* @copyright 2020-2021 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/PHPCSStandards/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence */ namespace PHP_CodeSniffer\Tests\Core\Tokenizer\PHP; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Tests\Core\Tokenizer\AbstractTokenizerTestCase; final class DefaultKeywordTest extends AbstractTokenizerTestCase { /** * Test the retokenization of the `default` keyword for match structure to `T_MATCH_DEFAULT`. * * Note: Cases and default structures within a match structure do *NOT* get case/default scope * conditions, in contrast to case and default structures in switch control structures. * * @param string $testMarker The comment prefacing the target token. * @param string $testContent The token content to look for. * * @dataProvider dataMatchDefault * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\PHP::tokenize * * @return void */ public function testMatchDefault($testMarker, $testContent='default') { $tokens = $this->phpcsFile->getTokens(); $token = $this->getTargetToken($testMarker, [T_MATCH_DEFAULT, T_DEFAULT, T_STRING], $testContent); $tokenArray = $tokens[$token]; $this->assertSame(T_MATCH_DEFAULT, $tokenArray['code'], 'Token tokenized as '.$tokenArray['type'].', not T_MATCH_DEFAULT (code)'); $this->assertSame('T_MATCH_DEFAULT', $tokenArray['type'], 'Token tokenized as '.$tokenArray['type'].', not T_MATCH_DEFAULT (type)'); }//end testMatchDefault() /** * Data provider. * * @see testMatchDefault() * * @return array> */ public static function dataMatchDefault() { return [ 'simple_match_default' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testSimpleMatchDefault */', ], 'match_default_in_switch_case_1' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testMatchDefaultNestedInSwitchCase1 */', ], 'match_default_in_switch_case_2' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testMatchDefaultNestedInSwitchCase2 */', ], 'match_default_in_switch_default' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testMatchDefaultNestedInSwitchDefault */', ], 'match_default_containing_switch' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testMatchDefault */', ], 'match_default_with_nested_long_array_and_default_key' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testMatchDefaultWithNestedLongArrayWithClassConstantKey */', 'testContent' => 'DEFAULT', ], 'match_default_with_nested_long_array_and_default_key_2' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testMatchDefaultWithNestedLongArrayWithClassConstantKeyLevelDown */', 'testContent' => 'DEFAULT', ], 'match_default_with_nested_short_array_and_default_key' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testMatchDefaultWithNestedShortArrayWithClassConstantKey */', 'testContent' => 'DEFAULT', ], 'match_default_with_nested_short_array_and_default_key_2' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testMatchDefaultWithNestedShortArrayWithClassConstantKeyLevelDown */', 'testContent' => 'DEFAULT', ], 'match_default_in_long_array' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testMatchDefaultNestedInLongArray */', 'testContent' => 'DEFAULT', ], 'match_default_in_short_array' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testMatchDefaultNestedInShortArray */', 'testContent' => 'DEFAULT', ], ]; }//end dataMatchDefault() /** * Verify that the retokenization of `T_DEFAULT` tokens in match constructs, doesn't negatively * impact the tokenization of `T_DEFAULT` tokens in switch control structures. * * @param string $testMarker The comment prefacing the target token. * @param string $testContent The token content to look for. * * @dataProvider dataSwitchDefault * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\PHP::tokenize * * @return void */ public function testSwitchDefault($testMarker, $testContent='default') { $tokens = $this->phpcsFile->getTokens(); $token = $this->getTargetToken($testMarker, [T_MATCH_DEFAULT, T_DEFAULT, T_STRING], $testContent); $tokenArray = $tokens[$token]; $this->assertSame(T_DEFAULT, $tokenArray['code'], 'Token tokenized as '.$tokenArray['type'].', not T_DEFAULT (code)'); $this->assertSame('T_DEFAULT', $tokenArray['type'], 'Token tokenized as '.$tokenArray['type'].', not T_DEFAULT (type)'); }//end testSwitchDefault() /** * Data provider. * * @see testSwitchDefault() * * @return array> */ public static function dataSwitchDefault() { return [ 'simple_switch_default' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testSimpleSwitchDefault */', ], 'simple_switch_default_with_curlies' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testSimpleSwitchDefaultWithCurlies */', ], 'switch_default_toplevel' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testSwitchDefault */', ], 'switch_default_nested_in_match_case' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testSwitchDefaultNestedInMatchCase */', ], 'switch_default_nested_in_match_default' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testSwitchDefaultNestedInMatchDefault */', ], ]; }//end dataSwitchDefault() /** * Verify that the retokenization of `T_DEFAULT` tokens in match constructs, doesn't negatively * impact the tokenization of `T_STRING` tokens with the contents 'default' which aren't in * actual fact the default keyword. * * @param string $testMarker The comment prefacing the target token. * @param string $testContent The token content to look for. * * @dataProvider dataNotDefaultKeyword * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\PHP::processAdditional * * @return void */ public function testNotDefaultKeyword($testMarker, $testContent='DEFAULT') { $tokens = $this->phpcsFile->getTokens(); $token = $this->getTargetToken($testMarker, [T_MATCH_DEFAULT, T_DEFAULT, T_STRING], $testContent); $tokenArray = $tokens[$token]; $this->assertSame(T_STRING, $tokenArray['code'], 'Token tokenized as '.$tokenArray['type'].', not T_STRING (code)'); $this->assertSame('T_STRING', $tokenArray['type'], 'Token tokenized as '.$tokenArray['type'].', not T_STRING (type)'); }//end testNotDefaultKeyword() /** * Data provider. * * @see testNotDefaultKeyword() * * @return array> */ public static function dataNotDefaultKeyword() { return [ 'class-constant-as-short-array-key' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testClassConstantAsShortArrayKey */', ], 'class-property-as-short-array-key' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testClassPropertyAsShortArrayKey */', ], 'namespaced-constant-as-short-array-key' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testNamespacedConstantAsShortArrayKey */', ], 'fqn-global-constant-as-short-array-key' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testFQNGlobalConstantAsShortArrayKey */', ], 'class-constant-as-long-array-key' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testClassConstantAsLongArrayKey */', ], 'class-constant-as-yield-key' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testClassConstantAsYieldKey */', ], 'class-constant-as-long-array-key-nested-in-match' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testClassConstantAsLongArrayKeyNestedInMatch */', ], 'class-constant-as-long-array-key-nested-in-match-2' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testClassConstantAsLongArrayKeyNestedInMatchLevelDown */', ], 'class-constant-as-short-array-key-nested-in-match' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testClassConstantAsShortArrayKeyNestedInMatch */', ], 'class-constant-as-short-array-key-nested-in-match-2' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testClassConstantAsShortArrayKeyNestedInMatchLevelDown */', ], 'class-constant-as-long-array-key-with-nested-match' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testClassConstantAsLongArrayKeyWithNestedMatch */', ], 'class-constant-as-short-array-key-with-nested-match' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testClassConstantAsShortArrayKeyWithNestedMatch */', ], 'class-constant-in-switch-case' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testClassConstantInSwitchCase */', ], 'class-property-in-switch-case' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testClassPropertyInSwitchCase */', ], 'namespaced-constant-in-switch-case' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testNamespacedConstantInSwitchCase */', ], 'namespace-relative-constant-in-switch-case' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testNamespaceRelativeConstantInSwitchCase */', ], 'class-constant-declaration' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testClassConstant */', ], 'class-method-declaration' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testMethodDeclaration */', 'testContent' => 'default', ], ]; }//end dataNotDefaultKeyword() }//end class