template mappings * * @var array */ protected $controllerMap = []; /** * Flag to force the use of the route match controller param * * @var boolean */ protected $preferRouteMatchController = false; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function attach(Events $events, $priority = 1) { $this->listeners[] = $events->attach(MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH, [$this, 'injectTemplate'], -90); } /** * Inject a template into the view model, if none present * * Template is derived from the controller found in the route match, and, * optionally, the action, if present. * * @param MvcEvent $e * @return void */ public function injectTemplate(MvcEvent $e) { $model = $e->getResult(); if (! $model instanceof ViewModel) { return; } $template = $model->getTemplate(); if (! empty($template)) { return; } $routeMatch = $e->getRouteMatch(); if ($preferRouteMatchController = $routeMatch->getParam('prefer_route_match_controller', false)) { $this->setPreferRouteMatchController($preferRouteMatchController); } $controller = $e->getTarget(); if (is_object($controller)) { $controller = $controller::class; } $routeMatchController = $routeMatch->getParam('controller', ''); if (! $controller || ($this->preferRouteMatchController && $routeMatchController)) { $controller = $routeMatchController; } $template = $this->mapController($controller); $action = $routeMatch->getParam('action'); if (null !== $action) { $template .= '/' . $this->inflectName($action); } $model->setTemplate($template); } /** * Set map of controller namespace -> template pairs * * @return self */ public function setControllerMap(array $map) { krsort($map); $this->controllerMap = $map; return $this; } /** * Maps controller to template if controller namespace is whitelisted or mapped * * @param string $controller controller FQCN * @return string|false template name or false if controller was not matched */ public function mapController($controller) { $mapped = ''; foreach ($this->controllerMap as $namespace => $replacement) { if (// Allow disabling rule by setting value to false since config // merging have no feature to remove entries false == $replacement // Match full class or full namespace || ! ($controller === $namespace || str_starts_with($controller, $namespace . '\\')) ) { continue; } // Map namespace to $replacement if its value is string if (is_string($replacement)) { $mapped = rtrim($replacement, '/') . '/'; $controller = substr($controller, strlen($namespace) + 1) ?: ''; break; } } //strip Controller namespace(s) (but not classname) $parts = explode('\\', $controller); array_pop($parts); $parts = array_diff($parts, ['Controller']); //strip trailing Controller in class name $parts[] = $this->deriveControllerClass($controller); $controller = implode('/', $parts); $template = trim($mapped . $controller, '/'); // inflect CamelCase to dash return $this->inflectName($template); } /** * Inflect a name to a normalized value * * Inlines the logic from laminas-filter's Word\CamelCaseToDash filter. * * @param string $name * @return string */ protected function inflectName($name) { if (StringUtils::hasPcreUnicodeSupport()) { $pattern = ['#(?<=(?:\p{Lu}))(\p{Lu}\p{Ll})#', '#(?<=(?:\p{Ll}|\p{Nd}))(\p{Lu})#']; $replacement = ['-\1', '-\1']; } else { $pattern = ['#(?<=(?:[A-Z]))([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])#', '#(?<=(?:[a-z0-9]))([A-Z])#']; $replacement = ['\1-\2', '-\1']; } $name = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $name); return strtolower($name); } /** * Determine the name of the controller * * Strip the namespace, and the suffix "Controller" if present. * * @param string $controller * @return string */ protected function deriveControllerClass($controller) { if (str_contains($controller, '\\')) { $controller = substr($controller, strrpos($controller, '\\') + 1); } if ((10 < strlen($controller)) && ('Controller' == substr($controller, -10)) ) { $controller = substr($controller, 0, -10); } return $controller; } /** * Sets the flag to instruct the listener to prefer the route match controller param * over the class name * * @param boolean $preferRouteMatchController */ public function setPreferRouteMatchController($preferRouteMatchController) { $this->preferRouteMatchController = (bool) $preferRouteMatchController; } /** * @return boolean */ public function isPreferRouteMatchController() { return $this->preferRouteMatchController; } }