describe("#6475: 'Examples' keyword definitions can not be rendered as xml", () => { it("should render requestBody examples preview accourdingly to content-type xml", () => { const xmlIndicator = "should be xml" cy .visit("?url=/documents/bugs/6475.yaml") .get("#operations-default-xmlTest_examples") .click() .get(".opblock-section-request-body") .within(() => { cy .get(".microlight") .should("include.text", xmlIndicator) }) }) it("should requestBody examples input accourdingly to content-type xml", () => { const xmlIndicator = "should be xml" cy .visit("?url=/documents/bugs/6475.yaml") .get("#operations-default-xmlTest_examples") .click() .get(".btn.try-out__btn") .click() .get(".opblock-section-request-body") .within(() => { cy .get("textarea") .contains(xmlIndicator) }) }) }) describe("#6475: 'Example' keyword definitions can not be rendered as xml", () => { it("should render requestBody examples preview accourdingly to content-type xml", () => { const xmlIndicator = "should be xml" cy .visit("?url=/documents/bugs/6475.yaml") .get("#operations-default-xmlTest_example") .click() .get(".opblock-section-request-body") .within(() => { cy .get(".microlight") .should("include.text", xmlIndicator) }) }) it("should requestBody examples input accourdingly to content-type xml", () => { const xmlIndicator = "should be xml" cy .visit("?url=/documents/bugs/6475.yaml") .get("#operations-default-xmlTest_example") .click() .get(".btn.try-out__btn") .click() .get(".opblock-section-request-body") .within(() => { cy .get("textarea") .contains(xmlIndicator) }) }) })