* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace SebastianBergmann\CodeUnitReverseLookup; use function array_merge; use function assert; use function get_declared_classes; use function get_declared_traits; use function get_defined_functions; use function is_array; use function range; use ReflectionClass; use ReflectionFunction; use ReflectionFunctionAbstract; use ReflectionMethod; class Wizard { /** * @psalm-var array> */ private array $lookupTable = []; /** * @psalm-var array */ private array $processedClasses = []; /** * @psalm-var array */ private array $processedFunctions = []; public function lookup(string $filename, int $lineNumber): string { if (!isset($this->lookupTable[$filename][$lineNumber])) { $this->updateLookupTable(); } if (isset($this->lookupTable[$filename][$lineNumber])) { return $this->lookupTable[$filename][$lineNumber]; } return $filename . ':' . $lineNumber; } private function updateLookupTable(): void { $this->processClassesAndTraits(); $this->processFunctions(); } private function processClassesAndTraits(): void { $classes = get_declared_classes(); $traits = get_declared_traits(); /* @noinspection PhpConditionAlreadyCheckedInspection */ assert(is_array($traits)); foreach (array_merge($classes, $traits) as $classOrTrait) { if (isset($this->processedClasses[$classOrTrait])) { continue; } foreach ((new ReflectionClass($classOrTrait))->getMethods() as $method) { $this->processFunctionOrMethod($method); } $this->processedClasses[$classOrTrait] = true; } } private function processFunctions(): void { foreach (get_defined_functions()['user'] as $function) { if (isset($this->processedFunctions[$function])) { continue; } $this->processFunctionOrMethod(new ReflectionFunction($function)); $this->processedFunctions[$function] = true; } } private function processFunctionOrMethod(ReflectionFunctionAbstract $functionOrMethod): void { if ($functionOrMethod->isInternal()) { return; } $name = $functionOrMethod->getName(); if ($functionOrMethod instanceof ReflectionMethod) { $name = $functionOrMethod->getDeclaringClass()->getName() . '::' . $name; } if (!isset($this->lookupTable[$functionOrMethod->getFileName()])) { $this->lookupTable[$functionOrMethod->getFileName()] = []; } foreach (range($functionOrMethod->getStartLine(), $functionOrMethod->getEndLine()) as $line) { $this->lookupTable[$functionOrMethod->getFileName()][$line] = $name; } } }