import React, { Component } from "react" import { Map, List } from "immutable" import PropTypes from "prop-types" import ImPropTypes from "react-immutable-proptypes" import win from "core/window" import { getExtensions, getCommonExtensions, numberToString, stringify, isEmptyValue } from "core/utils" import getParameterSchema from "core/utils/get-parameter-schema.js" export default class ParameterRow extends Component { static propTypes = { onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, param: PropTypes.object.isRequired, rawParam: PropTypes.object.isRequired, getComponent: PropTypes.func.isRequired, fn: PropTypes.object.isRequired, isExecute: PropTypes.bool, onChangeConsumes: PropTypes.func.isRequired, specSelectors: PropTypes.object.isRequired, specActions: PropTypes.object.isRequired, pathMethod: PropTypes.array.isRequired, getConfigs: PropTypes.func.isRequired, specPath: ImPropTypes.list.isRequired, oas3Actions: PropTypes.object.isRequired, oas3Selectors: PropTypes.object.isRequired, } constructor(props, context) { super(props, context) this.setDefaultValue() } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(props) { let { specSelectors, pathMethod, rawParam } = props let isOAS3 = specSelectors.isOAS3() let parameterWithMeta = specSelectors.parameterWithMetaByIdentity(pathMethod, rawParam) || new Map() // fallback, if the meta lookup fails parameterWithMeta = parameterWithMeta.isEmpty() ? rawParam : parameterWithMeta let enumValue if(isOAS3) { let { schema } = getParameterSchema(parameterWithMeta, { isOAS3 }) enumValue = schema ? schema.get("enum") : undefined } else { enumValue = parameterWithMeta ? parameterWithMeta.get("enum") : undefined } let paramValue = parameterWithMeta ? parameterWithMeta.get("value") : undefined let value if ( paramValue !== undefined ) { value = paramValue } else if ( rawParam.get("required") && enumValue && enumValue.size ) { value = enumValue.first() } if ( value !== undefined && value !== paramValue ) { this.onChangeWrapper(numberToString(value)) } // todo: could check if schema here; if not, do not call. impact? this.setDefaultValue() } onChangeWrapper = (value, isXml = false) => { let { onChange, rawParam } = this.props let valueForUpstream // Coerce empty strings and empty Immutable objects to null if(value === "" || (value && value.size === 0)) { valueForUpstream = null } else { valueForUpstream = value } return onChange(rawParam, valueForUpstream, isXml) } _onExampleSelect = (key, /* { isSyntheticChange } = {} */) => { this.props.oas3Actions.setActiveExamplesMember({ name: key, pathMethod: this.props.pathMethod, contextType: "parameters", contextName: this.getParamKey() }) } onChangeIncludeEmpty = (newValue) => { let { specActions, param, pathMethod } = this.props const paramName = param.get("name") const paramIn = param.get("in") return specActions.updateEmptyParamInclusion(pathMethod, paramName, paramIn, newValue) } setDefaultValue = () => { let { specSelectors, pathMethod, rawParam, oas3Selectors, fn } = this.props const paramWithMeta = specSelectors.parameterWithMetaByIdentity(pathMethod, rawParam) || Map() const { schema } = getParameterSchema(paramWithMeta, { isOAS3: specSelectors.isOAS3() }) const parameterMediaType = paramWithMeta .get("content", Map()) .keySeq() .first() // getSampleSchema could return null const generatedSampleValue = schema ? fn.getSampleSchema(schema.toJS(), parameterMediaType, { includeWriteOnly: true }) : null if (!paramWithMeta || paramWithMeta.get("value") !== undefined) { return } if( paramWithMeta.get("in") !== "body" ) { let initialValue //// Find an initial value if (specSelectors.isSwagger2()) { initialValue = paramWithMeta.get("x-example") !== undefined ? paramWithMeta.get("x-example") : paramWithMeta.getIn(["schema", "example"]) !== undefined ? paramWithMeta.getIn(["schema", "example"]) : (schema && schema.getIn(["default"])) } else if (specSelectors.isOAS3()) { const currentExampleKey = oas3Selectors.activeExamplesMember(...pathMethod, "parameters", this.getParamKey()) initialValue = paramWithMeta.getIn(["examples", currentExampleKey, "value"]) !== undefined ? paramWithMeta.getIn(["examples", currentExampleKey, "value"]) : paramWithMeta.getIn(["content", parameterMediaType, "example"]) !== undefined ? paramWithMeta.getIn(["content", parameterMediaType, "example"]) : paramWithMeta.get("example") !== undefined ? paramWithMeta.get("example") : (schema && schema.get("example")) !