createProfiler($parameters); } $driver = $this->createDriver($parameters); } elseif (! $driver instanceof Driver\DriverInterface) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( 'The supplied or instantiated driver object does not implement ' . Driver\DriverInterface::class ); } $driver->checkEnvironment(); $this->driver = $driver; if ($platform === null) { $platform = $this->createPlatform($parameters); } $this->platform = $platform; $this->queryResultSetPrototype = $queryResultPrototype ?: new ResultSet\ResultSet(); if ($profiler) { $this->setProfiler($profiler); } } /** * @return $this Provides a fluent interface */ public function setProfiler(Profiler\ProfilerInterface $profiler) { $this->profiler = $profiler; if ($this->driver instanceof Profiler\ProfilerAwareInterface) { $this->driver->setProfiler($profiler); } return $this; } /** * @return null|Profiler\ProfilerInterface */ public function getProfiler() { return $this->profiler; } /** * getDriver() * * @throws Exception\RuntimeException * @return Driver\DriverInterface */ public function getDriver() { if ($this->driver === null) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Driver has not been set or configured for this adapter.'); } return $this->driver; } /** * @return Platform\PlatformInterface */ public function getPlatform() { return $this->platform; } /** * @return ResultSet\ResultSetInterface */ public function getQueryResultSetPrototype() { return $this->queryResultSetPrototype; } /** @return string */ public function getCurrentSchema() { return $this->driver->getConnection()->getCurrentSchema(); } /** * query() is a convenience function * * @param string $sql * @param string|array|ParameterContainer $parametersOrQueryMode * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return Driver\StatementInterface|ResultSet\ResultSet */ public function query( $sql, $parametersOrQueryMode = self::QUERY_MODE_PREPARE, ?ResultSet\ResultSetInterface $resultPrototype = null ) { if ( is_string($parametersOrQueryMode) && in_array($parametersOrQueryMode, [self::QUERY_MODE_PREPARE, self::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE]) ) { $mode = $parametersOrQueryMode; $parameters = null; } elseif (is_array($parametersOrQueryMode) || $parametersOrQueryMode instanceof ParameterContainer) { $mode = self::QUERY_MODE_PREPARE; $parameters = $parametersOrQueryMode; } else { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( 'Parameter 2 to this method must be a flag, an array, or ParameterContainer' ); } if ($mode === self::QUERY_MODE_PREPARE) { $lastPreparedStatement = $this->driver->createStatement($sql); $lastPreparedStatement->prepare(); if (is_array($parameters) || $parameters instanceof ParameterContainer) { if (is_array($parameters)) { $lastPreparedStatement->setParameterContainer(new ParameterContainer($parameters)); } else { $lastPreparedStatement->setParameterContainer($parameters); } $result = $lastPreparedStatement->execute(); } else { return $lastPreparedStatement; } } else { $result = $this->driver->getConnection()->execute($sql); } if ($result instanceof Driver\ResultInterface && $result->isQueryResult()) { $resultSet = $resultPrototype ?? $this->queryResultSetPrototype; $resultSetCopy = clone $resultSet; $resultSetCopy->initialize($result); return $resultSetCopy; } return $result; } /** * Create statement * * @param string $initialSql * @param null|ParameterContainer|array $initialParameters * @return Driver\StatementInterface */ public function createStatement($initialSql = null, $initialParameters = null) { $statement = $this->driver->createStatement($initialSql); if ( $initialParameters === null || ! $initialParameters instanceof ParameterContainer && is_array($initialParameters) ) { $initialParameters = new ParameterContainer(is_array($initialParameters) ? $initialParameters : []); } $statement->setParameterContainer($initialParameters); return $statement; } public function getHelpers() { $functions = []; $platform = $this->platform; foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) { switch ($arg) { case self::FUNCTION_QUOTE_IDENTIFIER: $functions[] = function ($value) use ($platform) { return $platform->quoteIdentifier($value); }; break; case self::FUNCTION_QUOTE_VALUE: $functions[] = function ($value) use ($platform) { return $platform->quoteValue($value); }; break; } } } /** * @param string $name * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return Driver\DriverInterface|Platform\PlatformInterface */ public function __get($name) { switch (strtolower($name)) { case 'driver': return $this->driver; case 'platform': return $this->platform; default: throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid magic property on adapter'); } } /** * @param array $parameters * @return Driver\DriverInterface * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ protected function createDriver($parameters) { if (! isset($parameters['driver'])) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( __FUNCTION__ . ' expects a "driver" key to be present inside the parameters' ); } if ($parameters['driver'] instanceof Driver\DriverInterface) { return $parameters['driver']; } if (! is_string($parameters['driver'])) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( __FUNCTION__ . ' expects a "driver" to be a string or instance of DriverInterface' ); } $options = []; if (isset($parameters['options'])) { $options = (array) $parameters['options']; unset($parameters['options']); } $driverName = strtolower($parameters['driver']); switch ($driverName) { case 'mysqli': $driver = new Driver\Mysqli\Mysqli($parameters, null, null, $options); break; case 'sqlsrv': $driver = new Driver\Sqlsrv\Sqlsrv($parameters); break; case 'oci8': $driver = new Driver\Oci8\Oci8($parameters); break; case 'pgsql': $driver = new Driver\Pgsql\Pgsql($parameters); break; case 'ibmdb2': $driver = new Driver\IbmDb2\IbmDb2($parameters); break; case 'pdo': default: if ($driverName === 'pdo' || strpos($driverName, 'pdo') === 0) { $driver = new Driver\Pdo\Pdo($parameters); } } if (! isset($driver) || ! $driver instanceof Driver\DriverInterface) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('DriverInterface expected'); } return $driver; } /** * @param array $parameters * @return Platform\PlatformInterface */ protected function createPlatform(array $parameters) { if (isset($parameters['platform'])) { $platformName = $parameters['platform']; } elseif ($this->driver instanceof Driver\DriverInterface) { $platformName = $this->driver->getDatabasePlatformName(Driver\DriverInterface::NAME_FORMAT_CAMELCASE); } else { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( 'A platform could not be determined from the provided configuration' ); } // currently only supported by the IbmDb2 & Oracle concrete implementations $options = $parameters['platform_options'] ?? []; switch ($platformName) { case 'Mysql': // mysqli or pdo_mysql driver if ($this->driver instanceof Driver\Mysqli\Mysqli || $this->driver instanceof Driver\Pdo\Pdo) { $driver = $this->driver; } else { $driver = null; } return new Platform\Mysql($driver); case 'SqlServer': // PDO is only supported driver for quoting values in this platform return new Platform\SqlServer($this->driver instanceof Driver\Pdo\Pdo ? $this->driver : null); case 'Oracle': if ($this->driver instanceof Driver\Oci8\Oci8 || $this->driver instanceof Driver\Pdo\Pdo) { $driver = $this->driver; } else { $driver = null; } return new Platform\Oracle($options, $driver); case 'Sqlite': // PDO is only supported driver for quoting values in this platform if ($this->driver instanceof Driver\Pdo\Pdo) { return new Platform\Sqlite($this->driver); } return new Platform\Sqlite(null); case 'Postgresql': // pgsql or pdo postgres driver if ($this->driver instanceof Driver\Pgsql\Pgsql || $this->driver instanceof Driver\Pdo\Pdo) { $driver = $this->driver; } else { $driver = null; } return new Platform\Postgresql($driver); case 'IbmDb2': // ibm_db2 driver escaping does not need an action connection return new Platform\IbmDb2($options); default: return new Platform\Sql92(); } } /** * @param array $parameters * @return Profiler\ProfilerInterface * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ protected function createProfiler($parameters) { if ($parameters['profiler'] instanceof Profiler\ProfilerInterface) { return $parameters['profiler']; } if (is_bool($parameters['profiler'])) { return $parameters['profiler'] === true ? new Profiler\Profiler() : null; } throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( '"profiler" parameter must be an instance of ProfilerInterface or a boolean' ); } /** * @deprecated * * @param array $parameters * @return Driver\DriverInterface * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ protected function createDriverFromParameters(array $parameters) { return $this->createDriver($parameters); } /** * @deprecated * * @return Platform\PlatformInterface */ protected function createPlatformFromDriver(Driver\DriverInterface $driver) { return $this->createPlatform($driver); } }