SlmLocale === [![CI](]( [![Latest Stable Version](]( [![Coverage Status](]( Created by Jurian Sluiman Introduction ------------ SlmLocale is a Laminas module to automatically detect a locale for your application. It uses a variety of pluggable strategies to search for a valid locale. SlmLocale features a default locale, a set of supported locales and locale aliases. SlmLocale supports out of the box several strategies to search for a locale. Through interfaces, other strategies could be created. The set of default stragies is: 1. The HTTP `Accept-Language` header 2. A cookie to store the locale between several sessions of one visitor 3. A query parameter to easily switch from locale 4. The first segment of the path of an uri 5. A part of the domain name (either the TLD or a subdomain) Furthermore, it provides a set of additional localisation features: 1. A default locale, used as fallback 2. A set of aliases, so you can map `.com` as "en-US" in the host name strategy 3. Redirect to the right domain/path when a locale is found 4. View helpers to create a localised uri or a list of language switches Installation --- Add "slm/locale" to your composer.json file and update your dependencies. Enable SlmLocale in your `application.config.php`. If you do not have a composer.json file in the root of your project, copy the contents below and put that into a file called `composer.json` and save it in the root of your project: ``` { "require": { "slm/locale": ">=0.1.0,<1.2.0-dev" } } ``` Then execute the following commands in a CLI: ``` curl -s | php php composer.phar install ``` Now you should have a `vendor` directory, including a `slm/locale`. In your bootstrap code, make sure you include the `vendor/autoload.php` file to properly load the SlmLocale module. Usage --- Set your default locale in the configuration: ``` 'slm_locale' => [ 'default' => 'nl-NL', ], ``` Set all your supported locales in the configuration: ``` 'slm_locale' => [ 'supported' => ['en-US', 'en-GB'], ], ``` And enable some strategies. The naming is made via the following list: * **cookie**: `SlmLocale\Strategy\CookieStrategy` * **host**: `SlmLocale\Strategy\HostStrategy` * **acceptlanguage**: `SlmLocale\Strategy\HttpAcceptLanguageStrategy` * **query**: `SlmLocale\Strategy\QueryStrategy` * **uripath**: `SlmLocale\Strategy\UriPathStrategy` * **asset**: `SlmLocale\Strategy\AssetStrategy` You can enable one or more of them in the `strategies` list. Mind the priority is important! You usually want the `acceptlanguage` as last for a fallback: ``` 'slm_locale' => [ 'strategies' => ['uripath', 'acceptlanguage'], ], ``` At this moment, the locale should be detected. The locale is stored inside php's `Locale` object. Retrieve the locale with `Locale::getDefault()`. This is also automated inside Laminas translator objects and i18n view helpers (so you do not need to set the locale yourself there). ### Set the locale's language in html It is common to provide the html with the used locale. This can be set for example in the `html` tag: ``` ``` Inject the detected language here with the following code: ``` ``` ### Disable UriPathStrategy in PHPUNIT This is necessary (at the moment) if you want to use ``this->dispatch('my/uri');`` in your `AbstractHttpControllerTestCase` unit tests. Otherwise, if you check for responseCode you will get `302` where it should be `200`. Example: ``` $this->dispatch('/to/my/uri'); $this->assertResponseStatusCode(200); // this will be 302 instead of 200 $this->dispatch('/en/to/my/uri'); $this->assertResponseStatusCode(200); // this will be 302 instead of 200 ``` To fix add the following to your phpunit config. phpunit.xml: ``` ... ``` Or set ``$_SERVER['DISABLE_URIPATHSTRATEGY'] = true;`` in your bootstrap file of phpunit. ### Create a list of available locales T.B.D Read more about usage and the configuration of all the strategies in the [documentation](docs/