import XML from "xml" import RandExp from "randexp" import isEmpty from "lodash/isEmpty" import { objectify, isFunc, normalizeArray, deeplyStripKey } from "core/utils" import memoizeN from "core/utils/memoizeN" const generateStringFromRegex = (pattern) => { try { const randexp = new RandExp(pattern) return randexp.gen() } catch (e) { // Invalid regex should not cause a crash (regex syntax varies across languages) return "string" } } const primitives = { "string": (schema) => schema.pattern ? generateStringFromRegex(schema.pattern) : "string", "string_email": () => "", "string_date-time": () => new Date().toISOString(), "string_date": () => new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 10), "string_uuid": () => "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", "string_hostname": () => "", "string_ipv4": () => "", "string_ipv6": () => "2001:0db8:5b96:0000:0000:426f:8e17:642a", "number": () => 0, "number_float": () => 0.0, "integer": () => 0, "boolean": (schema) => typeof schema.default === "boolean" ? schema.default : true } const primitive = (schema) => { schema = objectify(schema) let { type, format } = schema let fn = primitives[`${type}_${format}`] || primitives[type] if(isFunc(fn)) return fn(schema) return "Unknown Type: " + schema.type } // do a couple of quick sanity tests to ensure the value // looks like a $$ref that swagger-client generates. const sanitizeRef = (value) => deeplyStripKey(value, "$$ref", (val) => typeof val === "string" && val.indexOf("#") > -1) const objectContracts = ["maxProperties", "minProperties"] const arrayContracts = ["minItems", "maxItems"] const numberContracts = [ "minimum", "maximum", "exclusiveMinimum", "exclusiveMaximum" ] const stringContracts = ["minLength", "maxLength"] export const mergeJsonSchema = (target, source, config = {}) => { const merged = { } const setIfNotDefinedInTarget = (key) => { if(merged[key] === undefined && source[key] !== undefined) { merged[key] = source[key] } } [ "example", "default", "enum", "xml", "type", ...objectContracts, ...arrayContracts, ...numberContracts, ...stringContracts, ].forEach(key => setIfNotDefinedInTarget(key)) if(source.required !== undefined && Array.isArray(source.required)) { if(merged.required === undefined || !merged.required.length) { merged.required = [] } source.required.forEach(key => { if(merged.required.includes(key)) { return } merged.required.push(key) }) } if( { if(! { = {} } let props = objectify( for (let propName in props) { if (!, propName)) { continue } if ( props[propName] && props[propName].deprecated ) { continue } if ( props[propName] && props[propName].readOnly && !config.includeReadOnly ) { continue } if ( props[propName] && props[propName].writeOnly && !config.includeWriteOnly ) { continue } if(![propName]) {[propName] = props[propName] if(!source.required && Array.isArray(source.required) && source.required.indexOf(propName) !== -1) { if(!merged.required) { merged.required = [propName] } else { merged.required.push(propName) } } } } } if(source.items) { if(!merged.items) { merged.items = {} } merged.items = mergeJsonSchema(merged.items, source.items, config) } return merged } export const sampleFromSchemaGeneric = (schema, config={}, exampleOverride = undefined, respectXML = false) => { if(schema && isFunc(schema.toJS)) schema = schema.toJS() let usePlainValue = exampleOverride !== undefined || schema && schema.example !== undefined || schema && schema.default !== undefined // first check if there is the need of combining this schema with others required by allOf const hasOneOf = !usePlainValue && schema && schema.oneOf && schema.oneOf.length > 0 const hasAnyOf = !usePlainValue && schema && schema.anyOf && schema.anyOf.length > 0 if(!usePlainValue && (hasOneOf || hasAnyOf)) { const schemaToAdd = objectify(hasOneOf ? schema.oneOf[0] : schema.anyOf[0] ) schema = mergeJsonSchema(schema, schemaToAdd, config) if(!schema.xml && schemaToAdd.xml) { schema.xml = schemaToAdd.xml } if(schema.example !== undefined && schemaToAdd.example !== undefined) { usePlainValue = true } else if( { if(! { = {} } let props = objectify( for (let propName in props) { if (!, propName)) { continue } if ( props[propName] && props[propName].deprecated ) { continue } if ( props[propName] && props[propName].readOnly && !config.includeReadOnly ) { continue } if ( props[propName] && props[propName].writeOnly && !config.includeWriteOnly ) { continue } if(![propName]) {[propName] = props[propName] if(!schemaToAdd.required && Array.isArray(schemaToAdd.required) && schemaToAdd.required.indexOf(propName) !