* * For the full copyright and license information, please view * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Composer\XdebugHandler; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; /** * @author John Stevenson * @internal */ class Status { const ENV_RESTART = 'XDEBUG_HANDLER_RESTART'; const CHECK = 'Check'; const ERROR = 'Error'; const INFO = 'Info'; const NORESTART = 'NoRestart'; const RESTART = 'Restart'; const RESTARTING = 'Restarting'; const RESTARTED = 'Restarted'; /** @var bool */ private $debug; /** @var string */ private $envAllowXdebug; /** @var string|null */ private $loaded; /** @var LoggerInterface|null */ private $logger; /** @var bool */ private $modeOff; /** @var float */ private $time; /** * @param string $envAllowXdebug Prefixed _ALLOW_XDEBUG name * @param bool $debug Whether debug output is required */ public function __construct(string $envAllowXdebug, bool $debug) { $start = getenv(self::ENV_RESTART); Process::setEnv(self::ENV_RESTART); $this->time = is_numeric($start) ? round((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000) : 0; $this->envAllowXdebug = $envAllowXdebug; $this->debug = $debug && defined('STDERR'); $this->modeOff = false; } /** * Activates status message output to a PSR3 logger * * @return void */ public function setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger): void { $this->logger = $logger; } /** * Calls a handler method to report a message * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $op is not known */ public function report(string $op, ?string $data): void { if ($this->logger !== null || $this->debug) { $param = (string) $data; switch($op) { case self::CHECK: $this->reportCheck($param); break; case self::ERROR: $this->reportError($param); break; case self::INFO: $this->reportInfo($param); break; case self::NORESTART: $this->reportNoRestart(); break; case self::RESTART: $this->reportRestart(); break; case self::RESTARTED: $this->reportRestarted(); break; case self::RESTARTING: $this->reportRestarting($param); break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown op handler: '.$op); } } } /** * Outputs a status message */ private function output(string $text, ?string $level = null): void { if ($this->logger !== null) { $this->logger->log($level !== null ? $level: LogLevel::DEBUG, $text); } if ($this->debug) { fwrite(STDERR, sprintf('xdebug-handler[%d] %s', getmypid(), $text.PHP_EOL)); } } /** * Checking status message */ private function reportCheck(string $loaded): void { list($version, $mode) = explode('|', $loaded); if ($version !== '') { $this->loaded = '('.$version.')'.($mode !== '' ? ' xdebug.mode='.$mode : ''); } $this->modeOff = $mode === 'off'; $this->output('Checking '.$this->envAllowXdebug); } /** * Error status message */ private function reportError(string $error): void { $this->output(sprintf('No restart (%s)', $error), LogLevel::WARNING); } /** * Info status message */ private function reportInfo(string $info): void { $this->output($info); } /** * No restart status message */ private function reportNoRestart(): void { $this->output($this->getLoadedMessage()); if ($this->loaded !== null) { $text = sprintf('No restart (%s)', $this->getEnvAllow()); if (!((bool) getenv($this->envAllowXdebug))) { $text .= ' Allowed by '.($this->modeOff ? 'xdebug.mode' : 'application'); } $this->output($text); } } /** * Restart status message */ private function reportRestart(): void { $this->output($this->getLoadedMessage()); Process::setEnv(self::ENV_RESTART, (string) microtime(true)); } /** * Restarted status message */ private function reportRestarted(): void { $loaded = $this->getLoadedMessage(); $text = sprintf('Restarted (%d ms). %s', $this->time, $loaded); $level = $this->loaded !== null ? LogLevel::WARNING : null; $this->output($text, $level); } /** * Restarting status message */ private function reportRestarting(string $command): void { $text = sprintf('Process restarting (%s)', $this->getEnvAllow()); $this->output($text); $text = 'Running: '.$command; $this->output($text); } /** * Returns the _ALLOW_XDEBUG environment variable as name=value */ private function getEnvAllow(): string { return $this->envAllowXdebug.'='.getenv($this->envAllowXdebug); } /** * Returns the Xdebug status and version */ private function getLoadedMessage(): string { $loaded = $this->loaded !== null ? sprintf('loaded %s', $this->loaded) : 'not loaded'; return 'The Xdebug extension is '.$loaded; } }