openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: Example Swagger version: '1.0' servers: - url: /api/v1 paths: /xmlTest: get: summary: subscribes to a siri vm stream operationId: xmlTest parameters: [] responses: '200': description: Simple example content: application/xml: schema: type: object xml: name: root properties: x: type: string example: x: what the f examples: x2: summary: "xml not rendered via 'examples' keyword" value: x: should be xml /xmlTest2: get: summary: subscribes to a siri vm stream operationId: xmlTest2 parameters: [] responses: '200': description: Simple example content: application/xml: schema: type: object xml: name: root properties: x: type: string example: x: what the f example: x: should be xml