assertIsBool(Util::isIRI('')); $this->assertTrue( Util::isIRI('') ); $this->assertFalse( Util::isIRI('""') ); //Does not match a blank node $this->assertFalse( Util::isIRI('_:A') ); $this->assertFalse(Util::isIRI(null)); } public function testIsLiteral(): void { $this->assertTrue(Util::isLiteral('""')); $this->assertTrue(Util::isLiteral('"English"@en')); // it matches a literal with a language that contains a number $this->assertTrue(Util::isLiteral('"English"@es-419')); // it matches a literal with a type $this->assertTrue(Util::isLiteral('"3"^^')); // it matches a literal with a newline $this->assertTrue(Util::isLiteral('"a\nb"')); // it matches a literal with a cariage return $this->assertTrue(Util::isLiteral('"a\rb"')); // it does not match an IRI $this->assertFalse(Util::isLiteral('')); // it does not match a blank node $this->assertFalse(Util::isLiteral('_:x')); // it does not match null $this->assertFalse(Util::isLiteral(null)); } public function testIsBlank(): void { // it matches a blank node $this->assertTrue(Util::isBlank('_:x')); // it does not match an IRI $this->assertFalse(Util::isBlank('')); // it does not match a literal $this->assertFalse(Util::isBlank('""')); $this->assertFalse(Util::isBlank(null)); } public function testIsDefaultGraph(): void { $this->assertFalse(Util::isDefaultGraph('_:x')); $this->assertFalse(Util::isDefaultGraph('')); $this->assertFalse(Util::isDefaultGraph('""')); // it matches null $this->assertTrue(Util::isDefaultGraph(null)); // it matches the empty string $this->assertTrue(Util::isDefaultGraph('')); } public function testinDefaultGraph(): void { // it does not match a blank node $this->assertFalse(Util::inDefaultGraph(['graph' => '_:x'])); // it does not match an IRI $this->assertFalse(Util::inDefaultGraph(['graph' => ''])); // it does not match a literal $this->assertFalse(Util::inDefaultGraph(['graph' => '""'])); // it matches null $this->assertTrue(Util::inDefaultGraph(['graph' => null])); // it matches the empty string $this->assertTrue(Util::inDefaultGraph(['graph' => ''])); } public function testGetLiteralValue(): void { // it gets the value of a literal $this->assertEquals('Mickey', Util::getLiteralValue('"Mickey"')); // it gets the value of a literal with a language $this->assertEquals('English', Util::getLiteralValue('"English"@en')); // it gets the value of a literal with a language that contains a number $this->assertEquals('English', Util::getLiteralValue('"English"@es-419')); // it gets the value of a literal with a type $this->assertEquals('3', Util::getLiteralValue('"3"^^')); // it gets the value of a literal with a newline $this->assertEquals('Mickey\nMouse', Util::getLiteralValue('"Mickey\nMouse"')); // it gets the value of a literal with a cariage return $this->assertEquals('Mickey\rMouse', Util::getLiteralValue('"Mickey\rMouse"')); $this->assertEquals("foo\nbar", Util::getLiteralValue('"' . "foo\nbar" . '"')); // it does not work with non-literals //TODO: Util::getLiteralValue.bind(null, '').should.throw(' is not a literal'); // it does not work with null //TODO: Util::getLiteralValue.bind(null, null).should.throw('null is not a literal'); } // tests reaction if no literal was given public function testGetLiteralValueNoLiteralGiven(): void { $this->expectException('\Exception'); Util::getLiteralValue('invalid'); } public function testGetLiteralType(): void { // it gets the type of a literal $this->assertEquals('', Util::getLiteralType('"Mickey"')); // it gets the type of a literal with a language $this->assertEquals('', Util::getLiteralType('"English"@en')); // it gets the type of a literal with a language that contains a number $this->assertEquals('', Util::getLiteralType('"English"@es-419')); // it gets the type of a literal with a type $this->assertEquals('', Util::getLiteralType('"3"^^')); // it gets the type of a literal with a newline $this->assertEquals('abc', Util::getLiteralType('"Mickey\nMouse"^^abc')); // it gets the type of a literal with a cariage return $this->assertEquals('abc', Util::getLiteralType('"Mickey\rMouse"^^abc')); // it does not work with non-literals //TODO: Util::getLiteralType.bind(null, '').should.throw(' is not a literal'); // it does not work with null //TODO: Util::getLiteralType.bind(null, null).should.throw('null is not a literal'); } // tests getLiteralType if multi line string was given (check for adaption of Util.php, // adding an s to the regex) public function testGetLiteralTypeMultilineString(): void { $literal = '"This document is published by the Provenance Working Group ( If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to (subscribe, archives All feedback is welcome."