select = $select; $this->countSelect = $countSelect; if ($adapterOrSqlObject instanceof Adapter) { $adapterOrSqlObject = new Sql($adapterOrSqlObject); } if (! $adapterOrSqlObject instanceof Sql) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( '$adapterOrSqlObject must be an instance of Laminas\Db\Adapter\Adapter or Laminas\Db\Sql\Sql' ); } $this->sql = $adapterOrSqlObject; $this->resultSetPrototype = $resultSetPrototype ?: new ResultSet(); } /** * Returns an array of items for a page. * * @param int $offset Page offset * @param int $itemCountPerPage Number of items per page * @return array */ public function getItems($offset, $itemCountPerPage) { $select = clone $this->select; $select->offset($offset); $select->limit($itemCountPerPage); $statement = $this->sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select); $result = $statement->execute(); $resultSet = clone $this->resultSetPrototype; $resultSet->initialize($result); return iterator_to_array($resultSet); } /** * Returns the total number of rows in the result set. * * @return int * @throws MissingRowCountColumnException */ #[ReturnTypeWillChange] public function count() { if ($this->rowCount !== null) { return $this->rowCount; } $select = $this->getSelectCount(); $statement = $this->sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select); $result = $statement->execute(); $row = $result->current(); $this->rowCount = $this->locateRowCount($row); return $this->rowCount; } /** * Returns select query for count * * @return Select */ protected function getSelectCount() { if ($this->countSelect) { return $this->countSelect; } $select = clone $this->select; $select->reset(Select::LIMIT); $select->reset(Select::OFFSET); $select->reset(Select::ORDER); $countSelect = new Select(); $countSelect->columns([self::ROW_COUNT_COLUMN_NAME => new Expression('COUNT(1)')]); $countSelect->from(['original_select' => $select]); return $countSelect; } /** * @internal * * @see Reference for creating an internal cache ID * * @todo The next major version should rework the entire caching of a paginator. * @return array */ public function getArrayCopy() { return [ 'select' => $this->sql->buildSqlString($this->select), 'count_select' => $this->sql->buildSqlString( $this->getSelectCount() ), ]; } /** * @throws MissingRowCountColumnException */ private function locateRowCount(array $row): int { if (array_key_exists(self::ROW_COUNT_COLUMN_NAME, $row)) { return (int) $row[self::ROW_COUNT_COLUMN_NAME]; } $lowerCaseColumnName = strtolower(self::ROW_COUNT_COLUMN_NAME); if (array_key_exists($lowerCaseColumnName, $row)) { return (int) $row[$lowerCaseColumnName]; } throw MissingRowCountColumnException::forColumn(self::ROW_COUNT_COLUMN_NAME); } }