[Client](Client.md) • Server • [Message](Message.md) • [Examples](Examples.md) • [Changelog](Changelog.md) • [Contributing](Contributing.md) # Websocket: Server The library contains a rudimentary single stream/single thread server. It internally supports Upgrade handshake and implicit close and ping/pong operations. Note that it does **not** support threading or automatic association ot continuous client requests. If you require this kind of server behavior, you need to build it on top of provided server implementation. ## Class synopsis ```php WebSocket\Server { public __construct(array $options = []); public __destruct(); public __toString() : string; public accept() : bool; public text(string $payload) : void; public binary(string $payload) : void; public ping(string $payload = '') : void; public pong(string $payload = '') : void; public send(Message|string $payload, string $opcode = 'text', bool $masked = true) : void; public close(int $status = 1000, mixed $message = 'ttfn') : void; public receive() : Message|string|null; public getPort() : int; public getPath() : string; public getRequest() : array; public getHeader(string $header_name) : string|null; public getName() : string|null; public getRemoteName() : string|null; public getLastOpcode() : string; public getCloseStatus() : int; public isConnected() : bool; public setTimeout(int $seconds) : void; public setFragmentSize(int $fragment_size) : self; public getFragmentSize() : int; public setLogger(Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = null) : void; } ``` ## Examples ### Simple receive-send operation This example reads a single message from a client, and respond with the same message. ```php $server = new WebSocket\Server(); $server->accept(); $message = $server->receive(); $server->text($message); $server->close(); ``` ### Listening to clients To continuously listen to incoming messages, you need to put the receive operation within a loop. Note that these functions **always** throw exception on any failure, including recoverable failures such as connection time out. By consuming exceptions, the code will re-connect the socket in next loop iteration. ```php $server = new WebSocket\Server(); while ($server->accept()) { try { $message = $server->receive(); // Act on received message // Break while loop to stop listening } catch (\WebSocket\ConnectionException $e) { // Possibly log errors } } $server->close(); ``` ### Filtering received messages By default the `receive()` method return messages of 'text' and 'binary' opcode. The filter option allows you to specify which message types to return. ```php $server = new WebSocket\Server(['filter' => ['text']]); $server->receive(); // only return 'text' messages $server = new WebSocket\Server(['filter' => ['text', 'binary', 'ping', 'pong', 'close']]); $server->receive(); // return all messages ``` ### Sending messages There are convenience methods to send messages with different opcodes. ```php $server = new WebSocket\Server(); // Convenience methods $server->text('A plain text message'); // Send an opcode=text message $server->binary($binary_string); // Send an opcode=binary message $server->ping(); // Send an opcode=ping frame $server->pong(); // Send an unsolicited opcode=pong frame // Generic send method $server->send($payload); // Sent as masked opcode=text $server->send($payload, 'binary'); // Sent as masked opcode=binary $server->send($payload, 'binary', false); // Sent as unmasked opcode=binary ``` ## Constructor options The `$options` parameter in constructor accepts an associative array of options. * `filter` - Array of opcodes to return on receive, default `['text', 'binary']` * `fragment_size` - Maximum payload size. Default 4096 chars. * `logger` - A [PSR-3](https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-3/) compatible logger. * `port` - The server port to listen to. Default 8000. * `return_obj` - Return a [Message](Message.md) instance on receive, default false * `timeout` - Time out in seconds. Default 5 seconds. ```php $server = new WebSocket\Server([ 'filter' => ['text', 'binary', 'ping'], // Specify message types for receive() to return 'logger' => $my_psr3_logger, // Attach a PSR3 compatible logger 'port' => 9000, // Listening port 'return_obj' => true, // Return Message instance rather than just text 'timeout' => 60, // 1 minute time out ]); ``` ## Exceptions * `WebSocket\BadOpcodeException` - Thrown if provided opcode is invalid. * `WebSocket\ConnectionException` - Thrown on any socket I/O failure. * `WebSocket\TimeoutException` - Thrown when the socket experiences a time out.