send('Page.enable'); $this->send('DOM.enable'); $this->send('Network.enable'); $this->send('Animation.enable'); $this->send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', ['playbackRate' => 100000]); $this->send('Console.enable'); } /** * Reset the latest response. */ public function reset(): void { $this->response = null; } /** * Visit a new URL. * * @param $url * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DriverException * @throws StreamReadException */ public function visit($url): void { if (count($this->pending_requests) > 0) { $this->waitFor( function () { return count($this->pending_requests) == 0; } ); } $this->response = null; $this->page_ready = false; $this->send('Page.navigate', ['url' => $url]); } /** * Reload the current page. * * @throws \Exception */ public function reload() { $this->page_ready = false; $this->send('Page.reload'); } /** * Wait for page to load. * * @throws DriverException */ public function waitForLoad() { if (!$this->page_ready) { try { $this->waitFor( function () { return $this->page_ready; } ); } catch (StreamReadException $exception) { if ($exception->isTimedOut() && false === $this->canDevToolsConnectionBeEstablished()) { throw new \RuntimeException( sprintf( 'Chrome is unreachable via "%s" and might have crashed. Please see docs/', $this->getUrl() ) ); } if (!$exception->isEof() && $exception->isTimedOut()) { $this->waitForLoad(); } } catch (ConnectionException $exception) { throw new DriverException("Page not loaded"); } } } /** * Get the response. * * @return array|null * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DriverException * @throws StreamReadException */ public function getResponse() { $this->waitForHttpResponse(); return $this->response; } /** * @return boolean */ public function hasJavascriptDialog(): bool { return $this->has_javascript_dialog; } /** * Get the browser's tabs. * * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function getTabs(): array { $tabs = []; foreach ($this->send('Target.getTargets')['targetInfos'] as $tab) { if ($tab['type'] == 'page') { $tabs[] = $tab; } } return array_reverse($tabs, true); } /** * Get all console messages since start or last clear. * * @return array */ public function getConsoleMessages(): array { return $this->console_messages; } /** * Clear the stored console messages. */ public function clearConsoleMessages() { $this->console_messages = []; } /** * Wait for an HTTP response. * * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DriverException * @throws StreamReadException */ private function waitForHttpResponse() { if (null === $this->response) { $parameters = ['expression' => 'document.readyState == "complete"']; $domReady = $this->send('Runtime.evaluate', $parameters)['result']['value']; if (count($this->pending_requests) == 0 && $domReady) { $this->response = [ 'status' => 200, 'headers' => [], ]; return; } $this->waitFor( function () { return null !== $this->response && count($this->pending_requests) == 0; } ); } } /** * {inheritDoc} */ protected function processResponse(array $data): bool { if (array_key_exists('method', $data)) { switch ($data['method']) { case 'Page.javascriptDialogOpening': $this->has_javascript_dialog = true; return true; case 'Page.javascriptDialogClosed': $this->has_javascript_dialog = false; break; case 'Network.requestWillBeSent': if ($data['params']['type'] == 'Document') { $this->pending_requests[$data['params']['requestId']] = true; } break; case 'Network.responseReceived': if ($data['params']['type'] == 'Document') { unset($this->pending_requests[$data['params']['requestId']]); $this->response = $data['params']['response']; } break; case 'Network.loadingFailed': if ($data['params']['canceled']) { unset($this->pending_requests[$data['params']['requestId']]); } break; case 'Page.frameNavigated': case 'Page.loadEventFired': case 'Page.frameStartedLoading': $this->page_ready = false; break; case 'Page.navigatedWithinDocument': case 'Page.frameStoppedLoading': $this->page_ready = true; break; case 'Inspector.targetCrashed': throw new DriverException('Browser crashed'); case 'Animation.animationStarted': if (!empty($data['params']['source']['duration'])) { usleep($data['params']['source']['duration'] * 10); } break; case 'Security.certificateError': if (isset($data['params']['eventId'])) { $this->send( 'Security.handleCertificateError', ['eventId' => $data['params']['eventId'], 'action' => 'continue'] ); $this->page_ready = false; } break; case 'Console.messageAdded': $this->console_messages[] = $data['params']['message']; break; default: break; } } return false; } }