http_client = $client; } /** * Set the HTTP URI. * * @param string $http_uri */ public function setHttpUri($http_uri): void { $this->http_uri = $http_uri; } /** * Start. * * @throws DriverException */ public function start(): string { $response = $this->http_client->get($this->http_uri . '/json/version'); $versionInfo = json_decode($response); // Detect if Chrome is running if (null === $versionInfo) { $jsonError = json_last_error_msg(); throw new \RuntimeException( sprintf( "Could not fetch version information from %s. Check if Chrome is running. " . "See docs/ if Chrome crashed unexpectedly." . PHP_EOL . "Json Error: %s." . PHP_EOL . "Response was: %s", $this->http_uri . '/json/version', $jsonError, $response ) ); } // Detect Browser version if (property_exists($versionInfo, 'Browser')) { $start = strpos($versionInfo->Browser, '/') + 1; $this->version = (int) substr($versionInfo->Browser, $start, strpos($versionInfo->Browser, '.') - $start); } // Detect if Chrome has been started in Headless Mode if (property_exists($versionInfo, 'Browser') && strpos($versionInfo->Browser, 'Headless') === false) { $this->headless = false; } if ($this->headless) { try { $versionInfo = json_decode($this->http_client->get($this->http_uri . '/json/version')); // handling chrome versions 62+ where Target.createBrowserContext moved to new location if (property_exists($versionInfo, 'webSocketDebuggerUrl')) { $debugUrl = $versionInfo->webSocketDebuggerUrl; $this->connect($debugUrl); } $this->context_id = $this->send('Target.createBrowserContext')['browserContextId']; $data = $this->send( 'Target.createTarget', ['url' => 'about:blank', 'browserContextId' => $this->context_id] ); return $data['targetId']; } catch (DriverException $exception) { if ($exception->getCode() == '-32601' || $exception->getCode() == '-32000') { $this->headless = false; } else { throw $exception; } } } $json = $this->http_client->put($this->http_uri . '/json/new'); $response = json_decode($json, true); return $response['id']; } /** * Close the session. * * @throws ConnectionException */ public function close(): void { if ($this->headless) { if (!$this->send('Target.disposeBrowserContext', ['browserContextId' => $this->context_id])) { throw new ConnectionException('Unable to close browser context'); } } parent::close(); } /** * {inheritDoc} */ protected function processResponse(array $data): bool { return false; } /** * @return bool */ public function isHeadless() { return $this->headless; } /** * @return string */ public function getVersion() { return $this->version; } }