import React from "react" import { createStore, applyMiddleware, bindActionCreators, compose } from "redux" import Im, { fromJS, Map } from "immutable" import deepExtend from "deep-extend" import { combineReducers } from "redux-immutable" import { serializeError } from "serialize-error" import merge from "lodash/merge" import { NEW_THROWN_ERR } from "core/plugins/err/actions" import win from "core/window" import { systemThunkMiddleware, isFn, objMap, objReduce, isObject, isArray, isFunc } from "core/utils" const idFn = a => a // Apply middleware that gets sandwitched between `dispatch` and the reducer function(s) function createStoreWithMiddleware(rootReducer, initialState, getSystem) { let middlwares = [ // createLogger( { // stateTransformer: state => state && state.toJS() // } ), systemThunkMiddleware( getSystem ) ] const composeEnhancers = win.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ || compose return createStore(rootReducer, initialState, composeEnhancers( applyMiddleware( ...middlwares ) )) } export default class Store { constructor(opts={}) { deepExtend(this, { state: {}, plugins: [], pluginsOptions: {}, system: { configs: {}, fn: {}, components: {}, rootInjects: {}, statePlugins: {} }, boundSystem: {}, toolbox: {} }, opts) this.getSystem = this._getSystem.bind(this) // Bare system (nothing in it, besides the state) = configureStore(idFn, fromJS(this.state), this.getSystem ) // will be the system + Im, we can add more tools when we need to this.buildSystem(false) // Bootstrap plugins this.register(this.plugins) } getStore() { return } register(plugins, rebuild=true) { var pluginSystem = combinePlugins(plugins, this.getSystem(), this.pluginsOptions) systemExtend(this.system, pluginSystem) if(rebuild) { this.buildSystem() } const needAnotherRebuild =, plugins, this.getSystem()) if(needAnotherRebuild) { this.buildSystem() } } buildSystem(buildReducer=true) { let dispatch = this.getStore().dispatch let getState = this.getStore().getState this.boundSystem = Object.assign({}, this.getRootInjects(), this.getWrappedAndBoundActions(dispatch), this.getWrappedAndBoundSelectors(getState, this.getSystem), this.getStateThunks(getState), this.getFn(), this.getConfigs() ) if(buildReducer) this.rebuildReducer() } _getSystem() { return this.boundSystem } getRootInjects() { return Object.assign({ getSystem: this.getSystem, getStore: this.getStore.bind(this), getComponents: this.getComponents.bind(this), getState: this.getStore().getState, getConfigs: this._getConfigs.bind(this), Im, React }, this.system.rootInjects || {}) } _getConfigs(){ return this.system.configs } getConfigs() { return { configs: this.system.configs } } setConfigs(configs) { this.system.configs = configs } rebuildReducer() { } /** * Generic getter from system.statePlugins * */ getType(name) { let upName = name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1) return objReduce(this.system.statePlugins, (val, namespace) => { let thing = val[name] if(thing) return {[namespace+upName]: thing} }) } getSelectors() { return this.getType("selectors") } getActions() { let actionHolders = this.getType("actions") return objMap(actionHolders, (actions) => { return objReduce(actions, (action, actionName) => { if(isFn(action)) return {[actionName]: action} }) }) } getWrappedAndBoundActions(dispatch) { let actionGroups = this.getBoundActions(dispatch) return objMap(actionGroups, (actions, actionGroupName) => { let wrappers = this.system.statePlugins[actionGroupName.slice(0,-7)].wrapActions if(wrappers) { return objMap(actions, (action, actionName) => { let wrap = wrappers[actionName] if(!wrap) { return action } if(!Array.isArray(wrap)) { wrap = [wrap] } return wrap.reduce((acc, fn) => { let newAction = (...args) => { return fn(acc, this.getSystem())(...args) } if(!isFn(newAction)) { throw new TypeError("wrapActions needs to return a function that returns a new function (ie the wrapped action)") } return