0) { $parameters = []; foreach ($parts as $parameter) { $parameter = trim($parameter); if (! preg_match('/^(?P[^\s\=]+)\="?(?P[^\s\"]*)"?$/', $parameter, $matches)) { continue; } $parameters[$matches['key']] = $matches['value']; } $header->setParameters($parameters); } return $header; } /** * @param null|string $value * @param null|string $mediaType */ public function __construct($value = null, $mediaType = null) { if ($value !== null) { HeaderValue::assertValid($value); $this->value = $value; } $this->mediaType = $mediaType; } /** * Determine if the mediatype value in this header matches the provided criteria * * @param array|string $matchAgainst * @return string|bool Matched value or false */ public function match($matchAgainst) { if (is_string($matchAgainst)) { $matchAgainst = $this->splitMediaTypesFromString($matchAgainst); } $mediaType = $this->getMediaType(); $left = $this->getMediaTypeObjectFromString($mediaType); foreach ($matchAgainst as $matchType) { $matchType = strtolower($matchType); if ($mediaType === $matchType) { return $matchType; } $right = $this->getMediaTypeObjectFromString($matchType); // Is the right side a wildcard type? if ($right->type === '*') { if ($this->validateSubtype($right, $left)) { return $matchType; } } // Do the types match? if ($right->type === $left->type) { if ($this->validateSubtype($right, $left)) { return $matchType; } } } return false; } /** * Create a string representation of the header * * @return string */ public function toString() { return 'Content-Type: ' . $this->getFieldValue(); } /** * Get the field name * * @return string */ public function getFieldName() { return 'Content-Type'; } /** * Get the field value * * @return string */ public function getFieldValue() { if (null !== $this->value) { return (string) $this->value; } return $this->assembleValue(); } /** * Set the media type * * @param string $mediaType * @return $this */ public function setMediaType($mediaType) { HeaderValue::assertValid($mediaType); $this->mediaType = strtolower($mediaType); $this->value = null; return $this; } /** * Get the media type * * @return string */ public function getMediaType() { return (string) $this->mediaType; } /** * Set additional content-type parameters * * @param array $parameters * @return $this */ public function setParameters(array $parameters) { foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { HeaderValue::assertValid($key); HeaderValue::assertValid($value); } $this->parameters = array_merge($this->parameters, $parameters); $this->value = null; return $this; } /** * Get any additional content-type parameters currently set * * @return array */ public function getParameters() { return $this->parameters; } /** * Set the content-type character set encoding * * @param string $charset * @return $this */ public function setCharset($charset) { HeaderValue::assertValid($charset); $this->parameters['charset'] = $charset; $this->value = null; return $this; } /** * Get the content-type character set encoding, if any * * @return null|string */ public function getCharset() { if (isset($this->parameters['charset'])) { return $this->parameters['charset']; } return null; } /** * Assemble the value based on the media type and any available parameters * * @return string */ protected function assembleValue() { $mediaType = $this->getMediaType(); if (empty($this->parameters)) { return $mediaType; } $parameters = []; foreach ($this->parameters as $key => $value) { $parameters[] = sprintf('%s=%s', $key, $value); } return sprintf('%s; %s', $mediaType, implode('; ', $parameters)); } /** * Split comma-separated media types into an array * * @param string $criteria * @return array */ protected function splitMediaTypesFromString($criteria) { $mediaTypes = explode(',', $criteria); array_walk( $mediaTypes, function (&$value) { $value = trim($value); } ); return $mediaTypes; } /** * Split a mediatype string into an object with the following parts: * * - type * - subtype * - format * * @param string $string * @return stdClass */ protected function getMediaTypeObjectFromString($string) { if (! is_string($string)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Non-string mediatype "%s" provided', is_object($string) ? $string::class : gettype($string) )); } $parts = explode('/', $string, 2); if (1 === count($parts)) { throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf( 'Invalid mediatype "%s" provided', $string )); } $type = array_shift($parts); $subtype = array_shift($parts); $format = $subtype; if (false !== strpos($subtype, '+')) { $parts = explode('+', $subtype, 2); $subtype = array_shift($parts); $format = array_shift($parts); } return (object) [ 'type' => $type, 'subtype' => $subtype, 'format' => $format, ]; } /** * Validate a subtype * * @param stdClass $right * @param stdClass $left * @return bool */ protected function validateSubtype($right, $left) { // Is the right side a wildcard subtype? if ($right->subtype === '*') { return $this->validateFormat($right, $left); } // Do the right side and left side subtypes match? if ($right->subtype === $left->subtype) { return $this->validateFormat($right, $left); } // Is the right side a partial wildcard? if ('*' === substr($right->subtype, -1)) { // validate partial-wildcard subtype if (! $this->validatePartialWildcard($right->subtype, $left->subtype)) { return false; } // Finally, verify format is valid return $this->validateFormat($right, $left); } // Does the right side subtype match the left side format? if ($right->subtype === $left->format) { return true; } // At this point, there is no valid match return false; } /** * Validate the format * * Validate that the right side format matches what the left side defines. * * @param string $right * @param string $left * @return bool */ protected function validateFormat($right, $left) { if ($right->format && $left->format) { if ($right->format === '*') { return true; } if ($right->format === $left->format) { return true; } return false; } return true; } /** * Validate a partial wildcard (i.e., string ending in '*') * * @param string $right * @param string $left * @return bool */ protected function validatePartialWildcard($right, $left) { $requiredSegment = substr($right, 0, strlen($right) - 1); if ($requiredSegment === $left) { return true; } if (strlen($requiredSegment) >= strlen($left)) { return false; } if (0 === strpos($left, $requiredSegment)) { return true; } return false; } }