import YAML, { JSON_SCHEMA } from "js-yaml" import { Map as ImmutableMap } from "immutable" import parseUrl from "url-parse" import isString from "lodash/isString" import debounce from "lodash/debounce" import set from "lodash/set" import assocPath from "lodash/fp/assocPath" import constant from "lodash/constant" import { paramToValue, isEmptyValue } from "core/utils" // Actions conform to FSA (flux-standard-actions) // {type: string,payload: Any|Error, meta: obj, error: bool} export const UPDATE_SPEC = "spec_update_spec" export const UPDATE_URL = "spec_update_url" export const UPDATE_JSON = "spec_update_json" export const UPDATE_PARAM = "spec_update_param" export const UPDATE_EMPTY_PARAM_INCLUSION = "spec_update_empty_param_inclusion" export const VALIDATE_PARAMS = "spec_validate_param" export const SET_RESPONSE = "spec_set_response" export const SET_REQUEST = "spec_set_request" export const SET_MUTATED_REQUEST = "spec_set_mutated_request" export const LOG_REQUEST = "spec_log_request" export const CLEAR_RESPONSE = "spec_clear_response" export const CLEAR_REQUEST = "spec_clear_request" export const CLEAR_VALIDATE_PARAMS = "spec_clear_validate_param" export const UPDATE_OPERATION_META_VALUE = "spec_update_operation_meta_value" export const UPDATE_RESOLVED = "spec_update_resolved" export const UPDATE_RESOLVED_SUBTREE = "spec_update_resolved_subtree" export const SET_SCHEME = "set_scheme" const toStr = (str) => isString(str) ? str : "" export function updateSpec(spec) { const cleanSpec = (toStr(spec)).replace(/\t/g, " ") if(typeof spec === "string") { return { type: UPDATE_SPEC, payload: cleanSpec } } } export function updateResolved(spec) { return { type: UPDATE_RESOLVED, payload: spec } } export function updateUrl(url) { return {type: UPDATE_URL, payload: url} } export function updateJsonSpec(json) { return {type: UPDATE_JSON, payload: json} } export const parseToJson = (str) => ({specActions, specSelectors, errActions}) => { let { specStr } = specSelectors let json = null try { str = str || specStr() errActions.clear({ source: "parser" }) json = YAML.load(str, { schema: JSON_SCHEMA }) } catch(e) { // TODO: push error to state console.error(e) return errActions.newSpecErr({ source: "parser", level: "error", message: e.reason, line: e.mark && e.mark.line ? e.mark.line + 1 : undefined }) } if(json && typeof json === "object") { return specActions.updateJsonSpec(json) } return {} } let hasWarnedAboutResolveSpecDeprecation = false export const resolveSpec = (json, url) => ({specActions, specSelectors, errActions, fn: { fetch, resolve, AST = {} }, getConfigs}) => { if(!hasWarnedAboutResolveSpecDeprecation) { console.warn(`specActions.resolveSpec is deprecated since v3.10.0 and will be removed in v4.0.0; use requestResolvedSubtree instead!`) hasWarnedAboutResolveSpecDeprecation = true } const { modelPropertyMacro, parameterMacro, requestInterceptor, responseInterceptor } = getConfigs() if(typeof(json) === "undefined") { json = specSelectors.specJson() } if(typeof(url) === "undefined") { url = specSelectors.url() } let getLineNumberForPath = AST.getLineNumberForPath ? AST.getLineNumberForPath : () => undefined let specStr = specSelectors.specStr() return resolve({ fetch, spec: json, baseDoc: String(new URL(url, document.baseURI)), modelPropertyMacro, parameterMacro, requestInterceptor, responseInterceptor }).then( ({spec, errors}) => { errActions.clear({ type: "thrown" }) if(Array.isArray(errors) && errors.length > 0) { let preparedErrors = errors .map(err => { console.error(err) err.line = err.fullPath ? getLineNumberForPath(specStr, err.fullPath) : null err.path = err.fullPath ? err.fullPath.join(".") : null err.level = "error" err.type = "thrown" err.source = "resolver" Object.defineProperty(err, "message", { enumerable: true, value: err.message }) return err }) errActions.newThrownErrBatch(preparedErrors) } return specActions.updateResolved(spec) }) } let requestBatch = [] const debResolveSubtrees = debounce(() => { const systemPartitionedBatches = requestBatch.reduce((acc, { path, system }) => { if (!acc.has(system)) acc.set(system, []) acc.get(system).push(path) return acc }, new Map()) requestBatch = [] // clear stack systemPartitionedBatches.forEach(async (systemRequestBatch, system) => { if(!system) { console.error("debResolveSubtrees: don't have a system to operate on, aborting.") return } if(!system.fn.resolveSubtree) { console.error("Error: Swagger-Client did not provide a `resolveSubtree` method, doing nothing.") return } const { errActions, errSelectors, fn: { resolveSubtree, fetch, AST = {} }, specSelectors, specActions, } = system const getLineNumberForPath = AST.getLineNumberForPath ?? constant(undefined) const specStr = specSelectors.specStr() const { modelPropertyMacro, parameterMacro, requestInterceptor, responseInterceptor } = system.getConfigs() try { const batchResult = await systemRequestBatch.reduce(async (prev, path) => { let { resultMap, specWithCurrentSubtrees } = await prev const { errors, spec } = await resolveSubtree(specWithCurrentSubtrees, path, { baseDoc: String(new URL(specSelectors.url(), document.baseURI)), modelPropertyMacro, parameterMacro, requestInterceptor, responseInterceptor }) if(errSelectors.allErrors().size) { errActions.clearBy(err => { // keep if... return err.get("type") !== "thrown" // it's not a thrown error || err.get("source") !== "resolver" // it's not a resolver error || !err.get("fullPath").every((key, i) => key === path[i] || path[i] === undefined) // it's not within the path we're resolving }) } if(Array.isArray(errors) && errors.length > 0) { let preparedErrors = errors .map(err => { err.line = err.fullPath ? getLineNumberForPath(specStr, err.fullPath) : null err.path = err.fullPath ? err.fullPath.join(".") : null err.level = "error" err.type = "thrown" err.source = "resolver" Object.defineProperty(err, "message", { enumerable: true, value: err.message }) return err }) errActions.newThrownErrBatch(preparedErrors) } if (spec && specSelectors.isOAS3() && path[0] === "components" && path[1] === "securitySchemes") { // Resolve OIDC URLs if present await Promise.all(Object.values(spec) .filter((scheme) => scheme.type === "openIdConnect") .map(async (oidcScheme) => { const req = { url: oidcScheme.openIdConnectUrl, requestInterceptor: requestInterceptor, responseInterceptor: responseInterceptor } try { const res = await fetch(req) if (res instanceof Error || res.status >= 400) { console.error(res.statusText + " " + req.url) } else { oidcScheme.openIdConnectData = JSON.parse(res.text) } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } })) } set(resultMap, path, spec) specWithCurrentSubtrees = assocPath(path, spec, specWithCurrentSubtrees) return { resultMap, specWithCurrentSubtrees } }, Promise.resolve({ resultMap: (specSelectors.specResolvedSubtree([]) || ImmutableMap()).toJS(), specWithCurrentSubtrees: specSelectors.specJS() })) specActions.updateResolvedSubtree([], batchResult.resultMap) } catch(e) { console.error(e) } }) }, 35) export const requestResolvedSubtree = path => system => { const isPathAlreadyBatched = requestBatch.find(({ path: batchedPath, system: batchedSystem }) => { return batchedSystem === system && batchedPath.toString() === path.toString() }) if(isPathAlreadyBatched) { return } requestBatch.push({ path, system }) debResolveSubtrees() } export function changeParam( path, paramName, paramIn, value, isXml ){ return { type: UPDATE_PARAM, payload:{ path, value, paramName, paramIn, isXml } } } export function changeParamByIdentity( pathMethod, param, value, isXml ){ return { type: UPDATE_PARAM, payload:{ path: pathMethod, param, value, isXml } } } export const updateResolvedSubtree = (path, value) => { return { type: UPDATE_RESOLVED_SUBTREE, payload: { path, value } } } export const invalidateResolvedSubtreeCache = () => { return { type: UPDATE_RESOLVED_SUBTREE, payload: { path: [], value: ImmutableMap() } } } export const validateParams = ( payload, isOAS3 ) =>{ return { type: VALIDATE_PARAMS, payload:{ pathMethod: payload, isOAS3 } } } export const updateEmptyParamInclusion = ( pathMethod, paramName, paramIn, includeEmptyValue ) =>{ return { type: UPDATE_EMPTY_PARAM_INCLUSION, payload:{ pathMethod, paramName, paramIn, includeEmptyValue } } } export function clearValidateParams( payload ){ return { type: CLEAR_VALIDATE_PARAMS, payload:{ pathMethod: payload } } } export function changeConsumesValue(path, value) { return { type: UPDATE_OPERATION_META_VALUE, payload:{ path, value, key: "consumes_value" } } } export function changeProducesValue(path, value) { return { type: UPDATE_OPERATION_META_VALUE, payload:{ path, value, key: "produces_value" } } } export const setResponse = ( path, method, res ) => { return { payload: { path, method, res }, type: SET_RESPONSE } } export const setRequest = ( path, method, req ) => { return { payload: { path, method, req }, type: SET_REQUEST } } export const setMutatedRequest = ( path, method, req ) => { return { payload: { path, method, req }, type: SET_MUTATED_REQUEST } } // This is for debugging, remove this comment if you depend on this action export const