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Workspace of VuFind on Built-In Node

PhpUnitConstructFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM5.96 KiB
PhpUnitDataProviderNameFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM5.45 KiB
PhpUnitDataProviderReturnTypeFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM3.76 KiB
PhpUnitDataProviderStaticFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM4.51 KiB
PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM20.90 KiB
PhpUnitDedicateAssertInternalTypeFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM6.04 KiB
PhpUnitExpectationFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM9.42 KiB
PhpUnitFqcnAnnotationFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM2.37 KiB
PhpUnitInternalClassFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM3.29 KiB
PhpUnitMethodCasingFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM6.08 KiB
PhpUnitMockFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM4.48 KiB
PhpUnitMockShortWillReturnFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM4.66 KiB
PhpUnitNamespacedFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM9.70 KiB
PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM8.47 KiB
PhpUnitSetUpTearDownVisibilityFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM3.07 KiB
PhpUnitSizeClassFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM2.82 KiB
PhpUnitStrictFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM4.55 KiB
PhpUnitTargetVersion.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM1.55 KiB
PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM13.46 KiB
PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM17.58 KiB
PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer.phpFeb 28, 2024, 2:50:06 PM2.15 KiB