',$this->AO); $this->_addVarOption('AA',$this->patron); $this->_addVarOption('AC',$this->AC, true); $this->_addVarOption('AD',$this->patronpwd, true); return $this->_returnMessage(); } /* Fee paid function should go here */ function msgFeePaid ($feeType, $pmtType, $pmtAmount, $curType = 'USD', $feeId = '', $transId = '') { /* Fee payment function (37) - untested */ /* Fee Types: */ /* 01 other/unknown */ /* 02 administrative */ /* 03 damage */ /* 04 overdue */ /* 05 processing */ /* 06 rental*/ /* 07 replacement */ /* 08 computer access charge */ /* 09 hold fee */ /* Value Payment Type */ /* 00 cash */ /* 01 VISA */ /* 02 credit card */ if (!is_numeric($feeType) || $feeType > 99 || $feeType < 1) { /* not a valid fee type - exit */ $this->_debugmsg( "SIP2: (msgFeePaid) Invalid fee type: {$feeType}"); return false; } if (!is_numeric($pmtType) || $pmtType > 99 || $pmtType < 0) { /* not a valid payment type - exit */ $this->_debugmsg( "SIP2: (msgFeePaid) Invalid payment type: {$pmtType}"); return false; } $this->_newMessage('37'); $this->_addFixedOption($this->_datestamp(), 18); $this->_addFixedOption(sprintf('%02d', $feeType), 2); $this->_addFixedOption(sprintf('%02d', $pmtType), 2); $this->_addFixedOption($curType, 3); $this->_addVarOption('BV',$pmtAmount); /* due to currancy format localization, it is up to the programmer to properly format their payment amount */ $this->_addVarOption('AO',$this->AO); $this->_addVarOption('AA',$this->patron); $this->_addVarOption('AC',$this->AC, true); $this->_addVarOption('AD',$this->patronpwd, true); $this->_addVarOption('CG',$feeId, true); $this->_addVarOption('BK',$transId, true); return $this->_returnMessage(); } function msgItemInformation($item) { $this->_newMessage('17'); $this->_addFixedOption($this->_datestamp(), 18); $this->_addVarOption('AO',$this->AO); $this->_addVarOption('AB',$item); $this->_addVarOption('AC',$this->AC, true); return $this->_returnMessage(); } function msgItemStatus ($item, $itmProp = '') { /* Item status update function (19) - untested */ $this->_newMessage('19'); $this->_addFixedOption($this->_datestamp(), 18); $this->_addVarOption('AO',$this->AO); $this->_addVarOption('AB',$item); $this->_addVarOption('AC',$this->AC, true); $this->_addVarOption('CH',$itmProp); return $this->_returnMessage(); } function msgPatronEnable () { /* Patron Enable function (25) - untested */ /* This message can be used by the SC to re-enable canceled patrons. It should only be used for system testing and validation. */ $this->_newMessage('25'); $this->_addFixedOption($this->_datestamp(), 18); $this->_addVarOption('AO',$this->AO); $this->_addVarOption('AA',$this->patron); $this->_addVarOption('AC',$this->AC, true); $this->_addVarOption('AD',$this->patronpwd, true); return $this->_returnMessage(); } function msgHold($mode, $expDate = '', $holdtype = '', $item = '', $title = '', $fee='N', $pkupLocation = '') { /* mode validity check */ /* * - remove hold * + place hold * * modify hold */ if (strpos('-+*',$mode) === false) { /* not a valid mode - exit */ $this->_debugmsg( "SIP2: Invalid hold mode: {$mode}"); return false; } if ($holdtype != '' && ($holdtype < 1 || $holdtype > 9)) { /* * Valid hold types range from 1 - 9 * 1 other * 2 any copy of title * 3 specific copy * 4 any copy at a single branch or location */ $this->_debugmsg( "SIP2: Invalid hold type code: {$holdtype}"); return false; } $this->_newMessage('15'); $this->_addFixedOption($mode, 1); $this->_addFixedOption($this->_datestamp(), 18); if ($expDate != '') { /* hold expiration date, due to the use of the datestamp function, we have to check here for empty value. when datestamp is passed an empty value it will generate a current datestamp */ $this->_addVarOption('BW', $this->_datestamp($expDate), true); /*spec says this is fixed field, but it behaves like a var field and is optional... */ } $this->_addVarOption('BS',$pkupLocation, true); $this->_addVarOption('BY',$holdtype, true); $this->_addVarOption('AO',$this->AO); $this->_addVarOption('AA',$this->patron); $this->_addVarOption('AD',$this->patronpwd, true); $this->_addVarOption('AB',$item, true); $this->_addVarOption('AJ',$title, true); $this->_addVarOption('AC',$this->AC, true); $this->_addVarOption('BO',$fee, true); /* Y