* @copyright 2022 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/PHPCSStandards/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence */ namespace PHP_CodeSniffer\Tests\Core\Tokenizer\PHP; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Tests\Core\Tokenizer\AbstractTokenizerTestCase; final class HeredocStringTest extends AbstractTokenizerTestCase { /** * Test that heredoc strings contain the complete interpolated string. * * @param string $testMarker The comment which prefaces the target token in the test file. * @param string $expectedContent The expected content of the heredoc string. * * @dataProvider dataHeredocString * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\PHP::tokenize * * @return void */ public function testHeredocString($testMarker, $expectedContent) { $tokens = $this->phpcsFile->getTokens(); $target = $this->getTargetToken($testMarker, T_HEREDOC); $this->assertSame($expectedContent."\n", $tokens[$target]['content']); }//end testHeredocString() /** * Test that heredoc strings contain the complete interpolated string when combined with other texts. * * @param string $testMarker The comment which prefaces the target token in the test file. * @param string $expectedContent The expected content of the heredoc string. * * @dataProvider dataHeredocString * @covers PHP_CodeSniffer\Tokenizers\PHP::tokenize * * @return void */ public function testHeredocStringWrapped($testMarker, $expectedContent) { $tokens = $this->phpcsFile->getTokens(); $testMarker = substr($testMarker, 0, -3).'Wrapped */'; $target = $this->getTargetToken($testMarker, T_HEREDOC); $this->assertSame('Do '.$expectedContent." Something\n", $tokens[$target]['content']); }//end testHeredocStringWrapped() /** * Data provider. * * Type reference: * 1. Directly embedded variables. * 2. Braces outside the variable. * 3. Braces after the dollar sign. * 4. Variable variables and expressions. * * @link https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecate_dollar_brace_string_interpolation * * @see testHeredocString() * * @return array> */ public static function dataHeredocString() { return [ 'Type 1: simple variable' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testSimple1 */', 'expectedContent' => '$foo', ], 'Type 2: simple variable' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testSimple2 */', 'expectedContent' => '{$foo}', ], 'Type 3: simple variable' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testSimple3 */', 'expectedContent' => '${foo}', ], 'Type 1: array offset' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testDIM1 */', 'expectedContent' => '$foo[bar]', ], 'Type 2: array offset' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testDIM2 */', 'expectedContent' => '{$foo[\'bar\']}', ], 'Type 3: array offset' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testDIM3 */', 'expectedContent' => '${foo[\'bar\']}', ], 'Type 1: object property' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testProperty1 */', 'expectedContent' => '$foo->bar', ], 'Type 2: object property' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testProperty2 */', 'expectedContent' => '{$foo->bar}', ], 'Type 2: object method call' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testMethod1 */', 'expectedContent' => '{$foo->bar()}', ], 'Type 2: closure function call' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testClosure1 */', 'expectedContent' => '{$foo()}', ], 'Type 2: chaining various syntaxes' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testChain1 */', 'expectedContent' => '{$foo[\'bar\']->baz()()}', ], 'Type 4: variable variables' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testVariableVar1 */', 'expectedContent' => '${$bar}', ], 'Type 4: variable constants' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testVariableVar2 */', 'expectedContent' => '${(foo)}', ], 'Type 4: object property' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testVariableVar3 */', 'expectedContent' => '${foo->bar}', ], 'Type 4: variable variable nested in array offset' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testNested1 */', 'expectedContent' => '${foo["${bar}"]}', ], 'Type 4: variable array offset nested in array offset' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testNested2 */', 'expectedContent' => '${foo["${bar[\'baz\']}"]}', ], 'Type 4: variable object property' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testNested3 */', 'expectedContent' => '${foo->{$baz}}', ], 'Type 4: variable object property - complex with single quotes' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testNested4 */', 'expectedContent' => '${foo->{${\'a\'}}}', ], 'Type 4: variable object property - complex with single and double quotes' => [ 'testMarker' => '/* testNested5 */', 'expectedContent' => '${foo->{"${\'a\'}"}}', ], ]; }//end dataHeredocString() }//end class