import { Map } from "immutable" import win from "../../window" /** * if duplicate key name existed from FormData entries, * we mutated the key name by appending a hashIdx * @param {String} k - possibly mutated key name * @return {String} - src key name */ const extractKey = (k) => { const hashIdx = "_**[]" if (k.indexOf(hashIdx) < 0) { return k } return k.split(hashIdx)[0].trim() } const escapeShell = (str) => { if (str === "-d ") { return str } // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape if (!/^[_\/-]/g.test(str)) return ("'" + str .replace(/'/g, "'\\''") + "'") else return str } const escapeCMD = (str) => { str = str .replace(/\^/g, "^^") .replace(/\\"/g, "\\\\\"") .replace(/"/g, "\"\"") .replace(/\n/g, "^\n") if (str === "-d ") { return str .replace(/-d /g, "-d ^\n") } // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape if (!/^[_\/-]/g.test(str)) return "\"" + str + "\"" else return str } const escapePowershell = (str) => { if (str === "-d ") { return str } if (/\n/.test(str)) { return "@\"\n" + str.replace(/"/g, "\\\"").replace(/`/g, "``").replace(/\$/, "`$") + "\n\"@" } // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape if (!/^[_\/-]/g.test(str)) return "'" + str .replace(/"/g, "\"\"") .replace(/'/g, "''") + "'" else return str } function getStringBodyOfMap(request) { let curlifyToJoin = [] for (let [k, v] of request.get("body").entrySeq()) { let extractedKey = extractKey(k) if (v instanceof win.File) { curlifyToJoin.push(` "${extractedKey}": {\n "name": "${}"${v.type ? `,\n "type": "${v.type}"` : ""}\n }`) } else { curlifyToJoin.push(` "${extractedKey}": ${JSON.stringify(v, null, 2).replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, "\n ")}`) } } return `{\n${curlifyToJoin.join(",\n")}\n}` } const curlify = (request, escape, newLine, ext = "") => { let isMultipartFormDataRequest = false let curlified = "" const addWords = (...args) => curlified += " " +" ") const addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace = (...args) => curlified +=" ") const addNewLine = () => curlified += ` ${newLine}` const addIndent = (level = 1) => curlified += " ".repeat(level) let headers = request.get("headers") curlified += "curl" + ext if (request.has("curlOptions")) { addWords(...request.get("curlOptions")) } addWords("-X", request.get("method")) addNewLine() addIndent() addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace(`${request.get("url")}`) if (headers && headers.size) { for (let p of request.get("headers").entries()) { addNewLine() addIndent() let [h, v] = p addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace("-H", `${h}: ${v}`) isMultipartFormDataRequest = isMultipartFormDataRequest || /^content-type$/i.test(h) && /^multipart\/form-data$/i.test(v) } } const body = request.get("body") if (body) { if (isMultipartFormDataRequest && ["POST", "PUT", "PATCH"].includes(request.get("method"))) { for (let [k, v] of body.entrySeq()) { let extractedKey = extractKey(k) addNewLine() addIndent() addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace("-F") /** * SwaggerClient produces specialized sub-class of File class, that only * accepts string data and retain this data in `data` * public property throughout the lifecycle of its instances. * * This sub-class is exclusively used only when Encoding Object * is defined within the Media Type Object (OpenAPI 3.x.y). */ if (v instanceof win.File && typeof v.valueOf() === "string") { addWords(`${extractedKey}=${}${v.type ? `;type=${v.type}` : ""}`) } else if (v instanceof win.File) { addWords(`${extractedKey}=@${}${v.type ? `;type=${v.type}` : ""}`) } else { addWords(`${extractedKey}=${v}`) } } } else if(body instanceof win.File) { addNewLine() addIndent() addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace(`--data-binary '@${}'`) } else { addNewLine() addIndent() addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace("-d ") let reqBody = body if (!Map.isMap(reqBody)) { if (typeof reqBody !== "string") { reqBody = JSON.stringify(reqBody) } addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace(reqBody) } else { addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace(getStringBodyOfMap(request)) } } } else if (!body && request.get("method") === "POST") { addNewLine() addIndent() addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace("-d ''") } return curlified } // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase export const requestSnippetGenerator_curl_powershell = (request) => { return curlify(request, escapePowershell, "`\n", ".exe") } // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase export const requestSnippetGenerator_curl_bash = (request) => { return curlify(request, escapeShell, "\\\n") } // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase export const requestSnippetGenerator_curl_cmd = (request) => { return curlify(request, escapeCMD, "^\n") }