sth = $sth; $this->connection = $connection; $this->options = $options; $fetchMode = $connection->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE); if ($fetchMode) { $this->setFetchMode($fetchMode); } } /** * Set the default fetch mode for this statement. * * @link * * @param int $mode

* The fetch mode must be one of the PDO::FETCH_* constants. *

* @param null $className * @param ?string ...$params

Constructor arguments.

* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function setFetchMode($mode, $className = null, ...$params): bool { $modeArg = $params; // See which fetch mode we have switch ($mode) { case PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE: case PDO::FETCH_ASSOC: case PDO::FETCH_NUM: case PDO::FETCH_BOTH: case PDO::FETCH_OBJ: $this->fetchMode = $mode; $this->fetchColNo = 0; $this->fetchClassName = '\stdClass'; $this->fetchCtorArgs = []; $this->fetchIntoObject = null; break; case PDO::FETCH_CLASS: case PDO::FETCH_CLASS | PDO::FETCH_PROPS_LATE: $this->fetchMode = $mode; $this->fetchColNo = 0; $this->fetchClassName = '\stdClass'; if ($modeArg) { $this->fetchClassName = $modeArg; } // $this->fetchCtorArgs = $ctorArgs; $this->fetchIntoObject = null; break; case PDO::FETCH_INTO: if (! is_object($modeArg)) { throw new Oci8Exception( '$modeArg must be instance of an object' ); } $this->fetchMode = $mode; $this->fetchColNo = 0; $this->fetchClassName = '\stdClass'; $this->fetchCtorArgs = []; $this->fetchIntoObject = $modeArg; break; case PDO::FETCH_COLUMN: $this->fetchMode = $mode; $this->fetchColNo = (int) $modeArg; $this->fetchClassName = '\stdClass'; $this->fetchCtorArgs = []; $this->fetchIntoObject = null; break; default: throw new Oci8Exception('Requested fetch mode is not supported by this implementation'); } return true; } /** * Binds a column to a PHP variable. * * @param mixed $column Number of the column (1-indexed) or name of the * column in the result set. If using the column name, be aware that the * name should match the case of the column, as returned by the driver. * @param mixed $var * @param int $type * @param int|null $maxLength A hint for pre-allocation. * @param mixed|null $driverOptions * @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. * * @todo Implement this functionality by creating a table map of the * variables passed in here, and, when iterating over the values * of the query or fetching rows, assign data from each column * to their respective variable in the map. */ public function bindColumn( string|int $column, mixed &$var, int $type = PDO::PARAM_STR, int|null $maxLength = 0, mixed $driverOptions = null ): bool { throw new Oci8Exception('bindColumn has not been implemented'); } /** * Binds a value to a parameter. * * @param int|string $parameter Parameter identifier. For a prepared statement * using named placeholders, this will be a parameter name of the form * :name. For a prepared statement using question mark placeholders, this * will be the 1-indexed position of the parameter. * @param mixed $variable The value to bind to the parameter. * @param int $dataType Explicit data type for the parameter using the * PDO::PARAM_* constants. * @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function bindValue(int|string $parameter, mixed $variable, int $dataType = PDO::PARAM_STR): bool { return $this->bindParam($parameter, $variable, $dataType); } /** * Binds a parameter to the specified variable name. * * @param int|string $parameter Parameter identifier. For a prepared statement * using named placeholders, this will be a parameter name of the form * :name. For a prepared statement using question mark placeholders, this * will be the 1-indexed position of the parameter. * @param mixed $variable Name of the PHP variable to bind to the SQL * statement parameter. * @param int $dataType Explicit data type for the parameter using the * PDO::PARAM_* constants. * @param int|null $maxLength Length of the data type. To indicate that a * parameter is an OUT parameter from a stored procedure, you must * explicitly set the length. * @param array $options [optional] * @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. * * @todo Map PDO datatypes to oci8 datatypes and implement support for * datatypes and length. */ public function bindParam( int|string $parameter, mixed &$variable, int $dataType = PDO::PARAM_STR, int $maxLength = null, mixed $options = null ): bool { // strip INOUT type for oci $dataType &= ~PDO::PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT; // Replace the first @oci8param to a pseudo named parameter if (is_numeric($parameter)) { $parameter = ':p'.intval($parameter - 1); } // Adapt the type switch ($dataType) { case PDO::PARAM_BOOL: $ociType = SQLT_INT; break; case PDO::PARAM_NULL: $ociType = SQLT_CHR; break; case PDO::PARAM_INT: $ociType = SQLT_INT; break; case