toJson(); } if (method_exists($valueToEncode, 'toArray')) { return static::encode($valueToEncode->toArray(), $cycleCheck, $options); } } // Pre-process and replace javascript expressions with placeholders $javascriptExpressions = new SplQueue(); if ( isset($options['enableJsonExprFinder']) && $options['enableJsonExprFinder'] === true ) { $valueToEncode = static::recursiveJsonExprFinder($valueToEncode, $javascriptExpressions); } // Encoding $prettyPrint = isset($options['prettyPrint']) && ($options['prettyPrint'] === true); $encodedResult = self::encodeValue($valueToEncode, $cycleCheck, $options, $prettyPrint); // Post-process to revert back any Laminas\Json\Expr instances. $encodedResult = self::injectJavascriptExpressions($encodedResult, $javascriptExpressions); return $encodedResult; } /** * Discover and replace javascript expressions with temporary placeholders. * * Check each value to determine if it is a Laminas\Json\Expr; if so, replace the value with * a magic key and add the javascript expression to the queue. * * NOTE this method is recursive. * * NOTE: This method is used internally by the encode method. * * @see encode * * @param mixed $value a string - object property to be encoded * @param null|string|int $currentKey * @return mixed */ protected static function recursiveJsonExprFinder( mixed $value, SplQueue $javascriptExpressions, $currentKey = null ) { if ($value instanceof Expr) { // TODO: Optimize with ascii keys, if performance is bad $magicKey = "____" . $currentKey . "_" . count($javascriptExpressions); $javascriptExpressions->enqueue([ // If currentKey is integer, encodeUnicodeString call is not required. 'magicKey' => is_int($currentKey) ? $magicKey : Encoder::encodeUnicodeString($magicKey), 'value' => $value, ]); return $magicKey; } if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $value[$k] = static::recursiveJsonExprFinder($value[$k], $javascriptExpressions, $k); } return $value; } if (is_object($value)) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $value->$k = static::recursiveJsonExprFinder($value->$k, $javascriptExpressions, $k); } return $value; } return $value; } /** * Pretty-print JSON string * * Use 'indent' option to select indentation string; by default, four * spaces are used. * * @param string $json Original JSON string * @param array $options Encoding options * @return string */ public static function prettyPrint($json, array $options = []) { $indentString = $options['indent'] ?? ' '; $json = trim($json); $length = strlen($json); $stack = []; $result = ''; $inLiteral = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) { switch ($json[$i]) { case '{': case '[': if ($inLiteral) { break; } $stack[] = $json[$i]; $result .= $json[$i]; while (isset($json[$i + 1]) && preg_match('/\s/', $json[$i + 1])) { ++$i; } if (isset($json[$i + 1]) && $json[$i + 1] !== '}' && $json[$i + 1] !== ']') { $result .= "\n" . str_repeat($indentString, count($stack)); } continue 2; case '}': case ']': if ($inLiteral) { break; } $last = end($stack); if ( ($last === '{' && $json[$i] === '}') || ($last === '[' && $json[$i] === ']') ) { array_pop($stack); } $result .= $json[$i]; while (isset($json[$i + 1]) && preg_match('/\s/', $json[$i + 1])) { ++$i; } if (isset($json[$i + 1]) && ($json[$i + 1] === '}' || $json[$i + 1] === ']')) { $result .= "\n" . str_repeat($indentString, count($stack) - 1); } continue 2; case '"': $result .= '"'; if (! $inLiteral) { $inLiteral = true; } else { $backslashes = 0; $n = $i; while ($json[--$n] === '\\') { ++$backslashes; } if (($backslashes % 2) === 0) { $inLiteral = false; while (isset($json[$i + 1]) && preg_match('/\s/', $json[$i + 1])) { ++$i; } if (isset($json[$i + 1]) && ($json[$i + 1] === '}' || $json[$i + 1] === ']')) { $result .= "\n" . str_repeat($indentString, count($stack) - 1); } } } continue 2; case ':': if (! $inLiteral) { $result .= ': '; continue 2; } break; case ',': if (! $inLiteral) { $result .