import deepExtend from "deep-extend" import System from "./system" // presets import BasePreset from "./presets/base" import ApisPreset from "./presets/apis" // plugins import AuthPlugin from "./plugins/auth/" import ConfigsPlugin from "./plugins/configs" import DeepLinkingPlugin from "./plugins/deep-linking" import ErrPlugin from "./plugins/err" import FilterPlugin from "./plugins/filter" import IconsPlugin from "./plugins/icons" import JSONSchema202012Plugin from "./plugins/json-schema-2020-12" import JSONSchema202012SamplesPlugin from "./plugins/json-schema-2020-12-samples" import LayoutPlugin from "./plugins/layout" import LogsPlugin from "./plugins/logs" import OpenAPI30Plugin from "./plugins/oas3" import OpenAPI31Plugin from "./plugins/oas3" import OnCompletePlugin from "./plugins/on-complete" import RequestSnippetsPlugin from "./plugins/request-snippets" import JSONSchema5SamplesPlugin from "./plugins/json-schema-5-samples" import SpecPlugin from "./plugins/spec" import SwaggerClientPlugin from "./plugins/swagger-client" import UtilPlugin from "./plugins/util" import ViewPlugin from "./plugins/view" import ViewLegacyPlugin from "core/plugins/view-legacy" import DownloadUrlPlugin from "./plugins/download-url" import SafeRenderPlugin from "./plugins/safe-render" import { parseSearch } from "./utils" import win from "./window" // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const { GIT_DIRTY, GIT_COMMIT, PACKAGE_VERSION, BUILD_TIME } = buildInfo export default function SwaggerUI(opts) { win.versions = win.versions || {} win.versions.swaggerUi = { version: PACKAGE_VERSION, gitRevision: GIT_COMMIT, gitDirty: GIT_DIRTY, buildTimestamp: BUILD_TIME, } const defaults = { // Some general settings, that we floated to the top dom_id: null, // eslint-disable-line camelcase domNode: null, spec: {}, url: "", urls: null, layout: "BaseLayout", docExpansion: "list", maxDisplayedTags: null, filter: null, validatorUrl: "", oauth2RedirectUrl: `${window.location.protocol}//${}${window.location.pathname.substring(0, window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/"))}/oauth2-redirect.html`, persistAuthorization: false, configs: {}, custom: {}, displayOperationId: false, displayRequestDuration: false, deepLinking: false, tryItOutEnabled: false, requestInterceptor: (a => a), responseInterceptor: (a => a), showMutatedRequest: true, defaultModelRendering: "example", defaultModelExpandDepth: 1, defaultModelsExpandDepth: 1, showExtensions: false, showCommonExtensions: false, withCredentials: undefined, requestSnippetsEnabled: false, requestSnippets: { generators: { "curl_bash": { title: "cURL (bash)", syntax: "bash" }, "curl_powershell": { title: "cURL (PowerShell)", syntax: "powershell" }, "curl_cmd": { title: "cURL (CMD)", syntax: "bash" }, }, defaultExpanded: true, languages: null, // e.g. only show curl bash = ["curl_bash"] }, supportedSubmitMethods: [ "get", "put", "post", "delete", "options", "head", "patch", "trace" ], queryConfigEnabled: false, // Initial set of plugins ( TODO rename this, or refactor - we don't need presets _and_ plugins. Its just there for performance. // Instead, we can compile the first plugin ( it can be a collection of plugins ), then batch the rest. presets: [ ApisPreset ], // Plugins; ( loaded after presets ) plugins: [ ], pluginsOptions: { // Behavior during plugin registration. Can be : // - legacy (default) : the current behavior for backward compatibility – last plugin takes precedence over the others // - chain : chain wrapComponents when targeting the same core component pluginLoadType: "legacy" }, // Initial state initialState: { }, // Inline Plugin fn: { }, components: { }, syntaxHighlight: { activated: true, theme: "agate" } } let queryConfig = opts.queryConfigEnabled ? parseSearch() : {} const domNode = opts.domNode delete opts.domNode const constructorConfig = deepExtend({}, defaults, opts, queryConfig) const storeConfigs = { system: { configs: constructorConfig.configs }, plugins: constructorConfig.presets, pluginsOptions: constructorConfig.pluginsOptions, state: deepExtend({ layout: { layout: constructorConfig.layout, filter: constructorConfig.filter }, spec: { spec: "", // support Relative References url: constructorConfig.url, }, requestSnippets: constructorConfig.requestSnippets }, constructorConfig.initialState) } if(constructorConfig.initialState) { // if the user sets a key as `undefined`, that signals to us that we // should delete the key entirely. // known usage: Swagger-Editor validate plugin tests for (var key in constructorConfig.initialState) { if(, key) && constructorConfig.initialState[key] === undefined ) { delete storeConfigs.state[key] } } } let inlinePlugin = ()=> { return { fn: constructorConfig.fn, components: constructorConfig.components, state: constructorConfig.state, } } var store = new System(storeConfigs) store.register([constructorConfig.plugins, inlinePlugin]) var system = store.getSystem() const downloadSpec = (fetchedConfig) => { let localConfig = system.specSelectors.getLocalConfig ? system.specSelectors.getLocalConfig() : {} let mergedConfig = deepExtend({}, localConfig, constructorConfig, fetchedConfig || {}, queryConfig) // deep extend mangles domNode, we need to set it manually if(domNode) { mergedConfig.domNode = domNode } store.setConfigs(mergedConfig) system.configsActions.loaded() if (fetchedConfig !== null) { if (!queryConfig.url && typeof mergedConfig.spec === "object" && Object.keys(mergedConfig.spec).length) { system.specActions.updateUrl("") system.specActions.updateLoadingStatus("success") system.specActions.updateSpec(JSON.stringify(mergedConfig.spec)) } else if ( && mergedConfig.url && !mergedConfig.urls) { system.specActions.updateUrl(mergedConfig.url) } } if(mergedConfig.domNode) { system.render(mergedConfig.domNode, "App") } else if(mergedConfig.dom_id) { let domNode = document.querySelector(mergedConfig.dom_id) system.render(domNode, "App") } else if(mergedConfig.dom_id === null || mergedConfig.domNode === null) { // do nothing // this is useful for testing that does not need to do any rendering } else { console.error("Skipped rendering: no `dom_id` or `domNode` was specified") } return system } const configUrl = queryConfig.config || constructorConfig.configUrl if (configUrl && system.specActions && system.specActions.getConfigByUrl) { system.specActions.getConfigByUrl({ url: configUrl, loadRemoteConfig: true, requestInterceptor: constructorConfig.requestInterceptor, responseInterceptor: constructorConfig.responseInterceptor, }, downloadSpec) } else { return downloadSpec() } return system } SwaggerUI.System = System SwaggerUI.presets = { base: BasePreset, apis: ApisPreset, } SwaggerUI.plugins = { Auth: AuthPlugin, Configs: ConfigsPlugin, DeepLining: DeepLinkingPlugin, Err: ErrPlugin, Filter: FilterPlugin, Icons: IconsPlugin, JSONSchema5Samples: JSONSchema5SamplesPlugin, JSONSchema202012: JSONSchema202012Plugin, JSONSchema202012Samples: JSONSchema202012SamplesPlugin, Layout: LayoutPlugin, Logs: LogsPlugin, OpenAPI30: OpenAPI30Plugin, OpenAPI31: OpenAPI31Plugin, OnComplete: OnCompletePlugin, RequestSnippets: RequestSnippetsPlugin, Spec: SpecPlugin, SwaggerClient: SwaggerClientPlugin, Util: UtilPlugin, View: ViewPlugin, ViewLegacy: ViewLegacyPlugin, DownloadUrl: DownloadUrlPlugin, SafeRender: SafeRenderPlugin, }