== -1) { if(!schema.required) { schema.required = [propName] } else { schema.required.push(propName) } } } } } } const _attr = {} let { xml, type, example, properties, additionalProperties, items } = schema || {} let { includeReadOnly, includeWriteOnly } = config xml = xml || {} let { name, prefix, namespace } = xml let displayName let res = {} // set xml naming and attributes if(respectXML) { name = name || "notagname" // add prefix to name if exists displayName = (prefix ? prefix + ":" : "") + name if ( namespace ) { //add prefix to namespace if exists let namespacePrefix = prefix ? ( "xmlns:" + prefix ) : "xmlns" _attr[namespacePrefix] = namespace } } // init xml default response sample obj if(respectXML) { res[displayName] = [] } const schemaHasAny = (keys) => keys.some(key =>, key)) // try recover missing type if(schema && !type) { if(properties || additionalProperties || schemaHasAny(objectContracts)) { type = "object" } else if(items || schemaHasAny(arrayContracts)) { type = "array" } else if(schemaHasAny(numberContracts)) { type = "number" schema.type = "number" } else if(!usePlainValue && !schema.enum){ // implicit cover schemaHasAny(stringContracts) or A schema without a type matches any data type is: // components: // schemas: // AnyValue: // anyOf: // - type: string // - type: number // - type: integer // - type: boolean // - type: array // items: {} // - type: object // // which would resolve to type: string type = "string" schema.type = "string" } } const handleMinMaxItems = (sampleArray) => { if (schema?.maxItems !== null && schema?.maxItems !== undefined) { sampleArray = sampleArray.slice(0, schema?.maxItems) } if (schema?.minItems !== null && schema?.minItems !== undefined) { let i = 0 while (sampleArray.length < schema?.minItems) { sampleArray.push(sampleArray[i++ % sampleArray.length]) } } return sampleArray } // add to result helper init for xml or json const props = objectify(properties) let addPropertyToResult let propertyAddedCounter = 0 const hasExceededMaxProperties = () => schema && schema.maxProperties !== null && schema.maxProperties !== undefined && propertyAddedCounter >= schema.maxProperties const requiredPropertiesToAdd = () => { if(!schema || !schema.required) { return 0 } let addedCount = 0 if(respectXML) { schema.required.forEach(key => addedCount += res[key] === undefined ? 0 : 1 ) } else { schema.required.forEach(key => addedCount += res[displayName]?.find(x => x[key] !== undefined) === undefined ? 0 : 1 ) } return schema.required.length - addedCount } const isOptionalProperty = (propName) => { if(!schema || !schema.required || !schema.required.length) { return true } return !schema.required.includes(propName) } const canAddProperty = (propName) => { if(!schema || schema.maxProperties === null || schema.maxProperties === undefined) { return true } if(hasExceededMaxProperties()) { return false } if(!isOptionalProperty(propName)) { return true } return (schema.maxProperties - propertyAddedCounter - requiredPropertiesToAdd()) > 0 } if(respectXML) { addPropertyToResult = (propName, overrideE = undefined) => { if(schema && props[propName]) { // case it is an xml attribute props[propName].xml = props[propName].xml || {} if (props[propName].xml.attribute) { const enumAttrVal = Array.isArray(props[propName].enum) ? props[propName].enum[0] : undefined const attrExample = props[propName].example const attrDefault = props[propName].default if(attrExample !== undefined) { _attr[props[propName] || propName] = attrExample } else if(attrDefault !== undefined) { _attr[props[propName] || propName] = attrDefault } else if(enumAttrVal !== undefined) { _attr[props[propName] || propName] = enumAttrVal } else { _attr[props[propName] || propName] = primitive(props[propName]) } return } props[propName] = props[propName] || propName } else if(!props[propName] && additionalProperties !== false) { // case only additionalProperty that is not defined in schema props[propName] = { xml: { name: propName } } } let t = sampleFromSchemaGeneric(schema && props[propName] || undefined, config, overrideE, respectXML) if(!canAddProperty(propName)) { return } propertyAddedCounter++ if (Array.isArray(t)) { res[displayName] = res[displayName].concat(t) } else { res[displayName].push(t) } } } else { addPropertyToResult = (propName, overrideE) => { if(!canAddProperty(propName)) { return } if(, "discriminator") && schema.discriminator &&, "mapping") && schema.discriminator.mapping &&, "$$ref") && schema.$$ref && schema.discriminator.propertyName === propName) { for (let pair in schema.discriminator.mapping){ if (schema.$$[pair]) !== -1) { res[propName] = pair break } } } else { res[propName] = sampleFromSchemaGeneric(props[propName], config, overrideE, respectXML) } propertyAddedCounter++ } } // check for plain value and if found use it to generate sample from it if(usePlainValue) { let sample if(exampleOverride !== undefined) { sample = sanitizeRef(exampleOverride) } else if(example !== undefined) { sample = sanitizeRef(example) } else { sample = sanitizeRef(schema.default) } // if json just return if(!respectXML) { // special case yaml parser can not know about if(typeof sample === "number" && type === "string") { return `${sample}` } // return if sample does not need any parsing if(typeof sample !