#! /bin/sh set -e NGINX_ROOT=/usr/share/nginx/html INITIALIZER_SCRIPT=$NGINX_ROOT/swagger-initializer.js NGINX_CONF=/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf node /usr/share/nginx/configurator $INITIALIZER_SCRIPT if [ "$SWAGGER_JSON_URL" ]; then sed -i "s|https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json|$SWAGGER_JSON_URL|g" $INITIALIZER_SCRIPT sed -i "s|http://example.com/api|$SWAGGER_JSON_URL|g" $INITIALIZER_SCRIPT fi if [[ -f "$SWAGGER_JSON" ]]; then cp -s "$SWAGGER_JSON" "$NGINX_ROOT" REL_PATH="./$(basename $SWAGGER_JSON)" if [[ -z "$SWAGGER_ROOT" ]]; then SWAGGER_ROOT="$(dirname $SWAGGER_JSON)" fi if [[ "$BASE_URL" != "/" ]] then BASE_URL=$(echo $BASE_URL | sed 's/\/$//') sed -i \ "s|#SWAGGER_ROOT|rewrite ^$BASE_URL(/.*)$ \$1 break;\n #SWAGGER_ROOT|" \ $NGINX_CONF fi sed -i "s|#SWAGGER_ROOT|root $SWAGGER_ROOT/;|g" $NGINX_CONF sed -i "s|https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json|$REL_PATH|g" $INITIALIZER_SCRIPT sed -i "s|http://example.com/api|$REL_PATH|g" $INITIALIZER_SCRIPT fi # enable/disable the address and port for IPv6 addresses that nginx listens on if [[ -n "${PORT_IPV6}" ]]; then sed -i "s|${PORT};|${PORT};\n listen [::]:${PORT_IPV6};|g" $NGINX_CONF fi # enable/disable CORS if [ "$CORS" != "true" ]; then truncate -s 0 /etc/nginx/templates/cors.conf fi # allow/disallow embedding the swagger-ui in frames/iframes from different origins if [ "$EMBEDDING" != "false" ]; then truncate -s 0 /etc/nginx/templates/embedding.conf fi find $NGINX_ROOT -type f -regex ".*\.\(html\|js\|css\)" -exec sh -c "gzip < {} > {}.gz" \;