when user has agreed to a fee notice */ return $this->_returnMessage(); } function msgRenew($item = '', $title = '', $nbDateDue = '', $itmProp = '', $fee= 'N', $noBlock = 'N', $thirdParty = 'N') { /* renew a single item (29) - untested */ $this->_newMessage('29'); $this->_addFixedOption($thirdParty, 1); $this->_addFixedOption($noBlock, 1); $this->_addFixedOption($this->_datestamp(), 18); if ($nbDateDue != '') { /* override default date due */ $this->_addFixedOption($this->_datestamp($nbDateDue), 18); } else { /* send a blank date due to allow ACS to use default date due computed for item */ $this->_addFixedOption('', 18); } $this->_addVarOption('AO',$this->AO); $this->_addVarOption('AA',$this->patron); $this->_addVarOption('AD',$this->patronpwd, true); $this->_addVarOption('AB',$item, true); $this->_addVarOption('AJ',$title, true); $this->_addVarOption('AC',$this->AC, true); $this->_addVarOption('CH',$itmProp, true); $this->_addVarOption('BO',$fee, true); /* Y or N */ return $this->_returnMessage(); } function msgRenewAll($fee = 'N') { /* renew all items for a patron (65) - untested */ $this->_newMessage('65'); $this->_addVarOption('AO',$this->AO); $this->_addVarOption('AA',$this->patron); $this->_addVarOption('AD',$this->patronpwd, true); $this->_addVarOption('AC',$this->AC, true); $this->_addVarOption('BO',$fee, true); /* Y or N */ return $this->_returnMessage(); } function parsePatronStatusResponse($response) { $result['fixed'] = array( 'PatronStatus' => substr($response, 2, 14), 'Language' => substr($response, 16, 3), 'TransactionDate' => substr($response, 19, 18), ); $result['variable'] = $this->_parsevariabledata($response, 37); return $result; } function parseCheckoutResponse($response) { $result['fixed'] = array( 'Ok' => substr($response,2,1), 'RenewalOk' => substr($response,3,1), 'Magnetic' => substr($response,4,1), 'Desensitize' => substr($response,5,1), 'TransactionDate' => substr($response,6,18), ); $result['variable'] = $this->_parsevariabledata($response, 24); return $result; } function parseCheckinResponse($response) { $result['fixed'] = array( 'Ok' => substr($response,2,1), 'Resensitize' => substr($response,3,1), 'Magnetic' => substr($response,4,1), 'Alert' => substr($response,5,1), 'TransactionDate' => substr($response,6,18), ); $result['variable'] = $this->_parsevariabledata($response, 24); return $result; } function parseACSStatusResponse($response) { $result['fixed'] = array( 'Online' => substr($response, 2, 1), 'Checkin' => substr($response, 3, 1), /* is Checkin by the SC allowed ?*/ 'Checkout' => substr($response, 4, 1), /* is Checkout by the SC allowed ?*/ 'Renewal' => substr($response, 5, 1), /* renewal allowed? */ 'PatronUpdate' => substr($response, 6, 1), /* is patron status updating by the SC allowed ? (status update ok)*/ 'Offline' => substr($response, 7, 1), 'Timeout' => substr($response, 8, 3), 'Retries' => substr($response, 11, 3), 'TransactionDate' => substr($response, 14, 18), 'Protocol' => substr($response, 32, 4), ); $result['variable'] = $this->_parsevariabledata($response, 36); return $result; } function parseLoginResponse($response) { $result['fixed'] = array( 'Ok' => substr($response, 2, 1), ); $result['variable'] = array(); return $result; } function parsePatronInfoResponse($response) { $result['fixed'] = array( 'PatronStatus' => substr($response, 2, 14), 'Language' => substr($response, 16, 3), 'TransactionDate' => substr($response, 19, 18), 'HoldCount' => intval (substr($response, 37, 4)), 'OverdueCount' => intval (substr($response, 41, 4)), 'ChargedCount' => intval (substr($response, 45, 4)), 'FineCount' => intval (substr($response, 49, 4)), 'RecallCount' => intval (substr($response, 53, 4)), 'UnavailableCount' => intval (substr($response, 57, 4)) ); $result['variable'] = $this->_parsevariabledata($response, 61); return $result; } function parseEndSessionResponse($response) { /* Response example: 36Y20080228 145537AOWOHLERS|AAX00000000|AY9AZF474 */ $result['fixed'] = array( 