wrapWithTryCatch(newAction) }, action || Function.prototype) }) } return actions }) } getWrappedAndBoundSelectors(getState, getSystem) { let selectorGroups = this.getBoundSelectors(getState, getSystem) return objMap(selectorGroups, (selectors, selectorGroupName) => { let stateName = [selectorGroupName.slice(0, -9)] // selectors = 9 chars let wrappers = this.system.statePlugins[stateName].wrapSelectors if(wrappers) { return objMap(selectors, (selector, selectorName) => { let wrap = wrappers[selectorName] if(!wrap) { return selector } if(!Array.isArray(wrap)) { wrap = [wrap] } return wrap.reduce((acc, fn) => { let wrappedSelector = (...args) => { return fn(acc, this.getSystem())(getState().getIn(stateName), ...args) } if(!isFn(wrappedSelector)) { throw new TypeError("wrapSelector needs to return a function that returns a new function (ie the wrapped action)") } return wrappedSelector }, selector || Function.prototype) }) } return selectors }) } getStates(state) { return Object.keys(this.system.statePlugins).reduce((obj, key) => { obj[key] = state.get(key) return obj }, {}) } getStateThunks(getState) { return Object.keys(this.system.statePlugins).reduce((obj, key) => { obj[key] = ()=> getState().get(key) return obj }, {}) } getFn() { return { fn: this.system.fn } } getComponents(component) { const res = this.system.components[component] if(Array.isArray(res)) { return res.reduce((ori, wrapper) => { return wrapper(ori, this.getSystem()) }) } if(typeof component !== "undefined") { return this.system.components[component] } return this.system.components } getBoundSelectors(getState, getSystem) { return objMap(this.getSelectors(), (obj, key) => { let stateName = [key.slice(0, -9)] // selectors = 9 chars const getNestedState = ()=> getState().getIn(stateName) return objMap(obj, (fn) => { return (...args) => { let res = wrapWithTryCatch(fn).apply(null, [getNestedState(), ...args]) // If a selector returns a function, give it the system - for advanced usage if(typeof(res) === "function") res = wrapWithTryCatch(res)(getSystem()) return res } }) }) } getBoundActions(dispatch) { dispatch = dispatch || this.getStore().dispatch const actions = this.getActions() const process = creator =>{ if( typeof( creator ) !== "function" ) { return objMap(creator, prop => process(prop)) } return ( ...args )=>{ var action = null try{ action = creator( ...args ) } catch( e ){ action = {type: NEW_THROWN_ERR, error: true, payload: serializeError(e) } } finally{ return action // eslint-disable-line no-unsafe-finally } } } return objMap(actions, actionCreator => bindActionCreators( process( actionCreator ), dispatch ) ) } getMapStateToProps() { return () => { return Object.assign({}, this.getSystem()) } } getMapDispatchToProps(extras) { return (dispatch) => { return deepExtend({}, this.getWrappedAndBoundActions(dispatch), this.getFn(), extras) } } } function combinePlugins(plugins, toolbox, pluginOptions) { if(isObject(plugins) && !isArray(plugins)) { return merge({}, plugins) } if(isFunc(plugins)) { return combinePlugins(plugins(toolbox), toolbox, pluginOptions) } if(isArray(plugins)) { const dest = pluginOptions.pluginLoadType === "chain" ? toolbox.getComponents() : {} return plugins .map(plugin => combinePlugins(plugin, toolbox, pluginOptions)) .reduce(systemExtend, dest) } return {} } function callAfterLoad(plugins, system, { hasLoaded } = {}) { let calledSomething = hasLoaded if(isObject(plugins) && !isArray(plugins)) { if(typeof plugins.afterLoad === "function") { calledSomething = true wrapWithTryCatch(plugins.afterLoad).call(this, system) } } if(isFunc(plugins)) return, plugins(system), system, { hasLoaded: calledSomething }) if(isArray(plugins)) { return =>, plugin, system, { hasLoaded: calledSomething })) } return calledSomething } // Wraps deepExtend, to account for certain fields, being wrappers. // Ie: we need to convert some fields into arrays, and append to them. // Rather than overwrite function