PDO::PARAM_STR: $ociType = SQLT_CHR; break; case PDO::PARAM_LOB: $ociType = OCI_B_BLOB; $this->blobBindings[$parameter] = $variable; $variable = $this->connection->getNewDescriptor(); $variable->writeTemporary($this->blobBindings[$parameter], OCI_TEMP_BLOB); $this->blobObjects[$parameter] = &$variable; break; case PDO::PARAM_STMT: $ociType = OCI_B_CURSOR; // Result sets require a cursor $variable = $this->connection->getNewCursor(); break; case SQLT_NTY: $ociType = SQLT_NTY; if (strtoupper(get_class($variable)) != 'OCICOLLECTION') { $schema = $options['schema'] ?? null; $type_name = $options['type_name'] ?? ''; if (! $type_name) { throw new Oci8Exception('Type name is required for custom types'); } // set params required to use custom type. $variable = $this->connection->getNewCollection($type_name, $schema); } break; case SQLT_CLOB: $ociType = OCI_B_CLOB; $this->blobBindings[$parameter] = $variable; $variable = $this->connection->getNewDescriptor(); $variable->writeTemporary($this->blobBindings[$parameter], OCI_TEMP_CLOB); $this->blobObjects[$parameter] = &$variable; break; case SQLT_BOL: $ociType = SQLT_BOL; break; default: $ociType = SQLT_CHR; break; } if (is_array($variable)) { return $this->bindArray($parameter, $variable, count($variable), $maxLength, $ociType); } $this->bindings[] = &$variable; if ($maxLength === null) { // PDOStatement->bindParam(param: int|string, &var: mixed, [type: int = PDO::PARAM_STR], [maxLength: int = null], [driverOptions: mixed = null]) // function oci_bind_by_name($statement, $bv_name, &$variable, $maxlength = -1, $type = SQLT_CHR) {} $maxLength = -1; } return oci_bind_by_name($this->sth, $parameter, $variable, $maxLength, $ociType); } /** * Special non-PDO function that binds an array parameter to the specified variable name. * * @see * * @param int|string $parameter The Oracle placeholder. * @param array $variable An array. * @param int $maxTableLength Sets the maximum length both for incoming and result arrays. * @param int|null $maxItemLength Sets maximum length for array items. * If not specified or equals to -1, oci_bind_array_by_name() will find * the longest element in the incoming array and will use it as the maximum * length. * @param int $type Explicit data type for the parameter using the * @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function bindArray( int|string $parameter, array &$variable, int $maxTableLength, int $maxItemLength = null, int $type = SQLT_CHR ): bool { $this->bindings[] = $variable; return oci_bind_array_by_name($this->sth, $parameter, $variable, $maxTableLength, $maxItemLength, $type); } /** * Returns the number of rows affected by the last executed statement. * * @return int The number of rows. */ public function rowCount(): int { return oci_num_rows($this->sth); } /** * Returns a single column from the next row of a result set. * * @param int|null $colNumber 0-indexed number of the column you wish to retrieve * from the row. If no value is supplied, it fetches the first column. * @return string Returns a single column in the next row of a result set. */ public function fetchColumn(?int $colNumber = null): string { $this->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, $colNumber); try { return $this->fetch(); } catch (ReflectionException $e) { } } /** * Fetches the next row from a result set. * * @param int|null $fetchMode Controls how the next row will be returned to * the caller. This value must be one of the PDO::FETCH_* constants, * defaulting to value of PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE (which defaults to * PDO::FETCH_BOTH). * @param int $cursorOrientation For a PDOStatement object representing a * scrollable cursor, this value determines which row will be returned to * the caller. This value must be one of the PDO::FETCH_ORI_* constants, * defaulting to PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT. To request a scrollable cursor for * your PDOStatement object, you must set the PDO::ATTR_CURSOR attribute * to PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL when you prepare the SQL statement with * PDO::prepare. * @param int $cursorOffset [optional] * @return mixed The return value of this function on success depends on the * fetch type. In all cases, FALSE is returned on failure. * * @throws \ReflectionException * @throws \ReflectionException * * @todo Implement cursorOrientation and cursorOffset */ public function fetch( ?int $fetchMode = null, int $cursorOrientation = PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT, int $cursorOffset = 0 ): mixed { // If not fetchMode was specified, used the default value of or the mode // set by the last call to setFetchMode() if ($fetchMode === null) { $fetchMode = $this->fetchMode; } // Convert array keys (or object properties) to lowercase $toLowercase = ($this->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE) == PDO::CASE_LOWER); // Convert null value to empty string $nullToString = ($this->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ORACLE_NULLS) == PDO::NULL_TO_STRING); // Convert empty string to null $nullEmptyString = ($this->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ORACLE_NULLS) == PDO::NULL_EMPTY_STRING); $stringifyFetch = $this->getStringify(); // Determine the fetch mode switch ($fetchMode) { case PDO::FETCH_BOTH: $rs = oci_fetch_array($this->sth); // Fetches both; nice! if ($rs === false) { return false; } if ($toLowercase) { $rs = array_change_key_case($rs); } if ($this->returnLobs && is_array($rs)) { foreach ($rs as $field => $value) { if (is_object($value)) { $rs[$field] = $this->loadLob($value); } } } return $rs; case PDO::FETCH_ASSOC: $rs = oci_fetch_assoc($this->sth); if ($rs === false) { return false; } if ($toLowercase) { $rs = array_change_key_case($rs); } if ($this->returnLobs && is_array($rs)) { foreach ($rs as $field => $value) { if (is_object($value)) { $rs[$field] = $this->loadLob($value); } } } return $rs; case PDO::FETCH_NUM: $rs = oci_fetch_row($this->sth); if ($rs === false) { return false; } if ($this->returnLobs && is_array($rs)) { foreach ($rs as $field => $value) { if (is_object($value)) { $rs[$field] = $this->loadLob($value); } } } return $rs; case PDO::FETCH_COLUMN: $rs = oci_fetch_row($this->sth); $colNo = $this->fetchColNo; if (is_array($rs) && array_key_exists($colNo, $rs)) { $value = $rs[$colNo]; if (is_object($value)) { return $this->loadLob($value); } return $value; } else { return false; } case PDO::FETCH_OBJ: case PDO::FETCH_INTO: case PDO::FETCH_CLASS: case PDO::FETCH_CLASS | PDO::FETCH_PROPS_LATE: $rs = oci_fetch_assoc($this->sth); if ($rs === false) { return false; } if ($toLowercase) { $rs = array_change_key_case($rs); } if ($fetchMode === PDO::FETCH_INTO) { if (is_object($this->fetchIntoObject)) { $object = $this->fetchIntoObject; } else { // Object to set into has not been set return false; } } else { if ($fetchMode === PDO::FETCH_OBJ) { $className = '\stdClass'; $ctorargs = []; } else { $className = $this->fetchClassName; $ctorargs = $this->fetchCtorArgs ? array_values($this->fetchCtorArgs) : []; } $object = $fetchMode === PDO::FETCH_CLASS ? (new ReflectionClass( $className ))->newInstanceWithoutConstructor() : new $className(...$ctorargs); } // Format recordsets values depending on options foreach ($rs as $field => $value) { // convert null to empty string if (is_null($value) && $nullToString) { $rs[$field] = ''; } // convert empty string to null if (empty($rs[$field]) && $nullEmptyString) { $rs[$field] = null; } // convert LOB to string if ($this->returnLobs && is_object($value)) { $ociFieldIndex = is_int($field) ? $field : array_search($field, array_keys($rs)); // oci field type index is base 1. if (oci_field_type($this->sth, $ociFieldIndex + 1) == 'ROWID') { throw new Oci8Exception( 'ROWID output is not yet supported. Please use ROWIDTOCHAR(ROWID) function as workaround.' ); } else { $object->$field = $this->loadLob($value); } } else { $ociFieldIndex = is_int($field) ? $field : array_search($field, array_keys($rs)); if ($stringifyFetch) { $object->$field = $value; } else { if (oci_field_type($this->sth, $ociFieldIndex + 1) == 'NUMBER') { $object->$field = $this->castToNumeric($value); } else { $object->$field = $value; } } } } if ($fetchMode === PDO::FETCH_CLASS && method_exists($object, '__construct')) { $object->__construct(...$ctorargs); } return $object; } return false; } /** * Retrieve stringify boolean in attribute . * * @return bool The attribute value. */ public function getStringify(): bool { if (is_array($this->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES)) && empty($this->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES))) { return true; } elseif ($this->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES)) { return true; } elseif (! $this->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES)) { return false; } return true; } /** * number value return as string from oracle. * * @param $value * @return float|int|string */ private function castToNumeric($value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { return $val = $value + 0; } return $value; } /** * Retrieve a statement attribute. * * @param int $attribute * @return mixed The attribute value. */ public function getAttribute(int $attribute): mixed { if (isset($this->options[$attribute])) { return $this->options[$attribute]; } return []; } /** * Load a LOB object value. * * @param mixed $lob * @return mixed */ private function loadLob(mixed $lob): mixed { try { return $lob->load(); } catch (Exception $e) { return $lob; } } /** * Returns an array containing all of the result set rows. * * @link * * @param int|null $mode [optional]

