*/ class TextDomain extends ArrayObject { /** * Plural rule. * * @var PluralRule|null */ protected $pluralRule; /** * Default plural rule shared between instances. * * @var PluralRule|null */ protected static $defaultPluralRule; /** * Set the plural rule * * @return $this */ public function setPluralRule(PluralRule $rule) { $this->pluralRule = $rule; return $this; } /** * Get the plural rule. * * @param bool $fallbackToDefaultRule * @return PluralRule|null */ public function getPluralRule($fallbackToDefaultRule = true) { if ($this->pluralRule === null && $fallbackToDefaultRule) { return static::getDefaultPluralRule(); } return $this->pluralRule; } /** * Checks whether the text domain has a plural rule. * * @return bool */ public function hasPluralRule() { return $this->pluralRule !== null; } /** * Returns a shared default plural rule. * * @return PluralRule */ public static function getDefaultPluralRule() { if (static::$defaultPluralRule === null) { static::$defaultPluralRule = PluralRule::fromString('nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;'); } return static::$defaultPluralRule; } /** * Merge another text domain with the current one. * * The plural rule of both text domains must be compatible for a successful * merge. We are only validating the number of plural forms though, as the * same rule could be made up with different expression. * * @return $this * @throws Exception\RuntimeException * @template TNewKey of array-key * @template TNewValue * @param self $textDomain * @psalm-self-out self */ public function merge(TextDomain $textDomain) { if ($this->hasPluralRule() && $textDomain->hasPluralRule()) { if ($this->getPluralRule()->getNumPlurals() !== $textDomain->getPluralRule()->getNumPlurals()) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException( 'Plural rule of merging text domain is not compatible with the current one' ); } } elseif ($textDomain->hasPluralRule()) { $this->setPluralRule($textDomain->getPluralRule()); } $this->exchangeArray( array_replace( $this->getArrayCopy(), $textDomain->getArrayCopy() ) ); return $this; } }