array AdapterInterface $row $row Exception\ServiceNotCreatedException new $requestedName( $options[0], $options[1], $options[2] ?? null, $options[3] ?? null ) $container Exception\ServiceNotCreatedException new $requestedName( $options[0], $options[1] ?? null, $options[2] ?? null, $options[3] ?? null, $options[4] ?? null ) $container ExceptionInterface forMissingDbSelectDependencies forMissingDbTableGatewayDependencies Module setMethods getArrayCopy method method method method method method method will will will will with with mockSelect]]> mockSelect]]> mockSelect]]> mockSelect]]> mockSelectCount]]> mockSelectCount]]> mockSql]]> mockSql]]> mockSql]]> mockSql]]> expects expects expects expects expects expects expects method method method method method method method will will will will will with with mockTableGateway]]> mockTableGateway]]> mockTableGateway]]> mockTableGateway]]> mockTableGateway]]> expects expects expects expects expects expects expects