# `deepLinking` parameter Swagger UI allows you to deeply link into tags and operations within a spec. When Swagger UI is provided a URL fragment at runtime, it will automatically expand and scroll to a specified tag or operation. ## Usage 👉🏼 Add `deepLinking: true` to your Swagger UI configuration to enable this functionality. This is demonstrated in [`dist/index.html`](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/blob/master/dist/index.html). When you expand a tag or operation, Swagger UI will automatically update its URL fragment with a deep link to the item. Conversely, when you collapse a tag or operation, Swagger UI will clear the URL fragment. You can also right-click a tag name or operation path to copy a link to that tag or operation. #### Fragment format The fragment is formatted in one of two ways: - `#/{tagName}`, to trigger the focus of a specific tag - `#/{tagName}/{operationId}`, to trigger the focus of a specific operation within a tag `operationId` is the explicit operationId provided in the spec, if one exists. Otherwise, Swagger UI generates an implicit operationId by combining the operation's path and method, while escaping non-alphanumeric characters. ## FAQ > I'm using Swagger UI in an application that needs control of the URL fragment. How do I disable deep-linking? This functionality is disabled by default, but you can pass `deepLinking: false` into Swagger UI as a configuration item to be sure. > Can I link to multiple tags or operations? No, this is not supported. > Can I collapse everything except the operation or tag I'm linking to? Sure - use `docExpansion: none` to collapse all tags and operations. Your deep link will take precedence over the setting, so only the tag or operation you've specified will be expanded.