^^'; $this->assertEquals('', Util::getLiteralType($literal)); } public function testGetLiteralLanguage(): void { // it gets the language of a literal $this->assertEquals('', Util::getLiteralLanguage('"Mickey"')); // it gets the language of a literal with a language $this->assertEquals('en', Util::getLiteralLanguage('"English"@en')); // it gets the language of a literal with a language that contains a number $this->assertEquals('es-419', Util::getLiteralLanguage('"English"@es-419')); // it normalizes the language to lowercase $this->assertEquals('en-gb', Util::getLiteralLanguage('"English"@en-GB')); // it gets the language of a literal with a type $this->assertEquals('', Util::getLiteralLanguage('"3"^^')); // it gets the language of a literal with a newline $this->assertEquals('en', Util::getLiteralLanguage('"Mickey\nMouse"@en')); // it gets the language of a literal with a cariage return $this->assertEquals('en', Util::getLiteralLanguage('"Mickey\rMouse"@en')); } // tests getLiteralLanguage if multi line string was given (check for adaption of Util.php, // adding an s to the regex) public function testGetLiteralLanguageMultilineString(): void { $literal = '"This document is published by the Provenance Working Group ( If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to (subscribe, archives All feedback is welcome."@en'; $this->assertEquals('en', Util::getLiteralLanguage($literal)); } // tests reaction if no language was given public function testGetLiteralLanguageNoLiteralGiven(): void { $this->expectException('\Exception'); Util::getLiteralLanguage('invalid'); } public function testIsPrefixedName(): void { // it matches a prefixed name $this->assertTrue(Util::isPrefixedName('ex:Test')); // it does not match an IRI $this->assertFalse(Util::isPrefixedName('')); // it does not match a literal $this->assertFalse(Util::isPrefixedName('""')); // it does not match a literal with a colon $this->assertFalse(Util::isPrefixedName('"a:b"')); // it does not match null $this->assertFalse(Util::isPrefixedName(null)); } public function testExpandPrefixedName(): void { // it expands a prefixed name $this->assertEquals('', Util::expandPrefixedName('ex:Test', ['ex' => ''])); // it expands a type with a prefixed name $this->assertEquals('"a"^^', Util::expandPrefixedName('"a"^^ex:type', ['ex' => ''])); // it expands a prefixed name with the empty prefix $this->assertEquals('', Util::expandPrefixedName(':Test', ['' => ''])); // it does not expand a prefixed name if the prefix is unknown $this->assertEquals('a:Test', Util::expandPrefixedName('a:Test', ['b' => ''])); // it returns the input if //it is not a prefixed name $this->assertEquals('abc', Util::expandPrefixedName('abc', null)); } public function testCreateIRI(): void { // it converts a plain IRI $this->assertEquals('', Util::createIRI('')); // it converts a literal $this->assertEquals('', Util::createIRI('""^^uri:type')); // it converts null $this->assertNull(Util::createIRI(null)); } public function testCreateLiteral(): void { // it converts the empty string $this->assertEquals('""', Util::createLiteral('')); // it converts the empty string with a language $this->assertEquals('""@en-gb', Util::createLiteral('', 'en-GB')); // it converts the empty string with a type $this->assertEquals('""^^', Util::createLiteral('', '')); // it converts a non-empty string $this->assertEquals('"abc"', Util::createLiteral('abc')); // it converts a non-empty string with a language $this->assertEquals('"abc"@en-gb', Util::createLiteral('abc', 'en-GB')); // it converts a non-empty string with a type $this->assertEquals('"abc"^^', Util::createLiteral('abc', '')); // it converts an integer $this->assertEquals('"123"^^', Util::createLiteral(123)); // it converts a decimal $this->assertEquals('"2.3"^^', Util::createLiteral(2.3)); // it converts infinity $this->assertEquals('"INF"^^', Util::createLiteral(INF)); // it converts false $this->assertEquals('"false"^^', Util::createLiteral(false)); // it converts true $this->assertEquals('"true"^^', Util::createLiteral(true)); } /* public function testprefix () { var baz = Util::prefix(''); // it should return a function $this->assertEquals(an.instanceof(Function), baz); } public function testthe function () { // it should expand the prefix expect(baz('bar')).to.equal(''); } */ /* public function testprefixes () { public function testCalled without arguments () { var prefixes = Util::prefixes(); // it should return a function $this->assertEquals(an.instanceof(Function), prefixes); public function testthe function () { // it should not expand non-registered prefixes expect(prefixes('baz')('bar')).to.equal('bar'); // it should allow registering prefixes var p = prefixes('baz', ''); expect(p).to.exist; expect(p).to.equal(prefixes('baz')); // it should expand the newly registered prefix expect(prefixes('baz')('bar')).to.equal(''); }*/ /* public function testCalled with a hash of prefixes () { var prefixes = Util::prefixes({ foo: '', bar: '' // it should return a function $this->assertEquals(an.instanceof(Function), prefixes); public function testthe function () { // it should expand registered prefixes expect(prefixes('foo')('bar')).to.equal(''); expect(prefixes('bar')('bar')).to.equal(''); // it should not expand non-registered prefixes expect(prefixes('baz')('bar')).to.equal('bar'); // it should allow registering prefixes var p = prefixes('baz', ''); expect(p).to.exist; expect(p).to.equal(prefixes('baz')); // it should expand the newly registered prefix expect(prefixes('baz')('bar')).to.equal(''); } */ }