Changelog ========= ## Unreleased ## 2.9.2 * Tests cover PHP versions 7.4 to 8.2 (!149) * Fix variable syntax deprecations (!149) * Fix headed mode in Chrome v111+ using HTTP PUT request method when opening a new tab per (!145, !146, !147) ## 2.9.1 * Use correct default values for domWaitTimeout and socketTimeout when unset (#133, !143) ## 2.9.0 * Throw DriverException if file to be uploaded is not found (#12, !128) * ConnectionException / StreamReadException handling improvements (!133, #68, #99, #119) * Test coverage for accented character value handling (#105) * Fix for file upload handling (behat-chrome-extension#12, !128) * Test improvements (#124, !129) * Documentation improvements (!127) * Coding standards fixes (!115, !132, !136) ## 2.8.1 * Cookie encoding bugfix (#86) * Use upstream Mink test suite (#116) * Tests cover PHP versions 7.4 to 8.1 (#108) * Documentation improvements (!125) * Coding standards fixes (!115) ## 2.8.0 * Improved support for Behat 1.8.x, fixes to CI (!93, #94, #104) * Support obtaining event listeners for elements (!91) * Correctly use configured DevTools connection URL (!90, #93) * Re-throw dead connection exceptions (!88) * Support `setValue()` on 'url' input types (!87) * Support clearing and retrieval of messages from `console.log` (!86, #97) * Support multiple file attachments (!83) * Support non-HTML responses (!78) * Updated Event dispatching for input change to add support for React components (!74) * Full page and screen screenshot functionality (!72, !79) * Improve exception message on Chrome error (!71) * Handle experimental Page.navigatedWithinDocument (!70) ## 2.7.0 * Support `setValue()` on 'number' input types (!81) * Correct types for `printToPDF()` method (!68) * Add function handling for evaluated JS return values (!67, #67) * PHP7.3 fixes and test coverage (!66) * Add ext-json to requirements in composer.json (!64) * Set Host header for compatibility with Chrome 66+ (!63) * Non-strict comparison of radio button values (!62) * Add method to retrieve all cookies (!61) * Replace deprecated method to ignore SSL certificate errors (!60, #57) * Remove `event.key` code to fix conflict with non-printable chars (!57) ## 2.6.4 * Fixed StreamReadException not being caught when browser fails to respond on stop ## 2.6.3 * Make DOM wait timeout configurable - [Nikita Nefedov]( * Dispatch javascript keyup/keydown on top of devtools Input.dispatchKeyEvent - [Florent Ruard-Dumaine]( * Improved click handling for elements with non-zero border radius - [Carl Wiedemann]( * Remove headless chrome check from `captureScreenshot()` - [Eric Jenkins]( * Fixed handling of dialogs on click - [Arturas Smorgun]( * Improved error handling when chrome Connection cannot be established - [Peter Rehm]( ## 2.6.2 * Fixed wrongful assumption that chrome has crashed when it was waiting for a long page load. ## 2.6.1 * Fix unicode preg_replace - [PFlorent Ruard-Dumaine]( * Documentation for socketTimeout option - [Peter Rehm]( * Reset document to document after visiting a new url - [Peter Rehm]( * Improved error handling when Chrome Connection can not be established and provided hints. - [Peter Rehm]( * Fixes undefined index 'value' for properties - [Mark Nielsen]( * Fix XPaths for SVGs - [Mark Nielsen]( * Resolve "Default socket timeout is inconsistent" - [Sascha Grossenbacher]( ## 2.6 * Add click on radio element when selected - [Peter Rehm]( * Added support to capture screenshots and to render PDFs - [Peter Rehm]( * Socket timeout defaults now to 10 seconds - [Matthew Hotchen]( * Set pierce argument to TRUE if currently in an iframe - [Sascha Grossenbacher]( * Added verification if an element can be focused - [Sascha Grossenbacher]( * Fixed password fields not being focused before key presses ## 2.5 * Added option for overriding socket timeout - [Matthew Hotchen]( ## 2.4.3 * Fixed compatibility with Chrome 61 - [Matthew Hotchen]( * PHP 7.2 compatibility - [Peter Rehm]( ## 2.4.2 * Removed dependency on symfony/options-resolver:3 due to conflicts with Symfony2 projects ## 2.4.1 * Added support for enabling certificate override [Arturas Smorgun]( * Fixed numeric passwords being treated as integers ## 2.4.0 * Fixed support for Chrome 62 - [Peter Rehm]( * Implemented download behavior (Chrome 62+ only) - [Peter Rehm]( ## 2.3.1 * Fixed 'Server sent invalid upgrade response' when switching windows, in some cases ## 2.3.0 * Fixed getWindowNames incompatibility with Selenium2Driver * Fixed mouseover sometimes moving the mouse outside the element - [Mark Nielsen]( * Fixed inability to switchToWindow for some tabs which were opened with - [Mark Nielsen]( * Throw DriverException instead of \Exception - [Mark Nielsen]( * Throw NoSuchFrameException instead of generic \Exception when the frame is removed after being switched to - [Mark Nielsen]( * Fixed clicking on an option tag which is inside an optgroup - [Mark Nielsen]( * Fixed isVisible when the element is hidden using negative offsets or 'visibility: hidden' - [Mark Nielsen]( * Fixed NoSuchElement exception when textbox is removed by javascript onchange - [Mark Nielsen]( * Fixed browser resizing - [Mark Nielsen]( * Added support for setting the value of a input type="search" - [Raphaƫl Droz]( * Added support for setting the value of an element with contenteditable=true - [Mark Nielsen]( ## 2.2.0 * Implemented isolation between multiple instances running against the same browser, if the browser is running with --headless * Fixed isVisible when an element only has children which are floating, fixed, or absolute * Fixed setValue on fields with limited length * Fixed getStatusCode and getResponseHeaders timing out when the page has been loaded before the websocket was opened * Fixed setValue for multibyte unicode * Fixed some elements not receiving click * Sped up animations and added sleep until they complete * Fixed timeout when page loading takes longer than 5 seconds * Fixed deadlock when a request fails * Fixed deadlock when chrome crashes * Fixed fields not showing autocomplete on setValue, due to unnecessary blur * Fixed fatal error when restarting without --headless ## 2.1.1 * Fixed compatibility with 5.6 and 7.0 ## 2.1.0 * Added support for switching to popups which chrome turned opened as tabs * Improved findElementXpaths to get the shortest xpath possible * Fixed xpath queries not always returning the elements in the correct order * Fixed setValue not always triggering keyup/keydown * Fixed popup blocker stopping popups triggered by click * Fixed deadlock when javascript prompt/alert is shown * Fixed double click not dispatching an event for the first click * Fixed double click not bubbling * Fixed page load timing out after 5 seconds ## 2.0.1 * Removed behat dependency ## 2.0.0 * Fixed screenshot feature (thanks * Extracted behat extension to its own repository ## 1.1.3 * Fixed timeout when checking for the status code of a request served from cache ## 1.1.2 * PHP 5.6 support * Fixed websocket timeout when visit() was not the first action after start() or reset() ## 1.1.1 * Licensed as MIT ## 1.1.0 * Added support for basic http authentication * Added support for removing http-only cookies * Added support for file upload * Fixed getContent() returning htmldecoded text instead of the outer html as is ## 1.0.1 * Fixed back() and forward() timing out when the page is served from cache.