systemExtend(dest={}, src={}) { if(!isObject(dest)) { return {} } if(!isObject(src)) { return dest } // Wrap components // Parses existing components in the system, and prepares them for wrapping via getComponents if(src.wrapComponents) { objMap(src.wrapComponents, (wrapperFn, key) => { const ori = dest.components && dest.components[key] if(ori && Array.isArray(ori)) { dest.components[key] = ori.concat([wrapperFn]) delete src.wrapComponents[key] } else if(ori) { dest.components[key] = [ori, wrapperFn] delete src.wrapComponents[key] } }) if(!Object.keys(src.wrapComponents).length) { // only delete wrapComponents if we've matched all of our wrappers to components // this handles cases where the component to wrap may be out of our scope, // but a higher recursive `combinePlugins` call will be able to handle it. delete src.wrapComponents } } // Account for wrapActions, make it an array and append to it // Modifies `src` // 80% of this code is just safe traversal. We need to address that ( ie: use a lib ) const { statePlugins } = dest if(isObject(statePlugins)) { for(let namespace in statePlugins) { const namespaceObj = statePlugins[namespace] if(!isObject(namespaceObj)) { continue } const { wrapActions, wrapSelectors } = namespaceObj // process action wrapping if (isObject(wrapActions)) { for(let actionName in wrapActions) { let action = wrapActions[actionName] // This should only happen if dest is the first plugin, since invocations after that will ensure its an array if(!Array.isArray(action)) { action = [action] wrapActions[actionName] = action // Put the value inside an array } if(src && src.statePlugins && src.statePlugins[namespace] && src.statePlugins[namespace].wrapActions && src.statePlugins[namespace].wrapActions[actionName]) { src.statePlugins[namespace].wrapActions[actionName] = wrapActions[actionName].concat(src.statePlugins[namespace].wrapActions[actionName]) } } } // process selector wrapping if (isObject(wrapSelectors)) { for(let selectorName in wrapSelectors) { let selector = wrapSelectors[selectorName] // This should only happen if dest is the first plugin, since invocations after that will ensure its an array if(!Array.isArray(selector)) { selector = [selector] wrapSelectors[selectorName] = selector // Put the value inside an array } if(src && src.statePlugins && src.statePlugins[namespace] && src.statePlugins[namespace].wrapSelectors && src.statePlugins[namespace].wrapSelectors[selectorName]) { src.statePlugins[namespace].wrapSelectors[selectorName] = wrapSelectors[selectorName].concat(src.statePlugins[namespace].wrapSelectors[selectorName]) } } } } } return deepExtend(dest, src) } function buildReducer(states) { let reducerObj = objMap(states, (val) => { return val.reducers }) return allReducers(reducerObj) } function allReducers(reducerSystem) { let reducers = Object.keys(reducerSystem).reduce((obj, key) => { obj[key] = makeReducer(reducerSystem[key]) return obj },{}) if(!Object.keys(reducers).length) { return idFn } return combineReducers(reducers) } function makeReducer(reducerObj) { return (state = new Map(), action) => { if(!reducerObj) return state let redFn = (reducerObj[action.type]) if(redFn) { const res = wrapWithTryCatch(redFn)(state, action) // If the try/catch wrapper kicks in, we'll get null back... // in that case, we want to avoid making any changes to state return res === null ? state : res } return state } } function wrapWithTryCatch(fn, { logErrors = true } = {}) { if(typeof fn !== "function") { return fn } return function(...args) { try { return, ...args) } catch(e) { if(logErrors) { console.error(e) } return null } } } function configureStore(rootReducer, initialState, getSystem) { const store = createStoreWithMiddleware(rootReducer, initialState, getSystem) // if ( { // // Enable Webpack hot module replacement for reducers //"reducers/index", () => { // const nextRootReducer = require("reducers/index") // store.replaceReducer(nextRootReducer) // }) // } return store }