* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Report\Html; use function array_values; use function arsort; use function asort; use function count; use function explode; use function floor; use function json_encode; use function sprintf; use function str_replace; use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\FileCouldNotBeWrittenException; use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Node\AbstractNode; use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Node\Directory as DirectoryNode; use SebastianBergmann\Template\Exception; use SebastianBergmann\Template\Template; /** * @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for phpunit/php-code-coverage */ final class Dashboard extends Renderer { public function render(DirectoryNode $node, string $file): void { $classes = $node->classesAndTraits(); $templateName = $this->templatePath . ($this->hasBranchCoverage ? 'dashboard_branch.html' : 'dashboard.html'); $template = new Template( $templateName, '{{', '}}', ); $this->setCommonTemplateVariables($template, $node); $baseLink = $node->id() . '/'; $complexity = $this->complexity($classes, $baseLink); $coverageDistribution = $this->coverageDistribution($classes); $insufficientCoverage = $this->insufficientCoverage($classes, $baseLink); $projectRisks = $this->projectRisks($classes, $baseLink); $template->setVar( [ 'insufficient_coverage_classes' => $insufficientCoverage['class'], 'insufficient_coverage_methods' => $insufficientCoverage['method'], 'project_risks_classes' => $projectRisks['class'], 'project_risks_methods' => $projectRisks['method'], 'complexity_class' => $complexity['class'], 'complexity_method' => $complexity['method'], 'class_coverage_distribution' => $coverageDistribution['class'], 'method_coverage_distribution' => $coverageDistribution['method'], ], ); try { $template->renderTo($file); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new FileCouldNotBeWrittenException( $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e, ); } } protected function activeBreadcrumb(AbstractNode $node): string { return sprintf( ' ' . "\n" . ' ' . "\n", $node->name(), ); } /** * Returns the data for the Class/Method Complexity charts. */ private function complexity(array $classes, string $baseLink): array { $result = ['class' => [], 'method' => []]; foreach ($classes as $className => $class) { foreach ($class['methods'] as $methodName => $method) { if ($className !== '*') { $methodName = $className . '::' . $methodName; } $result['method'][] = [ $method['coverage'], $method['ccn'], sprintf( '%s', str_replace($baseLink, '', $method['link']), $methodName, ), ]; } $result['class'][] = [ $class['coverage'], $class['ccn'], sprintf( '%s', str_replace($baseLink, '', $class['link']), $className, ), ]; } return [ 'class' => json_encode($result['class']), 'method' => json_encode($result['method']), ]; } /** * Returns the data for the Class / Method Coverage Distribution chart. */ private function coverageDistribution(array $classes): array { $result = [ 'class' => [ '0%' => 0, '0-10%' => 0, '10-20%' => 0, '20-30%' => 0, '30-40%' => 0, '40-50%' => 0, '50-60%' => 0, '60-70%' => 0, '70-80%' => 0, '80-90%' => 0, '90-100%' => 0, '100%' => 0, ], 'method' => [ '0%' => 0, '0-10%' => 0, '10-20%' => 0, '20-30%' => 0, '30-40%' => 0, '40-50%' => 0, '50-60%' => 0, '60-70%' => 0, '70-80%' => 0, '80-90%' => 0, '90-100%' => 0, '100%' => 0, ], ]; foreach ($classes as $class) { foreach ($class['methods'] as $methodName => $method) { if ($method['coverage'] === 0) { $result['method']['0%']++; } elseif ($method['coverage'] === 100) { $result['method']['100%']++; } else { $key = floor($method['coverage'] / 10) * 10; $key = $key . '-' . ($key + 10) . '%'; $result['method'][$key]++; } } if ($class['coverage'] === 0) { $result['class']['0%']++; } elseif ($class['coverage'] === 100) { $result['class']['100%']++; } else { $key = floor($class['coverage'] / 10) * 10; $key = $key . '-' . ($key + 10) . '%'; $result['class'][$key]++; } } return [ 'class' => json_encode(array_values($result['class'])), 'method' => json_encode(array_values($result['method'])), ]; } /** * Returns the classes / methods with insufficient coverage. */ private function insufficientCoverage(array $classes, string $baseLink): array { $leastTestedClasses = []; $leastTestedMethods = []; $result = ['class' => '', 'method' => '']; foreach ($classes as $className => $class) { foreach ($class['methods'] as $methodName => $method) { if ($method['coverage'] < $this->thresholds->highLowerBound()) { $key = $methodName; if ($className !== '*') { $key = $className . '::' . $methodName; } $leastTestedMethods[$key] = $method['coverage']; } } if ($class['coverage'] < $this->thresholds->highLowerBound()) { $leastTestedClasses[$className] = $class['coverage']; } } asort($leastTestedClasses); asort($leastTestedMethods); foreach ($leastTestedClasses as $className => $coverage) { $result['class'] .= sprintf( ' %s%d%%' . "\n", str_replace($baseLink, '', $classes[$className]['link']), $className, $coverage, ); } foreach ($leastTestedMethods as $methodName => $coverage) { [$class, $method] = explode('::', $methodName); $result['method'] .= sprintf( ' %s%d%%' . "\n", str_replace($baseLink, '', $classes[$class]['methods'][$method]['link']), $methodName, $method, $coverage, ); } return $result; } /** * Returns the project risks according to the CRAP index. */ private function projectRisks(array $classes, string $baseLink): array { $classRisks = []; $methodRisks = []; $result = ['class' => '', 'method' => '']; foreach ($classes as $className => $class) { foreach ($class['methods'] as $methodName => $method) { if ($method['coverage'] < $this->thresholds->highLowerBound() && $method['ccn'] > 1) { $key = $methodName; if ($className !== '*') { $key = $className . '::' . $methodName; } $methodRisks[$key] = $method['crap']; } } if ($class['coverage'] < $this->thresholds->highLowerBound() && $class['ccn'] > count($class['methods'])) { $classRisks[$className] = $class['crap']; } } arsort($classRisks); arsort($methodRisks); foreach ($classRisks as $className => $crap) { $result['class'] .= sprintf( ' %s%d' . "\n", str_replace($baseLink, '', $classes[$className]['link']), $className, $crap, ); } foreach ($methodRisks as $methodName => $crap) { [$class, $method] = explode('::', $methodName); $result['method'] .= sprintf( ' %s%d' . "\n", str_replace($baseLink, '', $classes[$class]['methods'][$method]['link']), $methodName, $method, $crap, ); } return $result; } }