== "string" || type === "string") { return sample } // check if sample is parsable or just a plain string try { return JSON.parse(sample) } catch(e) { // sample is just plain string return it return sample } } // recover missing type if(!schema) { type = Array.isArray(sample) ? "array" : typeof sample } // generate xml sample recursively for array case if(type === "array") { if (!Array.isArray(sample)) { if(typeof sample === "string") { return sample } sample = [sample] } const itemSchema = schema ? schema.items : undefined if(itemSchema) { itemSchema.xml = itemSchema.xml || xml || {} = || } let itemSamples = sample .map(s => sampleFromSchemaGeneric(itemSchema, config, s, respectXML)) itemSamples = handleMinMaxItems(itemSamples) if(xml.wrapped) { res[displayName] = itemSamples if (!isEmpty(_attr)) { res[displayName].push({_attr: _attr}) } } else { res = itemSamples } return res } // generate xml sample recursively for object case if(type === "object") { // case literal example if(typeof sample === "string") { return sample } for (let propName in sample) { if (!, propName)) { continue } if (schema && props[propName] && props[propName].readOnly && !includeReadOnly) { continue } if (schema && props[propName] && props[propName].writeOnly && !includeWriteOnly) { continue } if (schema && props[propName] && props[propName].xml && props[propName].xml.attribute) { _attr[props[propName] || propName] = sample[propName] continue } addPropertyToResult(propName, sample[propName]) } if (!isEmpty(_attr)) { res[displayName].push({_attr: _attr}) } return res } res[displayName] = !isEmpty(_attr) ? [{_attr: _attr}, sample] : sample return res } // use schema to generate sample if(type === "object") { for (let propName in props) { if (!, propName)) { continue } if ( props[propName] && props[propName].deprecated ) { continue } if ( props[propName] && props[propName].readOnly && !includeReadOnly ) { continue } if ( props[propName] && props[propName].writeOnly && !includeWriteOnly ) { continue } addPropertyToResult(propName) } if (respectXML && _attr) { res[displayName].push({_attr: _attr}) } if(hasExceededMaxProperties()) { return res } if ( additionalProperties === true ) { if(respectXML) { res[displayName].push({additionalProp: "Anything can be here"}) } else { res.additionalProp1 = {} } propertyAddedCounter++ } else if ( additionalProperties ) { const additionalProps = objectify(additionalProperties) const additionalPropSample = sampleFromSchemaGeneric(additionalProps, config, undefined, respectXML) if(respectXML && additionalProps.xml && && !== "notagname") { res[displayName].push(additionalPropSample) } else { const toGenerateCount = schema.minProperties !== null && schema.minProperties !== undefined && propertyAddedCounter < schema.minProperties ? schema.minProperties - propertyAddedCounter : 3 for (let i = 1; i <= toGenerateCount; i++) { if(hasExceededMaxProperties()) { return res } if(respectXML) { const temp = {} temp["additionalProp" + i] = additionalPropSample["notagname"] res[displayName].push(temp) } else { res["additionalProp" + i] = additionalPropSample } propertyAddedCounter++ } } } return res } if(type === "array") { if (!items) { return } let sampleArray if(respectXML) { items.xml = items.xml || schema?.xml || {} = || } if(Array.isArray(items.anyOf)) { sampleArray = => sampleFromSchemaGeneric(mergeJsonSchema(i, items, config), config, undefined, respectXML)) } else if(Array.isArray(items.oneOf)) { sampleArray = => sampleFromSchemaGeneric(mergeJsonSchema(i, items, config), config, undefined, respectXML)) } else if(!respectXML || respectXML && xml.wrapped) { sampleArray = [sampleFromSchemaGeneric(items, config, undefined, respectXML)] } else { return sampleFromSchemaGeneric(items, config, undefined, respectXML) } sampleArray = handleMinMaxItems(sampleArray) if(respectXML && xml.wrapped) { res[displayName] = sampleArray if (!isEmpty(_attr)) { res[displayName].push({_attr: _attr}) } return res } return sampleArray } let value if (schema && Array.isArray(schema.enum)) { //display enum first value value = normalizeArray(schema.enum)[0] } else if(schema) { // display schema default value = primitive(schema) if(typeof value === "number") { let min = schema.minimum if(min !== undefined && min !== null) { if(schema.exclusiveMinimum) { min++ } value = min } let max = schema.maximum if(max !== undefined && max !== null) { if(schema.exclusiveMaximum) { max-- } value = max } } if(typeof value === "string") { if (schema.maxLength !== null && schema.maxLength !== undefined) { value = value.slice(0, schema.maxLength) } if (schema.minLength !== null && schema.minLength !== undefined) { let i = 0 while (value.length < schema.minLength) { value += value[i++ % value.length] } } } } else { return } if (type === "file") { return } if(respectXML) { res[displayName] = !isEmpty(_attr) ? [{_attr: _attr}, value] : value return res } return value } export const inferSchema = (thing) => { if(thing.schema) thing = thing.schema if( { thing.type = "object" } return thing // Hopefully this will have something schema like in it... `type` for example } export const createXMLExample = (schema, config, o) => { const json = sampleFromSchemaGeneric(schema, config, o, true) if (!json) { return } if(typeof json === "string") { return json } return XML(json, { declaration: true, indent: "\t" }) } export const sampleFromSchema = (schema, config, o) => sampleFromSchemaGeneric(schema, config, o, false) const resolver = (arg1, arg2, arg3) => [arg1, JSON.stringify(arg2), JSON.stringify(arg3)] export const memoizedCreateXMLExample = memoizeN(createXMLExample, resolver) export const memoizedSampleFromSchema = memoizeN(sampleFromSchema, resolver)