logRequest = (req) => { return { payload: req, type: LOG_REQUEST } } // Actually fire the request via fn.execute // (For debugging) and ease of testing export const executeRequest = (req) => ({fn, specActions, specSelectors, getConfigs, oas3Selectors}) => { let { pathName, method, operation } = req let { requestInterceptor, responseInterceptor } = getConfigs() let op = operation.toJS() // ensure that explicitly-included params are in the request if (operation && operation.get("parameters")) { operation.get("parameters") .filter(param => param && param.get("allowEmptyValue") === true) .forEach(param => { if (specSelectors.parameterInclusionSettingFor([pathName, method], param.get("name"), param.get("in"))) { req.parameters = req.parameters || {} const paramValue = paramToValue(param, req.parameters) // if the value is falsy or an empty Immutable iterable... if(!paramValue || (paramValue && paramValue.size === 0)) { // set it to empty string, so Swagger Client will treat it as // present but empty. req.parameters[param.get("name")] = "" } } }) } // if url is relative, parseUrl makes it absolute by inferring from `window.location` req.contextUrl = parseUrl(specSelectors.url()).toString() if(op && op.operationId) { req.operationId = op.operationId } else if(op && pathName && method) { req.operationId = fn.opId(op, pathName, method) } if(specSelectors.isOAS3()) { const namespace = `${pathName}:${method}` req.server = oas3Selectors.selectedServer(namespace) || oas3Selectors.selectedServer() const namespaceVariables = oas3Selectors.serverVariables({ server: req.server, namespace }).toJS() const globalVariables = oas3Selectors.serverVariables({ server: req.server }).toJS() req.serverVariables = Object.keys(namespaceVariables).length ? namespaceVariables : globalVariables req.requestContentType = oas3Selectors.requestContentType(pathName, method) req.responseContentType = oas3Selectors.responseContentType(pathName, method) || "*/*" const requestBody = oas3Selectors.requestBodyValue(pathName, method) const requestBodyInclusionSetting = oas3Selectors.requestBodyInclusionSetting(pathName, method) if(requestBody && requestBody.toJS) { req.requestBody = requestBody .map( (val) => { if (ImmutableMap.isMap(val)) { return val.get("value") } return val } ) .filter( (value, key) => (Array.isArray(value) ? value.length !== 0 : !isEmptyValue(value) ) || requestBodyInclusionSetting.get(key) ) .toJS() } else { req.requestBody = requestBody } } let parsedRequest = Object.assign({}, req) parsedRequest = fn.buildRequest(parsedRequest) specActions.setRequest(req.pathName, req.method, parsedRequest) let requestInterceptorWrapper = async (r) => { let mutatedRequest = await requestInterceptor.apply(this, [r]) let parsedMutatedRequest = Object.assign({}, mutatedRequest) specActions.setMutatedRequest(req.pathName, req.method, parsedMutatedRequest) return mutatedRequest } req.requestInterceptor = requestInterceptorWrapper req.responseInterceptor = responseInterceptor // track duration of request const startTime = return fn.execute(req) .then( res => { res.duration = - startTime specActions.setResponse(req.pathName, req.method, res) } ) .catch( err => { // console.error(err) if(err.message === "Failed to fetch") { = "" err.message = "**Failed to fetch.** \n**Possible Reasons:** \n - CORS \n - Network Failure \n - URL scheme must be \"http\" or \"https\" for CORS request." } specActions.setResponse(req.pathName, req.method, { error: true, err }) } ) } // I'm using extras as a way to inject properties into the final, `execute` method - It's not great. Anyone have a better idea? @ponelat export const execute = ( { path, method, ...extras }={} ) => (system) => { let { fn:{fetch}, specSelectors, specActions } = system let spec = specSelectors.specJsonWithResolvedSubtrees().toJS() let scheme = specSelectors.operationScheme(path, method) let { requestContentType, responseContentType } = specSelectors.contentTypeValues([path, method]).toJS() let isXml = /xml/i.test(requestContentType) let parameters = specSelectors.parameterValues([path, method], isXml).toJS() return specActions.executeRequest({ ...extras, fetch, spec, pathName: path, method, parameters, requestContentType, scheme, responseContentType }) } export function clearResponse (path, method) { return { type: CLEAR_RESPONSE, payload:{ path, method } } } export function clearRequest (path, method) { return { type: CLEAR_REQUEST, payload:{ path, method } } } export function setScheme (scheme, path, method) { return { type: SET_SCHEME, payload: { scheme, path, method } } }