* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\RateLimiter\Policy; use Symfony\Component\RateLimiter\LimiterStateInterface; /** * @author Wouter de Jong * * @internal */ final class Window implements LimiterStateInterface { private string $id; private int $hitCount = 0; private int $intervalInSeconds; private int $maxSize; private float $timer; public function __construct(string $id, int $intervalInSeconds, int $windowSize, ?float $timer = null) { $this->id = $id; $this->intervalInSeconds = $intervalInSeconds; $this->maxSize = $windowSize; $this->timer = $timer ?? microtime(true); } public function getId(): string { return $this->id; } public function getExpirationTime(): ?int { return $this->intervalInSeconds; } public function add(int $hits = 1, ?float $now = null): void { $now ??= microtime(true); if (($now - $this->timer) > $this->intervalInSeconds) { // reset window $this->timer = $now; $this->hitCount = 0; } $this->hitCount += $hits; } public function getHitCount(): int { return $this->hitCount; } public function getAvailableTokens(float $now): int { // if now is more than the window interval in the past, all tokens are available if (($now - $this->timer) > $this->intervalInSeconds) { return $this->maxSize; } return $this->maxSize - $this->hitCount; } public function calculateTimeForTokens(int $tokens, float $now): int { if (($this->maxSize - $this->hitCount) >= $tokens) { return 0; } return (int) ceil($this->timer + $this->intervalInSeconds - $now); } public function __serialize(): array { return [ $this->id => $this->timer, pack('NN', $this->hitCount, $this->intervalInSeconds) => $this->maxSize, ]; } public function __unserialize(array $data): void { // BC layer for old objects serialized via __sleep if (5 === \count($data)) { $data = array_values($data); $this->id = $data[0]; $this->hitCount = $data[1]; $this->intervalInSeconds = $data[2]; $this->maxSize = $data[3]; $this->timer = $data[4]; return; } [$this->timer, $this->maxSize] = array_values($data); [$this->id, $pack] = array_keys($data); ['a' => $this->hitCount, 'b' => $this->intervalInSeconds] = unpack('Na/Nb', $pack); } }