== undefined ? (schema && schema.get("example")) : (schema && schema.get("default")) !== undefined ? (schema && schema.get("default")) : paramWithMeta.get("default") // ensures support for `parameterMacro` } //// Process the initial value if(initialValue !== undefined && !List.isList(initialValue)) { // Stringify if it isn't a List initialValue = stringify(initialValue) } //// Dispatch the initial value if(initialValue !== undefined) { this.onChangeWrapper(initialValue) } else if( schema && schema.get("type") === "object" && generatedSampleValue && !paramWithMeta.get("examples") ) { // Object parameters get special treatment.. if the user doesn't set any // default or example values, we'll provide initial values generated from // the schema. // However, if `examples` exist for the parameter, we won't do anything, // so that the appropriate `examples` logic can take over. this.onChangeWrapper( List.isList(generatedSampleValue) ? ( generatedSampleValue ) : ( stringify(generatedSampleValue) ) ) } } } getParamKey() { const { param } = this.props if(!param) return null return `${param.get("name")}-${param.get("in")}` } render() { let {param, rawParam, getComponent, getConfigs, isExecute, fn, onChangeConsumes, specSelectors, pathMethod, specPath, oas3Selectors} = this.props let isOAS3 = specSelectors.isOAS3() const { showExtensions, showCommonExtensions } = getConfigs() if(!param) { param = rawParam } if(!rawParam) return null // const onChangeWrapper = (value) => onChange(param, value) const JsonSchemaForm = getComponent("JsonSchemaForm") const ParamBody = getComponent("ParamBody") let inType = param.get("in") let bodyParam = inType !== "body" ? null : const ModelExample = getComponent("modelExample") const Markdown = getComponent("Markdown", true) const ParameterExt = getComponent("ParameterExt") const ParameterIncludeEmpty = getComponent("ParameterIncludeEmpty") const ExamplesSelectValueRetainer = getComponent("ExamplesSelectValueRetainer") const Example = getComponent("Example") let { schema } = getParameterSchema(param, { isOAS3 }) let paramWithMeta = specSelectors.parameterWithMetaByIdentity(pathMethod, rawParam) || Map() let format = schema ? schema.get("format") : null let type = schema ? schema.get("type") : null let itemType = schema ? schema.getIn(["items", "type"]) : null let isFormData = inType === "formData" let isFormDataSupported = "FormData" in win let required = param.get("required") let value = paramWithMeta ? paramWithMeta.get("value") : "" let commonExt = showCommonExtensions ? getCommonExtensions(schema) : null let extensions = showExtensions ? getExtensions(param) : null let paramItems // undefined let paramEnum // undefined let paramDefaultValue // undefined let paramExample // undefined let isDisplayParamEnum = false if ( param !== undefined && schema ) { paramItems = schema.get("items") } if (paramItems !== undefined) { paramEnum = paramItems.get("enum") paramDefaultValue = paramItems.get("default") } else if (schema) { paramEnum = schema.get("enum") } if ( paramEnum && paramEnum.size && paramEnum.size > 0) { isDisplayParamEnum = true } // Default and Example Value for readonly doc if ( param !== undefined ) { if (schema) { paramDefaultValue = schema.get("default") } if (paramDefaultValue === undefined) { paramDefaultValue = param.get("default") } paramExample = param.get("example") if (paramExample === undefined) { paramExample = param.get("x-example") } } return (
{ param.get("name") } { !required ? null :  * }
{ type } { itemType && `[${itemType}]` } { format && (${format})}
{ isOAS3 && param.get("deprecated") ? "deprecated": null }
({ param.get("in") })
{ !showCommonExtensions || !commonExt.size ? null : commonExt.entrySeq().map(([key, v]) => )} { !showExtensions || !extensions.size ? null : extensions.entrySeq().map(([key, v]) => )} { param.get("description") ? : null } { (bodyParam || !isExecute) && isDisplayParamEnum ? Available values : " + { return item }).toArray().join(", ")}/> : null } { (bodyParam || !isExecute) && paramDefaultValue !== undefined ? Default value : " + paramDefaultValue}/> : null } { (bodyParam || !isExecute) && paramExample !== undefined ? Example : " + paramExample}/> : null } {(isFormData && !isFormDataSupported) &&
Error: your browser does not support FormData
} { isOAS3 && param.get("examples") ? (
) : null } { bodyParam ? null : } { bodyParam && schema ? : null } { !bodyParam && isExecute && param.get("allowEmptyValue") ? : null } { isOAS3 && param.get("examples") ? ( ) : null } ) } }