= ',' . "\n" . str_repeat($indentString, count($stack)); continue 2; } break; default: if (! $inLiteral && preg_match('/\s/', $json[$i])) { continue 2; } break; } $result .= $json[$i]; if ($inLiteral) { continue; } while (isset($json[$i + 1]) && preg_match('/\s/', $json[$i + 1])) { ++$i; } if (isset($json[$i + 1]) && ($json[$i + 1] === '}' || $json[$i + 1] === ']')) { $result .= "\n" . str_repeat($indentString, count($stack) - 1); } } return $result; } /** * Decode a value using the PHP built-in json_decode function. * * @param string $encodedValue * @param int $objectDecodeType * @return mixed * @throws RuntimeException */ private static function decodeViaPhpBuiltIn($encodedValue, $objectDecodeType) { $decoded = json_decode($encodedValue, (bool) $objectDecodeType); switch (json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_NONE: return $decoded; case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: throw new RuntimeException('Decoding failed: Maximum stack depth exceeded'); case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: throw new RuntimeException('Decoding failed: Unexpected control character found'); case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: throw new RuntimeException('Decoding failed: Syntax error'); default: throw new RuntimeException('Decoding failed'); } } /** * Encode a value to JSON. * * Intermediary step between injecting JavaScript expressions. * * Delegates to either the PHP built-in json_encode operation, or the * Encoder component, based on availability of the built-in and/or whether * or not the component encoder is requested. * * @param bool $cycleCheck * @param array $options * @param bool $prettyPrint * @return string */ private static function encodeValue(mixed $valueToEncode, $cycleCheck, array $options, $prettyPrint) { if (function_exists('json_encode') && static::$useBuiltinEncoderDecoder !== true) { return self::encodeViaPhpBuiltIn($valueToEncode, $prettyPrint); } return self::encodeViaEncoder($valueToEncode, $cycleCheck, $options, $prettyPrint); } /** * Encode a value to JSON using the PHP built-in json_encode function. * * Uses the encoding options: * * - JSON_HEX_TAG * - JSON_HEX_APOS * - JSON_HEX_QUOT * - JSON_HEX_AMP * * If $prettyPrint is boolean true, also uses JSON_PRETTY_PRINT. * * @param bool $prettyPrint * @return string|false Boolean false return value if json_encode is not * available, or the $useBuiltinEncoderDecoder flag is enabled. */ private static function encodeViaPhpBuiltIn(mixed $valueToEncode, $prettyPrint = false) { if (! function_exists('json_encode') || static::$useBuiltinEncoderDecoder === true) { return false; } $encodeOptions = JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_AMP; if ($prettyPrint) { $encodeOptions |= JSON_PRETTY_PRINT; } return json_encode($valueToEncode, $encodeOptions); } /** * Encode a value to JSON using the Encoder class. * * Passes the value, cycle check flag, and options to Encoder::encode(). * * Once the result is returned, determines if pretty printing is required, * and, if so, returns the result of that operation, otherwise returning * the encoded value. * * @param bool $cycleCheck * @param array $options * @param bool $prettyPrint * @return string */ private static function encodeViaEncoder(mixed $valueToEncode, $cycleCheck, array $options, $prettyPrint) { $encodedResult = Encoder::encode($valueToEncode, $cycleCheck, $options); if ($prettyPrint) { return self::prettyPrint($encodedResult, ['indent' => ' ']); } return $encodedResult; } /** * Inject javascript expressions into the encoded value. * * Loops through each, substituting the "magicKey" of each with its * associated value. * * @param string $encodedValue * @return string */ private static function injectJavascriptExpressions($encodedValue, SplQueue $javascriptExpressions) { foreach ($javascriptExpressions as $expression) { $encodedValue = str_replace( sprintf('"%s"', $expression['magicKey']), $expression['value'], (string) $encodedValue ); } return $encodedValue; } }