import get from "lodash/get" import { fromJS } from "immutable" export function transform(errors, { jsSpec }) { // LOOK HERE THIS TRANSFORMER IS CURRENTLY DISABLED 😃 // TODO: finish implementing, fix flattening problem /* eslint-disable no-unreachable */ return errors // JSONSchema gives us very little to go on let searchStr = "is not exactly one from <#/definitions/parameter>,<#/definitions/jsonReference>" return errors .map(err => { let message = err.get("message") let isParameterOneOfError = message.indexOf(searchStr) > -1 if(isParameterOneOfError) { // try to find what's wrong return createTailoredParameterError(err, jsSpec) } else { return err } }) .flatten(true) // shallow Immutable flatten } const VALID_IN_VALUES = ["path", "query", "header", "body", "formData"] const VALID_COLLECTIONFORMAT_VALUES = ["csv", "ssv", "tsv", "pipes", "multi"] function createTailoredParameterError(err, jsSpec) { let newErrs = [] let parameter = get(jsSpec, err.get("path")) // find addressable cases if( && VALID_IN_VALUES.indexOf( === -1) { let message = `Wrong value for the "in" keyword. Expected one of: ${VALID_IN_VALUES.join(", ")}.` newErrs.push({ message, path: err.get("path") + ".in", type: "spec", source: "structural", level: "error" }) } if(parameter.collectionFormat && VALID_COLLECTIONFORMAT_VALUES.indexOf(parameter.collectionFormat) === -1) { let message = `Wrong value for the "collectionFormat" keyword. Expected one of: ${VALID_COLLECTIONFORMAT_VALUES.join(", ")}.` newErrs.push({ message, path: err.get("path") + ".collectionFormat", type: "spec", source: "structural", level: "error" }) } return newErrs.length ? fromJS(newErrs) : err // fall back to making no changes }