'EndSession' => substr($response, 2, 1), 'TransactionDate' => substr($response, 3, 18), ); $result['variable'] = $this->_parsevariabledata($response, 21); return $result; } function parseFeePaidResponse($response) { $result['fixed'] = array( 'PaymentAccepted' => substr($response, 2, 1), 'TransactionDate' => substr($response, 3, 18), ); $result['variable'] = $this->_parsevariabledata($response, 21); return $result; } function parseItemInfoResponse($response) { $result['fixed'] = array( 'CirculationStatus' => intval (substr($response, 2, 2)), 'SecurityMarker' => intval (substr($response, 4, 2)), 'FeeType' => intval (substr($response, 6, 2)), 'TransactionDate' => substr($response, 8, 18), ); $result['variable'] = $this->_parsevariabledata($response, 26); return $result; } function parseItemStatusResponse($response) { $result['fixed'] = array( 'PropertiesOk' => substr($response, 2, 1), 'TransactionDate' => substr($response, 3, 18), ); $result['variable'] = $this->_parsevariabledata($response, 21); return $result; } function parsePatronEnableResponse($response) { $result['fixed'] = array( 'PatronStatus' => substr($response, 2, 14), 'Language' => substr($response, 16, 3), 'TransactionDate' => substr($response, 19, 18), ); $result['variable'] = $this->_parsevariabledata($response, 37); return $result; } function parseHoldResponse($response) { $result['fixed'] = array( 'Ok' => substr($response, 2, 1), 'available' => substr($response, 3, 1), 'TransactionDate' => substr($response, 4, 18), 'ExpirationDate' => substr($response, 22, 18) ); $result['variable'] = $this->_parsevariabledata($response, 40); return $result; } function parseRenewResponse($response) { /* Response Example: 300NUU20080228 222232AOWOHLERS|AAX00000241|ABM02400028262|AJFolksongs of Britain and Ireland|AH5/23/2008,23:59|CH|AFOverride required to exceed renewal limit.|AY1AZCDA5 */ $result['fixed'] = array( 'Ok' => substr($response, 2, 1), 'RenewalOk' => substr($response, 3, 1), 'Magnetic' => substr($response, 4, 1), 'Desensitize' => substr($response, 5, 1), 'TransactionDate' => substr($response, 6, 18), ); $result['variable'] = $this->_parsevariabledata($response, 24); return $result; } function parseRenewAllResponse($response) { $result['fixed'] = array( 'Ok' => substr($response, 2, 1), 'Renewed' => substr($response, 3, 4), 'Unrenewed' => substr($response, 7, 4), 'TransactionDate' => substr($response, 11, 18), ); $result['variable'] = $this->_parsevariabledata($response, 29); return $result; } function get_message ($message) { /* sends the current message, and gets the response */ $result = ''; $terminator = ''; $nr = ''; $this->_debugmsg('SIP2: Sending SIP2 request...'); socket_write($this->socket, $message, strlen($message)); $this->_debugmsg('SIP2: Request Sent, Reading response'); while ($terminator != "\x0D" && $nr !== FALSE) { $nr = socket_recv($this->socket,$terminator,1,0); $result = $result . $terminator; } $this->_debugmsg("SIP2: {$result}"); /* test message for CRC validity */ if ($this->_check_crc($result)) { /* reset the retry counter on successful send */ $this->retry=0; $this->_debugmsg("SIP2: Message from ACS passed CRC check"); } else { /* CRC check failed, request a resend */ $this->retry++; if ($this->retry < $this->maxretry) { /* try again */ $this->_debugmsg("SIP2: Message failed CRC check, retrying ({$this->retry})"); $this->get_message($message); } else { /* give up */ $this->_debugmsg("SIP2: Failed to get valid CRC after {$this->maxretry} retries."); return false; } } return $result; } function connect() { /* Socket Communications */ $this->_debugmsg( "SIP2: --- BEGIN SIP communication ---"); /* Get the IP address for the target host. */ $address = gethostbyname($this->hostname); /* Create a TCP/IP socket. */ $this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); /* check for actual truly false result using ===*/ if ($this->socket === false) { $this->_debugmsg( "SIP2: socket_create() failed: reason: " . socket_strerror($this->socket)); return false; } else { $this->_debugmsg( "SIP2: Socket Created" ); } $this->_debugmsg( "SIP2: Attempting to connect to '$address' on port '{$this->port}'..."); /* open a connection to the host */ $result = socket_connect($this->socket, $address, $this->port); if (!