parts; } /** * Sets the given array of Laminas\Mime\Part as the array for the message * * @param array $parts * @return self */ public function setParts($parts) { $this->parts = $parts; return $this; } /** * Append a new Laminas\Mime\Part to the current message * * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return self */ public function addPart(Part $part) { foreach ($this->getParts() as $row) { if ($part === $row) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Provided part %s already defined.', $part->getId() )); } } $this->parts[] = $part; return $this; } /** * Check if message needs to be sent as multipart * MIME message or if it has only one part. * * @return bool */ public function isMultiPart() { return count($this->parts) > 1; } /** * Set Laminas\Mime\Mime object for the message * * This can be used to set the boundary specifically or to use a subclass of * Laminas\Mime for generating the boundary. * * @return self */ public function setMime(Mime $mime) { $this->mime = $mime; return $this; } /** * Returns the Laminas\Mime\Mime object in use by the message * * If the object was not present, it is created and returned. Can be used to * determine the boundary used in this message. * * @return Mime */ public function getMime() { if ($this->mime === null) { $this->mime = new Mime(); } return $this->mime; } /** * Generate MIME-compliant message from the current configuration * * This can be a multipart message if more than one MIME part was added. If * only one part is present, the content of this part is returned. If no * part had been added, an empty string is returned. * * Parts are separated by the mime boundary as defined in Laminas\Mime\Mime. If * {@link setMime()} has been called before this method, the Laminas\Mime\Mime * object set by this call will be used. Otherwise, a new Laminas\Mime\Mime object * is generated and used. * * @param string $EOL EOL string; defaults to {@link Laminas\Mime\Mime::LINEEND} * @return string */ public function generateMessage($EOL = Mime::LINEEND) { if (! $this->isMultiPart()) { if (empty($this->parts)) { return ''; } $part = current($this->parts); $body = $part->getContent($EOL); } else { $mime = $this->getMime(); $boundaryLine = $mime->boundaryLine($EOL); $body = 'This is a message in Mime Format. If you see this, ' . "your mail reader does not support this format." . $EOL; foreach (array_keys($this->parts) as $p) { $body .= $boundaryLine . $this->getPartHeaders($p, $EOL) . $EOL . $this->getPartContent($p, $EOL); } $body .= $mime->mimeEnd($EOL); } return trim($body); } /** * Get the headers of a given part as an array * * @param int $partnum * @return array */ public function getPartHeadersArray($partnum) { return $this->parts[$partnum]->getHeadersArray(); } /** * Get the headers of a given part as a string * * @param int $partnum * @param string $EOL * @return string */ public function getPartHeaders($partnum, $EOL = Mime::LINEEND) { return $this->parts[$partnum]->getHeaders($EOL); } /** * Get the (encoded) content of a given part as a string * * @param int $partnum * @param string $EOL * @return string */ public function getPartContent($partnum, $EOL = Mime::LINEEND) { return $this->parts[$partnum]->getContent($EOL); } /** * Explode MIME multipart string into separate parts * * Parts consist of the header and the body of each MIME part. * * @param string $body * @param string $boundary * @throws Exception\RuntimeException * @return array */ protected static function _disassembleMime($body, $boundary) { $start = 0; $res = []; // find every mime part limiter and cut out the // string before it. // the part before the first boundary string is discarded: $p = strpos($body, '--' . $boundary . "\n", $start); if ($p === false) { // no parts found! return []; } // position after first boundary line $start = $p + 3 + strlen($boundary); while (($p = strpos($body, '--' . $boundary . "\n", $start)) !== false) { $res[] = substr($body, $start, $p - $start); $start = $p + 3 + strlen($boundary); } // no more parts, find end boundary $p = strpos($body, '--' . $boundary . '--', $start); if ($p === false) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Not a valid Mime Message: End Missing'); } // the remaining part also needs to be parsed: $res[] = substr($body, $start, $p - $start); return $res; } /** * Decodes a MIME encoded string and returns a Laminas\Mime\Message object with * all the MIME parts set according to the given string * * @param string $message * @param string $boundary Multipart boundary; if omitted, $message will be * treated as a single part. * @param string $EOL EOL string; defaults to {@link Laminas\Mime\Mime::LINEEND} * @throws Exception\RuntimeException * @return Message */ public static function createFromMessage($message, $boundary = null, $EOL = Mime::LINEEND) { if ($boundary) { $parts = Decode::splitMessageStruct($message, $boundary, $EOL); } else { Decode::splitMessage($message, $headers, $body, $EOL); $parts = [ [ 'header' => $headers, 'body' => $body, ], ]; } $res = new static(); foreach ($parts as $part) { // now we build a new MimePart for the current Message Part: $properties = []; foreach ($part['header'] as $header) { /** @var HeaderInterface $header */ /** * @todo check for characterset and filename */ $fieldName = $header->getFieldName(); $fieldValue = $header->getFieldValue(); switch (strtolower($fieldName)) { case 'content-type': $properties['type'] = $fieldValue; break; case 'content-transfer-encoding': $properties['encoding'] = $fieldValue; break; case 'content-id': $properties['id'] = trim($fieldValue, '<>'); break; case 'content-disposition': $properties['disposition'] = $fieldValue; break; case 'content-description': $properties['description'] = $fieldValue; break; case 'content-location': $properties['location'] = $fieldValue; break; case 'content-language': $properties['language'] = $fieldValue; break; default: // Ignore unknown header break; } } $body = $part['body']; if (isset($properties['encoding'])) { switch ($properties['encoding']) { case 'quoted-printable': $body = quoted_printable_decode($body); break; case 'base64': $body = base64_decode($body); break; } } $newPart = new Part($body); foreach ($properties as $key => $value) { $newPart->$key = $value; } $res->addPart($newPart); } return $res; } }