createMock('LmcRbacMvc\Service\AuthorizationService'); return $authorizationService; } public function testAttachToRightEvent() { $guard = new ControllerPermissionsGuard($this->getMockAuthorizationService()); $eventManager = $this->createMock('Laminas\EventManager\EventManagerInterface'); $eventManager->expects($this->once()) ->method('attach') ->with(ControllerGuard::EVENT_NAME); $guard->attach($eventManager); } public function rulesConversionProvider() { return [ // Without actions [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'MyController', 'permissions' => 'post.manage' ], [ 'controller' => 'MyController2', 'permissions' => ['post.update', 'post.delete'] ], new \ArrayIterator([ 'controller' => 'MyController3', 'permissions' => new \ArrayIterator(['post.manage']) ]) ], 'expected' => [ 'mycontroller' => [0 => ['post.manage']], 'mycontroller2' => [0 => ['post.update', 'post.delete']], 'mycontroller3' => [0 => ['post.manage']] ] ], // With one action [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'MyController', 'actions' => 'DELETE', 'permissions' => 'permission1' ], [ 'controller' => 'MyController2', 'actions' => ['delete'], 'permissions' => 'permission2' ], new \ArrayIterator([ 'controller' => 'MyController3', 'actions' => new \ArrayIterator(['DELETE']), 'permissions' => new \ArrayIterator(['permission3']) ]) ], 'expected' => [ 'mycontroller' => [ 'delete' => ['permission1'] ], 'mycontroller2' => [ 'delete' => ['permission2'] ], 'mycontroller3' => [ 'delete' => ['permission3'] ], ] ], // With multiple actions [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'MyController', 'actions' => ['EDIT', 'delete'], 'permissions' => 'permission1' ], new \ArrayIterator([ 'controller' => 'MyController2', 'actions' => new \ArrayIterator(['edit', 'DELETE']), 'permissions' => new \ArrayIterator(['permission2']) ]) ], 'expected' => [ 'mycontroller' => [ 'edit' => ['permission1'], 'delete' => ['permission1'] ], 'mycontroller2' => [ 'edit' => ['permission2'], 'delete' => ['permission2'] ] ] ], // Test that that if a rule is set globally to the controller, it does not override any // action specific rule that may have been specified before [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'MyController', 'actions' => ['edit'], 'permissions' => 'permission1' ], [ 'controller' => 'MyController', 'permissions' => 'permission2' ] ], 'expected' => [ 'mycontroller' => [ 'edit' => ['permission1'], 0 => ['permission2'] ] ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider rulesConversionProvider */ public function testRulesConversions(array $rules, array $expected) { $controllerGuard = new ControllerPermissionsGuard($this->getMockAuthorizationService(), $rules); $reflProperty = new \ReflectionProperty($controllerGuard, 'rules'); $reflProperty->setAccessible(true); $this->assertEquals($expected, $reflProperty->getValue($controllerGuard)); } public function controllerDataProvider() { return [ // Test simple guard with both policies [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'permissions' => 'post.edit' ] ], 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'action' => 'edit', 'identityPermissions' => [['post.edit', null, true]], 'isGranted' => true, 'policy' => GuardInterface::POLICY_ALLOW ], [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'permissions' => 'post.edit' ] ], 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'action' => 'edit', 'identityPermissions' => [['post.edit', null, true]], 'isGranted' => true, 'policy' => GuardInterface::POLICY_DENY ], // Test with multiple rules [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'actions' => 'read', 'permissions' => '' ], [ 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'actions' => 'edit', 'permissions' => 'post.edit' ] ], 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'action' => 'edit', 'identityPermissions' => [ ['post.edit', null, true] ], 'isGranted' => true, 'policy' => GuardInterface::POLICY_ALLOW ], [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'actions' => 'read', 'permissions' => '' ], [ 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'actions' => 'edit', 'permissions' => 'post.edit' ] ], 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'action' => 'edit', 'identityPermissions' => [ ['post.edit', null, true] ], 'isGranted' => true, 'policy' => GuardInterface::POLICY_DENY ], // Test with multiple permissions. All must be authorized. [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'actions' => 'admin', 'permissions' => ['post.update', 'post.delete'], ], ], 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'action' => 'admin', 'identityPermissions' => [ ['post.update', null, true], ['post.delete', null, true], ], 'isGranted' => true, 'policy' => GuardInterface::POLICY_DENY ], [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'actions' => 'admin', 'permissions' => ['post.update', 'post.delete'], ], ], 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'action' => 'admin', 'identityPermissions' => [ ['post.update', null, false], ['post.delete', null, true], ], 'isGranted' => false, 'policy' => GuardInterface::POLICY_DENY ], [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'actions' => 'admin', 'permissions' => ['post.update', 'post.delete'], ], ], 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'action' => 'admin', 'identityPermissions' => [ ['post.update', null, true], ['post.delete', null, false], ], 