File::class, 'inmemory' => InMemory::class, 'memory' => InMemory::class, 'null' => InMemory::class, 'sendmail' => Sendmail::class, 'smtp' => Smtp::class, ]; /** * @param array $spec * @return TransportInterface * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @throws Exception\DomainException */ public static function create($spec = []) { if ($spec instanceof Traversable) { $spec = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($spec); } if (! is_array($spec)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( '%s expects an array or Traversable argument; received "%s"', __METHOD__, is_object($spec) ? $spec::class : gettype($spec) )); } $type = $spec['type'] ?? 'sendmail'; $normalizedType = strtolower($type); if (isset(static::$classMap[$normalizedType])) { $type = static::$classMap[$normalizedType]; } if (! class_exists($type)) { throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf( '%s expects the "type" attribute to resolve to an existing class; received "%s"', __METHOD__, $type )); } $transport = new $type(); if (! $transport instanceof TransportInterface) { throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf( '%s expects the "type" attribute to resolve to a valid %s instance; received "%s"', __METHOD__, TransportInterface::class, $type )); } if ($transport instanceof Smtp && isset($spec['options'])) { $transport->setOptions(new SmtpOptions($spec['options'])); } if ($transport instanceof File && isset($spec['options'])) { $transport->setOptions(new FileOptions($spec['options'])); } return $transport; } }