*/ protected $messageTemplates = [ self::FALSE_TYPE => "File has an incorrect mimetype of '%type%'", self::NOT_DETECTED => 'The mimetype could not be detected from the file', self::NOT_READABLE => 'File is not readable or does not exist', ]; /** @var array */ protected $messageVariables = [ 'type' => 'type', ]; /** @var string */ protected $type; /** * Finfo object to use * * @var finfo|null */ protected $finfo; /** * If no environment variable 'MAGIC' is set, try and autodiscover it based on common locations * * @var list */ protected $magicFiles = [ '/usr/share/misc/magic', '/usr/share/misc/magic.mime', '/usr/share/misc/magic.mgc', '/usr/share/mime/magic', '/usr/share/mime/magic.mime', '/usr/share/mime/magic.mgc', '/usr/share/file/magic', '/usr/share/file/magic.mime', '/usr/share/file/magic.mgc', ]; /** * Options for this validator * * @var array */ protected $options = [ 'enableHeaderCheck' => false, // Allow header check 'disableMagicFile' => false, // Disable usage of magicfile 'magicFile' => null, // Magicfile to use 'mimeType' => null, // Mimetype to allow ]; /** * Sets validator options * * Mimetype to accept * - NULL means default PHP usage by using the environment variable 'magic' * - FALSE means disabling searching for mimetype, should be used for PHP 5.3 * - A string is the mimetype file to use * * @param string|array|Traversable $options */ public function __construct($options = null) { if ($options instanceof Traversable) { $options = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($options); } elseif (is_string($options)) { $this->setMimeType($options); $options = []; } elseif (is_array($options)) { if (isset($options['magicFile'])) { $this->setMagicFile($options['magicFile']); unset($options['magicFile']); } if (isset($options['enableHeaderCheck'])) { $this->enableHeaderCheck((bool) $options['enableHeaderCheck']); unset($options['enableHeaderCheck']); } if (array_key_exists('mimeType', $options)) { $this->setMimeType($options['mimeType']); unset($options['mimeType']); } // Handle cases where mimetypes are interspersed with options, or // options are simply an array of mime types foreach (array_keys($options) as $key) { if (! is_int($key)) { continue; } $this->addMimeType($options[$key]); unset($options[$key]); } } parent::__construct($options); } /** * Returns the actual set magicfile * * @return string|false */ public function getMagicFile() { if (null === $this->options['magicFile']) { $magic = getenv('magic'); if (is_string($magic) && $magic !== '') { $this->setMagicFile($magic); if ($this->options['magicFile'] === null) { $this->options['magicFile'] = false; } return $this->options['magicFile']; } foreach ($this->magicFiles as $file) { try { $this->setMagicFile($file); } catch (Exception\ExceptionInterface) { // suppressing errors which are thrown due to open_basedir restrictions continue; } if (is_string($this->options['magicFile'])) { return $this->options['magicFile']; } } if ($this->options['magicFile'] === null) { $this->options['magicFile'] = false; } } return $this->options['magicFile']; } /** * Sets the magicfile to use * if null, the MAGIC constant from php is used * if the MAGIC file is erroneous, no file will be set * if false, the default MAGIC file from PHP will be used * * @param string $file * @throws Exception\RuntimeException When finfo can not read the magicfile. * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @throws Exception\InvalidMagicMimeFileException * @return $this Provides fluid interface */ public function setMagicFile($file) { if ($file === false) { $this->options['magicFile'] = false; } elseif (empty($file)) { $this->options['magicFile'] = null; } elseif (! class_exists('finfo', false)) { $this->options['magicFile'] = null; throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Magicfile can not be set; there is no finfo extension installed'); } elseif (! is_file($file) || ! is_readable($file)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'The given magicfile ("%s") could not be read', $file )); } else { ErrorHandler::start(E_NOTICE | E_WARNING); $this->finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE, $file); $error = ErrorHandler::stop(); if (empty($this->finfo)) { $this->finfo = null; throw new Exception\InvalidMagicMimeFileException(sprintf( 'The given magicfile ("%s") could not be used by ext/finfo', $file ), 0, $error); } $this->options['magicFile'] = $file; } return $this; } /** * Disables usage of MagicFile * * @param bool $disable False disables usage of magic file; true enables it. * @return self Provides fluid interface */ public function disableMagicFile($disable) { $this->options['disableMagicFile'] = (bool) $disable; return $this; } /** * Is usage of MagicFile disabled? * * @return bool */ public function isMagicFileDisabled() { return $this->options['disableMagicFile']; } /** * Returns the Header Check option * * @return bool */ public function getHeaderCheck() { return $this->options['enableHeaderCheck']; } /** * Defines if the http header should be used * Note that this is unsafe and therefor the default value is false * * @param bool $headerCheck * @return $this Provides fluid interface */ public function enableHeaderCheck($headerCheck = true) { $this->options['enableHeaderCheck'] = (bool) $headerCheck; return $this; } /** * Returns the set mimetypes * * @param bool $asArray Returns the values as array, when false a concatenated string is returned * @return string|list * @psalm-return ($asArray is true ? list : string) */ public function getMimeType($asArray = false) { $asArray = (bool) $asArray; $mimetype = (string) $this->options['mimeType']; if ($asArray) { $mimetype = explode(',', $mimetype); } return $mimetype; } /** * Sets the mimetypes * * @param string|list $mimetype The mimetypes to validate * @return $this Provides a fluent interface */ public function setMimeType($mimetype) { $this->options['mimeType'] = null; $this->addMimeType($mimetype); return $this; } /** * Adds the mimetypes * * @param string|list $mimetype The mimetypes to add for validation * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return $this Provides a fluent interface */ public function addMimeType($mimetype) { $mimetypes = $this->getMimeType(true); if (is_string($mimetype)) { $mimetype = explode(',', $mimetype); } elseif (! is_array($mimetype)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid options to validator provided'); } if (isset($mimetype['magicFile'])) { unset($mimetype['magicFile']); } foreach ($mimetype as $content) { if (! is_string($content) || $content === '') { continue; } $mimetypes[] = trim($content); } $mimetypes = array_unique(array_filter($mimetypes)); $this->options['mimeType'] = implode(',', $mimetypes); return $this; } /** * Defined by Laminas\Validator\ValidatorInterface * * Returns true if the mimetype of the file matches the given ones. Also parts * of mimetypes can be checked. If you give for example "image" all image * mime types will be accepted like "image/gif", "image/jpeg" and so on. * * @param string|array|UploadedFileInterface $value Real file to check for mimetype * @param array $file File data from \Laminas\File\Transfer\Transfer (optional) * @return bool */ public function isValid($value, $file = null) { $fileInfo = $this->getFileInfo($value, $file, true); $this->setValue($fileInfo['filename']); // Is file readable ? if (empty($fileInfo['file']) || false === is_readable($fileInfo['file'])) { $this->error(static::NOT_READABLE); return false; } $mimefile = $this->getMagicFile(); if (class_exists('finfo', false)) { if (! $this->isMagicFileDisabled() && (is_string($mimefile) && empty($this->finfo))) { ErrorHandler::start(E_NOTICE | E_WARNING); $this->finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE, $mimefile); ErrorHandler::stop(); } if (empty($this->finfo)) { ErrorHandler::start(E_NOTICE | E_WARNING); $this->finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); ErrorHandler::stop(); } $this->type = null; if (! empty($this->finfo)) { $this->type = finfo_file($this->finfo, $fileInfo['file']); unset($this->finfo); } } if ($this->type === null && $this->getHeaderCheck()) { $this->type = $fileInfo['filetype']; } if ($this->type === null) { $this->error(static::NOT_DETECTED); return false; } $mimetype = $this->getMimeType(true); if (in_array($this->type, $mimetype)) { return true; } $types = explode('/', $this->type); $types = array_merge($types, explode('-', $this->type)); $types = array_merge($types, explode(';', $this->type)); foreach ($mimetype as $mime) { if (in_array($mime, $types)) { return true; } } $this->error(static::FALSE_TYPE); return false; } }