$result) { $this->_debugmsg("SIP2: socket_connect() failed.\nReason: ($result) " . socket_strerror($result)); } else { $this->_debugmsg( "SIP2: --- SOCKET READY ---" ); } /* return the result from the socket connect */ return $result; } function disconnect () { /* Close the socket */ socket_close($this->socket); } /* Core local utility functions */ function _datestamp($timestamp = '') { /* generate a SIP2 compatable datestamp */ /* From the spec: * YYYYMMDDZZZZHHMMSS. * All dates and times are expressed according to the ANSI standard X3.30 for date and X3.43 for time. * The ZZZZ field should contain blanks (code $20) to represent local time. To represent universal time, * a Z character(code $5A) should be put in the last (right hand) position of the ZZZZ field. * To represent other time zones the appropriate character should be used; a Q character (code $51) * should be put in the last (right hand) position of the ZZZZ field to represent Atlantic Standard Time. * When possible local time is the preferred format. */ if ($timestamp != '') { /* Generate a proper date time from the date provided */ return date('Ymd His', $timestamp); } else { /* Current Date/Time */ return date('Ymd His'); } } function _parsevariabledata($response, $start) { $result = array(); $result['Raw'] = explode("|", substr($response,$start,-7)); foreach ($result['Raw'] as $item) { $field = substr($item,0,2); $value = substr($item,2); /* SD returns some odd values on ocassion, Unable to locate the purpose in spec, so I strip from * the parsed array. Orig values will remain in ['raw'] element */ $clean = trim($value, "\x00..\x1F"); if (trim($clean) <> '') { $result[$field][] = $clean; } } $result['AZ'][] = substr($response,-5); return ($result); } function _crc($buf) { /* Calculate CRC */ $sum = 0; $len = strlen($buf); for ($n = 0; $n < $len; $n++) { $sum = $sum + ord(substr($buf, $n, 1)); } $crc = ($sum & 0xFFFF) * -1; /* 2008.03.15 - Fixed a bug that allowed the checksum to be larger then 4 digits */ return substr(sprintf ("%4X", $crc), -4, 4); } /* end crc */ function _getseqnum() { /* Get a sequence number for the AY field */ /* valid numbers range 0-9 */ $this->seq++; if ($this->seq > 9 ) { $this->seq = 0; } return ($this->seq); } function _debugmsg($message) { /* custom debug function, why repeat the check for the debug flag in code... */ if ($this->debug) { trigger_error( $message, E_USER_NOTICE); } } function _check_crc($message) { /* test the recieved message's CRC by generating our own CRC from the message */ $test = preg_split('/(.{4})$/',trim($message),2,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); if ($this->_crc($test[0]) == $test[1]) { return true; } else { return false; } } function _newMessage($code) { /* resets the msgBuild variable to the value of $code, and clears the flag for fixed messages */ $this->noFixed = false; $this->msgBuild = $code; } function _addFixedOption($value, $len) { /* adds afixed length option to the msgBuild IF no variable options have been added. */ if ( $this->noFixed ) { return false; } else { $this->msgBuild .= sprintf("%{$len}s", substr($value,0,$len)); return true; } } function _addVarOption($field, $value, $optional = false) { /* adds a varaiable length option to the message, and also prevents adding addtional fixed fields */ if ($optional == true && $value == '') { /* skipped */ $this->_debugmsg( "SIP2: Skipping optional field {$field}"); } else { $this->noFixed = true; /* no more fixed for this message */ $this->msgBuild .= $field . substr($value, 0, 255) . $this->fldTerminator; } return true; } function _returnMessage($withSeq = true, $withCrc = true) { /* Finalizes the message and returns it. Message will remain in msgBuild until newMessage is called */ if ($withSeq) { $this->msgBuild .= 'AY' . $this->_getseqnum(); } if ($withCrc) { $this->msgBuild .= 'AZ'; $this->msgBuild .= $this->_crc($this->msgBuild); } $this->msgBuild .= $this->msgTerminator; return $this->msgBuild; } } ?>