* Controls the contents of the returned array as documented in * PDOStatement::fetch. * Defaults to value of PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE * (which defaults to PDO::FETCH_BOTH) *


* To return an array consisting of all values of a single column from * the result set, specify PDO::FETCH_COLUMN. You * can specify which column you want with the * column-index parameter. *


* To fetch only the unique values of a single column from the result set, * bitwise-OR PDO::FETCH_COLUMN with * PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE. *


* To return an associative array grouped by the values of a specified * column, bitwise-OR PDO::FETCH_COLUMN with * PDO::FETCH_GROUP. *

* @param mixed ...$args

* Arguments of custom class constructor when the fetch_style * parameter is PDO::FETCH_CLASS. *

* @return array PDOStatement::fetchAll returns an array containing * all of the remaining rows in the result set. The array represents each * row as either an array of column values or an object with properties * corresponding to each column name. *


* Using this method to fetch large result sets will result in a heavy * demand on system and possibly network resources. Rather than retrieving * all of the data and manipulating it in PHP, consider using the database * server to manipulate the result sets. For example, use the WHERE and * ORDER BY clauses in SQL to restrict results before retrieving and * processing them with PHP. * * @throws \ReflectionException */ public function fetchAll($mode = PDO::FETCH_OBJ, $fetch_argument = null, ...$args): array { if (is_null($mode)) { $mode = $this->fetchMode; } $this->setFetchMode($mode, $args); $this->results = []; while ($row = $this->fetch()) { $mangledObj = get_mangled_object_vars((object) $row); if ((is_array($row) || is_object($row)) && is_resource(reset($mangledObj))) { $stmt = new self(reset($mangledObj), $this->connection, $this->options); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->setFetchMode($mode, $args); while ($rs = $stmt->fetch()) { $this->results[] = $rs; } } else { $this->results[] = $row; } } return $this->results; } /** * Executes a prepared statement. * * @param array|null $inputParams An array of values with as many elements as * there are bound parameters in the SQL statement being executed. * @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure */ public function execute(array $inputParams = null): bool { $mode = OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS; if ($this->connection->inTransaction() || count($this->blobObjects) > 0) { $mode = OCI_DEFAULT; } // Set up bound parameters, if passed in. if (is_array($inputParams)) { foreach ($inputParams as $key => $value) { $this->bindings[] = $value; $this->bindParam($key, $inputParams[$key]); } } $result = @oci_execute($this->sth, $mode); // Save blob objects if set. if ($result && count($this->blobObjects) > 0) { foreach ($this->blobObjects as $param => $blob) { /* @var OCILob $blob */ $blob->save($this->blobBindings[$param]); } } if (! $this->connection->inTransaction() && count($this->blobObjects) > 0) { $this->connection->commit(); } if ($result != true) { $e = oci_error($this->sth); $message = ''; $message = $message.'Error Code : '.$e['code'].PHP_EOL; $message = $message.'Error Message : '.$e['message'].PHP_EOL; $message = $message.'Position : '.$e['offset'].PHP_EOL; $message = $message.'Statement : '.$e['sqltext'].PHP_EOL; $message = $message.'Bindings : ['.$this->displayBindings().']'