validHost = new Validator\ValidatorChain(); $this->validHost->attach(new Validator\Hostname(Validator\Hostname::ALLOW_ALL)); if (! $this->validHost->isValid($host)) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException(implode(', ', $this->validHost->getMessages())); } $this->host = $host; } /** * Class destructor to cleanup open resources */ public function __destruct() { $this->_disconnect(); } /** * Set the maximum log size * * @param int $maximumLog Maximum log size */ public function setMaximumLog($maximumLog) { $this->maximumLog = (int) $maximumLog; } /** * Get the maximum log size * * @return int the maximum log size */ public function getMaximumLog() { return $this->maximumLog; } /** * Create a connection to the remote host * * Concrete adapters for this class will implement their own unique connect * scripts, using the _connect() method to create the socket resource. */ abstract public function connect(); /** * Retrieve the last client request * * @return string */ public function getRequest() { return $this->request; } /** * Retrieve the last server response * * @return array */ public function getResponse() { return $this->response; } /** * Retrieve the transaction log * * @return string */ public function getLog() { return implode('', $this->log); } /** * Reset the transaction log */ public function resetLog() { $this->log = []; } /** * Add the transaction log * * @param string $value new transaction */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore protected function _addLog($value) { if ($this->maximumLog >= 0 && count($this->log) >= $this->maximumLog) { array_shift($this->log); } $this->log[] = $value; } /** * Connect to the server using the supplied transport and target * * An example $remote string may be 'tcp://' or 'ssh://' * * @deprecated Since 1.12.0. Implementations should use the ProtocolTrait::setupSocket() method instead. * * @todo Remove for 3.0.0. * @param string $remote Remote * @throws Exception\RuntimeException * @return bool */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore protected function _connect($remote) { $errorNum = 0; $errorStr = ''; // open connection set_error_handler( static function ($error, $message = '') { throw new Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not open socket: %s', $message), $error); }, E_WARNING ); $this->socket = stream_socket_client($remote, $errorNum, $errorStr, self::TIMEOUT_CONNECTION); restore_error_handler(); if ($this->socket === false) { if ($errorNum == 0) { $errorStr = 'Could not open socket'; } throw new Exception\RuntimeException($errorStr); } if (($result = stream_set_timeout($this->socket, self::TIMEOUT_CONNECTION)) === false) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Could not set stream timeout'); } return $result; } /** * Disconnect from remote host and free resource */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore protected function _disconnect() { if (is_resource($this->socket)) { fclose($this->socket); } } /** * Send the given request followed by a LINEEND to the server. * * @param string $request * @throws Exception\RuntimeException * @return int|bool Number of bytes written to remote host */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore protected function _send($request) { if (! is_resource($this->socket)) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('No connection has been established to ' . $this->host); } $this->request = $request; $result = fwrite($this->socket, $request . self::EOL); // Save request to internal log $this->_addLog($request . self::EOL); if ($result === false) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Could not send request to ' . $this->host); } return $result; } /** * Get a line from the stream. * * @param int $timeout Per-request timeout value if applicable * @throws Exception\RuntimeException * @return string */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore protected function _receive($timeout = null) { if (! is_resource($this->socket)) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('No connection has been established to ' . $this->host); } // Adapters may wish to supply per-commend timeouts according to appropriate RFC if ($timeout !== null) { stream_set_timeout($this->socket, $timeout); } // Retrieve response $response = fgets($this->socket, 1024); // Save request to internal log $this->_addLog($response); // Check meta data to ensure connection is still valid $info = stream_get_meta_data($this->socket); if ($info['timed_out']) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException($this->host . ' has timed out'); } if ($response === false) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Could not read from ' . $this->host); } return $response; } /** * Parse server response for successful codes * * Read the response from the stream and check for expected return code. * Throws a Laminas\Mail\Protocol\Exception\ExceptionInterface if an unexpected code is returned. * * @param string|array $code One or more codes that indicate a successful response * @param int $timeout Per-request timeout value if applicable * @throws Exception\RuntimeException * @return string Last line of response string */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore protected function _expect($code, $timeout = null) { $this->response = []; $errMsg = ''; if (! is_array($code)) { $code = [$code]; } do { $this->response[] = $result = $this->_receive($timeout); [$cmd, $more, $msg] = preg_split('/([\s-]+)/', $result, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); if ($errMsg !== '') { $errMsg .= ' ' . $msg; } elseif ($cmd === null || ! in_array($cmd, $code)) { $errMsg = $msg; } // The '-' message prefix indicates an information string instead of a response string. } while (str_starts_with($more, '-')); if ($errMsg !== '') { throw new Exception\RuntimeException($errMsg, (int) $cmd); } return $msg; } }