name: Build & Release SwaggerUI-React@next # single-stage on: workflow_dispatch: branches: - next # multi-stage automation # on: # workflow_run: # workflows: ["Release SwaggerUI@next"] # types: # - completed # branches: [next] defaults: run: working-directory: flavors/swagger-ui-react/release jobs: release-swagger-ui-react: name: Release SwaggerUI React runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: fetch-depth: 0 persist-credentials: false ref: next - name: Setup Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: 20 - name: Prepare SwaggerUI dist run: | cd ../../../ npm ci npm run build - name: Install dependencies (to create package manifest) run: npm ci - name: MKDIR `dist` working directory run: mkdir -p ../dist - name: Copy SwaggerUI dist files to MKDIR run: | ls ../dist cp ../../../dist/swagger-ui-es-bundle-core.js ../dist cp ../../../dist/ ../dist cp ../../../dist/swagger-ui.css ../dist cp ../../../dist/ ../dist - name: Create a releasable package manifest run: node create-manifest.js > ../dist/package.json - name: Transpile our top-level React Component run: | ../../../node_modules/.bin/cross-env BABEL_ENV=commonjs ../../../node_modules/.bin/babel --config-file ../../../babel.config.js ../index.jsx > ../dist/commonjs.js ../../../node_modules/.bin/cross-env BABEL_ENV=es ../../../node_modules/.bin/babel --config-file ../../../babel.config.js ../index.jsx > ../dist/index.js - name: Copy our README into the dist folder for npm run: cp ../ ../dist - name: Copy LICENSE & NOTICE into the dist folder for npm run: | cp ../../../LICENSE ../dist cp ../../../NOTICE ../dist - name: Run the release from the dist folder run: | cd ../dist pwd npm publish . --tag alpha env: NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}