#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script runs unit tests locally in environment similar to Travis-CI # It runs tests in different PHP versions with suitable PHPUnite version. # # You can see results of unit tests execution in console. # Also all execution logs are saved to files phpunit_.log # # Prerequisites for running unit tests on local machine: # - docker # - docker-compose # # You can find definition of all test environments in folder testenv/ # This folder is not automatically synced with .travis.yml # If you add new PHP version to .travis.yml then you'll need to adjust files in testenv/ cd testenv # build containers and run tests docker-compose build && docker-compose up # save logs to log file docker-compose logs --no-color --timestamps | sort >"../phpunit_$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S').log" # remove containers docker-compose rm -f