.PHP_EOL; throw new Oci8Exception($message, $e['code']); } return $result; } /** * Special not PDO function to format display of query bindings. * * @return string */ private function displayBindings(): string { $bindings = []; foreach ($this->bindings as $binding) { if (is_object($binding)) { $bindings[] = get_class($binding); } elseif (is_array($binding)) { $bindings[] = 'Array'; } else { $bindings[] = (string) $binding; } } return implode(',', $bindings); } /** * Fetches the next row and returns it as an object. * * @param string|null $className * @param array|null $ctorArgs * @return false|object * * @throws \ReflectionException */ public function fetchObject(string $className = null, ?array $ctorArgs = []): false|object { $this->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, $className, $ctorArgs); return $this->fetch(); } /** * Fetch the SQLSTATE associated with the last operation on the resource handle. * While this returns an error code, it merely emulates the action. If * there are no errors, it returns the success SQLSTATE code (00000). * If there are errors, it returns HY000. See errorInfo() to retrieve * the actual Oracle error code and message. * * @return string Error code */ public function errorCode(): string { $error = $this->errorInfo(); return $error[0]; } /** * Fetch extended error information associated with the last operation on * the resource handle. * * @return array Array of error information about the last operation * performed */ public function errorInfo(): array { $e = oci_error($this->sth); if (is_array($e)) { return [ 'HY000', $e['code'], $e['message'], ]; } return ['00000', null, null]; } /** * Sets a statement attribute. * * @param int $attribute * @param mixed $value * @return true on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function setAttribute(int $attribute, mixed $value): bool { $this->options[$attribute] = $value; return true; } /** * Returns the number of columns in the result set. * * @return int The number of columns in the statement result set. If there * is no result set, it returns 0. */ public function columnCount(): int { return oci_num_fields($this->sth); } /** * Returns metadata for a column in a result set. * The array returned by this function is patterned after that * returned by \PDO::getColumnMeta(). It includes the following * elements: * native_type * driver:decl_type * flags * name * table * len * precision * pdo_type. * * @param int $column The 0-indexed column in the result set. * @return array An associative array containing the above metadata values * for a single column. */ public function getColumnMeta(int $column): array { // Columns in oci8 are 1-based; add 1 if it's a number $column++; $meta = []; $meta['native_type'] = oci_field_type($this->sth, $column); $meta['driver:decl_type'] = oci_field_type_raw($this->sth, $column); $meta['flags'] = []; $meta['name'] = oci_field_name($this->sth, $column); $meta['table'] = null; $meta['len'] = oci_field_size($this->sth, $column); $meta['precision'] = oci_field_precision($this->sth, $column); $meta['pdo_type'] = null; $meta['is_null'] = oci_field_is_null($this->sth, $column); return $meta; } /** * Advances to the next rowset in a multi-rowset statement handle. * * @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. * * @throws Oci8Exception * * @todo Implement method */ public function nextRowset(): bool { throw new Oci8Exception('setFetchMode has not been implemented'); } /** * Closes the cursor, enabling the statement to be executed again. * * @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function closeCursor(): bool { return oci_free_cursor($this->sth); } /** * Dump a SQL prepared command. * * @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. * * @throws Oci8Exception * * @todo Implement method */ public function debugDumpParams(): bool { throw new Oci8Exception('setFetchMode has not been implemented'); } }