'integer', self::STRICT_TYPES => 'integer', self::ENCODING => 'string', ]; protected string $directive; /** @var int|string */ protected $value; /** @param int|string $value */ private function __construct(string $directive, $value) { $this->directive = $directive; $this->value = $value; } public function getDirective(): string { return $this->directive; } /** * @return int|string */ public function getValue() { return $this->value; } public static function ticks(int $value): self { return new self(self::TICKS, $value); } public static function strictTypes(int $value): self { return new self(self::STRICT_TYPES, $value); } public static function encoding(string $value): self { return new self(self::ENCODING, $value); } /** * @deprecated this API is deprecated, and will be removed in the next major release. Please * use the other constructors of this class instead. */ public static function fromArray(array $config): self { $directive = key($config); $value = $config[$directive]; if (! isset(self::ALLOWED[$directive])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( sprintf( 'Declare directive must be one of: %s.', implode(', ', array_keys(self::ALLOWED)) ) ); } if (gettype($value) !== self::ALLOWED[$directive]) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( sprintf( 'Declare value invalid. Expected %s, got %s.', self::ALLOWED[$directive], gettype($value) ) ); } $method = str_replace('_', '', lcfirst(ucwords($directive, '_'))); return self::{$method}($value); } public function getStatement(): string { $value = is_string($this->value) ? '\'' . $this->value . '\'' : $this->value; return sprintf('declare(%s=%s);', $this->directive, $value); } }