array(name => value), 'body' => content), null if no parts found * @throws Exception\RuntimeException */ public static function splitMessageStruct($message, $boundary, $EOL = Mime::LINEEND) { $parts = static::splitMime($message, $boundary); if (! $parts) { return; } $result = []; $headers = null; // "Declare" variable before the first usage "for reading" $body = null; // "Declare" variable before the first usage "for reading" foreach ($parts as $part) { static::splitMessage($part, $headers, $body, $EOL); $result[] = [ 'header' => $headers, 'body' => $body, ]; } return $result; } /** * split a message in header and body part, if no header or an * invalid header is found $headers is empty * * The charset of the returned headers depend on your iconv settings. * * @param string|Headers $message raw message with header and optional content * @param Headers $headers output param, headers container * @param string $body output param, content of message * @param string $EOL EOL string; defaults to {@link Laminas\Mime\Mime::LINEEND} * @param bool $strict enable strict mode for parsing message * @return null */ public static function splitMessage($message, &$headers, &$body, $EOL = Mime::LINEEND, $strict = false) { if ($message instanceof Headers) { $message = $message->toString(); } // check for valid header at first line $firstlinePos = strpos($message, "\n"); $firstline = $firstlinePos === false ? $message : substr($message, 0, $firstlinePos); if (! preg_match('%^[^\s]+[^:]*:%', $firstline)) { $headers = new Headers(); // TODO: we're ignoring \r for now - is this function fast enough and is it safe to assume noone needs \r? $body = str_replace(["\r", "\n"], ['', $EOL], $message); return; } // see @Laminas-372, pops the first line off a message if it doesn't contain a header if (! $strict) { $parts = explode(':', $firstline, 2); if (count($parts) !== 2) { $message = substr($message, strpos($message, $EOL) + 1); } } // @todo splitMime removes "\r" sequences, which breaks valid mime // messages as returned by many mail servers $headersEOL = $EOL; // find an empty line between headers and body // default is set new line // @todo Maybe this is too much "magic"; we should be more strict here if (strpos($message, $EOL . $EOL)) { [$headers, $body] = explode($EOL . $EOL, $message, 2); // next is the standard new line } elseif ($EOL !== "\r\n" && strpos($message, "\r\n\r\n")) { [$headers, $body] = explode("\r\n\r\n", $message, 2); $headersEOL = "\r\n"; // Headers::fromString will fail with incorrect EOL // next is the other "standard" new line } elseif ($EOL !== "\n" && strpos($message, "\n\n")) { [$headers, $body] = explode("\n\n", $message, 2); $headersEOL = "\n"; // at last resort find anything that looks like a new line } else { ErrorHandler::start(E_NOTICE | E_WARNING); [$headers, $body] = preg_split("%([\r\n]+)\\1%U", $message, 2); ErrorHandler::stop(); } $headers = Headers::fromString($headers, $headersEOL); } /** * split a content type in its different parts * * @param string $type content-type * @param string $wantedPart the wanted part, else an array with all parts is returned * @return string|array wanted part or all parts as array('type' => content-type, partname => value) */ public static function splitContentType($type, $wantedPart = null) { return static::splitHeaderField($type, $wantedPart, 'type'); } /** * split a header field like content type in its different parts * * @param string $field header field * @param string $wantedPart the wanted part, else an array with all parts is returned * @param string $firstName key name for the first part * @return string|array wanted part or all parts as array($firstName => firstPart, partname => value) * @throws Exception\RuntimeException */ public static function splitHeaderField($field, $wantedPart = null, $firstName = '0') { $wantedPart = strtolower($wantedPart ?? ''); $firstName = strtolower($firstName); // special case - a bit optimized if ($firstName === $wantedPart) { $field = strtok($field, ';'); return $field[0] === '"' ? substr($field, 1, -1) : $field; } $field = $firstName . '=' . $field; if (! preg_match_all('%([^=\s]+)\s*=\s*("[^"]+"|[^;]+)(;\s*|$)%', $field, $matches)) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('not a valid header field'); } if ($wantedPart) { foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $name) { if (strcasecmp($name, $wantedPart)) { continue; } if ($matches[2][$key][0] !== '"') { return $matches[2][$key]; } return substr($matches[2][$key], 1, -1); } return; } $split = []; foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $name) { $name = strtolower($name); if ($matches[2][$key][0] === '"') { $split[$name] = substr($matches[2][$key], 1, -1); } else { $split[$name] = $matches[2][$key]; } } return $split; } /** * decode a quoted printable encoded string * * The charset of the returned string depends on your iconv settings. * * @param string $string encoded string * @return string decoded string */ public static function decodeQuotedPrintable($string) { return iconv_mime_decode($string, ICONV_MIME_DECODE_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR, 'UTF-8'); } }