getPath()); if (!is_string($data)) { $errorDetails = error_get_last()['message'] ?? 'invalid data'; throw new \Exception(sprintf('Could not read logo image data from path "%s": %s', $logo->getPath(), $errorDetails)); } if (false !== filter_var($logo->getPath(), FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $mimeType = self::detectMimeTypeFromUrl($logo->getPath()); } else { $mimeType = self::detectMimeTypeFromPath($logo->getPath()); } $width = $logo->getResizeToWidth(); $height = $logo->getResizeToHeight(); if ('image/svg+xml' === $mimeType) { if (null === $width || null === $height) { throw new \Exception('SVG Logos require an explicitly set resize width and height'); } return new self($data, null, $mimeType, $width, $height, $logo->getPunchoutBackground()); } error_clear_last(); $image = @imagecreatefromstring($data); if (!$image) { $errorDetails = error_get_last()['message'] ?? 'invalid data'; throw new \Exception(sprintf('Unable to parse image data at path "%s": %s', $logo->getPath(), $errorDetails)); } // No target width and height specified: use from original image if (null !== $width && null !== $height) { return new self($data, $image, $mimeType, $width, $height, $logo->getPunchoutBackground()); } // Only target width specified: calculate height if (null !== $width && null === $height) { return new self($data, $image, $mimeType, $width, intval(imagesy($image) * $width / imagesx($image)), $logo->getPunchoutBackground()); } // Only target height specified: calculate width if (null === $width && null !== $height) { return new self($data, $image, $mimeType, intval(imagesx($image) * $height / imagesy($image)), $height, $logo->getPunchoutBackground()); } return new self($data, $image, $mimeType, imagesx($image), imagesy($image), $logo->getPunchoutBackground()); } public function getData(): string { return $this->data; } public function getImage(): \GdImage { if (!$this->image instanceof \GdImage) { throw new \Exception('SVG Images have no image resource'); } return $this->image; } public function getMimeType(): string { return $this->mimeType; } public function getWidth(): int { return $this->width; } public function getHeight(): int { return $this->height; } public function getPunchoutBackground(): bool { return $this->punchoutBackground; } public function createDataUri(): string { return 'data:'.$this->mimeType.';base64,'.base64_encode($this->data); } private static function detectMimeTypeFromUrl(string $url): string { $headers = get_headers($url, true); if (!is_array($headers) || !isset($headers['Content-Type'])) { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Content type could not be determined for logo URL "%s"', $url)); } return is_array($headers['Content-Type']) ? $headers['Content-Type'][1] : $headers['Content-Type']; } private static function detectMimeTypeFromPath(string $path): string { if (!function_exists('mime_content_type')) { throw new \Exception('You need the ext-fileinfo extension to determine logo mime type'); } error_clear_last(); $mimeType = @mime_content_type($path); if (!is_string($mimeType)) { $errorDetails = error_get_last()['message'] ?? 'invalid data'; throw new \Exception(sprintf('Could not determine mime type: %s', $errorDetails)); } if (!preg_match('#^image/#', $mimeType)) { throw new \Exception('Logo path is not an image'); } // Passing mime type image/svg results in invisible images if ('image/svg' === $mimeType) { return 'image/svg+xml'; } return $mimeType; } }