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Current version supports PHP `^7.2|^8.0`. ## Installation Install with [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/); ``` composer require phrity/util-errorhandler ``` ## The Error Handler The class provides two main methods; `with()` and `withAll()`. The difference is that `with()` will act immediately on an error and abort further code execution, while `withAll()` will attempt to execute the entire code block before acting on errors that occurred. ### Throwing ErrorException ```php use Phrity\Util\ErrorHandler; $handler = new ErrorHandler(); $result = $handler->with(function () { // Code to execute return $success_result; }); $result = $handler->withAll(function () { // Code to execute return $success_result; }); ``` The examples above will run the callback code, but if an error occurs it will throw an [ErrorException](https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.errorexception.php). Error message and severity will be that of the triggering error. * `with()` will throw immediately when occured * `withAll()` will throw when code is complete; if more than one error occurred, the first will be thrown ### Throwing specified Throwable ```php use Phrity\Util\ErrorHandler; $handler = new ErrorHandler(); $result = $handler->with(function () { // Code to execute return $success_result; }, new RuntimeException('A specified error')); $result = $handler->withAll(function () { // Code to execute return $success_result; }, new RuntimeException('A specified error')); ``` The examples above will run the callback code, but if an error occurs it will throw provided Throwable. The thrown Throwable will have an [ErrorException](https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.errorexception.php) attached as `$previous`. * `with()` will throw immediately when occured * `withAll()` will throw when code is complete; if more than one error occurred, the first will be thrown ### Using callback ```php use Phrity\Util\ErrorHandler; $handler = new ErrorHandler(); $result = $handler->with(function () { // Code to execute return $success_result; }, function (ErrorException $error) { // Code to handle error return $error_result; }); $result = $handler->withAll(function () { // Code to execute return $success_result; }, function (array $errors, $success_result) { // Code to handle errors return $error_result; }); ``` The examples above will run the callback code, but if an error occurs it will call the error callback as well. * `with()` will run the error callback immediately when error occured; error callback expects an ErrorException instance * `withAll()` will run the error callback when code is complete; error callback expects an array of ErrorException and the returned result of code callback ### Filtering error types Both `with()` and `withAll()` accepts error level(s) as last parameter. ```php use Phrity\Util\ErrorHandler; $handler = new ErrorHandler(); $result = $handler->with(function () { // Code to execute return $success_result; }, null, E_USER_ERROR); $result = $handler->withAll(function () { // Code to execute return $success_result; }, null, E_USER_ERROR & E_USER_WARNING); ``` Any value or combination of values accepted by [set_error_handler](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.set-error-handler.php) is usable. Default is `E_ALL`. [List of constants](https://www.php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.constants.php). ### The global error handler The class also has global `set()` and `restore()` methods. ```php use Phrity\Util\ErrorHandler; $handler = new ErrorHandler(); $handler->set(); // Throws ErrorException on error $handler->set(new RuntimeException('A specified error')); // Throws provided Throwable on error $handler->set(function (ErrorException $error) { // Code to handle errors return $error_result; }); // Runs callback on error $handler->restore(); // Restores error handler ``` ### Class synopsis ```php Phrity\Util\ErrorHandler { /* Methods */ public __construct() public with(callable $callback, mixed $handling = null, int $levels = E_ALL) : mixed public withAll(callable $callback, mixed $handling = null, int $levels = E_ALL) : mixed public set($handling = null, int $levels = E_ALL) : mixed public restore() : bool } ``` ## Versions | Version | PHP | | | --- | --- | --- | | `1.1` | `^7.4\|^8.0` | Some improvements | | `1.0` | `^7.2\|^8.0` | Initial version |