* Dariusz RumiƄski * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Phpdoc; use PhpCsFixer\AbstractFixer; use PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\Annotation; use PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\DocBlock; use PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\TypeExpression; use PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ConfigurableFixerInterface; use PhpCsFixer\FixerConfiguration\FixerConfigurationResolver; use PhpCsFixer\FixerConfiguration\FixerConfigurationResolverInterface; use PhpCsFixer\FixerConfiguration\FixerOptionBuilder; use PhpCsFixer\FixerDefinition\CodeSample; use PhpCsFixer\FixerDefinition\FixerDefinition; use PhpCsFixer\FixerDefinition\FixerDefinitionInterface; use PhpCsFixer\Preg; use PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Token; use PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Tokens; final class PhpdocTypesOrderFixer extends AbstractFixer implements ConfigurableFixerInterface { public function getDefinition(): FixerDefinitionInterface { return new FixerDefinition( 'Sorts PHPDoc types.', [ new CodeSample( ' 'always_last'] ), new CodeSample( ' 'alpha'] ), new CodeSample( ' 'alpha', 'null_adjustment' => 'always_last', ] ), new CodeSample( ' 'alpha', 'null_adjustment' => 'none', ] ), new CodeSample( ' true] ), ] ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * Must run before PhpdocAlignFixer. * Must run after AlignMultilineCommentFixer, CommentToPhpdocFixer, PhpdocArrayTypeFixer, PhpdocIndentFixer, PhpdocListTypeFixer, PhpdocScalarFixer, PhpdocToCommentFixer, PhpdocTypesFixer. */ public function getPriority(): int { return 0; } public function isCandidate(Tokens $tokens): bool { return $tokens->isTokenKindFound(T_DOC_COMMENT); } protected function createConfigurationDefinition(): FixerConfigurationResolverInterface { return new FixerConfigurationResolver([ (new FixerOptionBuilder('sort_algorithm', 'The sorting algorithm to apply.')) ->setAllowedValues(['alpha', 'none']) ->setDefault('alpha') ->getOption(), (new FixerOptionBuilder('null_adjustment', 'Forces the position of `null` (overrides `sort_algorithm`).')) ->setAllowedValues(['always_first', 'always_last', 'none']) ->setDefault('always_first') ->getOption(), (new FixerOptionBuilder('case_sensitive', 'Whether the sorting should be case sensitive.')) ->setAllowedTypes(['bool']) ->setDefault(false) ->getOption(), ]); } protected function applyFix(\SplFileInfo $file, Tokens $tokens): void { foreach ($tokens as $index => $token) { if (!$token->isGivenKind(T_DOC_COMMENT)) { continue; } $doc = new DocBlock($token->getContent()); $annotations = $doc->getAnnotationsOfType(Annotation::getTagsWithTypes()); if (0 === \count($annotations)) { continue; } foreach ($annotations as $annotation) { // fix main types if (null !== $annotation->getTypeExpression()) { $annotation->setTypes( $this->sortTypes( $annotation->getTypeExpression() ) ); } // fix @method parameters types $line = $doc->getLine($annotation->getStart()); $line->setContent(Preg::replaceCallback('/\*\h*@method\h+'.TypeExpression::REGEX_TYPES.'\h+\K(?&callable)/', function (array $matches) { $typeExpression = new TypeExpression($matches[0], null, []); return implode('|', $this->sortTypes($typeExpression)); }, $line->getContent())); } $tokens[$index] = new Token([T_DOC_COMMENT, $doc->getContent()]); } } /** * @return list */ private function sortTypes(TypeExpression $typeExpression): array { $normalizeType = static fn (string $type): string => Preg::replace('/^\(*\??\\\?/', '', $type); $typeExpression->sortTypes( function (TypeExpression $a, TypeExpression $b) use ($normalizeType): int { $a = $normalizeType($a->toString()); $b = $normalizeType($b->toString()); $lowerCaseA = strtolower($a); $lowerCaseB = strtolower($b); if ('none' !== $this->configuration['null_adjustment']) { if ('null' === $lowerCaseA && 'null' !== $lowerCaseB) { return 'always_last' === $this->configuration['null_adjustment'] ? 1 : -1; } if ('null' !== $lowerCaseA && 'null' === $lowerCaseB) { return 'always_last' === $this->configuration['null_adjustment'] ? -1 : 1; } } if ('alpha' === $this->configuration['sort_algorithm']) { return true === $this->configuration['case_sensitive'] ? $a <=> $b : strcasecmp($a, $b); } return 0; } ); return $typeExpression->getTypes(); } }