'isGranted' => false, 'policy' => GuardInterface::POLICY_DENY ], // Assert that policy can deny unspecified rules [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'permissions' => 'post.edit' ], ], 'controller' => 'CommentController', 'action' => 'edit', 'identityPermissions' => [ ['post.edit', null, true] ], 'isGranted' => true, 'policy' => GuardInterface::POLICY_ALLOW ], [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'permissions' => 'post.edit' ], ], 'controller' => 'CommentController', 'action' => 'edit', 'identityPermissions' => [ ['post.edit', null, true] ], 'isGranted' => false, 'policy' => GuardInterface::POLICY_DENY ], // Test assert policy can deny other actions from controller when only one is specified [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'actions' => 'edit', 'permissions' => 'post.edit' ], ], 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'action' => 'read', 'identityPermissions' => [ ['post.edit', null, true] ], 'isGranted' => true, 'policy' => GuardInterface::POLICY_ALLOW ], [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'actions' => 'edit', 'permissions' => 'post.edit' ], ], 'controller' => 'BlogController', 'action' => 'read', 'identityPermissions' => [ ['post.edit', null, true] ], 'isGranted' => false, 'policy' => GuardInterface::POLICY_DENY ], // Assert wildcard in permissions [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'IndexController', 'permissions' => '*' ] ], 'controller' => 'IndexController', 'action' => 'index', 'identityPermissions' => [['post.edit', null, false]], 'isGranted' => true, 'policy' => GuardInterface::POLICY_ALLOW ], [ 'rules' => [ [ 'controller' => 'IndexController', 'permissions' => '*' ] ], 'controller' => 'IndexController', 'action' => 'index', 'identityPermissions' => [['post.edit', null, false]], 'isGranted' => true, 'policy' => GuardInterface::POLICY_DENY ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider controllerDataProvider */ public function testControllerGranted( array $rules, $controller, $action, $identityPermissions, $isGranted, $protectionPolicy ) { $routeMatch = $this->createRouteMatch([ 'controller' => $controller, 'action' => $action, ]); $authorizationService = $this->getMockAuthorizationService(); $authorizationService->expects($this->any()) ->method('isGranted') ->will($this->returnValueMap($identityPermissions)); $controllerGuard = new ControllerPermissionsGuard($authorizationService, $rules); $controllerGuard->setProtectionPolicy($protectionPolicy); $event = new MvcEvent(); $event->setRouteMatch($routeMatch); $this->assertEquals($isGranted, $controllerGuard->isGranted($event)); } public function testProperlyFillEventOnAuthorization() { $event = new MvcEvent(); $routeMatch = $this->createRouteMatch([ 'controller' => 'MyController', 'action' => 'edit', ]); $application = $this->createMock('Laminas\Mvc\Application'); $eventManager = $this->createMock('Laminas\EventManager\EventManagerInterface'); $application->expects($this->never()) ->method('getEventManager') ->will($this->returnValue($eventManager)); $event->setRouteMatch($routeMatch); $event->setApplication($application); $identity = $this->createMock('LmcRbacMvc\Identity\IdentityInterface'); $identity->expects($this->any())->method('getRoles')->will($this->returnValue(['member'])); $identityProvider = $this->createMock('LmcRbacMvc\Identity\IdentityProviderInterface'); $identityProvider->expects($this->any()) ->method('getIdentity') ->will($this->returnValue($identity)); $roleProvider = new InMemoryRoleProvider([ 'member' ]); $roleService = new RoleService($identityProvider, $roleProvider, new RecursiveRoleIteratorStrategy()); $routeGuard = new ControllerGuard($roleService, [ [ 'controller' => 'MyController', 'actions' => 'edit', 'roles' => 'member' ] ]); $routeGuard->onResult($event); $this->assertEmpty($event->getError()); $this->assertNull($event->getParam('exception')); } public function testProperlySetUnauthorizedAndTriggerEventOnUnauthorization() { $event = new MvcEvent(); $routeMatch = $this->createRouteMatch([ 'controller' => 'MyController', 'action' => 'delete', ]); $application = $this->createMock('Laminas\Mvc\Application'); $eventManager = $this->createMock('Laminas\EventManager\EventManager'); $application->expects($this->once()) ->method('getEventManager') ->will($this->returnValue($eventManager)); $eventManager->expects($this->once()) ->method('triggerEvent') ->with($event); $event->setRouteMatch($routeMatch); $event->setApplication($application); $identityProvider = $this->createMock('LmcRbacMvc\Identity\IdentityProviderInterface'); $identityProvider->expects($this->any()) // ->method('getIdentityRoles') ->method('getIdentity') ->will($this->returnValue('member')); $roleProvider = new InMemoryRoleProvider([ 'member' ]); $roleService = new RoleService($identityProvider, $roleProvider, new RecursiveRoleIteratorStrategy()); $routeGuard = new ControllerGuard($roleService, [ [ 'controller' => 'MyController', 'actions' => 'edit', 'roles' => 'member' ] ]); $routeGuard->onResult($event); $this->assertTrue($event->propagationIsStopped()); $this->assertEquals(ControllerGuard::GUARD_UNAUTHORIZED, $event->getError()); $this->assertInstanceOf('LmcRbacMvc\Exception\UnauthorizedException', $event->getParam('exception')); } public function createRouteMatch(array $params = []) { $class = class_exists(V2RouteMatch::class) ? V2RouteMatch::class : RouteMatch::class; return new $class($params); } }